Push Connect Shark Bite Fittings For HVAC?! -HVAC Retrofit Using Zoomlock Push Fittings-

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Howdy Folks and welcome back to the DIY HVAC guy YouTube channel in today's video I've got something really awesome for you we're doing a retrofit for this customer and we're going to be in installing air conditioning they have a swamp cooler on the roof currently and they're just tired of having to deal with it they want to go with Central AC so I'm going to show you how to get power out to your electrical box for your condensing unit and I have something awesome that I want to share with you as far as the refrigerant lines so zero brazing no flame no fancy expensive tools which makes it really nice for a DIY or who wants to try and Tackle this job this is not a job that's for everyone but if you do have the mechanical skill set this little tip that I'm about to share with you is amazing and it's truly a game changer so let's do some work check out this loveliness be nasty so I got our gas valve or shut off valve replaced um everything is disconnected so we're gonna pull this Old Furnace out clean up this area get our new furnace set and our filter rack in place we're going to show you the transition that whole process of building the transition as well as hooking the lines up to the condenser now I'm also going to show you what our electrician is currently doing to set up power outside for the condensing unit so here's our main electrical panel this is a 100 amp main breaker as you can hear we've got roosters but what we're going to be doing is extending this over to the sub panel and then we'll have that same breaker here and another breaker and this breaker will be replaced here so we'll show you this when it's all finished up have power for our condensing unit all right guys so we got all this cleaned up our return interesting return they had this all the way up to the almost the top of a furnace so I'm gonna get my return uh filter box and get this fabricated to where it will made up to the furnace all right so we got our duct all cleaned up there if you haven't used this stuff it's called super clean really nice Degreaser you can find that on Amazon I'll leave a link in the video description so we're going to go ahead and tape everything up here cut our hole in our furnace and we should be good to set it on all right guys so our furnace is set in place our return is totally done and sealed up not sure how well you can see that in there but our gas is hooked up we've got our drip leg our flex line brand new shutoff valve and now what we're going to be doing is we're going to be opening this up that's our line we're going to give ourselves six inches above where the new evaporator coil is going to be and that means that we're going to do that with is the Malco turbo shears all right so I always start with the back piece for our transition so what we're going to do first is we're going to measure this we've got 21 inches let's go 20 and a half and we're going to add two inches so I'm going to show you why in just a second and then we're going to measure this guy it is 17 inches and again we're going to add two inches we have a pretty good size offset here so we're going to be going from all the way over here down to here and then on this side we're pretty much straight we have a little bit maybe a half inch um going up this way so we're going to measure our height here and we're going to add a quarter inch and we're going to go up to the top of our s-clip so six and three quarter and we're going to add a quarter inch so seven inches for our height now what we need to do also for this back piece is we need to measure this distance from our coil corner to where the corner is here so maybe you can see it better here but uh basically three inches is what's going to be our offset from here to here so if we were to draw a line straight up we would go over three inches and then we would make our cut all right so we got our piece of sheet metal we got our um little sketch of the piece that we need so we're going to start with our height seven inches we're gonna take a piece of s clip and we're gonna trace this out now we had a three inch offset here so we're going to measure down here three inches and we're going to take our s-clip and go to this corner up here now we have 22 and a half on the top we're going to measure this out 22 and a half and then 19 and a half on the bottom we're going to measure 19 and a half here now that gives us uh that makes this piece pretty straight so I'm going to take just a little bit off here so we have just a little bit of an offset and then we can go ahead and cut out our piece what we're gonna do first is we're going to go ahead and make our cross breaks on this now this is how the piece goes and the way that we're going to do our cross break make sure that this is bowed out on the outside of the furnace not on the inside and what this is going to do is it's going to help the furnace from making a loud noise every time you start it and pulling that duct closed real quick now this is the easiest method that I have found as far as making a cross break some people say you can use a knife or something but this works really good and this is a roller that you use for window screens and as you can see it makes a really nice clean cross brake so now that we have that in place we're going to cut our Corners out so we're going to cut a quarter inch on the bottom because this piece right here is going to be bent in so that we have something to attach to on the evaporator coil and the top is going to be flat and it's just going to slip into that s-clip but the sides however that's why we added those two inches because the sides we're going to use this tool to bend these in so that's why we're going up a quarter inch and we're going this way about one inch actually I think we can go from this corner like that now we're going to do the same thing over here quarter inch and then one inch this way and we're gonna do a full one inch on this side so now that we have that cut out we're going to use this tool right here we're just going to slip it in like that hold it flat on the ground and then we're going to bend up so that's going to give us something to slide our next piece in once we have our s-clip put here so we're going to do the same on this side and then lastly we're going to use the other side of this tool and we're going to feed it in right here and we're going to bend this up that's why we added that quarter inch so just like that um that's our piece we got our quarter inch bent nice cross break so let's go test fit so as you can see our piece fits mighty fine so we're just gonna run three zip screws down here we can run a couple back there if we'd like we'll put our S clip in on the sides and we'll be ready for these side pieces alright so our back piece is in looking really nice this piece is very easy we're just going to measure our width this way and then we don't have to add any depth we're just going to go to the corner here where it's flush and that piece will just slide in we're going to keep the same height so we can make the quarter inch Bend and that's pretty much it all right so all three of these back pieces are in place uh what we're going to do before we put this front one on is we're going to Pookie all of the seams here make sure everything is sealed up then we'll do this piece and we'll slide our coil in now I'm going to show you something really awesome once we get our coil in place we have our hole here so our line set is going to come up and it's going to go straight into our evaporator coil so make sure you stay tuned for that segment as you will be amazed by what we're about to show you all right so we got everything pookied up so we're gonna build our last piece and then we'll be ready to slide our coil in all right guys super happy with the results really nice cross breaks everything is sealed up on the inside so we are ready to go ahead and slide our coil in so let's do it all right so we got our thermostat wire hooked up just so you can see this um W1 is white r is red G is green for fan and y1 is blue on this for cooling so Y is for heat red is for your 24 volt supply to the thermostat G is for your fan and y1 is to turn on the AC so we're done with this bottom portion we'll go ahead and put our bottom cover on and then we're going to get our electrical wrapped up we'll have a junction box up here and then we'll run our metal clad our MC wire down to our new Switch down here all right so we got our box mounted here and we've got our grommet set in place to prevent any uh rubbage there now we're going to set our uh junction box there and run our new MC cable down and then we'll just pop it right in now on the MC cable [Music] um we need to use these little anti-short grommets and they simply slide around here and they go down into that before you put your quick connect piece you just take this and slide it onto there and it's locked in and then this end will just pop into our knockout up there all right so for those of you that have not seen these they're called Wago or Vago lever nuts and they're awesome because you can use them for stranded wire as well as a solid wire so if you can see this one that's a solid wire you simply slide it in until you can see the copper touching the end here and lock it in place it's like too easy and then with the stranded wire same thing you just slide it in until it's touching the end lock it in place and that is it so really nice um to have in your toolbox those can be found on our Amazon store so check it out we've got a Wago section there so our neutral is connected we're going to run this in so we can connect it to our switch all right so our electrical is done got our switch mounted there got our MC cable running up to our junction box there so very clean on that end all right so here's our line set this is a three-quarter line set and then the 3 8 liquid line and what we're gonna do is we're gonna unspool this make it a big long flat piece and we're just gonna start feeding it in and then once we get to a certain point um we're going to get our bending tool and we're going to bend this so we're going to have a 90 degree right here and then we might come over a little bit and then out right here all right so this is perfect it's exactly where we want it we have it low on purpose because we're going to do a 90 right here so we can have a straight shot into this pipe so let's get our bending tool and we'll show you how to do that so this is the tool that we're going to be using and as you can see right here we've got three quarter and seven eighths on these little rubber pieces you can flip these so um the side that's on the top that's where our pipe is going to go that's where you want the three quarter so in order to bend this we're simply going to slide our pipe through this and then we're going to just start clicking and we're just going to continue to click this and watch it do its thing and we'll show you how nice of a Bend this produces with no Kinks okay that's our 90 we're pretty much parallel with our pipe here as you can see really nice Bend there's no Kinks that tool makes it nice and easy so that's exactly where we want it and now I'm going to share with you the piece of information that I've been leaving out to build suspense this is what we're going to be using this is a non-flare non-breeze it's like a shark bite but it's designed for HVAC as you can see it has these uh little things to keep any sort of contaminants out you never want to leave these out of the container basically what we're going to do is we're going to make sure that we're past this little segment right here that has these little notches make sure it's super smooth we're going to scuff it up with a Scotch Brite pad and we'll show you how easy these are to install again they're basically like shark bite fittings but they're for HVAC they're a little bit spendy these are about 30 bucks a pop however you don't have to have nitrogen you don't have to have oxyacetylene torches you don't have to have any of that this is all you need and then if you're trying to do this yourself obviously a vacuum pump but vacuum pumps can be obtained pretty cheap and you'll need four of these if you're installing a new line set or if you have an existing line set you can still use these you just have to be crafty in making sure that the new connection is perfectly straight and in the right place so let's go ahead and get our liquid line in place and then we'll make our connections here so we have our three-quarter and then our 3 8 this is going to make our connection here at the evaporator coil really easy so if you look over here we've got all of these pre-sanded so our joint is going to be right here we're going to cut this whole section off and then we're going to open this up and what we're going to be using here because Goodman comes with these uh from the factory there's not quite enough room here what I ended up getting was these so they're the same thing but as you can see they have a longer piece and just for reference and pulled it right through the part number but I'll put the part number for this in the video description so this will just go right here and then we'll put our Quick Connect there and it'll be something like that so let's go ahead and open this and get the nitrogen out of the lines [Music] let that drain out now the next thing that the instructions on the Pro Fit uh says to do is to deburr so we're just going to use our deburring tool here and we're just going to run it along the outside or excuse me along the inside and I'll make sure we don't get any metal shavings inside of our suction line here all right so that is totally prepped we're just going to make sure there's no debris now normally um you would use this tool but I don't have the three-quarter one he would just slide this on and Mark it with a sharpie but another thing is there's a sight here on the side of the fitting and you just want to make sure that your copper pipe is all the way seated and all you see on here is the copper we're going to grab the back side so we have something to push against making sure there's no debris just going to slide it on fully seated there thank you now if we spin it we can see the copper through the site so we know that that's fully seated all right so now we can actually go ahead and put our cover back on completely and the hole for the Goodmans is actually the same exact diameter so this will fit really nicely on there I'm going to go ahead and make our connection here just to make sure that I can still have this to have something to push against perfect all right so no dust on here pull this side out and that's it [Music] no braising no special tools and a nice clean result so let's go ahead and get our other panel put on here foreign so on our liquid side we're just going to remove this cap now something to note once you have this off is that you always want to use the Piston that comes with your condensing unit so we're going to go outside and you'll see a little baggie that's stuck to the condensing unit with a piston and it'll have a little removal tool inside of it so let's go out to the condenser and get that and then we'll replace this piston before we go ahead and put this piece on so as you can see on the side of our condensing unit we've got this bag this is the Piston that we're going to be using and this is the little tool that we're going to use to pull the old piston out all right so we're going to use this little tool here I'm just going to slide it in to the center of the orifice slide it out like that and as you can see this is a 0.71 so it's a little bit larger the one that came with the condensing unit is a 0.70 and that's the one that we're gonna install here so we'll just work this out of the bag Slide the new one in just like that now what we're going to do is we're going to take this compression nut slide it on as you can see our seal is already on there so we're just gonna line that up slide this over top of it just like that so we can go ahead and snug that up and then we're going to cut make our cut here and we're gonna get this cut so it's to where our fitting will be right here so for this one we're going to demonstrate how this works I didn't have the one for the three quarter but you simply Slide the correct size one over it until it hits and then you make your mark so we'll do this for both ends here just want to make sure that our fitting goes all the way up to that Mark so we're just going to slide it over as you can see all the way to that Mark same thing here making sure that this is exactly straight there we go so you're going to be within like an eighth inch of that but if you look into this site as long as you can see your copper inside that site you know that you're good so it's as easy as that really nice clean look zero brazing zero special tools again these fittings are a little bit on the spendy side but they are really nice to have and make this job a lot easier even if you're doing this professionally or if you're doing this as a DIY all right guys so here's the finished product we've got our filter rack super easy to replace that cut our clean out for condensate our new valve and flex line for those of you who are wondering this is code here due to seismic activity clean zero brazing involved really nice clean look there nice transition and uh yeah we're just about to pull the vacuum our pressure test is just about done so our house is up to temperature so this should kick off in just a minute we did our gas pressure test and our static pressure test and everything is ready to rock and roll all right so our unit is completely done um our line set turned out really nice uh just so you know too these Goodman units come with a filter dryer inside so you don't want to have two filter dryers set up on them and this is a brand new install if it was an older one and didn't have a filter dryer we would add one basically what we did is or what we had our electrician do is they pulled the power and basically duplicated this 100 amp main panel now it's an interior panel and we also have our 30 amp AC breaker here as well as two open slots so really nice to have and that's how you can set up your exterior panel if you just have the main one out here and then uh let's show you downstairs the finished product on that furnace our furnace is up and running everything's working really nicely all of our pressures look good so we're wrapped up for this install these quick connects turned out really nice really easy to use so hopefully you guys found that information helpful and until next time we'll catch you cats on the next one later
Channel: The DIY HVAC Guy
Views: 205,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy hvac, hvac replacement, push connect fittings, shark bite fittings hvac, shark bite fittings, sharkbite fittings, sharkbite, probite push connect fittings, diy hvac install, diy hvac guy, sharkbite fittings for copper, zoomlock push, crimp fitting, no brazing, lineset, copper lineset, hvac, hvac lineset, anti diy hvac, quality hvac, hvacr, reliable hvacr, heating and air conditioning replacement, air conditioner repair, hvac tutorial videos, hvac training videos
Id: oWbwJOnUgIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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