Push yourself beyond your limits in your 20s - Jordan Peterson

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you should push yourself beyond your limits of tolerance in your 20s to find out where it is how much can you work how disciplined can you become like can you work 12 hours a day can you work eight hours a day can you work three hours a day like flat out where's your limit and how much how much work can you do and how much socialization you should find out push yourself past and then back off to that point where it's optimally sustainable it's good to think about that as a goal it's like you're trying to discover what your limitations are when you're when you're in your 20s so that you can hit that edge so that you can sustain yourself across the decades you don't want to have too much fun right too much fun takes you out you know it's not it's not fun being the 40 year old at the singles bar precisely so you want to make sure that what you're doing is age appropriate and you want to push yourself in every direction that you can but you should be doing that with an aim in mind it's like you're trying to make yourself into a better and more competent person and so some discipline along with the fun is a good idea
Channel: Income Mindset
Views: 49,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation sparks, motivation, speech, motivational speech, inspiration, inspirational speech, motivational video, success, motivational short video, motivation short speech, motivation short video, shorts, rich, financial education, financial freedom, wealth, investing, income mindset, jordan peterson, jordan peterson advice, jordan peterson advice to 20s, jordan peterson motivation, jordan peterson motivational speech, jordan peterson motivational video
Id: z58Q0DADRGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 57sec (57 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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