Punxsutawney Phil makes 2023 Groundhog Day prediction | NBC News

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I'll check to Gobbler's knobs [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am president of the Punxsutawney groundhog Club welcome to Punxsutawney welcome to Groundhog Day [Applause] how many guests do we have here celebrating Groundhog Day for the first time [Applause] nice how many guests two or more times [Applause] welcome back now this next one's going to surprise you how many groups are here celebrating somebody's Groundhog Day birthday [Applause] amazing happy birthday Mr Vice President yes sir will you please introduce the members of the Inner Circle my pleasure the man standing before you are tasked with hosting this great holiday year after year we want to acknowledge them there are current and past members here I'll start with our former presidents and former members including past president Mr Bill dealy Digger O'Dell [Applause] Mr Tom Uberti big winmaker [Applause] what's proof's not cold front [Applause] and our current board Butch Felder Iceman [Applause] he's been entertaining you all morning giving up for the Thunder conductor Dave gelati Rob McCoy downpour Jory sirian is daybreaker [Applause] Dr John Johnson Chief Health man [Applause] also joining us this morning was Jason Gretzky Big Chill [Applause] say hello to Pat osakow it's ozone [Applause] Pat Cassidy head Huntsman [Applause] Jeffrey Lundy Fair weatherman [Applause] two new members Josh Farkas frostbite and Robbie gimmel storm Builder [Applause] I also want to acknowledge a member who has been with the club many years he has worked tirelessly behind the scenes he has done so much to improve this holiday this group this club these grounds much of it behind the scenes and we want to give him some acknowledgment in large part because he has announced that this is his final Groundhog Day as an inner circle member so I want you to say hello thank you and goodbye to Mr Jeff group Sky painter foreign [Applause] ovation in large part because we don't have seats but let the record show I assume someone's keeping record somebody taking notes yeah you sir thank you okay and of course I want to acknowledge our governor to Josh Shapiro [Applause] and tasked with our ceremony Mr AJ darum Rainmaker his Handler [Applause] I didn't and the president Mr Tom Dunkle shingleshaker Mr President [Applause] are you ready [Applause] now we have a we have a perfect groundhog call he's going to say groundhog and you are going to reply groundhog are you ready no better than that I hope are you guys ready [Applause] are you guys ready [Applause] grown home [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's do that one more time thank you the ground [Applause] awesome [Applause] that was great this came this cane has been handed down from president to president it gives me the ability to speak groundhog ease that's how I communicate with Phil through chirp swings nods tripped up I'll be able to understand Phil so I can pick the appropriate scroll and this cane also has some very special meaning to me my father Bud Uncle carried this very cane through the 1980s and 1990s so that is pretty cool now [Applause] now I'm going to tell you a little bit about what we're about to do here I'm going to take this stain and I'm going to knock three times on the door his Handler AJ will pull Phil from his burrow and hold him high for all to see [Applause] he will place Phil upon the stump where Phil and I will have a little talk and I will pick the appropriate scroll and it'll be read by the Vice President if it is Shadow I see It'll be six more weeks of winter there will be no shadow an early spring [Applause] wow by his crowd gentlemen are you ready daybreaker please place the royal red carpet Mr Vice President will you place the Scrolls gentlemen gather around now it's a tradition that we will shout film film [Music] weeks six six weeks there it is Punxsutawney Phil ladies and gentlemen [Applause] out here Mr President we have a stroke we have a scroll [Applause] foreign now on this February 2nd Punxsutawney Phil The Seer of Sears was awakened from his wintry nap at dawn a Gobbler's Knob they'll look to the skies and then speaking in groundhogies directed this President Uncle to the proper scroll which reads I see the morning has brought the finest people I see their bravery and spirit the time has come I can feel it the excitement I can hear it I see the folks with gray in their hair and I see the kids all young and scrawny their eyes and cheeks a glow from the cold clean air of sweet Punxsutawney I see that everyone knows their part and I am merely the sage but above all else I see a shadow on my stage and so no matter how you measure it's six more weeks of winter weather [Applause] does it look great to you Phil well thank you very much that concludes our ceremony if you would like you can come up on the left side of the stage and get your come across and get your picture taken with punxy Phil we'll do that for as long as we can um I also have to say Joy downtown Punxsutawney there's a lot of activities in the park a lot of places to eat breakfast a lot of places to buy souvenirs so enjoy downtown Punxsutawney thank you and happy Groundhog Day [Applause] foreign yet we know that winter is just another step in the cycle of life but standing here among the people of Punxsutawney and basket
Channel: NBC News
Views: 271,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rmyTNlnPn_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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