Put the bag over the fan. You won't believe the results

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I put a bag over the fan and couldn't believe  the results I had never done it this way before   prepare a container and squeeze a tablespoon  of toothpaste into it any cheap toothpaste   you have at home will do then add 200 mL of  warm water mix until the toothpaste dissolves   the next ingredient is dish soap measure out 2  tablespoons and add it to the mixture finally   pour in vinegar make sure it's white vinegar  add 2 tablespoons mix everything thoroughly   get a spray bottle and use a funnel to pour in the  mixture you just made when you take out your fan   in the spring it's blades and casing are covered  in dust spray it generously with the solution it's   very important to clean it thoroughly before the  first use dust and mites can cause runny noses   allergies and respiratory problems the solution  will get into all the nooks and crannies without   having to disassemble the casing once you've  thoroughly sprayed the fan take a clean trash   bag and put it over the fan tying it securely  then turn on the highest setting the mixture   will spread throughout the fan and expel the  dust it only takes one minute after that just   remove the bag and throw it away if you want you  can wipe the fan with a cloth but you don't have   to and you're done the ventilation Grill will  work like new just one thing is enough to clean   it without removing it the amount of moisture in  the bathroom and throughout the house depends on   the operation of the ventilator few people check  if it works properly but all it takes is a piece   of paper if you put it against the grill it should  stick if the ventilation properly extracts air it   will hold the paper or piece of paper without  any problems but what if the ventilation isn't   working properly check if the grill itself needs  cleaning if there is a lot of dirt and dust on it   it may restrict its operation some grills  can be removed before you do that prepare   some baking soda dilute it with water take the  grill and a toothbrush clean the grill above the sink rinse it off and reinstall it you can also  clean the grill without removing it all you need   is a cloth and a knife dampen the cloth with  dishwashing liquid wrap it around the knife   this way you can clean the slots in the ventil  and grilly without removing it some grills can   accumulate a lot of dirt after such a treatment  the ventilation should work much better sprinkle   the sofa with salt and you will never have to pay  for its cleaning again you won't have to clean   or wash it as often either pour about 150 ml of  Fairly warm water into a container add 1 tbspoon   of regular table salt to it add a tablespoon  of dishwashing liquid pour in 2 tablespoons of   vinegar finally add 1 tbsp of baking soda stir all  the ingredients until completely dissolved pour   the mixture into a spray bottle the sofa seems to  be clean there are no visible stains on it however   that doesn't mean it's free of dirt dust pollen  and mites do you sneeze or cough when sitting on   it maybe you smell the odor of household pets on  it or do you have allergy symptoms and a runny   nose this means the sofa isn't clean spray it with  this mixture and you'll solve the problem how is   it possible baking soda neutralizes all unpleasant  odors above all it has anti-fungal properties it   eliminates fungi and their spores it also kills  mites using baking soda will make them disappear   additionally salt is a disinfectant vinegar  is very effective against mold after spraying   the couch wipe it dry with a cloth it's like dry  cleaning a gentle spray will clean the selfie alry   better than many wet uphol stre cleaning agents  plumbers keep this from you I inserted a hose   into the toilet and got rid of the problem if your  toilet keeps clogging and emits an unpleasant odor   you don't have to call a plumber all you need is a  regular hose from a dishwasher or washing machine   and an empty bottle start by cutting the bottle  in half using a knife only the top part will be   needed unscrew the prepared bottle and insert it  into the end of the hosy it should fit pery as   these are standard thread sizes use duct tape  to seal the connection twist it several times   securely take the other end of the hose cut it  to a length of 1 M meter do this at an angle   this will make it easier to use take the prepared  hose to the bathroom it will come in handy for   pushing and deep cleaning pipes insert it into  the toilet and push it through the drain pipe   once it's deep enough stand the bottle upright  pour a cup of baking soda into it it has a   cleaning and disinfecting effect shake the hose to  make the powder fall to the bottom then pour a cup   of vinegar into it it will react with the baking  soda creating a foaming reaction it will clean   the pipe from lime deposits it will flush out the  dirt clogging the drain the chemical reaction will   help eliminate the sludge responsible for the  unpleasant odor in the toilet this action will   will keep the pipes in good condition for longer  and you won't have to use a plumber's Services   after removing the hose wait for the soda and  vinegar to drain into the toilet finally check   the water and you're done put Styrofoam in the  freezer and enjoy lower electricity bills have   you ever put Styrofoam in the fridge if not you  definitely should instead of throwing it away   put it in the freezer you'll reduce your bills and  save on expenses styrofoam doesn't absorb moisture   and doesn't dissolve in water it also doesn't  conduct heat it's lightweight and can be   crushed and broken into smaller pieces if you're  focused on savings and every penny counts for you   styrofoam can help with that simply freeze it to  do this fit the styrofoam into one of the freezer   drawers divide it into smaller pieces arrange it  in the drawer insert smaller pieces into the empty   spaces put the drawer loaded with styrofoam into  the freezer if you have space in another drawer   do the same fill it with styrofoam and put it  in the freezer it turns out that this really   works styrofoam reduces the empty space in the  freezer every time you open the freezer door   warm air enters when the freezer is full less  warm air enters this means the fridge uses less   electricity the same goes for the cooling part  of the fridge if you have a large fridge and   few items in it you can line the empty shelves  with styrofoam by eliminating the empty space   in the fridge and freezer you'll save more energy  have you ever used bubble wrap to clean the floor   give it a try and you'll see the difference flat  floor mops are often chosen for floor cleaning   despite their large surface area you may often  notice that dirt only accumulates on the edges   as a result floor cleaning takes longer and isn't  sufficiently effective that's where the bubble   wrap trick comes in handy almost everyone has this  popular product at home before before tossing it   in the trash we usually enjoy popping it it's a  stress relieving activity that calms everyone down   however you can use bubble wrap in another way  before getting rid of it a cleaner floor thanks   to it will surely calm you down too bubble wrap  has protrusions that allow you to wipe the floor   with the entire surface of the mop you'll evenly  clean the entire floor use regular paper towels or   some cloths for this spread them out and place  bubble wrap on them place the mop on top of it   wrap a paper towel with bubble wrap around it  secure everything with rubber bands now you can   start cleaning the floor as usual with this  mop you won't feel like the mop is skipping   any bumps anymore the bubble wrap will ensure  that the floor is evenly wiped dirt will be   collected across the entire surface of the mop  so you'll put in less effort into floor cleaning   and the result will be amazing try it on your  floor and let us know what type of mop you use
Channel: Clever Hacks
Views: 37,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fan
Id: oXDid-nmwMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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