Puzzling Ancient Artefacts That Will Show Our History Is Still As Baffling As Ever

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[Music] despite uncovering many of the secrets of our past there's still so much that's either been omitted or forgotten and much of what we have uncovered is still shrouded in mystery historians and archaeologists often unearthed objects and information they do not expect and sometimes these discoveries are bizarre baffling or at least controversial some of them have the potential to rewrite the history of humankind because they show that human existence goes far back into Earth history and prove that the history we've been taught may be wrong let's take a closer look at some of the most incredible out-of-place discoveries found throughout the world in 1990 an Italian geologist named angelo pitoni was visiting sierra leone in the vicinity of the border with guinea conakry to verify of a certain region of the country known as kono was indeed a rich deposit of diamonds and could be exploited by the company that hired him and sought to obtain the concession of mining in exchange for building a number of houses for the government while studying the region pitoni came across an incredible discovery in an area between sierra leone and canary after removing a few inches of soil a full of chief showed Buitoni one of the most mysterious stones pitoni had come across in his career a blue stone with mysterious white lines on its surface the indigenous population have a legend saying that diamonds are stars which fell from the sky joking with them one day pitoni said but if the stars fell then so too must the sky have fallen their reply was yes and we know where it fell a local shaman then took him to a place where there were some pieces of this blue material on the ground digging into the ground he found over 200 kilograms of it which was not in a natural formation but rather set in a pyramid shape after returning to Europe pitoni took the blue stone to the University of La Sapienza in Rome for analysis to his surprise tests showed that the stone was not a turquoise and it wasn't even officially catalogued the blue stone he had discovered not only does not correspond to any known mineral but the same material was also recently located in Morocco by a British geologist named and Grayson its composition was found to be composed of 77% oxygen along with traces of carbon silicon calcium and sodium this composition makes the sky stone similar to a kind of concrete or stucco and seems to have been artificially colored the stone was also subjected to vigorous testing which included acid heat and various other elements but it remained unaltered another mystery related to the stone of heaven is that this artifact is mostly found in soil layers dating to at least 12,000 BC the stone was almost certainly produced by an unknown highly advanced civilization lost in time perhaps the most fascinating thing about the artifact is that researchers are unable to determine how the stone received it's blue tone as the particular minerals that the stone is composed of is not known to cause a blue color so what is the mysterious blue stone is it in fact an artifact left behind by an advanced civilization [Music] we're taught in schools that the Sumerians in Mesopotamia were the first civilization but going by conventional archeology there were people known as the vincas who were already a sophisticated culture almost 8,000 years ago in 5700 BC they were based out of Southern and Eastern Europe north of Greece and west of the Black Sea and they were the earliest to have widespread adoption of copper metallurgy the archaeological site in vinca was excavated between 1918 and 1934 and revealed different kinds of tools and artifacts made of stone and bones pottery ritual vases jewelry the remains of prehistoric houses and many other objects created here or brought from remote areas but the strangest find was without a doubt the numerous anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines amidst the plethora of figurines obtained from the excavation there were these strange humanoid figures the most distinctive features of these mysterious figurines are triangular shaped faces large almond-shaped eyes mouths and noses that are non-existent in most cases which strangely seem to resemble animals such as grasshoppers some of these figurines mysteriously depict a combination of hybrid beings half-human half-reptile the heads of the statues of the vinca are also considerably out of proportion to the slight proportions of the body once again it's a common descriptive study in ancient text that describes gods that descended from the heavens there's been a lot of speculation about the existence of extraterrestrial beings and the possibility of them interacting in the distant past with ancient civilizations on earth evidence of such encounters can be found across the world in every single continent there appears to be evidence recorded in texts monuments and artifacts pointing toward the existence and interaction of extraterrestrial beings these strange figurines are still regularly found by archaeologists in southeastern Europe ex-yugoslavia area and Greece so far there have been over 2,000 alien-like artifacts discovered what's interesting about it is that these figurines were made way before pyramids existed up until this day there's no explanation for vinca culture mostly because these items were way too developed for that time are these artifacts and figurines an imitation of something in the real world and nature around the vinca culture if this is the case that it could be evidence for prehistoric contact with extraterrestrial beings around a period of 7000 years ago in fact not just the figurines the writing and language awesome to pick the same as usual these ideas have been ridiculed by mainstream historians however there are still many researchers that believe these old archaeological objects could give us some answers that we as human civilization are still searching for just as pyramids and other ancient megalithic objects that inspire thinkers even till this day in the same manner vinca figurines to inspire open minds around the globe in 2001 at a clandestine meeting of leading Israeli archaeologists they were shown a remarkable artifact it's a stone tablet apparently from 1000 BC the writing on its face describes repairs to the temple of King Solomon it's the first archaeological evidence ever found of this legendary building it was found near the southeastern corner of the wall of the Temple Mount complex where it was used as a secondary building stone in a tomb for authentication the tablet was taken to the Geological Survey of Israel here after a battery of tests including radiocarbon dating scientists officially pronounced the stone to be genuine the tests even revealed microscopic particles of gold in the outer layer of the stone these were apparently the result of the tablet surviving the fire which according to the Bible destroyed the temple when the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem in 586 BC which brings us to the geologists they're as confident that the inscription is authentic as the philologists and paleography are that it's a forgery the plaque has been intensively studied by geologists shamone lonnie Amnon roseville and Michael Devorah check of the Geological Survey of Israel the patina in the incisions of the letters and in a crack of the stone contains the same silica as the stone itself indicating that it must be naturally formed over centuries carbon particles in the patina were subjected to carbon-14 testing and yielded a date of about 400 to 200 BCE with a 95% chance of accuracy most intriguingly the patina contained tiny globules of pure gold that can be formed by intense burning it is of course impossible not to think of whether the plaque was in the temple with its gold and was burned in 586 BCE when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem the carbon particles may have also come from the fire say the geologists after the police confiscated the plaque it accidentally broke in two along the crack the crack could then be seen from the side part of the crack had ancient patina in it proving that the crack was ancient what a forger choose to work with a stone that had a crack in it whereas lip and his engraving tool could break the stone into ruining all his careful work hardly but even if he decided to take the chance how did he manage to engrave four lines across the ancient crack it would be virtually impossible to engage a large number of letters after the formation of the crack the discovery has far-reaching implications of the historical importance of the biblical text there are those who would like this remarkable artifact to go away but with many respected experts claiming it's real and with a long court case that failed to find it was fake this may just be the most remarkable find of the century lady of l CH is a puzzling ancient artifact made of limestone it measures 56 centimetres in height and weighs 60 5.08 kilograms it was discovered in a farm on August 4th 1897 in alg Spain farm workers were carrying out work on the clearing of the southeast slope of the hill of la aldea when they discovered this unique treasure according to local legend it was actually found by Manuel camp a Louis Klopas a 14 year old boy who was helping out on the farm according to archaeologists the lady of else was produced around fourth century BC and the stone used suggests it was carved not very far from where it was found centuries later when the bust was on earth traces of vivid colors such as red and blue were also noticed meaning it's ancient makers likely had it painted as well stylistically the statue resembles nothing else of its kind but has suggested atlantean provenance to many researchers including the leading archaeologists in Spain during the 1920s ellen Whishaw wish on other important archaeologists from that time who investigated thought it must be from a lost civilization such as Atlantis this would correspond well with what Plato wrote in his book on Atlantis several centuries before Christ these state that Alicante the province alg is located in used to be an Atlantic colony this colony was called Guerrero's and the City Cadiz Austin the south of Spain gets its name from there interestingly ouch was an Atlantean navigator in 2009 a team of archaeologists analyzed satellite imagery of suspected submerge City just north of Cadiz Spain they're buried in the vast marshlands of the don' on a park they believe that they pinpointed the ancient multi ring Dominion known as atlantis the team's conclusions are detailed in finding Atlantis a National Geographic Channel special does the Statue display in advanced technology according to some independent researchers the spools on each side of the head are not part of unique address but are in fact a type of technological headgear that reflects the highly advanced nature of the supposed Atlantis civilization Edgar Cayce and his readings describes the Atlantis culture as highly advanced and in possession of technology which was used to transport people effortlessly to any place on earth perhaps this could be one of the devices they used at present the original artifact continues to be protected in Madrid and a replica of it has been produced and housed in the local museum of archaeology and history of ALG the original bust was sent and displayed in else only once back in 2006 the gun district caldron is one of the oldest multicultural artifacts found a date found in Denmark forged in the Balkans under thracian hands depicting Celtic iconography alongside imagery of Mesopotamia cultures it's created a sensation on so many aspects ever since its discovery discovered in 1891 in a small village called ribose ARS near gun strip in Denmark it was quickly labeled as a cauldron due to its shamanic style art depicting serpents and Celtic GaN coeur new nose you probably think case closed at this point celtic artifact in denmark the techniques and elements of the style of the panel's relate closely to other Thracian silver while much of the depiction in particular of the human figures relates to the counts though attempts to relate the scenes closely to Celtic mythology remain controversial other aspects of the iconography undoubtedly derive from the ancient Near East what on earth was an artifact like this with Mesopotamia influences doing in the wetland deposits of Scandinavia the so called Celtic cauldron was forged in the Balkans with Thracian metalworking as the metallurgy analysis shows but clearly someone who is possibly of Celtic origin and well-versed in Celtic religion took great care to ensure that many significant religious icons were displayed on the vessel with elements of Mesopotamian mythology - by tracing the movements of the Celts were able to glean some information about the potential history of the gun distrupt Aldrin trade and migrations had been taking place across vast distances between the East and West well before the creation of the cauldron during the great Celtic migration in 279 BCE the counts from the West invaded the Balkans which included Thrace Bulgaria and parts of Turkey and Greece from there they moved into Anatolia Turkey they established themselves in Upper Anatolia which the locals would call Galatia those Celts became known as Galatians Gauls Celtic presence in Galatia was long lived and because the Galatians were adept warriors many regional forces hired Celts to fight battles in the Thracian region and into West Asia Minor this may explain how the cauldron came into being but it does not explain how it made its way to Denmark this is not the first example of the ancient world being connected in diverse ways the cauldrons depiction of Canaris firmly establishes the importance of the Celtic God often referred to as the Horned God another Mesopotamian influence Chronos is depicted on one of the cauldrons in her plates he sits regally in a seated position and is surrounded by numerous animals such as a stag canines bovines and even a dolphin with a human rider the general impression is that Carneros serves a role of overseer and overlord archaeologists have long squabbled over this artifact dr. Vicktor Olesen admitted in a 2009 interview archaeology despises this artifact we cannot explain we don't want to explain it it doesn't any of our known models if we could have crushed this up for scrap silver long ago we would have carneros as depicted on the cauldron is just like Zeus Jupiter and Odin and the predominant God figure of the counts his consort was the green lady goddess together they reigned over everything so what are these creatures doing on Estella discovered in ellbow Guatemala Alba is a Mayan site that's part of the cazzo malapa archeological zone in Guatemala there are many strange pre-columbian artifacts on display including massive stone heads altars and Stella the Stella here have some of the earliest known inscriptions in all of Mesoamerica the album Monument number 27 as the location is officially known is perhaps the strangest it is 2.54 meters tall and 1.47 meters wide centuries ago it was accidentally found in a forest clearing and left there the Stella shows a bare-chested non muscled frame of a male the hands seemed to be protected by boxing gloves and in each hand the figure holds a tennis ball sized ball thoroughly modern the feet of the figure are in Boots that reach to the knees and cover knickerbocker like pants a wide belt separates the pants from a sharply angled upper body this figure if you believe it was dressed in the fashion of its time but the helmet which covers the entire head is perplexing like a diving outfit it has large coils on its shoulders from the helmet atchoo breeches to a box similar to a tank on the back when observed closer one recognizes a peephole in the helmet and behind it the nose and left eye of the helmet wearer indirect extension of the nose but outside of the helmet the stonemason modeled an animal snout may be that of a Jaguar even stranger this bear helmet looks like it's breathing out fire as he stands in dominance over another figure is this an ancient alien visitor is it cargo cult cargo cults a phenomenon where less advanced cultures encounter more advanced cultures and one regard the advanced peoples as supernatural beings whose purpose is to deliver goods cargo and to use mimicry or pantomime to create ritual in hopes of resume delivery of such goods the question here if this is a real ancient astronaut where they come from or does it depict a science a very advanced one before recorded history though most people believe that American history began with Christopher Columbus historians have lately discovered hard evidence that Leif Ericson and his fellow Norseman were exploring Canada and their northern tier of the United States as early as ad 1000 but before that date the history of the new world north of the Rio Grande has been a virtual vacuum inhabited by a few Indian legends this could change thanks to research disclosed in a book called America BC New Zealand Bradbury fell a marine biologist at Harvard University offers astonishing evidence that there were men and women from Europe not merely exploring but living in North America as early as 800 BC so is it possible you found evidence of ancient Egyptians and Africans visiting America in the past can the controversial Davenport stele shed light on the mystery in 1877 Reverend Jacob gasps an amateur archaeologist working for the Davenport Academy America's foremost amateur antiquarian society at the time discovered four inscribed tablets later named the Devonport tablets and chew tobacco elephant pipes within a mound builders mound in Iowa initially they were thought to be relics of the ancient mound builders a lost white race of natives once thought to have built the large mounds that today thought the landscape of the Great Lakes region in Ohio and Mississippi River valleys in the United States fails translation of the Davenport steel which some people compare to the translation of the rosetta stone the 19th century breakthrough that enabled a reading of hieroglyphics and to grasp the awesome sweep of Egyptian history on this inscription dr. fell was able to read three kinds of writing at the top were Egyptian hieroglyphics below them was the I barek form of Punic writing found in Spain the third line was in Libyan script this means that there were Egyptians Libyans and Celtic iberian --zz living together in a colony in Iowa in 900 BC this is one of those unexplained mysteries in science krishna's butterball has become a popular tourist attraction visited by thousands of people every year both children and adults are eager to see this mysterious rock that just cannot be moved by any means the rock is about five meters in diameter and is perilously resting at an angle of 45 degrees the huge size of the thing is the strangest characteristic it's the boulders location the butter ball is perfectly perched on a sloping hillside a seemingly gravity defying position it's held for more than 1,200 years attempts have also been made over the centuries to move Krishna's butter ball though to no avail one of the earliest known attempts is said to have been made during the time of Narasimha Varman eighth pallava king who reigned during the seventh century AD apparently the king wanted to move the divine rock so that he could save it from the hands of sculptors in spite of his good intentions the boulder would not budge and the king had to give up his plans the next major attempt came in 1908 by Arthur lolli who was the governor of Madras his attempt was based on the premise that the rock was in a very precarious position and if it rolled down the hill it would clearly destroy the town that was standing at the foot of the hill it said that the governor made use of seven elephants to pull down the rock but unfortunately the rock didn't move even a millimeter from its place well the real reason behind the rocks existence remains a mystery several theories ranging from scientific to just plain bizarre have been formulated one explanation is that the rock is a natural formation but geologists think that's improbable because natural corrosion couldn't produce such an unusual shape one face of the rock is entirely sheared off making it look like a rough hemisphere of sorts there are outlandish theories to suggesting that the rock might have been placed there by the gods from heaven who wanted to prove their might or extraterrestrial beings who visited earth thousands of years ago the rock is bigger and heavier than the monolithic stones of ollantaytambo peru or Machu Picchu so how does a 250 ton rock stand on less than 4 feet base if it was impossible to push this rock downhill how has it pushed up the hell the fact is that this mysterious rock defies the laws of physics it wasn't long ago when many scholars were questioning the actual existence of a Roman governor by the name Pontius Pilate the procurator who ordered Jesus crucifixion in June 1961 Italian archaeologists led by dr. fro ve' were excavating an ancient Roman amphitheatre near kisara on the Sea maritima and uncovered this interesting limestone block on the face is a monumental inscription which is part of a larger dedication to Tiberius Caesar although weathered by time fragments of the inscription on the limestone may still be distinguished from what archaeologists can read it appears to be a dedication stone it says to the Honorable gods this Tiberium Pontius Pilate perfect of Judea has dedicated what exactly was a Tiberium a building or group of buildings containing a temple to the Roman emperor Tiberius who ruled the Empire during the time Pilate and Jesus were alive perhaps people worship the image of Tiberius here indeed although the Emperor wasn't a fan of deification he did permit his subjects to honor him as a God in the eastern provinces the emperor Tiberius reigned from 14 to 37 ad this matches the biblical timeline that records Pontius Pilate ruling as governor of Judea from 26 to 36 ad the stone is historically significant because it dates to pilots own lifetime it is contemporary evidence yet powerfully illustrating the distinctly random nature of archaeological discovery the excavators could easily have missed it simply discarding it as rubble by the fourth century it had been incorporated into a set of stairs in casseras a Rodian theater there the inscription faced downward fortunately because that position preserved it from being worn away other than a few bronze coins this is the only occurrence of the name Pontius Pilate in any ancient inscription the only information regarding this ruler comes from Josephus the Jewish historian and Philo of Alexandria taqaddas a Roman historian references Pilate when speaking of the punishments inflicted by Nero upon the Christians he wrote that the name Christian was derived from Jesus Christ who was put crucified when Tiberius was Emperor by the procurator Pontius Pilate with such limited references to Pilate this is why the discovery of the inscription is so very significant in 1942 physicist Enrico Fermi and a team of workers built what they thought was the first nuclear reactor in a Chicago racquetball court what they did not know at the time was that they had been beaten to the punch by eons in 1972 a worker at a nuclear fuel processing plant noticed something suspicious in a routine analysis of uranium obtained from a mineral source from Africa as is the case with all natural uranium the material under study contained three isotopes three forms of different atomic masses uranium 238 the most abundant variety uranium 234 the rarest and uranium 235 the isotope that can sustain a nuclear chain reaction furthermore some 200 kilograms appear to have been extracted in the distant past for weeks specialist at the French Atomic Energy Commission CEA remained perplexed was this a nuclear facility created by some advanced prehistoric civilization while some scientists insist the site is naturally occurring there are other credible sources who challenge that narrative the site where the uranium originated from is thought to be an advanced subterranean nuclear reactor that goes well beyond the capabilities of our present scientific knowledge researchers believe that this ancient nuclear reactor is about 1.8 billion years old and operated for at least 500,000 years in the distant past scientists performed several other investigations at the uranium mine and the results were made public at a conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency according to studies this ancient nuclear reactor was several kilometers long interestingly for a large nuclear reactor like this thermal impact towards the environment was limited to just 40 meters on the sides what researchers found even more astonishing are the radioactive wastes that have still not moved outside the boundaries of the site as they've still held in place thanks to the geology of the area some claim this is a naturally occurring event but to date no other natural reactors have been found anywhere on the planet whilst there have been several flutes discovered dating to the European Upper Paleolithic the undisputed claims are all products of the our Ignatian archaeological culture beginning about 43,000 to 35,000 years ago and have been found in the swabby an album region of Germany these flutes represent the earliest known musical instruments in the world and provide extremely valuable evidence of prehistoric music the presence of these flutes demonstrates that a developed musical tradition existed from the earliest period of modern human presence in Europe that artistic intelligence of music and art is what drove human civilization from its beginning in 2008 the whole fells flute was discovered in the whole fells cave in Germany's swabby and Elbe the flute is made from a vultures wing bone perforated with five finger holes and dates to approximately 35,000 years ago this particular flute is the world's oldest recognizable musical instrument and pushes back humanity's musical roots bizarrely there's a huge debate who made the flute could it be that the Neanderthals first introduced music and art to the humans it's now been accepted that Neanderthals were absorbed into the human genome and that they were musical and artistically expressive and ritualistic in their behavior with five finger holes at a v-shaped mouthpiece the almost complete bird bone flute made from the natural hollow wing bone of a Griffon vulture is just point three inches that's eight millimeters wide and was originally about 13 inches or 34 centimeters long the newfound flutes of which there are numerous examples date to the very period of settlement in the region by modern humans about 40,000 years ago using only stone tools the flute maker would have had to split a section of curved ivory along its natural grain the two halves would then have been hollowed out carved and fitted together with an airtight seal this discovery shows Neanderthals were much more advanced than we thought several years before chew flutes made of mute swan bone and one made of woolly mammoth ivory were found in the nearby geison coastal cave the team that made the whole fells discovery wrote that these finds were at the time the earliest evidence of humans being engaged in musical culture in the academic field this artifact is still controversial because a flute made by early humans is much easier to accept than a flute made by Neanderthals who had long been viewed as inferior to Homo sapiens archaeology is a puzzle and without all the pieces we're often just guessing which is why it's important to note that scientific consensus can shift and change too few conclusions are fully set in stone so to speak and we never know when we might receive new information that changes our perceptions these were just some of the many discoveries that could change history as we know it thanks for watching leave a like and hit the Bell button to stay notified of the very latest 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Channel: DTTV Studios
Views: 248,374
Rating: 4.7666783 out of 5
Keywords: ancient, civilizations, artifacts, history
Id: m8PM1ZcyAzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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