Pulled pork hot and fast over the charcoal with a pork shoulder and a pork butt! were making BBQ!

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[Music] well hello everybody and welcome to my youtube channel my name is Mel dark side of the grill on Instagram and now on YouTube today we're gonna be doing some pulled pork on the Big Green Egg I hope you're excited got us a nice picnic pork over here we've got us a beautiful pork butt we're gonna get these gently trimmed not comp trim because we're hungry we want to eat a lot of this so we're gonna prep this for at home I'm gonna gets rid of some of that fat some of the ugliness we've got a little bit of a gland in there and yeah unsightly fat stuff that's not going to cook up so let's get started [Music] no this guy nice little fat cap I think we might trim some of that for sure [Music] now everyone's always quite particular on how you season your pork up me not so much I like to do the old-fashioned salt pepper garlic and then that this this point in time I'm going to use a beautiful new rub that I've really fallen in love with from spice ology Derek over the fire cooking spice ologies got a hatch chili which I am just in love with and also I believe we got the Tennessee smoked Tennessee smoked now this has been fantastic on chicken I've turned it off chicken this will be my first pulled pork liver it's very excited I know it's gonna turn off just deadly so like I said we're German some of the five because you have to this won't cook down you see this won't cook down always practice knife safety everybody noticin be very gentle keep that angle of my knife just turned off towards five so that we're not losing too much meat I'm cheap PC and this is gonna be so good we want to save every little bite we can I know you guys know what that is we're gonna leave her in tact and just hanging off the back there yeah we'll cook that one piece like I said this isn't competition this is for fun I hope we're wiping the kids friends family why not we'll just go easy on or not [Music] I also like to trim any of the little floppy stuff that hangs off I know that it's gonna cook down fine most of it'll even turn into Park but it just drives me nuts having little floppy things hanging on my large pieces of protein now with this guy it's gonna be a bit different I'm in love with skin when they cook that skin down I absolutely love it it does prevent smoke from getting out you know so what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna carve the bottom half of the skin off I'm gonna leave the top come and chase it around the bone we'll leave that guy there now this one break that ah there she is now roll up here [Music] and I start to just pull early like I said you don't want to go too deep into the meat she's got that beautiful layer of fat between your skin and the meat and we're just chasing it down chasing it down and this is gonna allow for our broth to get right in there get that smoke right into the meat people like to eat skin don't get me wrong but their [Music] bodies flavor I'm always a sucker a flavor I plate food so like I said I don't want to turn this down to too much just get ready on cycling big ones [Music] No we are ready I got a pan set aside for this way we don't make too too much of a mess like I said it's gonna start off with a salt pepper garlic as a base just because this is my goal to absolutely love what I do briskets this is almost all use I've had some amazing luck with some really deadly cooks using just your plain salt pepper garlic Old Faithful you know opticals when you find something you like you tend to stick with it that's why your Costco course Brown this is this is one of my absolute favorites now you're probably wondering hey Mel how come you're not using mustard as a binder you really don't have to just so you know most of the time the meat is gonna have that nice little damn coating in there which I don't really enjoy anyway damn coating is gonna make everything stick without a finder now I have use hot sauce I don't mind the mustard whatever you got get creative you want to be sweet while you can throw something sweet in there if you like me it's not a huge event of any of the binders this is mostly for bark bills anyway lots of this cooks off you smoke we're gonna let this sit once we get our season we're gonna let her sit for probably half an hour an hour anyway just to make sure everything settles into the meat while we go on fire up the Big Green Egg I'm gonna go up that base on there Tennessee smokers you can't hopefully you don't get this taste be shy with it Derrick come over the bar cooking he's a magician spice ology I've never had a single bite of anything that's been seasoned with spikes ology that I haven't fallen over they are a deadly company really like what they stand for and I am also not endorsed by them I'm just telling you that I'm in love with love their products now the hats chili this is not even really that spicy it has that amazing amazing flavor to it that only a hot chili can give you just smelling it cool [Music] no I when I make the injection because I am going to inject these guys I'll use a bit of this and I'm also gonna use a classic barbecue rub not quite sure yet maybe a killer cause or something like that cause won't you we'll see we'll see what we end up with in there for the injection that's to get inside juices they tend to follow through with what we're doing on the outside but give it a different depth of flavor I do enjoy that secondary depth flavor [Music] this is as simple a cook as it is it's quite a complex piece of meat in the end of the date when you rip it apart pull the bones out get it ready for the tacos or whatever you're gonna be cooking it in boom and there we go ladies and gentlemen pork butt pork shoulder rubbed up prepped ready to go they're going to be hitting the big green egg gonna be doing these boys hot 5 so probably 350 375 we'll see how she goes sketching a bit guys [Music] all right everybody it's in the - 20s up here in Alberta Canada that's cold she's really cool but that's not stopping us from some juicy tropical pork butt action can't help ourselves so now we're gonna fire this bad boy up we're gonna do it on the XL big green egg today I'm gonna do myself a little fire on the hole will show you how I like to light my charcoal this is it Apollo charcoal and they're gonna get ready ladies and gentlemen certified to use even a hole like this gets us hot [Music] their heat warm the edges of the big green egg up so everything is nice and even we're gonna throw some beautiful wood chunks on there we're gonna do probably a hickory pecan is what we're gonna hit these pork butts with and I'm gonna go in direct the eggs powder so I'm gonna eat everything up nice and even right now and yeah won't be ready to roll [Music] see you in a bit all right everybody know right now I would really like to do just a basic marinade recipe injection recipe this is gonna be something quick and easy kind of taking a swing of it a bit different than what I like this is one cup or 3/4 of a cup of fruit punch I'm gonna go with a fruit punch kind of meat mix this is actually a like a dragon fruit fruit punch I'm gonna go with the tablespoons or Shire sauce like to mix that up with a boat of a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar I love apple cider vinegar with pork it drives me button that so I'm gonna go with that mix it up usually I do a maple syrup in there too but today I'm not going to because of the fruit punch you see so now we're gonna go to almost three tablespoons of [Music] this deadly barbecue rub this is a secret weapon I'm not telling anything about it but it's a barbecue bro I'm sure you have your honey hog meat Church anything like that it'll all do report fantastic pick your favorite barbecue rub sometimes you'll use the same stuff as you would have seasoned the outside with to build the park today I'm not going to do that like a 70s is something different gift flavor profile for inside I like to mix my stuff up in a jar you see that way look at you shake the crap oh this is like heavy-duty mixing right here and guess what look at that tornado or seasoning and goodness this is gonna be fantastic in this rub I hope you're as excited as I am I'm super pumped for this now notice I went ahead and put my pork on a funny little tree with a lip like I knew what I was doing ourselves in Missy wow that's ejection sitting in here just your old [Music] oh right there and then I like to go inside of that muscle right in there dig it up now you want the injection to sit and your meat a little bit before you run it out you can even hit it again when it's out there it's totally up to you barbecue is a learning experience for everybody you can do like I do or you can do like you do you can learn your own way you can copy someone else whatever it's up to you for me it's a huge learning experience I love learning new things whenever possible so that's how I like to do barbecue is all about testing trial and error this is for me anyway always learning always watching what other people are doing I'm always testing out a little bit of this a little bit of that just like recipes I don't never tell anybody this is exactly how I like to do what I say this is kind of what I like and you should try it your room even when I'm cooking a dinner something I've never tackled before I'll try three four or five recipes I'll pull up and then kind of blend them find my own my own mix of what's gonna work for me that's the dope really ever do I can be keep the exact recipe so I'm kind of starting from scratch all the time but I don't mind I'm a touch and feel kind of guy try and get some of this in the meat [Music] this is gonna have so much different flavor profiles now pretty sure that egg is right where we want her 350 375 so that's what we're shooting for so we're gonna go hit that bad boy up gonna drop these on there get this cook started the smoke should be just starting the rule which is exactly what we want for this ladies gentlemen I will see you shortly [Music] all right now we've got decent fire rolling in the old Big Green Egg caught on without some more charcoal I like to mix these chunks up but I always pull with chunks not those silly flakes like everyone does over charcoal is using real real fuels clean up Juna for barbecue scrapers did a bash for me this is not deadly bracelets for my family use the real wood on a real wood cooker with real what charcoal that's what we like to do all right we're rolling we're smokin ready to go got the fuel ended up now it's time for good let's it's time for the buds let's get these guys on there and get them spoken they've sat long enough oh they smell so good so good get that smoky up going we will see these beauties and probably an hour we'll start spritzing all right we're out here we're gonna check them for town we've been spreading them we're doing it hot fast so so we're expecting five [Music] thirty two so we'll come another spritz i've been spreading them every half hour 45 minutes decent give them a quick little spritz here and there and then yeah wrap them up or not we're at war on 160 probably so another goal probably another half our our baby you know real good BBQ see in a bit all right everybody put a couple hours these hot fast bus have been just flying with me here so we're gonna hit her full 163 164 165 that's it that's quick to read and pull them off we're gonna wrap [Music] [Music] wrap them back up on that backhoe here finish them off and I'll see you at the house alright well back you saw as we hit the temp 161 70s we're ready to wrap these bad boys you're looking a little crispy like I said this is a hot bath a little slow so uh they're definitely getting the heat with deputy Kip to smoke the flavor that market we were building on while she's there you can see she's there we've got your blue magic hit mess right off the bat this is gonna be a nice little for the case of a leg with butter this is it's okay oh my god big green eggs got a nice little savory pecan which I've read three enjoy I'm gonna mix this up with that butter this is just not a little treat most of the flavors already on it this is just gonna give it that extra little oomph well she's wrapped up and doing her firm sweating and her dancing an old girl juices which is gonna be 12 about to be off it's gonna be deadly I'm gonna use the last of the Sprint and the eject right just to finish it off I'm sure she's got some in there just to steam away right just to see the weight that's definitely gonna have that extra little bit finishing lops that's just sitting in there steam in herself myself I like to use these little past [Music] and a little trick I've learned with barbecues whenever possible invested why why tinfoil this aluminum rod let me tell you get the big heavy stuff this is a lot easier it's not actually origami I'm just making it this way because of course - which is short for what I need I've got some old side but like I said it's in the -20 so we're not dying to go out there again are we don't we get these off so let's do that alright ladies and gentlemen got our pork butt are picking wolf up come off the big green egg we brought them up to 205 let them rest 20 minutes this is a hot box hot fast come on a regular cook usually these buggers that take 12 hours and we knock this out whoa I want to say maybe five or six six hours maybe up oh here we go here we go [Music] this smell in here I can't even explain to you the smell what's coming off here pull fork is probably one of my favorites I hope you're ready because we're gonna dig into these bad boys like I was telling you before well the skins just pops right off a bone right that's a nice nice clean hole that's how you want it this is so juicy and so tender oh that smell people I can't even explain to you but like look oh look how clean that is do you want a perfect pulled pork well guess what this is this is pulled pork for you and you still got that bark - that's the magic of that bark oh yeah just I'm so excited this is gonna be tacos we're gonna do we're gonna do probably a couple of bucks a couple meals out of this one why wouldn't you right this is when you have deadly pulled pork I'll probably let this sit a little bit too I might even hit it with a bit more barbecue rub maybe another splash of vinegar depends what you're into I do like to even though even if you want to you could vacuum seal these up like a I will probably do this to some of this because I'm not going to eat a lot of it right now I'll vacuum seal this up for the smaller packages to pull out from four tacos on a Tuesday Taco Tuesday put my extra little bit of seasoning and that really helps make that flavor just pop just pop when you warm it up for another meal so let's take a look at this guy y'all take a look at this this was that pork butt oh whoa I found a bowl a clean deadly bowl look at this deadly pork butt people look at this just falling apart super juicy the smell coming off here that Hickory that pecan let me tell you about it this was magic this is hot and fast it's not I'm a sucker for rural and slow I am I am but this hot and fast is really like how do you argue but how do you argue with that like that's that's pulled pork people you want it pulled pork you came here to see pulled pork guess what you're seeing pulled pork you are seeing pulled pork I guess that wraps it up for today pulled pork for everybody that thanks for tuning in click subscribe you want to follow the channel weekly updates deadly BBQ every single time catch you later
Channel: dark side of the grill
Views: 1,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBQ, barbeque, pork, porkbutt, pulledpork, hotandfast, smokedmeat, smoker, bbqpork, bbqrub, lowandslow, biggreenegg, bge, darksideofthegrill, fireinthehole, charcoal, charcoalcooking, spiceology, overthefirecooking, meat
Id: xIK5HGH1Jjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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