PWTV: Oxyacetylene Welding Part 2

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[Music] hello and welcome to another episode of practical welding television i'm your host amanda carlson in part one of our series on oxy acetylene welding we talked about equipment setup and basic principles in part two we're going to put those principles to practice larry's going to take us through cutting aspects while mike's going to take us through the welding and brazing so stay tuned this is part two okay just to review quickly before we get started on the procedure for uh turning on and adjusting the oxygen and acetylene we want to make sure that our tanks are securely chained up no chance of falling off we're falling over we want to make sure that our fittings are all tight and we want to make sure that our hose is in good condition we want to make sure that our adjustment screws are backed out easy to turn once we've made sure of that we want to turn our tanks on and we want to turn them both on slowly and remember we turn the acetylene on only about a half a turn no more than one full turn make sure that we have pressure on the first gauge slowly and we open it all the way back seating the valve we can adjust our pressures when we adjust our pressures we want to make sure that the valve or the gas that we're adjusting just crack open just a little bit now we can adjust our working pressure up i'm going to adjust this to four to five psi on the acetylene then i close the valve now i'm opening the oxygen valve just cracking it open i'm going to adjust the pressure on the oxygen the same about four to five psi when i close the valve now our pressures are properly adjusted and those are the pressures that are recommended for this torch and this tip if you have a different size tip on here we may have to adjust our pressures just a little bit so always go by the manufacturer's recommendation okay okay now that we have our tanks on and our pressures adjusted now we're going to get the rest of our equipment ready to go before we start our welding one of the first things we want to do is to make sure that our torch is comfortable in our hand you want the torch to balance in your hand and you want to adjust the tip in the direction a slight angle in the direction that you're going to be welding the reason for that is because it makes it more comfortable and you don't have to rotate uh the torch you want to balance in your hand comfortably without having to fight it so once we get our balance crack and our angle on our tip crack we snug up the tip make sure it's good and uh snug you even though it's a hex uh head on here you don't take a wrench and tighten it extremely tight there are o-rings in here and it can ruin them if you tighten it too tight so i just a good uh very snug finger tight then before i get started the welding rod we're going to use today is 1 16 in diameter this is for a gas welding rod and for beginners what i recommend doing is taking this 36 inch link when it's new and cutting it in half it makes it much easier to handle so just somewhere in the middle okay and now bring it down to the sides it's much more easy to manage [Music] okay the next thing i'm going to do then is go ahead and light the torch on my striker just crack open the acetylene valve maybe about 16 to an eighth of a turn put the striker out in front and on an angle light the torch i adjust this settling so i get it until the uh soot begins to stop i get a nice flare on the end then i adjust the oxygen up very slowly until this outer cone just disappears in the inner cone and that's a new over adjust the torch by bringing out too much oxygen they make it sound like a jet engine that you do not want that's an oxidizing flame we just want to bring it to what is called the neutral flame okay now i'm ready to weld now what i like to do i like for first of all you need to make yourself comfortable but i also sometimes will rest my arm on the bench especially as a beginner it helps make you uh more steady and it makes welding a lot easier once you are steady so now what i'm going to do i'm going to preheat the metal and bring it up to a puddle with the torch then i'm gonna maintain the cone distance to my work keep that at approximately an eighth of an inch somewhere in that ballpark if you get too close it'll pop on you if you get too far away you won't it won't melt the metal properly now also another thing you want to keep in mind is your torch angle you want to have our tip in the direction we're going to be welding and i'm going to make once i get the metal melting then i'm going to make small circles back with the torch tip you establish the puddle with the torch and then you add the rod in the puddle that you have made with the torch the larger your circles the larger your bead will be gas welding bead now i'm going to demonstrate brazing the difference between the two gas welding is actually a fusion process we're melting the base metal and fusing the filler material into the weld zone and making uh it all become one the filler material and the base material becomes one now on brazing it's a little bit different we're it's done at a much lower temperature we're a little bit above 800 degrees fahrenheit for brazing brazing is an adhesion process it's not fusion so when i uh make this bead i'm not going to be melting the base metal i am bringing up bring it up to the proper temperature which is about uh a reddish color or an orange at that point the brass will start to flow but it will not uh fuse itself into the base metal it adheres itself to it so i'm gonna adjust my torch light and adjust my torque it melts i'm going to add the brass onto it braising filler material there's getting up to proper temperature now i'm gonna add raising material at the proper temperature if it's too hot it will flow too much if it's not hot enough it won't flow at all so you got to maintain that proper temperature all the way down and the gas welding bead the brazing is a much larger bead as compared to the the gas welding boot now if you notice i welded without any gloves as a general for beginners i highly suggest that you do wear gloves i've been gas welling for many years and i've just grown a custom and i know my technique to where i will not burn my hands what i recommend are light duty welding gloves such as these they're very lightweight easy to uh easy to handle and they have a very good feel for them uh so i would recommend this type of glove the type of glove that you do not want to get are these large gauntlet type welding gloves they're too heavy and they don't have a very good feel to them and you'll have a hard time manipulating the torch and the filler rod at the same time so i do not recommend these they're these should be used for stick welding okay now we changed the torch over to a cutting torch so we can cut the steel with this i will demonstrate this now on how we're going to set the torches the regulators and cut the metal then so right now we will then open the tanks and open the oxygen all the way up for the double seal like mike said this one one turn open them slowly to one turn now we will crack this valve here for the oxygen we're gonna run it in so we got 25 pounds you just adjust the flame out so that you just barely have a little bit of soot and then you add your oxygen to it bringing the cone back up to where your preheat tubes are just showing here and then to test it you go like that if the preheat tube stays the same then you have a set right okay now we're going to cut a piece of 5 16th steel we're going to hold the torch straight up and down and we're going to have about an eighth of an inch clearance from that blue tip down to the metal when an edge of it gets red then i will hit the trigger and we will start our cut then if you have any questions on axia settling welding or cutting please feel free to email me on behalf of mike larry and everyone here at rock valley college thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Fabricators & Manufacturers Association
Views: 165,425
Rating: 4.5563321 out of 5
Keywords: Welding, Demonstration (Literature Subject), oxyacetylene, Rock Valley College (College/University)
Id: y_QMD6uDLP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2015
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