Putin Upgrades North Korea Ties in Visit to Pyongyang | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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[Music] fore spee [Music] [Music] 25 years a quarter of a century that's how long Vladimir Putin has been in power in Russia in this time he's visited around 70 countries he's walked many red carpets but this one beats all of it I'm talking about North Korea Vladimir Putin landed in pongyang on Tuesday night the city was all deed up to welcome him we are talking the whole shebang portraits of Putin flags of Russia even Russian music on state television take a look I guess it was to be expected North Korea does not get many visitors certainly not world leaders like Putin so Kim Jong-un rolled out his fanciest red C carpet he was at the airport himself he greeted Putin with a handshake followed by a semih hug now this visit is very important Putin last came to North Korea in the year 2000 so it's been 24 years and in this time in these 24 years the equations have changed Kim was not leading North Korea back then his father was Plus in the year 2000 Putin was a new be on the world stage now he's a seasoned but isolated leader these two have had a meeting last year as well Kim and Putin Kim traveled to a Russian city a city in the Russian Far East and now Putin is returning the fav as with any visit let's look at two aspects here the first is chemistry Putin and Kim looked quite comfortable with each other one moment probably sums it up best both men were about to enter a car but they couldn't decide who would go first take a look the pump wasn't over yet this is a two-day State visit by the Russian president so the official welcome was still pending it was organized at the Kim ilung Square again the pictures were stunning [Music] the roads were lined with hundreds of people they waved Russian and North Korean Flags in typical Kim style everything was [Music] choreographed later in the day there was more bromance Putin gifted a Russian limousine to Kim Jong-un he also drove Kim around Pyongyang look at this [Music] so we've covered the first aspect the chemistry and Optics now we come to the second the substance Putin and Kim held a long bilateral meeting it lasted for nearly 2 hours after that they signed a new bilateral agreement they upgraded their relationship to the next level that of comprehensive strategic partnership what does that mean well it means a lot of things Putin and Kim hinted at multiple areas of cooperation military technology Mutual assistance in case of aggression coordination on health care and also education and Science Now two of these Stand Out sharing military technology and mutual defense very significant Putin is saying that he may defend North Korea if it is attacked and that's a big promise to make same with military technology sanctions prevent countries from selling technology to North Korea especially strategic ones but Vladimir Putin is saying he may do it anyway which brings us to the statement what did Kim and Putin say Kim offered full support for Putin's invasion of Ukraine meanwhile Putin slammed us efforts to isolate Kim listen in the government of the democratic People's Republic of Korea expresses full support and solidarity with the Russian government Army and people and carrying out a special military operation in Ukraine to protect their sovereignty security interests as well as territorial integrity we highly appreciate your consistent and unwavering support for Russian policy including the Ukrainian strand I am referring to our fight against the hegemonic policy imposed for decades the imperialist policy of the United States and its satellites against the Russian Federation that was Putin's day in pongyang eventful and colorful but what will be the impact of this visit how should the world see it this visit symbolizes a Revival of ties between Moscow and pongyang time for a short history lesson in the 1950s Kim's grandfather was ruling North Korea his name was Kim ilung he was supported by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin back then ties were great pongyang was a satellite of Moscow but Stalin died in 1953 and after that the ties changed Kim ilung purged Pro Soviet forces in his regime he began consolidating power thus Moscow and pongyang grew apart cut to 2024 things are on track again Putin and Kim have revived the 1950s Romance the question is will it last well there is nothing organic about this relationship it is based on common enmity towards the us having said that there is scope for expansion let's look at what each side stands to get first Kim Jong-un he needs food and fuel for his people and Russia can help him it is the largest wheat exporter in the world also one of the biggest sources of energy one of the biggest energy producers so clear Synergy there Kim also needs Advanced military technology especially on ballistic missiles again who can give him that the Russians also sanctions relief Russia is a permanent member of the United Nations security Council it can Shield Kim from further sanctions so the North Korean leader has a lot to gain which brings us to Putin what does he stand to gain a useful supplier of military goods like bullets in fact North Korean equipment has already been spotted in Ukraine plus a new deterrent someone who can keep the US busy in the Pacific and Washington knows this they're concerned about this new partnership the deepening cooperation between Russia and the dprk uh is something uh that should be of concern uh especially to anyone that's interested in maintaining peace and stability on the the Korean Peninsula um but also supporting the people of Ukraine as they continue to fight against Russian aggression there are two ways of looking at this the West says look at how isolated Putin is so isolated that he's meeting Kim but that's not how Putin sees it for him it's a strategy to counter the west and for that Optics don't matter first post reports from the world's second largest continent Hello I'm Alison lrange a very warm welcome from Durban South Africa we get you the news and the News makers from Africa from elections to climate change to Innovations and opportunities as the world's attention shifts we report from Africa the heart of the global South join me every weekday live on first post [Music]
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, putin north korea, russia north korea, kim jong un putin, putin, putin kim jong un, putin in north korea, putin visits north korea, vladimir putin in north korea, putin north korea visit, putin in north korea 2024, putin meets kim jong un, north korea russia ukraine war, north korea russia, putin kim jong meeting, putin kim meet, vladimir putin visits north korea, putin visits pyongyang
Id: xpLMrs8vuD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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