Pulling Long Cable Through Underground Conduit

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[Music] all right so here we are today with something totally new and crazy because i haven't done this yet before but uh apparently what we're trying to do here is run cable uh through this tube um which which comes from a uh that we're at a house here you know this is this is the cable line it's running from from far off in the mountain in the woods back there there's a line running from the power and uh verizon is running underground and it surfaces in this smaller two inch pipe right here we're trying to run cable internet through this but uh to save some money the guy says if we can get a string through it we can save ourselves the pull charge for running the line and the fiberglass so today i saw some techniques online i'm gonna try out uh where we take some twine like this and uh we're gonna use a vacuum on this end to suck a bag and this twine approximately 500 feet or so here we're going to just walk it real quick this is where we're going we have to go all the way up this yard we're going to keep going up here you can kind of see the lay of the land where it's a little bit less trees and stuff because this is where the line goes so we're going all the way up here just to give you an idea it's got to be over 500 feet or so so here we go coming up to the container there's the shipping container project coming up soon more on that later so yeah we're gonna come up here we're gonna suck this is um i don't know if this is even gonna work guys but we're gonna suck this bag all the way down this whole way and as you can see it's not very short actually it's quite a bit so here we go we're getting there okay so here's the line here's the pole i've already started digging out uh to expose the pipes down here i started that but uh what we're going to do now is open up this pipe here and i'm going to run some of this line straight down the tower road here so it's a nice easy pull straight down there and then i have some walkie-talkies and my girlfriend's going to be in the house down there with the vacuum while i put the bag in and i'm going to give her the signal to go and uh we're going to see if this this technique works uh it would be pretty awesome if it did so all right so here we are we've got the vacuum down here um but i've already gone ahead and taken this caulk out i just put a screwdriver in there and pulled all this out and then there's the paper towel in here to stop the caulking from going down the pipe you pull that out and there you go we've got a a good hopefully a decent shot to get down there now pull this out of the way as much as we can i don't even use the verizon cable but apparently it's illegal to use that to pull their line through because verizon doesn't want people touching their stuff go figure all right so i'm going to go ahead and get the bag up here i'm going to start pulling the twine up back up to where we just came from and uh to get a decent like sort of estimate of how much length we're going to need and then once i get up there i'll pull it straight like i mentioned down the tower road and uh so hopefully it will stop any tangling from happening and we'll figure this out all right so we've got the spool on here we've got her holding it in the back there and we're just going to take this whole thing and get a good estimate of uh where we're going so i'm gonna take this all right so here we go that's about where i want to be around this line all the way down to the house doesn't look like it but that's quite an uphill uphill battle and i'm going to pull back and walk the line all the way down there so it's straight we'll tape off the uh the vacuum down there and get this bag suited up sized up and uh for this hole here i'm almost thinking i might want to put a piece of tape in there just to hold that steady against the back and then we'll just tape this hose on the top all right so take this take that against the back wall if we can so i think what we're going to do is put a piece of tape on the line up there so once this gets sucked through it will enter the vacuum and then that line will come past the tube and i'll know technically it's made it all the way down here and we're gonna just put this on here and hope for the best put that on there as close as you can get it around that back side seems to be pretty good pretty hair tight it sounds like oh yeah you can see watch the hose you can tell we're getting compression because if you watch the hose it's getting stuck down so that's that means something good because we didn't pull the plug up there so i think that that's a positive sign all right so we're back up here once again so what i'm going to do now is put a piece of tape because we know we have enough down there i'm going to put a piece of tape around this line here and then i'm going to pull this whole line back straight so when she turns the vacuum on i can watch for that piece of tape and then i can tell when it's getting close hopefully in theory that's all good so i'm going to stick this on here because it's hard to hold and film at the same time so okay so i've got the tape flagged right there and i'm just gonna pull this thing back straight so i have a nice straight shot we're gonna go all the way back here to the tower road probably almost up to the fire tower at this point do this see how far that hole is from here it's quite a ways all right i'm pulling again she's got uh she's on the other end waiting for the end all right close that's gonna be close almost to the fire tower i've got the end where i'm standing okay hey we close yep i have the end i'm holding it right here i got the end of the pipe all right so we're down here at the end you can see how far up we made it uh how far i hope i had to walk now we're down here we're going to attach the bag and pull this piece out here uh with the screwdriver so what i'll do next is break that pipe we have to pull that out anyway that's not a big deal because when they come up to put this pipe in he says we have to have exposed pipe all the way down so this is gonna have to come out anyway we're gonna just try to get this in so we're gonna get this bag fit see how that works and then tie the string on there that should be good because then it sucks open it should fill see what happens a little bit much i think some of the air is going to come out as it goes down anyways let's just see this is the first shot so take one i'll try this if it doesn't work no loss yet god these flies are terrible today i don't know if you can see those buggers but they're everywhere geez yes i am all right so she's down there now and uh i say we'll go ahead and let her rip and see what happens we'll just give it a go i'm not even gonna touch it yep oh it's going okay yeah okay i think i might end up having to pull the pipe where i cracked it because i'm getting suction from there i think cut it for now it's off i think i'm losing suction where i had that crack so i'm gonna try to pull the pipe off roger all right so now i've cut the pipe back down to where it broke so i think we're gonna be all right here and that's what we get so i'm gonna go ahead and feed it in there and we'll see if we can get around this this wire this time i go in like that it's down against the back wall that's what we want so let me try this again all right so she turned the vacuum back on and i'm gonna go ahead and try to put this in oh yep oh yeah that seems better yep oh good yup it's tall it's taking it it's taking it yeah it's taking it it's taking it all i'm doing is pulling it forward and feeding it down yeah it's going it's going it's going all right i'm gonna put down the camera i think oh yeah what yep oh come on oh oh we're getting stuck down there all right so we got about halfway there and we started bogging down i think there's some some moisture down there the line did come out kind of damp um so what i did was i pulled this back out and instead of filling it with air i just put some of the um man these bugs are killing me today uh i put some of the other bag in there to give it some girth so now when i put that in there it should should kind of take up more more of that tubing so i'm going to have her down she's down there now i'm going to go ahead and stick this in there and see how that feels see if that will go down there see what happens there all right let's hope for the best these freaking flies oh my god they'll be bleeding they got me bleeding and turn it on oop took some of it all right i gotta put the camera down all right so my flag is here i found the flag where's the flag there's the flag the flag is very close to the end and she said there's water coming out down the other side a bunch of waters coming in so i think we're probably close i'm gonna go down there and see what's up it's gotta be pretty freaking close and before i suck it through all the way what i'm gonna do is tie this off up here since i know we're almost there all right so we're down here i did get some water out so hopefully it's in here actually before i can do anything i'd like to see cable in there which i don't that's not that's not good well unless it's just stuck right here could be yes yes there's my bag look at this yay look at that and you know why it wasn't coming out because it went behind the cable string so it's probably close man yeah you should put the wait no no you need they need the yes come on so close right now i don't want to pull this all the way back all right so that last idea worked but it just got caught up at the end so we know it works i'm going to try the same theory this time with a different bag a little more sleek and then we're going to put this one in that leg and then see how this goes yeah i'm feeling pretty good about that so we'll go ahead tie this up around the end of this guy all these bugs my god come on bugs so we tie one tight two and then pull the bug through all right let's see how that goes then we'll take a little bit of this bag off all right all right let's see how this goes oh these bugs there might be a little too much air in there okay okay let's get the walkie-talkie all right all right you ready uh go ahead and turn it on okay we have suction oh that's a tight one oop yep it's going oh come on oh it's getting hung up on the trees all right we're nearing there we go just going good now i can see the end all right we're we're there it's pulling water i don't know how far you are i can see the flag it's about where it was last time so let's just keep the suction on for a minute yeah it's all right turn it off i'm coming back down well folks after two well two and a half basically attempts we have the bag and it is out so that's 250 bucks saved that's fantastic all right now what now we got to dig out the rest of this so they can get in here and i gotta go fill the hole up there so when it rains it doesn't fill up the uh whole pipe with water but uh yeah that works so that's pretty significant folks that's over 500 feet of distance pretty much uh with a vacuum and a line so that's pretty awesome i'm pretty happy about that um but yeah so there you go i guess that's it for now thanks for uh tuning in if you got a similar issue it might be worth the shot until next time thanks for watching all over right
Channel: fleanine
Views: 70,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toomanymorons.com, DJI, gopro, pvc, electrical, cable internet, running electrical cables, telephone cables, underground wires, pulling lines, twine, outdoors, diy, hilltowns, internet, nature, woods, forest, cables underground, pulling through conduit, premiere pro cc, editing
Id: 9ts0ncsOM9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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