Pure Hydrogen Combustion Engine

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okay so i'm about to do a 60 psi run test uh made a couple of changes it's a very very simple uh recirculating the exhaust back into the intake um this is obviously gonna get very hot it's not very practical so i'm gonna have to change this uh intake box really uh because chances are this is going to melt but you know we'll find out the reason for this is to try and reduce the nox emissions as this is the only emission when burning pure hydrogen gas comes from the oxygen in the air they'll nitrogen in the air and it's when it's burnt it turns into nitrogen oxide so it reduces that it also um obviously the condensation and the exhaust of hydrogen is is water vapor so it cools and comes out with water in the intake and that cools therefore cools the air intake going into the engine so it was very primitive very simple but it's just a proof proof of theory really um the carburetor is fully functional now so uh when it's running free psi i have full throttle control so i can rev the engine and use the engine as it would be as if it was on petrol so um that would be also be interesting to see but really just going to see how long it runs into a 60 psi i'm hoping you know for it to run on about six seven minutes um the aim is ten minutes um so i'll do that by adjusting the carburetor as we go and let's just see how i see what happens really something else to point out as well is that for the engine to start efficiently when you first pull the engine cord uh it needs something i call a kick so what i use is isopropanol or some some or some form of alcohol drop a couple of drops of alcohol down the air and take literally tiniest amount that just gets the engine going when you pull the engine for the first cycle and then the hydrogen takes over from there if i had an electric start on the engine i don't think this will be needed um but just for now to keep things uh cheap and cheerful uh a drop of alcohol down the intake air gets the engine going nicely which you'll see me do when i fire up the engine do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so do [Music] so okay so you just saw this engine running uh 50 psi lasted 10 minutes that's uh 10 psi for every two minutes so now i'm just going to open up the engine uh look at the insides and see how we can make that last longer
Channel: Hydrogen Guys
Views: 258,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hydrogen, Hydrogen, engine, green, water, combustion, h2, how, to, pure, ice, ICE, clean
Id: zMK9p07pXz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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