Puzzling Advanced Ancient Technology That Modern Thinking Cannot Find An Answer For

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did many advanced ancient civilizations exist on earth the question is very intriguing and with the help of some highly skilled researchers the idea is starting to capture the world's imagination many possible scenarios and theories have been put forward from statements that Atlantis was a high-tech civilization leaving us the pyramid complex of Giza to the possibility that the Nazca lines might be a prehistoric airport if there was an advanced civilization on the planet they must have left physical traces of their presence the so called out of place artifacts such as the Antikythera machine the eos toast disk etc are all evidence that some of our ancestors or entire civilizations were far more clever than academics were willing to grant them but this documentary will show they're not the only examples alternative researchers suggest a previous high-tech civilization built the monuments of Egypt one piece of evidence put forth on was found almost by accident researcher Daniel Perez came across a website showing the temple of horus in edfu Egypt this temple was built for the worship of Horus the son of Osiris on this same webpage was a map of the temple of Horus upon looking at this image and basing his observations on his knowledge of electronics Perez noticed that the eastern end of the temple seemed very similar to the structure of a microprocessor what got Perez's attention was the closely spaced lines on the north side of the temple then looking at the whole image it became apparent that the entire temple of Horus correlated with components of a CPU and surrounding Hardware that's found in modern day computers each section of the temple of horus correlated with a segment of a CPU and the surrounding hardware needed for a CPU to function the most important part of the temple of horus the eastern end has a similar structure to the interior of a CPU the smaller sections consist of chambers surrounding an offering Hall of vestibule and an area called a mouse which in ancient Egyptian tradition contains the most important part of this particular temple a statue of the god Horus the chamber surrounding the eastern end of the temple would logically be places to store objects or information perhaps for later use in a ritual inside a CPU segments known as registers perform the task of storing data to be processed later the next inner chamber is a vestibule which is defined in Webster's dictionary as a course that offers access as to something new in a similar manner the arithmetic and logic section of a CPU offers the outer parts of a microprocessor access to the main area called the control unit the operating system is the center of the temple and symbolically controls and works in tandem with all of the rituals and traditions surrounding it similarly the control unit of a CPU controls and works in tandem with all of the other sections of a microprocessor the lower-right of the temples inner sanctuary cpu area are two small sections which resemble miniature integrated circuit chips which are used in computers as system clocks for a CPU at the entrance to this intersection of the temple of horus is an area called the offering hall which contains items to be brought from the second apostle hall the cache of a CPU contains data that's brought from the outside especially from the next component of a computer the BIOS chip the word apostle in Webster's dictionary is defined as a roof resting on rows of columns if you've noticed any integrated circuit chip including the BIOS chip looks like a roof resting on rows of columns the roof would be the body of the chip and the columns be the metal pins protruding from the chip the bios chip performs the function of booting up the CPU by making sure all the attachments are in place transfers control to the BIOS and loads the program to be used into the random access memory RAM similarly the second apostle Hall is a gathering place to make the temple ready for God worship rituals to be performed temporarily transfers control of the temple to this hall when the god worship ritual is about to begin and is used to bring in the tradition of ritual celebration a program for those in the next Outer apostle Hall who are not skilled enough to be in the inner sanctuary random access memory is a short-term memory used to hold programs to be used by a computer temporarily in the case of the temple the computer is Egyptian civilization and the program is a celebration held in the outer hippo so all for those not qualified or required to be in the inner sanctuary or our temporary members the open courtyard of this temple has several pillars surrounding it inside of a wall on three sides a socket which is used to hold a coprocessor chip or floating-point unit on a computer motherboard would be a logical comparison to this area if the pillars are interpreted as holes and the open area is the hollowed out area of the socket from the evidence we can conclude the layout of the temple of horus resembles the collection of a CPU a BIOS chip a ram chip and a coprocessor socket found in today's modern computers computers didn't exist in ancient Egypt because they lacked the technology and knowledge therefore this tells us the design of the temple of Horus is a residual memory of a previous high-tech civilization which disappeared from the face of the earth thousands of years before modern recorded history began ancient Egypt is supposed to be one of the first civilizations but the sophistication of its achievements as long perplexed scientists the mathematical precision involved in constructing the pyramids is one such achievement but there are others perhaps even more mysterious in different locations within the late Ptolemaic temple of hathor at dandera in egypt are curious wall engravings which Egyptologists cannot explain in traditional terms but today's electrical engineers are finding very modern interpretations in one chamber number 17 the first panel depicts Egyptian priests operating on what looked like oblong tubes performing various specific tasks each container has a serpent extending its full length inside Swedish engineer Henri Kelson in his book disappeared technology noted that in the hieroglyphs these serpents are translated as serif which means to glow and believes it refers to some form of electrical current at the scene to the extreme right appears a box on top where sits an image of the Egyptian God at Umrah which identifies the box as the energy source attached to the box is a braided cable which electromagnetic engineers identified as virtually an exact copy of engineering illustrations used today for representing a bundle of conducting electrical wires the cable runs from the box the entire length of the floor and terminates at both ends these objects each rest on a pillar called a Jed which has been identified as a high-voltage insulator the tube objects look very much like TV picture tubes an impression which is not far from wrong for electronics technician and Zacharias has identified the objects as crooks or electron tubes the forerunner of the modern television tube no vandals have damaged the upper chamber scenes from a later age other pictures found inside the crypt below the Holy of Holies are almost perfectly preserved and their portrayal deep into the mystery of these strange electron tubes even further here not only are the tube shown in full operation but something else has been added which may suggest the ultimate purpose for the tubes themselves in several instances both men and women are shown sitting underneath the tubes hands held out and cupped which meant they were in a receptive mode what kind of advanced treatment was being performed here this looks like an advanced technology that we cannot fully understand yet in 1898 a wooden object was found in a tomb in the necropolis of Saqqara that was immediately cataloged as the figure of a hawk nobody imagined even for a moment that 74 years later that same object was going to be the centrepiece of the first Aero modeling exhibition of ancient Egypt this wooden figure after its discovery was like many others to the Egyptian Museum of Cairo with the number six three four seven where it remained exposed for a long time among other reproductions of birds but there was something that made it different from the others its wingspan reaches 18 centimeters and it has a length of 14 centimeters the left wing is slightly higher than the right wing seven point seven centimeters and seven point six seven centimeters respectively the tail is vertical unlike that of any bird that's always horizontal and has an asymmetrical shape that together with the asymmetry of the wings facilitates the flight if it's thrown into the air planning a long journey to return to the point of takeoff as if it were a boomerang all shapes and sizes indicate a clear and tensioned product of knowledge and long experience in the field of Aeronautics in 1969 the unique characteristics of this supposed hawk figure ended up getting the attention of dr. Khalil mesilla he examined the piece where he discovered an inscription that had gone entirely unnoticed it said Pondy men which means gift of a moon one of the main gods of the Egyptian Pantheon this God is identified as the god of the wind of the occult and of the invisible who was often represented with blue sky and two large feathers on the headdress initially his sacred animal form was one of a goose although later had adopted the figure of a ram like those that can be appreciated in the temple of karnak as if it were a god of the wind all the shapes of this beasts examined by dr. K Messiah were exceptionally aerodynamic and the design of its wings was designed to create a vacuum on them he even found that the extension of the wings of some of the Companions of birds that were exposed next to the piece six three four seven were identically proportional to the ones of airplanes like the caravel the study was joined by dr. Khalil's brother a flight engineer stating that the negative dihedral angle fulfills these same functions as the positive one a section shows that the surface of the wing is part of an ellipse that provides stability during the flight and the aerodynamic shapes of the structure decreased the resistance of the air which is in fact what was discovered in aeronautics after years of experimental work in short the design of this curious bird was not a product of chance but rather the product of a technique accumulated through a detailed and precise knowledge and from a continuous experience in the field of Aeronautics for an extended period was that possible more than 4,000 years ago in most examinations of lost technology or civilizations there's been a surprising tendency to leave India out of the picture well the mysteries of Egypt or Sumeria are often discussed the equally great mysteries of ancient India are seldom mentioned this is strange because India is the leading country for the preservation of our ancient human heritage it's in India that we find evidence of both advanced technology and also the possible reason for ancient global resets the country's interest in aviation can be traced back over 2,000 years to the mythological era and the epic Ramayana tells of a supersonic type plane the pushpaka vimana December 17th 1903 Orville Wright demonstrated that it was possible for a heavier-than-air machine to fly but in 1895 eight years earlier the sanskrit scholar ship car Papa Zita pas des had designed a basic aircraft called a ma wrote Shakti meaning power of air based on medic technology before a large audience in the Champa thie Beach of Bombay the unmanned craft took off the importance of the Wright brothers lies in the fact that it was a manned flight for a distance of 120 feet and Orville Wright became the first man to fly tell potties unmanned aircraft flew to a height of 1500 feet historian Evan Kostka has described tell potty as the first creator of an aircraft as the world observes the 160th anniversary of the first manned flight it's interesting to consider that top potties design was based entirely on the ancient writings of Indian Vedas tell pas des was a scholar of Sanskrit and from a young age was attracted by the vie mineka sastra aeronautical science taught by the great Indian sage Maharishi bhardwaj ah the mime Anika Shastra describes in detail the construction of what is called the mercury vortex engine the forerunner of the ion engines being made today by NASA much additional information on the mercury engines can be found in the ancient Vedic text called Sam Raja sudra Hara this tech Stossel devotes 203 verses to the use of these machines in peace and war the in dalla gist William Clarendon who has written down a detailed description of the mercury vortex engine in his translation of somaraju tsujihara quotes inside the circular air frame placed the mercury engine with its solar mercury boiler at the aircraft center by means of the power latent in the heated mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion a man sitting inside may travel a great distance for sturdy mercury containers must be built into the interior structure when these have been heated by fire through solar or other sources the vimana aircraft develops thunder power through the mercury NASA the National aeronautical and Space Administration the wealthiest and most advanced scientific organization in the world is trying to create an ion engine a device that uses a stream of high-velocity electrified particles instead of a blast of hot gases like in present day modern jet engines surprisingly according to the bimonthly ancient skies magazine published in the USA the aircraft engines being developed for future use by NASA also use mercury bombardment units powered by solar cells what a coincidence and interestingly the impulses generated in seven stages the mercury propellant is first vaporized fed into the thruster discharge chamber ionized converted into plasma by a combination with electrons broke down electrically and then accelerated through small openings in a screen to pass out of the engine at velocities between 1,200 to 3,000 kilometers per minute so far nASA has only been able to produce an experimental version only one pound of thrust a power derivation that's virtually useless but 108 years ago tel pod a was able to use his knowledge of VY mineka Shastra to produce sufficient thrust to lift his aircraft 1,500 feet into the air according to indian scholar acharya vai mineka Shastra deals with aeronautics including the design of aircraft the way they can be used for transportation and other applications in detail the knowledge of Aeronautics is described in sanskrit in 100 sections eight chapters 500 principles and 3,000 verses including 32 techniques on how to fly an aircraft it's feared that only portions of Bharadwaj's masterpiece vibin iike Shastra survived today the question that comes to one's mind is what happened to this beautiful encyclopedia of aeronautical knowledge accumulated by the indian servants of yore and why was it not used in those days such knowledge was the preserve of sages who would not allow it to be misused according to scholar Ratnakar Mahajan who wrote a brochure on top haughty being a sanskrit scholar interested in aeronautics Tapani studied and consulted many vetted treatises this gave him confidence that he could build an aircraft with mercury engines one essential factor in the creation of these Vedic aircraft was the timing of the sun's rays or solar energy as being now used by NASA when they were most effective to activate the mercury ions of the engine tell party faced opposition luckily the influential Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad a great supporter of these Sciences in India was willing to help him with his aircraft construction with mercury engines before an audience of curious scholars in 1895 tel potties hard work paid off is crewless aircraft named as meruit Shakti finally took off flying to an incredible height of 1500 feet before crashing back to earth but the success of an Indian scientist did not go down well with his Imperial rulers warned by the British government tell potties incredible progress came to an end the remains of the merit sake were sold to foreign parties to pay off debts tell pas de passed away in 1916 an honored in his own country as the world rightly honors the Wright brothers for their achievements but we should think of tell potty who utilized the ancient knowledge of Sanskrit texts to fly an aircraft eight years before his foreign counterparts the destruction of Atlantis may not have been brought about by an earthquake flood or any other natural disaster but may have been triggered by a nuclear explosion earthquakes volcanic eruptions floods etc may then have followed one of the main historical oddities that have been used to illustrate the possibility of an ancient nuclear war is supposedly contained within the 8th century Sanskrit epic the Mahabharata which chronicles the Kurukshetra war and the battle between Rama and the ancient King known as the demon Ravana within these pages are claimed to be references to some catastrophic event that in many ways sounds exactly like what one would expect a nuclear strike to look like such as an annihilating explosion described as being brighter than a thousand suns which caused all trees to instantly ignite into flame and reduced everything in its path to ashes Indian historian kasuri Mohan Ganguly has said of such weapons of mass destruction in old texts another manuscript composed in Sanskrit by King Borgia deals with techniques of warfare and in particular with certain types of war machines this work is called the summer on Ghana Sutra Hara or battlefield commander sometimes abbreviated the Samar the whole of chapter 31 is devoted to the construction and operation of several kinds of aircraft having various methods of propulsion King bozhe who used the Sanskrit term Yantra more often than the more familiar vemana claims his knowledge was based on Hindu manuscripts that were ancient even in his time 11th century AD so did a war take place at the end of the driest period the ice cores show that at the end of the last ice age temperatures increased steadily for the next thousand years traces of copper tin and lead show market increases the older driest period ends abruptly with a dramatic drop in temperatures extinction of mammoths as well as the megafauna of North and South America took place about this time uranium concentrations and coral jumped dramatically from approximately 1.5 parts per million to over 4 parts per million and about this period all the evidence seems to support the existence of an ancient nuclear war has taken place in the past there's no doubt that the summer in Ghana Sutra Hara the Mahabharata and many other ancient Indian texts exist there are references to the texts in Indian government and scientific publications they describe electricity and mechanics that are in full agreement with the science of today they describe the Manas aircraft of many designs that are all scientifically feasible also keep in mind these texts were written sometime after an ancient war took place in which two great civilizations destroyed themselves the survivors or more likely descendants of the survivors of these civilizations were attempting to record their knowledge for future generations and having been recorded quite some time after the disaster the writers themselves were probably not scientists and probably did not understand the material they were recording radiocarbon dates at this period are chaotic studies of layered deposits laid down by Lakes confirm irregularities in the chronological record fused desert sands have been found notably in the Libyan desert the Libyan desert of Egypt is one of Earth's most remote and inhospitable regions uninhabited windblown and foreboding the sand sea near the GILF kabir plateau was nonetheless the site of a remarkable discovery in 1932 the area with high parallel sand dunes extends more than 100 kilometers in length the center is thought to be at 25 degrees 25 minutes north and 25 degrees 30 minutes east the Egyptian desert surveys under the direction of Englishman Patrick a Clayton 1896 to 1962 recovered specimens about 50 kilograms of an unusual often beautiful translucent to transparent yellowish green gem like high silica natural glass it's estimated to be twenty-eight point five million years old and shows a grade of transparency and 99% purity that's not typical in the fusions of fallen meteorites known as Libyan desert glass it's found widely scattered over an area 130 kilometres north to south by 53 kilometers east to west after the 1932 discovery of desert glass only two other expeditions both of the 1930s were undertaken to the location until 1971 the ladder exploration involved three scientists stopping over for only two hours and collecting some 24 samples of the glass during this brief visit the expedition accidentally found the site of a forced landing of an Egyptian aircraft the failure of Egyptian authorities to find the downed airplane for over three years is a validation of the remoteness of this arid region a greater abundance of Libyan desert glass has been made available recently more than at any time since its discovery nearly 90 years ago most meteorite assists classify Libyan desert glass with the group of curious natural glasses known as tektites in 1900 professor Franz isus of Vienna coined the term Tek typed from the Greek Tech tous meaning melted or molten tektites our compositionally restricted high silica natural glasses distinguished ibly different from other volcanic Li derived natural glasses tektites range in size from microscopic less than a millimeter cheap macroscopic weighing many kilograms they exhibit an astonishing range of colors from water clear gem-quality deep forests greens of moldavite s' to the soothing pale to dark yellow and yellow greens of Libyan desert glass as well as the dark impenetrable black of austria lights humanity is wondered about and cherished these mysterious exotic objects for hundreds of years perhaps much longer in the cro-magnon Venus of Willendorf site austria dated at 29,000 bc small moldavite flake blades were found the earliest written records come from mid 10th century China referring to the black shiny objects found after rainstorms as lee gangmo inks tones of the Thunder God Australian Aborigines called Austral i'ts Booga staring eyes the big question here is what phenomenon could be capable of raising the temperature of deserts and to at least three thousand three hundred degrees Fahrenheit casting it into great sheets of solid yellow green glass L B&W heart one of the first engineers to graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology observed that the chunks of glass left by nuclear tests were identical to the formations that he saw in the African desert 50 years earlier however the extension of the cast in the desert would require that the explosion be ten thousand times more powerful than that observed in New Mexico what was the source of that sudden searing heat this is where many questions arise the most obvious answer would be a meteor impact somewhere indepent iqua t halfway around the world in Tasmania there's a similar phenomenon known as Darwin glass in the case of the Darwin glass there's an impact crater which bears the same name Darwin crater which is proof positive of how that natural glass was formed in the case of the Libyan desert glass no such crater exists [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: DTTV Studios
Views: 75,651
Rating: 4.4133334 out of 5
Keywords: documentary, ancient, civilization
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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