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Hello, how are you, friends? Welcome to a new video. For those who don't know me, my name is Gabriel Herrera, and welcome to Punta del Este here in Uruguay. That's right, friends, we finally have the chance to visit, this quintessential destination of Uruguay. One that has been highly recommended to me, that we always hear about internationally, this place in Uruguay, to visit it, to enjoy it, and we have finally arrived. But to get here we had to make a short trip from Montevideo, the capital, and that's what you're going to see next. Also, I'll show you how you can get here, what ways there are, how much it might cost you, and all that you'll see next. So let's go there and then we'll come back here. Good morning. Today we are going to Punta del Este, and for that, I've rented a car here in Montevideo, because that's where we're starting our journey to Punta del Este. We have about two hours of road ahead. I chose to rent a car, because it seemed the most comfortable, the most relaxed option. Maybe it's not the cheapest, but it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be, because it was almost $47usd for a day's rental of the car, and taking a taxi would definitely have been even more expensive, I think. Buses also go there, it's much cheaper, but then you're limited by the departure time, the return time, it wouldn't be at my pace to be able to record comfortably, and in these cases, I prefer to rent a car. I have to return it with a full tank, because they give it to me with a full tank. You have to leave a security deposit that can be either $300usd or $1,000 usd, depending on whether you hire a daily insurance of $15usd or not. The only thing left is if you go through tolls, which surely we are going to go through tolls, it's going to be $170 Uruguayan pesos at the time of returning the vehicle, that you have to pay for the tolls. Be very careful with fines, I was told, radars, and speeding, because from here to Punta del Este there are quite a few. Here I'm not alone. -Good morning, very good morning. -How are you? What you say about radars and speeding scares me, because it's not that Gabriel goes at 1Mkm/h, but rather, -a little more and then comes the fine. -Yes, I don't know. -If food is expensive, imagine the fines. -Yes, yes. Fines must be expensive because what we've noticed so far, is that everything here is expensive. Really, the food, things, services, everything is a bit costly. Let's hope we don't get any fines. Look, it's a pity I can't capture it, but on that screen over there in the advertisement, they were mentioning Surf City, which we were just visiting during our trip to El Salvador, they advertise it here in Uruguay. It said: "Land of hosts." This screen here tells you where to drive, where not to, precautionary stuff. Well, to be honest, I have high expectations of Punta del Este, because it's a place that's very well-known internationally, and I've been told that it's the antithesis of Montevideo. We'll see how different it can be, normally the capital cities are always the most prominent in countries, because that's where most of the income, businesses, development concentrate. Let's see why they say that about Punta del Este. I'm surprised by this downtown area, it's perfect for going around, on bicycle and scooter, jogging. There's good circulation of people, while here there's also a large space for vehicles. It's super good. Look at this area we're passing through, it has very beautiful houses, with large gardens, it's spectacular, since we're a bit on the outskirts of Montevideo. Look at this area we're crossing, it's the Avenue of the Americas and it's very beautiful, super modern, buildings that are being constructed, and they look like they're going to be incredible, others that are already built and are amazing. This area is very beautiful. Wow! Look at this, we've arrived closer to the beaches, and look at the background there, the Skyline of Punta del Este. How cool it is. Well, the constructions that are seen from here are incredible. What a spectacle of a place! It's incredible the number of buildings, spectacular houses, that are on this avenue overlooking the beach. What a beauty! And they're building new buildings, I mean, an area still in development. I really didn't expect to find this in Uruguay. Large towers like these here of several floors are also here. Look, this has green design areas, I mean, they didn't build one right next to the other without leaving spaces, and everything was well planned. Wow! I mean, I would love for this development to be like this, for example, on the beaches that I've shown you in Venezuela, from the area of Falcón, Tucacas, Chichiriviche, they have all the potential to have an area like this one here, and could have a development like this. I hope that one day we can have something like this. Friends, we've arrived. I'll show you the little car I rented, it's this small but fulfilling Renault. We arrived very well. Angie is ready here, with her camera in hand, and us, well, already smelling the sea, it smells super good. -Oh, how lovely life is at the beach! -Yes, it's different. Plus, there's beautiful sunshine perfect for recording, but a cold, fresh breeze. So it's not going to be a typical beach day where you're overheated. Of course, coming to Punta del Este in summer, must be the best plan, but us arriving in this spring season I'm also liking. I don't know if in the middle of summer people will swim at the beaches, because from what we've seen so far, on the beaches we saw on our way here, we saw people on the beaches but lying on the sand, but not exactly in the water. We've arrived at the point from where this video started, and I'll show you now. And yes, they are the famous fingers of Punta del Este, you could also call it the hand, though you only see the tips of the fingers of the hand. What an incredible view! I like this wooden path here, that leads to the beaches. It's great because it allows anyone to access, at least up to this part, and take a look. What beaches! Punta del Este is further down that way. If we keep going that way, Punta is on that side over there. No, sorry, not that way, Punta del Este is over there, over there is Punta from this part which, if you look on the map, makes a small projection out from the continent. I guess that's where the name Punta del Este comes from. Wow, they are impressive. Look how beautiful! Well, how beautiful The Fingers are. I'm going to walk around the back because you can walk alongside it. What beauty! Those fingers are perfectly sculpted, even with the nails. They are incredibly large and look imposing. And well, here at the site where this video began, I have to tell you that I'm amazed, because I've always wanted to see this structure, Look at the surroundings of the place. If you were wondering, what's around The Fingers in Punta del Este, the hand of Punta del Este? Look, it's the beach, what beauty! And on the other side, we have buildings, where you probably could stay, or those lucky enough to have an apartment in this area. They are privileged because what a place Punta del Este is turning out to be. Just on the way to the car here, as you tour practically the whole place, the entire city, you realize how beautiful the site is. See how curious it is that they have certain barriers, like types of walls to prevent the sand from getting lost, blowing away. So, it creates like small sand dunes, and at the same time, they are creating a beautiful landscape, but above all, to take care of the sand, because it can end up eroding so much, it can end up being carried away by the wind, the breeze to other places. And notice how they've found a way to retain it. Well, I don't know what you call them, if it's the hands or The Fingers, but the real name of this work is: "Man Emerging into Life", created by the Chilean artist Mario Irarrázaball, it takes the form of a human limb emerging from the sand at the Brava beach, which is why it is commonly known as: The Fingers or The Hand. However, few know that this artist later created very similar works, in other parts of the world like: Madrid, Spain, the Atacama desert in Chile, and Venice in Italy. However, it is in Punta del Este, where this work has become the icon of the city. We are located in Punta del Este, in the department of Maldonado, here in Uruguay. This is a residential city and a prominent tourist destination in South America, although it has about 12,000 permanent residents. Its population grows significantly, especially during the months of December and January, due to the influx of billionaires and celebrities. I don't know if it's an exaggeration, but Punta del Este is known as the Saint-Tropez of South America. Important personalities, international celebrities like: Bruce Willis, David Guetta, Shakira, come here for their vacations. The city offers elitism while at the same time on its outskirts, a bit of contrast. But it's true that it will cost a lot of money to stay in these parts, because there are places so elitist, that a night can cost up to $10,000usd. But playing on the Brava beach is totally free. Those kids are having fun there playing with the ball, but notice that there aren't many people at the moment. There are few people, like about 20 people in total on this huge beach, but it's simply because it might be a beach for taking a walk, playing with the ball as they are doing, or coming to sunbathe. Because, getting into the water? It must be cold, and besides, the waves are rough and that's why it's called Playa Brava. Well, what stands out in this area here, as well as along all the other streets on that side, are the buildings, it's filled with buildings, restaurants, businesses, shops, and we're going to be touring around different places, to take a good look. We're delving into the commercial areas, and there we have some hot empanadas and pizzas. Here we have a large casino. Here I noticed, I think there's a skatepark, skate plaza. How cool and right next to it, they have the Brava beach as a backdrop. By the way, on the other side that we'll now go to, on that opposite side, is Playa Mansa, which of course, this whole area here is where the strong breeze comes in, and then as it stops, this whole beach on this side is calmer, or so I've been told, and that's why it's called Playa Mansa. Take a look at the city hall building, it's very very nice. I want you to also keep in mind, that at the time we are recording this video it's Tuesday. Perhaps it's not the busiest day in the city, because surely the weekends are much busier, but it's a good day, the weather is perfect. Speaking of which, I saw the "chivito" here, which costs $1528 Uruguayan pesos, it comes for two people with two sodas and two beers. I have to tell you something about the "chivito." Turns out, from what I've found out, the "chivito" originates from here, Punta del Este. That is, it was a chef here who created it, due to a situation that arose with a customer. When the restaurant's kitchen was already closed, a woman from Córdoba arrived and asked for a dish that included goat meat. So he created the "chivito," took bread, goat meat, put it together, and it became popular. And to this day, it remains famous. The chef who created it passed away in 2003, I believe. But the dish has now become a permanent part of Uruguayan culture. Well, a souvenir shop that can't be missed. You can find anything. Look, even a Pepe Mujica sticker. If you want to take a photo with Pepe Mujica, you can do that too. There go the girls who fine those who park badly, commit infractions, they must be very affectionate. Look how nice the shops are there, all elegant, with beautiful facades. Well, the wind is quite strong, you're going to see me quite disheveled, I feel like I'm walking through a street in Miami, like on Ocean Drive with all these super elegant shops. Here we have the Tommy store, here we have Desigual. But yes, I like the style because they were old houses, transformed into shops and they left the structure as it was, many of them, not all. Well, you can find very expensive cars, but also look at many classics, see this beetle is very nice, and a Jeep that is much more expensive. Oh, how beautiful over there! Look, wow, to those gentlemen. Well, and just on the other side of Brava Beach, where The Fingers, The Hand are, The man emerging from the sand. We are going to find this avenue full of buildings, green areas here, the avenue, and on the other side, Mansa Beach. But, not everything is rosy here, especially for the people who provide services, who work here in Punta del Este. And it's because of the same reason, the area's expensiveness, they can't afford to live here in the city center, because the prices are exorbitant, so they have to live on the outskirts, live on the periphery, and work here because this is where the work is concentrated. At the same time, they can't afford to live here because of the high prices. We were right. This beach is called Mansa Beach because look how calm it is. It's like a plate, what a beautiful beach. Not many people are swimming, there's only one guy there. You would have to come in summer to see if people dare to get in. I think so, yes, by now... Look at that cute dog! Well, I have to touch the water to see how it is. Ah, here it is. Let's see. Oh, it's nice and cool, delicious. Really, I think that with the heat, although it's not that hot, actually we are at about 23°C, but it's very nice. And here people also enjoy their mate on the beach, kids come here with their mate, their thermos under their arm, which is a must. And I can't stop thinking about the view these buildings here have. What a privilege! I must highlight that the beach is clean, not a single piece of trash. All you see are: seashells, mussels, and that kind of stuff that remains. But otherwise, the beach is impeccable, this side is better for the calmness of the water, than Brava Beach, and if you want to be close, very close to the beach, but without having to step on this sand, then you have this entire boardwalk here to admire it. Although Punta del Este is not huge, because the country itself is small, so the points of interest are, well, a bit of a walk away. This is the advantage of renting a car, because you can stop here at Brava Beach, or on this side at Mansa Beach. You visit both beaches, do the tour, then take the car and go to another area, and that's what I will do. After a little walk, we have come back to The Fingers. Look how they look from here. Punta del Este has always been so appreciated, valued, so exclusive, that even the Emirs come here. And right now, I'm next to El Emir Beach. Why do you think they named this beach El Emir? Well, they are quite creative in naming the beaches here, and at the same time not, because Brava Beach and Mansa Beach too. It wasn't much creativity; it was basically what they saw. But El Emir... also, no. It's because there was an emir who lived in Argentina, but he loved this beach so much at heart that he ended up building a house here, and so the locals began to call it El Emir Beach. We're getting closer and closer to the southern area. We have to continue our tour over there; I wanted to show you this because it's ingenious. Look, there's a small path there to get in the middle, practically there at the breaking of the waves, to be here peacefully, spend the afternoon, watch the sunset. Very nice. Look at the amount of seashells here. Wow! But is it natural? Or do people throw them here? Well, the path is not suitable for people with vertigo or fear of the sea, because look where you have to go through. Although well, the fall isn't that big of a deal. This area is so nice. And this part is genius, one of my favorites. Look at the spectacular houses there, and then you're here in the middle of it all. Of course, they're not small houses; they're mansions, they're huge. I thought Punta del Este would be spared from graffiti, but there's a lot, especially in Montevideo. Everything is tagged, and it's not just street art, but rather those ugly scribbles, honestly. By the way, I don't know if I mentioned it, but this place is called Las Mesitas. There's Angie, recording some stuff for her YouTube channel. We've arrived at the southernmost point of Uruguay. Right here is where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Río de la Plata. Here we have another anchor. This one is huge. Interestingly, there's a helipad there in the southernmost area, where, by the way, Donald Trump has his Trump Tower, and we're going to go to that area to see what it's like. Because if he built a Trump Tower there, it must be for a reason. Besides looking for a good place to eat, let's see what we end up eating. I already tried the "chivito" in Montevideo, so I don't know if it would be a good idea to try the "chivito" where it was born. We'll decide as we see what's available. And this sign reminds us that we are at the southernmost point, Punta de las Salinas. Over there, we see a fisherman who seems to have caught something. Here goes another man with his fishing rod. About to start. I would like to be like that old man, worry about nothing, come with my fishing rod and spend the afternoon here. Will YouTube still exist when I'm 70? We won't know, there are still about 30 or 40 years to go. Truth is, life goes by very fast, folks, take a moment and look at all the things you've achieved, what you've accomplished and think about that. Also, live in the moment without forgetting about the future, of course. It's very important to set goals, but occasionally also enjoy the achieved ones, and also think about the failures, because failures make us evolve and learn from those mistakes. I've gotten philosophical. Let's continue. How much might a house in the southernmost part of Uruguay cost? At least this house, which I think is the closest, can say a house in the southernmost area of Uruguay. And everything we've covered so far, is all part of what is or makes up the Punta del Este peninsula. That area of land that extends into the sea. Look at the spectacle of houses in this area. We're approaching the Trump Tower, and look at the surroundings of this. I mean, the houses are so private that they're not even visible because of the vegetation, yet they look beautiful. But it provides privacy. Look at those over there, crazy! See how that house has a roof, like vegetation, like moss, there's a bird there. Wow! What beauties of houses you can find here. This building here is so new it's not even fully inhabited yet. This is the area of the most modern buildings. And where the Trump Tower is, that circular building there, see how this area is impeccable. Look at the green areas, they look like a carpet. it's so new that the Trump Tower is still under construction. I thought it was already finished, but no, they're finishing building it now. But now let's talk about prices. How much might an apartment in that exclusive tower, which is just being completed, cost? Brand new apartments in a building, which is already iconic in many parts of the world, like the exclusive Trump Towers, in the best locations, in the best neighborhoods. How much does an apartment in the Trump Tower of Punta del Este cost? Sit down because you're going to be shocked. Having an apartment in this exclusive tower will cost you about, between $5,000 to $6,000 per square meter. The most affordable unit you'll find here, the cheapest apartment will cost between $650,000usd to $700,000usd, the cheapest, therefore, must be the smallest. So, you need to have at least $650,000usd, to live in this place with an incredible view. What are the apartments like? Well, we can see, through a 360-degree tour that's on their website, and that you'll be seeing here what the rooms, bathrooms, living area are like. All this we can see there, and you're seeing part of it while I'm here, showing you also part of the building from the outside. The tower is tall, but not that tall. Truth is, it's a medium-sized tower, like all those around it. Notice they all have the same height. There are no huge skyscrapers in this area, but it looks spectacular. Look at the balconies there, some are already furnished with chairs, must be some model apartments, because the tower isn't even finished yet. What beauty. Such an elegant place as Punta del Este. We had to eat at a place that's also characteristic of the area. We decided to come here to eat because the food looked very good online. Let's see how it is and what they offer. The place is very nice. Look at that palm tree that's inside the place, and they built its structure around it so it can grow out; it's very nice. I'm going to order a "bife de chorizo" grilled, which is ribeye steak grilled with a potato stuffed with provolone cheese, and the price is $1350 Uruguayan pesos, quite expensive. I ordered a Margherita pizza and a lemonade. I finally ordered the ribeye steak with potatoes stuffed with provolone cheese. Although the price is a bit costly, quite a lot actually. We have to remember that, in these types of places, you pay for both the place and the space where you are, and that's what significantly increases the price of the food. Just look at the window where we are. Look how beautiful the surroundings are. Also, the restaurant is spectacular. The dining room is huge, and we had to eat in a place like this, to see how the wealthy in Uruguay eat, we didn't see any street food, and we wanted to eat at a place known for good food. Online, it mentioned that among the ratings, this place had a very good score. There's no one here now because we're eating at 03:15 PM, on a Tuesday, so perhaps it's not the day with the most diners. We're actually the only ones in the place. We thought they wouldn't serve us, but they did. Look, they brought us bread, different types of bread with olives and caponata. The food has arrived, look at my plate, what a delight! It looks beautiful. -It really looks very good, yes sir. -It looks good. Angie ordered a pizza, like a true Italian. It looks delicious, especially since we saw the oven they use in the back, and it looks like one of the good ovens. It's one of the good pizzas. The moment to try this ribeye steak has arrived, I've tried several during my visit to this part of the world. Let's see how it is. Very good, the fat is always there. I ordered it medium, asked for the meat to be cooked but juicy at the same time, -But not bloody, even... -I've had some that were a bit rarer. -Well, if you open it, it looks a bit pink. -But no, it's quite cooked. I would have, I think, maybe liked it a bit rarer. It's very tasty. Let's see how this is. A lot of cheese. And you grabbed a good amount. It's good, the cheese is very hot but very tasty. I waited to get in the car to tell you the price. $3,040 Uruguayan pesos, which are almost about $77 USD. For a pizza and a small cut of meat... Well, my cut of meat, that cut is usually expensive and was the most expensive item, because it was 30-something dollars, just my plate, including the rest, the pizza, the drinks, and so on. -Yes, my plate was the most expensive. -Don't blame me. -So, well. -It's yours, your ribeye. That's the price people have to pay if they want to eat at a nice place, here in Punta del Este. Being a beach and coastal area. Of course, there was going to be a marina. Look at what kind of marina with what kind of vessels. We have small yachts, boats, sailboats in the back. It's huge, honestly, and you can have a beautiful view of this place from here, from this viewpoint where we are walking right now. Look how pretty! Wow, the number of vessels. Some have the American flag, for example, that yacht over there. Over there, I see a German flag. This one also has an American flag. Look, there are many boats here at the Punta del Este Yacht Club from many countries. And that tells us that people from all sorts of places, from all kinds of countries come here, indeed, with money, because it takes money to own one of these vessels, and to rent a space here to dock it. After that meal, we came back again, closer to the southernmost area, towards the peninsula. Here we have the Church of Our Lady of Candelaria. Look how pretty! We came here because also, it's very close to this emblematic lighthouse of Punta del Este. And taking advantage of being in this beautiful place, surrounded by nature, beautiful houses, that beautiful and iconic lighthouse, where look, dogs come to play peacefully here, people walk. Truly, you can feel the peace of this place, not so much, perhaps, the luxury in this area, but we've already seen plenty of those places. I would like to know in the comments what you thought of today's video, if you expected Punta del Este to be as I showed you, what did you think this place was for Uruguayans?, I'd like to know, what's your favorite place in Uruguay? If Punta del Este is one of them, and if you would like to live here? I think who wouldn't, right? I won't leave without inviting you to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Activate the notification bell, so you always know when I upload a new video. If you want to follow me at the moment I'm in places, before these videos appear on YouTube, you can do so through my Instagram account which is GabrielHerrera_. From here, from Punta del Este in Uruguay, I say goodbye. See you in the next video. Bye, bye, much love.
Channel: Gabriel Herrera
Views: 146,760
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Keywords: Gabriel Herrera, visitando punta del este uruguay gabriel herrera, punta del este gabriel herrera, millonarios en uruguay gabriel herrera, primera vez en punta del este gabriel herrera, vivir en punta del este gabriel herrera, gabriel herrera en uruguay, punta del este no es lo que esperabamos gabriel herrera, gabriel herrera y angelianak en uruguay, no podemos estar aqui gabriel herrera, los mas ricos de uruguay gabriel herrera, la mano de punta del este gabriel herrera
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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