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Judas [Music] hello judge [Music] with the spirit crazy today long chains thus people in every Hall [Music] we give you praise we give you overflow [Music] jeez Dave on the gun thank you but we have all the reason for the girl because you are faithful you [Music] thank you Father [Music] thank you for this day LIF goes all the hands [Music] my feelings with your joy [Music] thank you Jesus Lord make how it's ready today as we listened to your word today may your word become a live Lord bless our spirits today Lord revive us bring you us refresh us today Lord by the power of your word Lord thank you Jesus for this day bless every home bless every family Lord bless your servant and bless your word today this we ask in Jesus Christ family and all God's people [Music] well thank you Jesus thank you Wow praise God it's a beautiful day man it is a blessed Sunday everybody send a man to the hallelujah before you sit down - hallelujah praise God praise God we can all be seated in his presence today hallelujah and as we are sitting down in his presence can everybody declare with me right now I choose joy come on brother I choose joy lujah we choose joy today and everybody said amen to that hallelujah praise God are you ready for the word today church are you ready for the world praise God welcome to our church online pastor Jerry pastor Ruth thank you for joining me today hallelujah we want to greet all our he's like churches in different locations we want to bless you with the Lord everybody said amen to that Alleluia thank you God are you ready for the world are you ready for the world praise God praise God I think by now everybody all of us have come to a realization and acceptance that all our plans this year literally went down the drain Shilpa agreed or come on no no I own Daniel is gonna plan a modest year well hallelujah praise God can I hear an amen to that hallelujah it all went down to the drain among vacation plans nothing hallelujah praise God modification plans financial plans business plans are you with me right now and for some of you marriage plans ksama go see Jerry's AMD to society Akaka selca indica nalem Kampala and hallelujah can I hear an amen ma-mutt career plan spoon attend or even for some of you your mama travel plans nothing it all went down the drain this is an unprecedented crisis everybody is literally searching for answers searching for solutions today everybody say today I want to encourage you with the word a word that has helped me understand and navigate life's interruptions so far max Abaddon I mean why don't we talk to a podium in Korea say some word a word that has literally helped me understand and navigate life's interruptions how do we react when our plans are interrupted do you get disappointed do you get frustrated come on let's be real here come on how do we react when our plans gets interrupted we get disappointed we get frustrated for some we get angry like a galley tyo you kept imagining in the air busines some get literally anxious a message today is captured not in one word but in one verse or a say in one verse say last Sunday one word Toyama Bible young word not a lesson they persevere so our message today is captured not in one word but in one verse it is a verse that has become one of my life verse when I say life verse it is a verse that you embrace and apply in your life but should not be nothing life verse if I see they put a demon over my mother like verse of way come on can I see a show of hands yes thank you pastor Ruth a new person Jerry you know me more I'm having a good time like verse so what I'm gonna share to you today it's one of my life verse a life verse is something that you embrace in your life and you apply it in your life a life verse is something that I shape your mindset that has shaped your affections your perspective in life and even your direction in life this verse is our message today and I want to share that to you today are you ready maybe for some of you you know this verse proverbs 19:21 it says there many other plans in a person's heart but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails powerful verse loaded with meaning loaded with principles and dominating reading matter TuneIn subversive napoca a clean and verse pero malum on literally speaks to us it on versed at all it has literally helped me navigate life's interruptions many other plans in a person's heart but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails - oh we don't besides a pagar look under in and Salinas a Pagano salmon dunk bolita biblia under a sign oh sorry nothing I'm sorry John I mean some timing in Egypt ironic mean Apollo moon it uncle open didya way I'm Changmin and I can I hear an amen to that coming I think personal this time no gusto para la una empanada nothing to suffer selling balcony to young see Jamie Muro Ming in Asian okay see daddy maraming in easy sipping saw in deep energy CPR hallelujah can I hear an amen hallelujah thank you Jesus panel and new servers Zappa John coming in easy maraming bin abala unit and opened in a Yahweh and Shang mañana e everybody said amen to that so English Nepali Kaku many are the plains in Antony's home but at the end of the day it is the Lord's purpose that prevails everybody said amen to that immediately neato there are three powerful principles that we could draw out of this verse number one are you ready number one purpose is more important than plants let me repeat myself purpose is more important than plants in other words let me put it this way God's purpose is more important than your plants can I hear an Amen now if there is one thing that we need to settle right here right now is this the Putnam realized upon another thing might Ingenico plans change are you with me right now God's purpose is unchangeable everybody said amen to that come on come on hallelujah plans change but God's purpose is unchanged unchangeable nothing I pray the embargo can I hear an amen kengyu killin saying you my plan B my plan she paradise not increased up in an Athenian but the implant diamond in arena to pop can I even even see this verse tells us in Fatima bago pero on purpose the Lord listen very carefully in the mag baa baa go in deeper Baco Baco in a babaco can I hear an amen to that that is why you and I can fully trust him because he's a God who never changed he is the same yesterday today and forever that's why you trust him and everybody said amen to that hallelujah Singapore it to you my ma Magog and um plan was a boy doesn't know my mommy my mom yes yes make em I can't remember get the plan or some more hallelujah trabajo mo can I hear an amen my mother no plan was a career most business my mama contemplando Cebu hi pero isn't it true listen isn't it true that the source of our frustration and disappointment in life in a park and the porcelain verse that way no isn't it true that the source of our frustration disappointment in life is when our plans are interrupted la Luna Papa young plan B hindi mo bruh but in the ummah bruh we get nervous we get anxious I want to be real here come on and for some literally no panic pasilla Pannonian pan anemia plan ago for me paneling finances co-panelist allahö Sabini jherich basically the respite not in my planner salad potato jolin's have been a pastor for hallelujah thank you lord are you with me right now bringing abajo that is why we have to go back to his purpose because his purpose doesn't change many are the plans come on like a typical mo in come on put your name in a Anthony's heart it's the Lord's purpose that ultimately prevails mechanic pouvez on many of us admitted or not spend our lives making great plans big plans plan o but only a few of us focus on what is really important one of the marks of maturity is the ability to discern the urgent from the important when you were young it seems that everything is urgent among young people did your mama young at heart do you know you were young it seems that everything is urgent we rose from one goal to another seldom enjoying life along the way sooner or later we learned we should trust ourselves and even the people around us sometimes we need a higher authority we need to turn God for direction then we search the scriptures we search the Bible and find that some of the things that seem important actually they are nothing but filling up we imbibe all relevant important hindi Paula pero prestige power possessions is actually the pursuit of our culture today unum in a napkin platoon opinion all of this are they really important when you look at your Bible you realize the report on teaming up Arcana - when we pursue popularity power and possessions and material things Gump shakes his head and sighs that is not the main thing he said about my healing see Lord I'm not the energy per county keep the main thing the main thing first things first what is the main thing know him and know his purpose I think you missed the place where you can say Amen hallelujah it's simple it's about knowing him and knowing his purpose that is the most important thing in life and everything follows after that seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all this list important things will follow know him have a heart to know him I hope and pray that in this see son where we literally in our homes I I pray that you take advantage of this season to know him and know his purpose everybody said amen to the huh I like what Francis Schaeffer said in these words on some benefit francis schaeffer a great pastor in a writer he said these words a man made in the image of God has was the word has a purpose to be in relationship to God who is there everybody say who is there hallelujah God who is alive and so real well it because I am um made in the image of God has a purpose to be in relationship to God who is there man forgets his purpose and this he forgets who he is and what light means can I hear an amen man forgets his purpose and thus he forgets who he is and what light means this writer is right that's why I'm be another important is a teeny Oh some upon whom Ito are used in nothing I think the law students are in yeah and happy nothing uncle opening doors to along macaca all know among hooligan and I think my boy and everybody said amen read again proverbs 19:21 shall be done many are the plans come on say your name in come on in Anthony's heart but it is the Lord's purpose that will prevail Bijan some power humming easy maraming be nabela come on look at your neighbor right now so me o my ramaa company said hallelujah no to Huyen no Dommy Dommy easy but been a ball of yarn are you listening right now uncle oh-oh Bandini away and Shankman anahi at the end that's why you need to embrace that everybody said Oh principle number one purpose is more important than plans number two purpose is bigger than plans to put it the other way around God's purpose is bigger than your plans but Amen hallelujah God's purpose is bigger than your plans and maybe I could say God's purpose is better than your plans now listen the moment we live our lives like we are smarter than God believe it or not that is where your trouble starts no the moment you lose happen in no Commission if you do not it in a admit it appear oh the way we live our lives we think that we are smarter than Gandhi Donna Poobah Co a winter wind oh boy kouno Moya but in easy mode in in boo able para bottom mass Miguel in casa dos palmas mcnally no casa dos that's where we get into trouble eh you don't go to God and say Lord here are my plans approve it please here are my plans approve it please my please kappa no alice happiness is vanilla oh wow are you kidding me I'm a selfish I say a 46 verse there I'm sorry John hope in the Lord I make known the end from the beginning beginning it implant over a probe in MO I made known the ends from the beginning from ancient times what is still to come that's it I know the future can I hear an Amen that's why you don't need to get worried about the future because God is already there can i your name again what is still to come does happen the Lord I say my purpose will stand and I will do all that I please in the youngest of all whom the youngest of us up in the lord kasi you purpose go mas malok ISA no more can he remember who my God is singing to us my purpose is bigger than all your selfish plants combined sorry pastor Jerry so little I mean hello Kumba digging up Atlanta along tire commissioned him on a plan and I think I can do ecology and Commission surface per Indian a masterly Perini first up in the Lord a nap malaria purposes a plan I have my purpose is better than all your plants combined listen when you acknowledge that God's purpose is better and bigger than your plans do you think Apollo when you acknowledge that God's purpose is better and bigger than your plans and then you begin to embrace its purpose in your life believe it or not that is where you will start to see miracles happen in your life so Tolan po when you acknowledge that God's purpose is better and bigger than your plans and begin to say God I want your purpose I embrace your purpose you will be surprised that miracles in your life will start to happen singapore ito yung napolitana in Milazzo dosa maja oh come on I'm not expecting God for miracles where does it start when you say Lord Singapore Lord in the economy people eat on gusto ho-young gusto mo you know poo on gusto are you listening right now are you listening Sabino Savannah Lord in the hakuna PO a people it and gusto KO yung gusto mo you're poor and gusto young can open more you poor a masseuse annoyed max I've been on amen see Jared Shalu what's happening Amen see Jolin can I hear an Amen Bobby said that the moment a man can Amanda be you know hallelu what Mulan IPP lithium goes to mo lady not him you proverbs 19:21 how am I having any is it that having been Apollo who need uncle opened in Yahoo hallelujah come open up on Musel origin submit I say my goose tongue going maganda say Lord sublime Oh Maron Shang gusto going him Allah Cebu how many are expecting a miracle these days come on hallelujah come on give God praise preaching many many years ago I quoted a statement that went like this miracles happen when the will of God collides with the faith of man and everybody said amen to that come on give God praise to Allah miracles when the will of God intersects good nice with the faith of man you didn't breathe bloom will kneel or deny me faith Cebu is gonna in Malabo everybody said amen hallelujah amen amen miracles flow miracles in your life today in Jesus name and we say Amen hallelujah when you acknowledge that God's purpose is better and bigger than your place and then you embrace it guess what to pay the money are in deal among him a lot to pay the money pocket embrace me a purpose just a boy anymore you will see God turning things around for your good embrace me a purpose to you ma ma ma ma se ma la yaani Cebu hypo nothing pretty volatile in the loggia para something Kickapoo Budi [Music] in a simple a power button in the maganda pillow in the end realize warlord salamat po kiong mechanics it was soon panasonic ekabo booty embrace me a purposely lord kasi romans 8:28 and all shopping and we know every say and we know that God causes everything did you see that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to what what's the world his purpose for them when you are living in God's purpose nothing crazy support right my for your own good and for his glory alone and everybody said amen lijo said the dreamers Genesis know did you know the island subhana pero la pelea on economic non-jews for a greater purpose I forget to mention ability to subside not been Tanya happiness Joseph's vanilla but as for you Sabina Joseph you meant evil against me tamazaki pero Serbia but God meant it for good hey Usagi mañana en Casa Mahan Cebu mo can I hear an Amen God committing allergen para say young ekabo booty everybody say Damon God meant it for good in order to bring about as it is this day to save many people alive you're upset is a setup can I hear an Amen you have to believe that my wedding set up yon God is setting you up for more greater things in your life and everybody said amen to that hallelujah but since I've been nothing set up my in Houston Lord God is setting you up for something God's purpose is big yourself is plans combined and God is setting you up for a miracle being blessed today are you being it's God speaking to you today hapana will be your vassal frustration you nearby ocean panic the hidden purpose the Lord in the NAG Papago hindi mugdha back we can I hear an Amen couple up I don't wanna see Lord hallelujah Oh amen purpose is more important than plans purpose is bigger than plans number three purpose is more powerful than planned I love those words everybody say Amen to that purpose is more powerful than plans God's purpose is more powerful than plans let me explain this promise my Indian attained began apotheon a people who are living out God's purpose in their lives yep in a MooMoo helium bacillus sebou hye-young God's purpose in their lives people who are living out God's purpose in their lives are more confident can I hear an amen to that pero yo know this compared Oh Alan on in don't sir am i living God's purpose you know lagina du du-de in the epochal a restless promote ah no no they know that they are living out God's purpose in their lives they are confident in life they are faithful they're stronger they are unshakable everybody said amen but more my purpose and way more to my help in a new book sorrow I come open up on Mozilla yeah hallelujah my purpose boom oh my pain increases that puck zoobooks up while developing my spell upon a map in the same Lord John come on hey man sobbing ah no holy think you are immortal until your purpose is fulfilled to get them I love those words you are immortal until your purpose is fulfilled and only picks opinion you can literally face this virus this death squarely in the eyes and say public Emunah child in deep adipose and binoculars awake Oh hallelujah everybody said amen to the hallelujah shocking hallelujah I have a purpose in my life purpose is more powerful than place I'm a bug we are very purpose you know the demon by Bob Wian that's where you get your confidence banana fries can okay big uncle Nigerian pastor it was Armenian Magana no he said these words to me one time since I've been on Nigerian Pasternak toss-up me sfn pastor you have no right to die until your purpose is done then everybody said amen hallelujah us happy non Nigerian pastor sorry pastor Sunday pop Allah you pileup on your Sunday hallelujah you have no right to die until your purpose is done you are immortal until your purpose is fulfilled and everybody said amen no moral or general purpose is more important than plans purpose is bigger than plans purpose is more powerful than plans and everybody said amen to that hallelujah you if I own enthusiasm if I am joy I belong fulfillment melaka Sokolow opening juice by young saya nila if I am joy Neela if I don't fulfill me a lot more Malacca Sokolow opening juice yelling Joey mo and everybody said amen to that buon appetito let me just establish this truth know the meaning of purpose in the Bible means has three meanings your own of meaning is the will of God so cool you know Ibiza being on purpose patriotic Sabine many are the plans in Antony's heart but it is the will of God that prevails and everybody said amen hallelujah alumni a to pull a name you know and you know that you have reached a level of maturity in your Christian walk where you find joy in living out the will of God in your life you know a lot more about breakthrough cana-deuce a level in your Christian walk where in you know in the monopoly pimmit in gusto mo coach to belong will my lord what kind of my Sonia now you lord all i was issue will I find joy in your will Lord do not Messiah don't have an approval Phil don't wanna excite kind of open Milan Lord and everybody said amen many are the plans in a man's heart but it is the will of God that prevails meaning and purpose original intent I love this words original intent no original intention so in Alleghany adding a new servers many are the plans in Anthony's heart but it is the Lord's original intent that will prevail okay Yatta I hate successful Cebu high coming para no pero in the boat owner Ellen Chandler high successful chi-chi cut pero in the parent Messiah this is Messiah you know why because you know happy non non non verse a cassia tree na unless somehow I believe the UN's original intention the Lord Sabrina India marketing Messiah Cebu hi can I hear an amen hi American marina digne meta-data atrium karina p new persona - no - Anya and Jose at intelligent course-correction know you Convention as a middle-aged opposed picnic ship young poster boy Oceania King Messiah can I hear an Amen no you know your original in pentanone pasa pasa Kanagawa amo are you happy you fulfill twin dica Messiah um like emu in a Englishness Kannagi you are not living according to God's original intent in your life this is the season where you need to discover his purpose in your life and live out that purpose and everybody said amen come on PAL eponymously Lord John hallelujah maybe don't lock down season a toy be open annoyed post Massa Biko maybe Papa's kosice not to start living out God's purpose you be some back pain and a Papa say Si and everybody said amen the will of God original intent and number three I love this meanings opinion purpose means the counsel of God from the word counseling debug have nothing counseling you know people are talking you know listen I love this cuz he began a tone Ibaka personally to it let's apply this way Sabbath Ito many are the plans in Antony's heart but it is the Lord's counsel that will prevail arabic sabine on council of that mcgillich Pocoyo the Bible says before the foundation of the world before everything else existed listen before everything else exists or not I'm an angel before everything else existed the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are in counseling herbicide counseling in other words they were talking to its other no they are in counseling they are laying out some great plans and purpose and guess what they are talking about Kula and you poke a known pin a goose a Pinilla believe it or not this is something very personal right now they're talking about you they're talking about you they're talking about you before the foundation of the world God has already established his purpose in your life and we say Amen in the Polka gaga and you know Nilekani the Lord enlightening bad guy hallelujah happen can Anila can I hear an amen and guess what go on young young purpose of planning is about Knapp Oregon the Portland plan una I purpose Nia Cebu and everybody said amen and everybody said amen na hoona atong see so no tomorrow le2 young CSUN where we need to realign everything maybe this is the season of realignment maybe for some of us we have been living our lives selfishly and God is telling all of us Anna Bala : the original purpose kosabu AHIMA let me realign your life because I want to do a miracle in your life and everybody said amen how many are ready today to allow God to realign our lives and everybody said amen come on a poem on a sailor holiday Wow some of you may be asking today pastor I want to experience the fullness of God's purpose in my life if you want to see and experience the fullness of God's purpose in your life mechanic boys are more listen very carefully right now if you want to see and experience the fullness fullness of God's purpose in your life you look at Jesus you look at Jesus don't burn an intersect not collide I'm caboose person nanka goes to one at Cal Obon and Jos subway me when you look at Jesus you realize God's greater purpose in your life closures 115 to 70 let me read that verse again as I began we look at this son and see the God who cannot be seen we look at this son his name is jeanna ever say jesus hallelu and see look look at this you look at this son and see God's original purpose in everything created you want to know your purpose look at Jesus for everything absolutely everything above and below visible and invisible rank after rank after rank of angels everything got started in him and finds its purpose [Music] you want to know your purpose look at Jesus and we say Amen it was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment we jump up to the next verses you know these are powerful verse Afghan you yourselves look at this you yourselves are a case study of what he does employ Pune Ted it's a case study look at this one time it was a case study one time you you all had your backs turned to God what are you people understand we got thinking rebellious thoughts of him not to tell rebuild it before giving him trouble every chance you got that pitamaha that impossible him except in on Amy and honey but but now but now by giving himself completely at the cross never seen the cross come on either actually dying for you wow wow but now by giving yourself completely at the cross properly dying for you you wanna know your purpose you just died on the cross for you Christ brought you over to God's side and put your lives together home and holy in his presence look at this come on come on read this with me right now those of you who can read on the screen right now subgun you don't walk away from a gift like that will you please tell your neighbor right now come on you don't walk away from a gift like that they give absolve ish you stay grounded look at this you stay grounded come on tell your neighbor stay grounded steady in the bond of trust on stantly tuned into the message careful not to be distracted or diverted there is no other message just this one every creature under heaven gets the same message I Paul I am just a messenger of this message John chapter 10 verse 10 jesus said the thief came to steal to kill and to destroy but she said we have come the enemy came to steal to kill and to destroy but jesus said I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly everybody said amen to that come on Church can we give them a baby gonna praise for that hallelujah he came to rescue to redeem to restore to set you free from every bondage he's your deliverer his name is Jesus Christ come on church hallelujah hallelujah oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus would you please stand with me right now right where you are hallelujah and let's just embrace this message of hope today hallelujah may say sup grace today hallelujah this misses a purpose in your life today hallelujah thank you Father for this day hallelujah will you just lift your hands with me right now hallelujah and would you pray with me right a father thank you for Jesus hallelujah thank you Lord for again father God reminding us we find our purpose in Jesus alone he's the fullness of your purpose in our lives Jesus we look up to you today hallelujah our Redeemer our Savior and our deliverer [Music] you deserve all the owner you deserve all the praise hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you God father God realize all right then you release for the god oh god the spirit of gilded nests in surrender for the god that we will find ourselves secure once again today nice to him who gave his life for us Alleluia surrender your life to Jesus hallelujah surrender your plans to Jesus hallelujah surrender every plans hallelujah and seek a younger more you know Gustavo young fellow but more you know muscle dogs abbulu hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah we want to express our God our surrender in worship Lord hallelujah Lord God in worship people worship you today father God with all Lewin come on leave your hands and worship Jesus [Music] music [Music] the nice [Music] busy day Oh [Music] spend we [Music] yeah [Music] yuck you're all together [Music] all chicken once again you come on church see you with us [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] to the [Music] she say you're [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you shoot [Music] yes sure [Music] [Music] we'll see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heeey [Music] don't you give Oh thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] you will [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] all heads of all the lights are closed come on and can you just conditionally just slip your hands right now hallelujah aha Chikara behind our a bar behind our above our Amish and available listen to me church hallelu hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah Yarrabah guitar behind an abaya I will ania Vanessa or a snake Oh some of you are being set free right now literally come on just receive that right oh god you're being set free from your fears right now you're being set free from your anxiety from even your panic attack God is healing you right now how do some of you here you know God is healing you from your you from your nervousness right now ha Allah in the name of Jesus because his purpose in your life is established hallelujah yes Lord Lord healing right now is happening right now you're setting us free Lord from the spirit of fear and anxiety right now in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name I declare you are free right now you are healed in Jesus name in Jesus name Lord hallelujah hallelujah Lord hallelujah Jesus you are worthy you are worthy you are exalted Jesus hallelujah thank you Father thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you Lord you Ellen Putin Vito I believe this is the time where you need to recommit your life to Jesus today hallelujah if we open a hole now Lord I am recommitting my life today Lord renew me revive me restore me and refresh me Lord come on just say that to the Lord right now hallelujah but polygroup Kallang Sukanya hallelu realign your life to Him come on hallelujah submit to him surrender to him all your plans hallelujah thank you Jesus and you will find new strength hallelujah hallelujah new joy hallelujah come on Lord release your joy right now release your strength right now in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name Lord we thank you oh yes Lord oh yes Lord hallelujah thank you Father thank you God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I know not put them on my car I'm dumb and a pinup Anolon in pune means something negative father god right now those who are infected right now with this virus father God we release your healing power Lord release your miracle working power in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name Lord I bow and Mustela coming on sapa Dignan karim diamond in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus that miracle working power of Jesus be released right now in Jesus name God is restoring your confidence God is restoring your joy God is restoring your strength in Jesus name we see that right now all leather bound all eyes are closed economy boom Kulina pocket okay Donna when I do Gillan Pusa in your for the first time you've heard this message and we want you to know that God loves you and has a great plan and purpose in your life and it's all found in Jesus Christ the one who said he has come that you might have life and have it more abundantly would you open your heart today and receive the greatest gift that God could offer you the gift of His Son Jesus Christ Oh hallelujah there's a first canina you don't turn away from such a gift like this come on just receive that right now and if that is in your heart right now could you just bow your heads and just raise your hand to the to the Lord right now and pray this very simple prayer with us pray these prayers to be gonna be Lord Jesus come on say with all your heart say dear Lord Jesus today I come to you and I realize I failed you I am a sinner and I need a Savior Jesus forgive me cleanse me change me set me free I repent of all my sins I believe in my heart and I confess in my mouth that you came for me you died for me you rose again so you can give me life eternal today by grace by faith I received the gift of eternal life I receive the gift of salvation that's why I know that today I am forgiven I am redeemed I am justified and I am free thank you Jesus from this day forward I will love you I will honor you and I will follow you in your name I pray and everybody said amen and they even gave me good a lot of big big hand of praise come on church hallelujah come on for those of you afraid is praying for the first time you know what the Bible says saying Corinthians 5:17 if anyone is in Christ he is now a new person the old life is gone and the new life has begun could you please tell your neighbor right now welcome to your new life come on Alleluia the Bible says as many us believe him and receive him to them gave me the privilege and the honor to become a child of God you have just become a child of God today everybody said amen come on Alleluia amen hallelujah come on - somebody say you are a child of God hallelujah oh praise God praise God oh it is my prayer that today once again hallelujah kite to pull a church llama hallelujah I pray that you were empowered energized recharged Cinnabon the Church of an element of spiritual batteries hey man hallelujah hey man more confident stronger than ever everybody said amen to that hallelujah praise God praise God thank you Jesus got a pocket in there you know when we worship and are empowered by the word of God how they do it scallop racecar are you ready to be blessed church are you ready to be blessed come on lift your hands apart I bless you with a prayer today the Lord bless you the Lord keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you cannot bless you in answered prayers the laplacian supernatural favor the Lord bless you with supernatural provision hello pleasure with supernatural protection the Lord pleasure family the lo bless you release peace hello pleasure with joy and everybody show [Music] Synnex keep somebody [Music] he's good
Channel: His Life TV
Views: 3,234
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Id: -WKnQdRDo-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 3sec (3843 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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