Pythagoras Expanded Building - Mod Showcase & Guide | Conan Exiles

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hi all today we want to showcase one of our favorite mods which has just undergone some massive changes and offers amazing possibilities for those who like to work with modded builds in conan exiles the mod we are presenting today is pythagoras expanded building by conan excels model multigun the origin of this model goes back to the pythagoras support beams mode which was created many years ago by mother sunday and primarily included various beams for added building support since multigun took over the maintenance of the mod a good while back he's worked on additional features and most recently he decided to rebrand and relaunch the mod under his own name with the latest and probably biggest update to date the mod has evolved into much more offering some amazing features which expand on building in general and thus the pythagoras expanded building mode was born while we could spend many hours with the mod we have tried to create a somewhat compact showcase of what it has to offer we are pretty sure you'll love it especially the latest additions one last thing to have in mind this mod alone will provide you with incredibly expanded build functionality but if you also use multigun's mod less building placement restrictions short lbpr you will have even more options as it allows for custom overlap of building pieces now let's get started as mentioned support beeps are all that got this mod started they allow you to build with added stability if you ever wanted to build a massive bridge a very large room or terrace without having to use pillars or additional foundations for support these beams come in very handy there are various horizontal and diagonal beams which can be used underneath regular ceilings or wedges as you can see they come in different styles and some have a lower profile than others so they will be a bit more discreet there are also dedicated versions which can be used with wedge ceilings in addition to the horizontal and diagonal beams there are also beams which are ideal for adding aesthetic accents to your build for example the basic vertical support beam which can for instance snap to the surface of a wall or the basic double diagonal support both also make for a great combo these steel pillars also offer a great alternative to the regular pillars in the game let's have a look at a very long bridge connecting two large trees the horizontal support beams underneath make it possible to extend stability no pillars required while there are more discrete designs which blend in better with your build pieces the next feature of this mod adds stability while being pretty much invisible let us introduce you to lattice support pieces for ceilings you can find a selection of square and veg pieces these unique horizontal pieces provide additional building support and can be hidden inside any ceiling or foundation like this now they do not only provide additional stability like beams but also additional pillar snap points by the way on the veg ceilings the orientation of the pillars depends on the orientation of the veg piece we think lattice support pieces for ceilings are really nice because they give you all these additional options while being completely invisible and don't require any complicated building tricks for the different pillar placements oh something we really like with these lattice support pieces is that they also make it possible to snap ladders to any ceiling [Music] one additional benefit of lattice support pieces is that they allow you to offset your building pieces as well the additional snap points make it possible before we move on let's take a quick look at the lattice support within foundations and some of the possible offset wall snap points [Music] if you have used building tricks to achieve the effect of half height walls you will really like this next feature of the pythagoras expanded building mode full and half height wall lattice socket extensions as well as the more simplistic wall socket extension both the full and half-height wall lattice socket extensions can be hidden within any wall and provide additional snap points for instance for different ceiling heights there are so many possibilities of how you can use these wall vertices but let's have a look at an example of a small house that features one and a half height ceilings we believe that's the perfect middle ground as we often find two walls a bit too high and we pretty much never build anything with a height of just one wall either this house looks directly a bit cozier now to the wall socket extension it's great for when you want to extend your walls further down from a ceiling you can do that of course with lattices as well but the simple frame of the wall socket extension makes it possible to use window frames without the lattice being visible within the window another useful extension is the one for fences the fence extension can once again be hidden within fences and provides additional snap points here's an example for how you could stack fences on top of each other using the extension different building materials offer even more variety and you can also use an extension on top of a wall besides fences you can of course also use these extensions to snap on walls or ceilings once again there are tons of possibilities of how these can be used speaking of extensions the mods gate frame extension makes it possible to place a gate at the edge of any ceiling usually you can only place a gate in the middle of ceilings which can be really annoying depending on what you want to build yes you could use foundations instead but sometimes you simply want to build with ceilings like here in our example in order to place the gate at the edge of ceilings simply place the gate frame extension in the middle of where you want to place your gate now that's much better by the way you can also do this with veg ceilings but this only works if you have the less building placement restrictions mod installed as well we're not sure if you feel the same way but we often prefer either the inner or the outer side when building with walls or wish we could have the outside look of one of the building sets and the inside look of another well multi-gun to the rescue the nifty double wall extension allows you to place two walls back to back here we placed a single wall onto a double wall extension you can see the extension slightly sticking out behind the wall select another wall rotate as the side and place it in this case we have now both sides showing the outer design in the past we have occasionally resorted to building walls on both sides of the foundation to simulate this effect you can also use this extension with window and door frames as well as fences unfortunately without having the less building placement restrictions mode installed you won't be able to turn a fence inside out as the spikes would overlap with the other building piece however there is also a triple wall extension it works the same way as the double wall extension but you can layer up to three walls the good news is that this also makes it possible to place an inverted fence by placing a wall and the fence on both of the outer sockets and leaving the middle socket empty there will be a small gap but at least it is an option you can also do interesting things like placing for example the lattice wolf from the riders of faboria dlc in between two window frames this creates a nice effect of a small latticed window now we haven't shown you the latest and biggest additions to this mod yet and the following features are really adding a whole new level of expanded building options to the mod one of our personal favorites and you might have already seen a sneak peek of it in our recent teaser for the latest update are double door frames if you have ever been annoyed with the regular doors from the base game being too small or the gates being too big then the various double door options included in this mod will fulfill many of your building dreams there are three different sizes of double door frames a regular one wall height frame a one and a half wall height frame and a two wall height frame all these frames can be used with any regular door from either the base game dlc packs or even other mods doors are conveniently converted to double doors to fit the size of the selected frame and what's really cool there are even options for rounded doors all double door frames are currently available in five different styles wood insulated wood dark wood a lighter tavern style and elegant white marble as if that wouldn't be enough already you can also dye these door frames if you have the amber light mod installed embolized chroma feature lets you dye various building pieces and that includes these frames is really great for when you want to make these doors match your building even better or get creative the possibilities to combine all the different elements are really fantastic oh wait there's more while you can always use regular hatch frames and hatch doors as seen here if you want to create some doors in your ceilings or floors this mod also includes double door ceiling frames and they're ideal for building some unique double hatch doors [Music] once again they come in 5 styles they're also available in a larger size and here is an example of a larger double door ceiling frame within foundations there's also an angled double door frame the use of this amazing piece is not limited to doors but we thought we'd show you how well it works as yet another double door option these frames fit once again all kinds of doors we haven't even started brainstorming for building ideas but they surely make for great cellar or storm shelter doors so the next item on this mods feature list is quite unusual and we are sure that we'll be seeing some really cool building ideas come to life with it we are speaking of the upside down extensions for walls and fences let's first have a look at the upside down extension for fences to show you the basic principle of how these pieces work on the left you can see the upside down extension and to the right of it a regular sandstone fence now if you place such a fence onto the upside down extension you can still rotate the fence to either show the outer or inner side but once you place it it's actually placing the fence upside down [Music] let's have a look at the black ice version same thing here but with this style you can see that it actually changes the design quite drastically you pretty much get fences without the icy spikes on top next up the upside down extension for walls it works exactly like the one for fences as seen here one really cool use of this extension is once again with doors but this time we are speaking about using an upside down door frame in combination with a regular place door frame above it this creates a nice large window something many of you have hoped to be able to build for a long time let us look at how you can build this first you place your upside down extension for a wall then place a door frame on it as you can see it's turned on its head now if you would try to place a door frame above this one it would still react to the upside down extension within the door frame below so we have to use a small workaround simply place two walls behind the door frame like this then add a ceiling towards the door frame which in turn makes it possible to place another door frame below but this time the right way up voila you can of course add doors as shutters if you like to and of course our small workaround can be removed as well here are some examples of how this could look with different materials and in a more complete build in this case we also turned some of the walls upside down to match the pattern of the door frames better we also used the triple wall extension to place lattice walls from the riders of aboria dlc behind the doors both examples use only the pythagoras expanded building mod the rest is vanilla we are really curious to see what the building community will come up with and we'd love to hear about your ideas in the comments below if you want to go crazy these upside down extensions will definitely make it possible speaking of crazy ideas what about using walls as ceilings ceilings as walls or simply flipping your ceiling upside down because you like the bottom side of your ceiling better all of that is possible with the 90 degrees wall rotation extension and this also works with door and window frames now let's take a look at how this extension can turn ceilings into walls first place the 90 degree wall rotation extension then simply add a ceiling the face which is shown always depends on the direction in which the extension is placed to use a wall as a ceiling for this we once again place an extension first then for instance a wall you'll now be able to place the wall as a ceiling as mentioned this also works with other pieces like door and window frames there's as well a way to invert ceilings meaning if you prefer the bottom side of a ceiling you can now turn them thanks to this extension once again place the extension first then a regular wall or whatever you wish next you place another 90 degree wall rotation extension horizontally which will now allow you to place an inverted ceiling as with the previous examples the face shown depends on the placement of your extensions so you might need to flip them a few times to get it right here's another example for what you could do with this extension we have used a hatch frame to create a large window in our wall here this could also be used as a patio door or similar part of the same let's call it family of items are the 60 and 90 degrees rotation beams like the 90 degrees wall rotation extension they let you rotate building pieces in unusual ways since they are just beams and not an entire frame you can use them with even more elements let us place some fences so that you can easier see what these beams can do to visualize the functionality a bit better let's place a 60 degrees rotation beam on the edge of this foundation next we place a ceiling and then another 60 degrees rotation beam [Music] followed by another ceiling there are tons of possibilities of how you can use these as you can see here you can even stack them onto each other okay now to a few examples here we use 60 degrees rotation beams to angle bridge pieces you can create all kinds of shapes like here with fences and multiple 60 degrees rotation beams and as a last example we built a tiny guard house with a roof made of window frames now to the last big feature we would like to show you the angled socket extension this piece is ideal if you like to build some high stairs or ramps without having to bother with pillars or any type of additional support simply add extension after extension [Music] and play stairs or ramps what is great with this extension is that it also offers angled building sockets which allow you to for instance add fences as stair rails or anything else you like [Music] let's not forget about the angled double door frame we have shown you earlier with the double doors this frame works very similar to the angle socket extension except that you can use it with doors and that it doesn't feature angled building sockets that can be resolved by combining it with angled socket extension so you get the best of both worlds both the angled socket extension and the angled double door frame offer tons of building possibilities so maybe try to think beyond doors stairs or even ramps as you can see with all the latest additions to the pythagoras expanded building mode multigun has really created an extensive mod for conan excel builders every feature in this mod creates new use cases for existing base game dlc and modded building pieces while you can always wish for more we think that the mod in its current state provides plenty and elevates building in this game to a completely different level now last but not least we'd like to mention a few mods which are highly recommended to use in combination with the pythagoras expanded building mode less building placement restrictions is a mod also created by multigun it's intended to make building and placement a lot easier amber light the mod is aimed at role players and offers an abundance of items and features including chroma that lets you dye various building pieces as shown with the double door frames earlier in this video arena pier by sugakusha this mod brings with a great variety of useful and beautiful building pieces which complement base and dlc building sets for example half height walls we hope that you have enjoyed our mod show case and that it has inspired you to take on a new building project as always we appreciate a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and even hit that bell for future updates
Channel: Pixelcave
Views: 19,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pythagoras Expanded Building, Pythagoras Support Beams, Pythagoras Mod, Conan Exiles Mod, Conan Exiles Building Mod, Conan Exiles Double Door Frame, Conan Exiles Double Doorframe, Conan Exiles Modded Building, Conan Exiles Modder, Conan Exiles Mod Community, Conan Exiles Mod Showcase, Lattice Support, Double Wall Extension, Upside-Down Extension, Building Mod, Mod Showcase, Mod Guide, PEB Mod, Guide, Multigun, Conan Exiles, Building Stability, Building Support, Pixelcave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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