Puss in Boots 2: Wishing Star fight scene. By Dreamworks

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Starlight Starbright first star I see tonight I wish I can't believe I fell for it again Kitty you don't understand don't understand what that you've been playing me this whole time I need this wish oh yeah you wanna know what my wish was someone anyone I could trust in my whole life I've never had that but I thought I finally found that someone without a wish I thought it was you but you're still running still the same old posing boots but I am not I am not possible I'm I am on my last life I need to get my lives back without them I am not I I am not what the legend I still can't compete with your one true love go on get your lives back just keep them out of mind a lot of things but never death I like it that's my wish that's Goldie's wish [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh come on you walked into that one I need your help duly noted but a little busy at the moment [Music] hey I'm gonna bust you up Plum fam and then I'm gonna wear your clothes that was weird something's happening [Music] like I told you baby you're the smash I'm the crab oh no hey softballs how do you like geez guys blow up already softballs okay okay you know maybe it's time to bury the hatchet no I shouldn't have telegraphed it yeah I don't know what to do with this
Channel: FallenBlueAngel
Views: 984,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rvt1gTCY1FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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