Putin will pay 'high price' when met with modern weaponry in US aid package for Ukraine | Poroshenko

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everybody should understand that this is not a assistance for Ukraine or help for Ukraine this is investment investment of the Great Britain investment of the u United States in your own security Mr penko won a landslide victory in 2014 in a snap election following the annexation of Crimea he's been in politics for 26 years and is the leader of the European solidarity party he joins us now from keev thank thank you very much indeed for the invitation Mr penko it's a pleasure to have you on front line thank you very much for your time can you just start by telling us what the mood is like there in keev since the news that finally after months of waiting the US has approved this $61 billion Aid package for Ukraine look as a fifth president of Ukraine and as a former commander-in Chief Ukrainian armed forces have a long experience for cooperation with the US Great Britain and NATO I have personally no doubt that at the end of the day the package for the military assistance will be uh make this decision delivered to Ukraine not everybody Share My Views and I think that Ukraine already pay very high price for this six months delay this is not just a situation on the front line because we keep the front but the lives of Ukrainian soldiers and the life lives of Ukrainian civilians because me as a uh person who were every single week on the front line delivering every week dozens of the military track of the all necessary system electronic warfare system UAV and many others I see with my own eyes what does it mean to protect Ukraine to stop Russian offensive operation without one single artillery shell believe me it's very difficult to to imagine what does it mean and how we try to replace absence of the artillary shell to the fpv drones to the some mines and anything like that for us this is the vital second message is that everybody should understand that this is not a assistance for Ukraine or help for Ukraine this is investment investment of the Great Britain investment of the u United States in your own security and I want to use this opportunity to deliver my uh words of the Gratitude to the uh British prime minister a friend of mine and a friend of Ukraine Rish sunak last time we met him when we signed the security uh guarantees from Great Britain during his visit to Kev and now he's in Poland and use these words of the Gratitude to the our American partners for for their bipartisan support for us now this is a question of life but for you this is also the question of your life and please help us to do your job and now I'm significantly more optimistic we expected then within one week we will receive the first package of the American uh artillery shell we very much welcome the European initiative leading by the Czech president Peter pav also friend of mine who plan to deliver more than 1 million artillery shell and this is exisal fighting for all free and Democratic world because as part of the good news announcements this week was Rishi sunak the British prime minister's announcement that 500 million pounds in Aid would be made available for Ukraine President Biden has said this would keep Ukraine in the fight don't you want to do more than that don't you want it to help Ukraine win don't you want enough for that from my own experience believe me weapon is never enough for me for country for Soldier but this is significantly increased this defensive capability now for us and uh if you ask me what we need more what else we need this is a three component component number one weapons Tillery shell jet fighter anti-aircraft and anti-missile complex as an air we need that definitely we need a long range missile and I'm proud that the first long range missile stor Trad was from Great Britain even before the Pentagon and French delivered to us it's forever will stay for our heart but uh we need the modern technology because because the better it will be equipped Ukrainian troops the higher price Russia will pay for that point number two sanction sanction because we need to cut the ability of Putin to finance the war and if two years ago Russia has a 600 billion uh export Revenue we need to cut it to maximum 200 and with that situation definitely this is another mechanism of pressure on Russia to stop the war not touching the standard of living for the ordinary people in Russia and point number three this is the obligatory membership of Ukraine in NATO because with without Ukrainian membership in NATO it would be simply impossible to reach the sustainable security situation on the continent and and not opening the door of NATO for Ukraine is just delivery to the Putin message that his blackmail is working and the world is afraid in Russia we in Ukraine during this more than two years of war just demonstrate how we need to speak with Russia because Putin understand only one language not Russian not German and not English this is language of strength and exactly two years ago when Russian troops was from here 5 kilometers and me together with my team here was 2,000 people of two Battalion and we staying open the fire stop in Russia and defend Kev defend Ukraine defend Europe and defend the world and we are where we are now um and again there is pressure to have enough soldiers to raise enough soldiers to to sustain the recruitment to continue the war effort what is your response at the moment to this temporary ban on issuing new passports and not providing non-emergency Consul services to Ukrainian man men of fighting age abroad during the first couple of months it was as I told you only here in this yard it was 2,000 volunteers and it was long lineing for several hours in the uh employment center of the Armed Forces at volunteers who want to join the Army and now now we uh have all these volunteers still on the battlefield on the touch line with Russia we need more uh more manow in the armed forces and my purpose is just to help to create the motiv ation motivation for the soldiers of Ukraine to be on the front line you've been watching front line for times radio my thanks to Louis Sykes our producer to support the work of Front Line hit the Subscribe button you can also listen to times radio throughout the day or read it at times.co.uk thanks for watching bye-bye
Channel: Times Radio
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Keywords: russia ukraine war, russia ukraine, russia, ukraine, ukraine russia war, russia ukraine news, ukraine russia, putin, vladimir putin, ukraine war, russia vs ukraine war update, ukraine russia news, russia vs ukraine, russia ukraine war news, ukraine vs russia, russia war ukraine, russia ukraine conflict, russia vs ukraine war, ukraine russia conflict, putin ukraine, news russia ukraine, russia ukraine war russian, russian ukraine war, russian invasion of ukraine, poroshenko
Id: AhhjzS857Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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