PTP Virtual Meeting: Judge Not - Glenn Colley

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[Music] thanks for joining us for more great content like this visit polishing the pipette comm or search for polishing the pulpit in your favorite podcast app let's sing a song and study together [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are the salt of the earth who is the salt of the earth disciples you and me you're the salt of the earth but if the salt you and me has lost its savor or its saltiness well it's it's good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under the foot of men and as it becomes material for putting on the sidewalk or pavement you know so you could run your carriage over it that that terminology you are good for nothing in reference to this if the point is that Jesus is making is it if I'm not distinctive from the world as a disciple if you if you can't tell the difference between people to the world in me at least in this regard I'm good for nothing now that's strong language out of the mouth of my Lord that strong language and it has to do with how I treat people same chapter Matthew chapter 5 verse 44 let's take it to the other end of the spectrum here's a bad one here's now a good one he says love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you that you may be like your father in heaven because he makes his Sun to rise on the evil and all no good since his rain on the just and on the unjust it's about how we treat people but it's put in very strong terms I'm telling you that if you want to be righteous before God if you want to be right with your heavenly father a lot of it hinges is gonna swing on on how you treat people Matthew chapter 6 verse 14 at the end of the model prayer and Jesus says because if you forgive not men their trespasses and here's some strangles strong language neither would your father forgive you your trespasses got it it's about how I treat people but I tell you I'm gonna be judged one day based on these things and here are strong terms Matthew 25 beginning about verse 34 what window did we see you naked or or or hungry or thirsty or a stranger or or sick or imprisoned when did we see you in these ways and we took care of you and helped you when did we do that and his answer remember it was when you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to me strong language I'm telling you that that's the Judgment Day scene and it's based on how I treat other people Paul read while ago from Acts chapter 9 and here's Saul of Tarsus he's headed to Damascus he's going to the synagogue to find Christians and arrest them and bring them back for trial britelite lost his vision and Jesus says to him Saul Saul why are you persecuting me wait a minute wait a minute there's no evidence that Paul was at the cross or the mock trial of our Lord before the crucifixion that's not what it means what Paul was doing Saul was doing was to persecute people people Christians and Jesus said when you do that you're persecuting me strong language that is strong language I want to be right with Jesus in order to do that what I'm saying is that the scripture abundantly teaches I've got a treat men the way that that God teaches me to do it now I gave you that to prepare you for our text this morning which is Matthew chapter 7 beginning in verse 1 and jesus said judge not that should be not judged for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged and with what measure you mete it shall be measured to you again now here's the first point I want to make is that this is a great example of why when we study the scripture about any particular topic we need to take in all that the Bible says about that subject and not just one verse look at this next slide all that the scripture says about it now you can think of examples of this you take for example Romans 16:16 where Paul writes the Churches of Christ salute you well I suppose so that's the only verse that you had about the church you might take from that or wrong idea I mean after all it is plural the Churches of Christ and what you might deduce from that is that that there are lots of different religious organizations in the world right now under the mighty umbrella of Christendom and this says the Churches of Christ so that therefore all of these are approved by God now you might take that idea but you'd be wrong about that it's because they're much many many more verses that have to do with the church that would teach you the truth about this that's not what it means it doesn't mean that that God is endorsing denominationalism of pluralism it's but doesn't mean that at all you'd be wrong about it but look here's Ephesians chapter 1 or chapter 4 rather beginning in verse 4 there's one body and one spirit even as you're called in one hope you're calling one Lord one faith one baptism there's one body what is that body Ephesians 1:22 and 23 says that God gave Jesus to be head over all things to the church which is his body how many are there well the answer is there's just one what is that body that body is the church Romans 16:16 isn't endorsing the concept of denominationalism that concept is wrong what it's saying is or referencing is is the Church of our Lord the one true church that you read about in your New Testament and different congregations of that in a given area that's what it's talking about just illustrates the point you don't want to pull one verse out and ignore all that the Bible says on a subject because you you may misinterpret you may misunderstand it so it is about Matthew chapter 7 and verse 1 judge not that you be not judged a lot of people have looked at that and come away with the wrong idea because it's all they know about the subject they haven't investigated the rest of the Bible about the subject you know it goes like this dont you judge me listen unless you have nail prints in your hand don't you judge me unless you're the Almighty God you can't unless you're perfect you can't judge me yeah that's that's not what that means you think about how absurd that idea it's just wrong but it's because sometimes people are limited in their knowledge of scriptures so here's a great illustration of the point we need to take all that the Bible says about something before deciding just what where we are about this what does the Bible say all together about this subject here's what the Bible says same chapter Matthew chapter 7 about judging here here you have more my Lord said in verse 15 beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they're ravenous wolves you'll know them by their fruits you know what you might call that is judging do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles even so every good tree bears good fruit but a bad tree Bears bad fruit judging a good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear good fruit every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire therefore by their fruits you will know them I know from the same chapter that Jesus isn't condemning all judging he's condemning one particular kind of judging now before I leave this point I want you to think about other applications of this there's so many cases in the scripture which commands judging you take Titus chapter 1 and verse 9 for example in the elders by sound doctrine are to convince and convict the gainsayers or those who would speak against truth and the shepherds in a congregation are the ones who are to make sure they guard the flock against how could they do that how could they guard the flock against that danger if I didn't do some judging and the answer is of course they couldn't see that's second Thessalonians 3 and verse 6 I command you brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you would throw yourselves from every brother that walks disorderly and not after the tradition or teaching which you've received of us teachers and commands and very explicit terms that we withdraw from some people who persist in saying how do you know you judge it by the scriptures but but judgment would be involved what about 2nd John 9 whoso transgresses and abides not the doctrine of Christ has not any man comes to you and brings not this doctrine here's a here's a teacher of religion who comes but he has some sort of an agenda that is away from the scriptures don't receive him into your house that's what says neither bid him Godspeed you do that you'll be a potato of his evil deeds I don't know how in the world you could do that if you didn't judge that what he was preaching and teaching wasn't true with the scripture so so that here's a good illustration of the point number one you need to take all that the scripture says about a given subject to make up your mind about what is right so that you're not making a mistake and so here's a great illustration of that of judge not that you be not judged now here's the second thing this is a particular kind of judging a particular and common kind of judging to make this point I want us to go over the first Timothy chapter 6 and read a few verses I think this is this is great to to get you to understand help us to appreciate just what it means to judge not what kind of judging is he talking about 1st timothy 6 ellis traits it very well now let me give you the the background of this and then he's going to make a broader explanation of this he's talking with a about a specific incident and then he's going to make it broader that the circumstance he has in mind is about slavery and particularly christians who happen to be slaves now there are two possibilities that he mentions here one is that that as a slave you might have an owner who's not a christian he's an unbeliever on the other hand you might have an owner who is a christian get that person who's a christian is a slave and he belongs to someone a slave owner who's also a christian the emphasis in the passage is about the attitude of the slave are you you go or the place as Ephesians six for example you could talk about the attitude of the masters and all of that but that's not what he has in mind here is specifically about the attitude of the Christian slave under these two circumstances I'm in verse one of first Timothy six let his many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor that the name of God it is doctrine not be blaspheme in other words you're a Christian you be the best slave that you could be and show him how Christ has influenced your life to be a good man you think about what Joseph did in the house of Potiphar and Potiphar was amazed at how God had blessed Joseph well that's similar to this and 1st Timothy 6 you be that kind of slave but what if my master is a Christian you think about the attitude of slave might have I don't like to be old I don't like this I don't like to have to work for somebody else under this circumstance but if he's a Christian surely it would be even worse because I would just naturally believe I guess that if he's a Christian he should let me go he should release me I should not have to work for him but what if he doesn't no this is very interesting it the New Testament the gospel of Jesus Christ the truth of Jesus would teach against slavery but not explicitly it would do it by principles and what what Jesus doesn't want or didn't want was was apparently for there to be some sort of upheaval in the society the culture that would that would result in Christians getting involved in earthly things and taking their eyes off of heavenly things and so he gives these kinds of instructions to slaves well here's what he says about a slave who's a Christian and he belongs to a Christian right verse 2 and those who have believing masters let them not despise them because they are brethren but rather serve them because those who are benefited presumably the owner here are believers and beloved teach and exhort these things how do you like that but I'm getting to a point we're getting back to the point of judge not that you be not just it's just a great example so then from here Paul launches into a discussion about what happens inside of Christians in their hearts that leads to among other things judging in a wrong and sinful and wicked way so now to verse 3 I'm in first Timothy three six and verse three if anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to hold some words even the words of our lord jesus christ and to the doctrine which is according to godliness so he's broadening out it's still about the slaves and their attitudes but he's saying this is applicable to all of us and our attitudes and and here here's a heart problem get this neveress for he is proud look at this next slide he is proud knowing nothing but obsessed with disputes and arguments over words you know anybody like that you suppose some of this is inside of you look at that look at the description and then I'm gonna talk about Paul we'll talk about what happens how this shows itself you're proud he's proud he says in proverbs chapter 6 remember there are six things yes seven things that God hates and finds to be abominable and one of those is a proud look hmm I've often wondered if the word look there is a noun or a verb is it a proud look is it is it the look that I wear or is it the way that I look at others around me I suppose it comes out the same but but this is a proud thing and he says it starts with pride inside of somebody in 1st Samuel chapter 18 the Bible talks about King Saul it's some of these women scream watch David come back from a mighty victory in battle and and they began to sing you remember their song that Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten thousands the Bible says that Saul from that day forward began to I David that is the proud look right he was full of pride of what had happened is that is his pride was injured but by the fact that David had done so well God was blessing him in battle all right back to the text they are proud knowing nothing these are the heart problems that are going to ultimately lead to the big thing we're talking about which is judging in a way that is sinful all right it starts with pride knowing nothing it involves ignorant it involves ignorance 2002 Donald Rumsfeld made this interesting observation about what we know and what we don't know he said now now there are the things that are known knowns and there are things that are known unknowns and then there are things that are unknown unknowns I know that doesn't make any sense but it will in a minute the things that are known knowns are things that I know that I know are true I know they are second the the known unknowns are the things that I know that I don't know the answer to sometimes we'll do well once a month we'll do questions and answers here in the West Huntsville Church and it's not so terribly uncommon for a question to be asking the answer is I do not know the answer to that I don't because the Bible doesn't speak to that they'd known unknowns but the third one is the unknown unknowns that is I do not know the answer but I don't know that I don't know the answer I presume things as if I know them to be factual and the truth is that I do not know them to be factual now that's going to be important in a couple of minutes so so you got pride and you have ignorant but then here's the third one he says they're obsessed with disputes and arguments over words morbid fondness is the Greek definition for the word obsessed I think that's a very interesting you've got you've got a bitterness that has grown up inside you you know anybody that's bitter and they're they're obsessed there's a morbid fondness for arguments over words and it's of cancer that have growing your heart and it'll change you now I'm going to show you in a minute what it will lead to these three things but you combine pride and ignorance and an obsession over arguments morbid fondness of arguments overwork you you've seen this bitterness before in the scriptures you take Ruth chapter one remember here's Naomi in Ruth and the naomi is she's had some hard things in her life lost lost her husband lost her sons but here's Ruth and just just now she's heard from the lips of this sweet daughter-in-law whether thou goest I will go whither thou lodgest I will Lodge thy people shall be my people thy God my God I'm going with you I love you and I want to stay with you and so Naomi takes her back - Naomi's homeland to Bethlehem and when they come into the town the here's Ruth and she's just following along serving and caring for Naomi and some of the old friends they began to embrace Naomi and they say is this could this be Naomi and remember her answer was don't know call me Naomi don't call me that call me Mara Mara means bitter God sent me away full and he brought me back empty call me more call me bitter because I'm bitter do you think sometimes people get like that how does it affect them well it sits on this list here you think about Jacob I've been reading about Jacob in Genesis chapter 47 and Joseph brings all of his family to Egypt Joseph is in power failure oh the King loves Joseph and Joseph says what about my family can I bring them bring them you bring them to Goshen what will give them the very best that Egypt has to offer feed them and care for them and provide for that you can bring them and so then there's just this moment when Jacob is introduced to the king of Egypt there's this Mises he's a man who's caring for the whole family of Jacob so many blessings so many blessings and and so here you have this moment Pharaoh is standing there and Jacob the father the patriarch of this family and the daddy of Joseph in favor apparently wanting to make conversation says how old are you sir Jacob says I'm a hundred and thirty years old and my days have been few and evil it's embarrassing that mean to read what you have apparently is a Jacob to that moment who is just he's just simply bitter and sometimes people can get like that now if you combine these three things in first these six pride and ignorance of the facts and I don't know what I don't even know I and you can buy buying this obsession this this morbid fondness for things that are argumentative and bad about people what will happen read on I'm in first Timothy six now and here's verse four the last part of the verse from which come envy strife next slide here we go envy strife reviling and evil suspicions now I'm not going to spend time and the first ones I want to get that last one because that's what we're talking about today evil suspicions the King James says evil surmisings what it means you can look it up the the original language means means that I would make conclusions I would draw conclusions about other people on insufficient evidence it I don't have the evidence I see something and I perceive it to be one way truth is it's something else but it doesn't bother me because you know why I've got pride I've got ignorant I've got an obsession with being argumentative because I've become bitter and you know what results from that it's evil surmisings evil surmising means that I I follow a line of thinking I had in my mind may accuse people of things that are wicked and bad and wrong derogatory things from insufficient evidence inconclusive evidence it's not about them truth is it's about me now when Jesus said judge not that you be not judged that's what he had reference to know John chapter seven verse 24 he said don't judge according to appearance you judge righteous judgment to judge according to appearance is evil surmising it is evil suspicions it is it is to judge based on inconclusive evidence it is not about them it is about me got it sorry point number three this kind of thing comes with a lot of pain when somebody is in this they'd be maybe a lot of us have some of this in us and maybe some of us have a lot of it in us it needs to be fought against because Jesus condemns it in very strong terms here so it's a company accompanied by pain the first thing of course is what Jesus said for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged not all right ought to make you tremble you you you think about the difference between evil surmisings and and righteous judgment so you have a French you know someone and he's a practicing homosexual and you say to him once he tells you that you say I'm concerned about you because you know what the scripture says in Romans chapter 1 it says that you can't go to heaven like that that that's vile affection and it's wrong let me help you to get away from that let me help you to repent of that and get your life back inconsistent be consistent with what Christ wants now is that judging yeah yeah that's judging and he might he might even say that to you but the fact is that's righteous judgment there's nothing wrong with that that's loving and kind and it's what is good and right but suppose you see that same man in a week that same fella you see him in a week and he's he's in a cafe having a cup of coffee with another man and you say look at there there's two homosexuals oh I suppose I do I know that my friend there he told me he was a practice single I know that what about the other photo I don't know him but I know he's having coffee with him can you just imagine going to the Judgment Day and being judged by this kind of thing huh can you just just immense use your imagination about that you go to the Judgment Day 2nd Corinthians 5 and verse 10 read you before the judgment bar of Christ and Jesus says I'm gonna condemn you depart from me you cursed into the everlasting because because I saw you associating with publicans and sinners Lord oh no no wait wait wait says no see I did associate with publicans and sinners but I did it like you did I did it out of concern for their soul it wasn't that I was endorsing their behavior wasn't because I was trying to be part of thank you or one of them it looked to me like you were they looked at because I saw you together with them can you just imagine that it just just makes me trip I can promise you something judgments not gonna be like that that's you thankful aren't you thankful that you serve the Lord Jesus Christ before whom you'll stand one day in judgment who by the way died for you on that cross but Judgment Day is not going to be based on in evil surmisings it's gonna be based on truth and mercy and aren't you glad Jesus said this judge not that you be not judged for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged I'm telling you there's pain that accompanies this you will you will face pain if you follow this and one part of it is this horrific reality about the judgment but it's not just that it's here on earth - I mean when you're discovered with evil surmising now you're going to face something very bitter First Samuel Chapter one and Hanna couldn't have children oh she wanted children so bad and her husband Elkanah he's a polygamist two wives and pnina the wife she can have children she has lots of easy children you know but not Hannah and so she goes to the tabernacle and she falls down to pray and and when I was a child my my mother would go to the kitchen window and she every morning it was her practice and I was little but I knew that if she was in front of that kitchen window and I could see her lips moving couldn't hear her but I could see her lips moving she was praying and she was to be uninterrupted I I would just walk allow it leave her alone she's praying I knew what she was doing it's a great memory I have of her she's watching this morning I think that's how Hannah was and it was was praying but it's probably the most fervent prayer of her whole life she was pouring out her her petitions before the throne of God and you can imagine her weeping but she was at audible she was moving her lips but it wasn't audible and Eli Eli the priest walks up to her you ready for this okay here it is he said but you evil woman you put your wine away from you you were you drunk and you come to the tabernacle drunk of course you know Hannah's responsive obviously was no no no no I haven't had anything like that to drink it's not that I I was pouring my petitions before god that's what I was doing now just go ahead and put yourself in the shoes of Eli right now and see how that suits you shame of it what he just did was it was reflecting of his own heart it is that and you know I don't know how you're gonna feel I don't know how you're gonna deny it there's something very dark inside of you there's something bitter inside of you that's cruel and it just showed itself out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks I'm telling you there's pain associated with this thing when Jesus said judge not that you be not judged he was talking about something that could cause you a great deal of pain all right let's let's wind this up with point number four this point is to is to discuss three ways that I want to suggest we can get past this I mean by that if this is something that you upon reflection realize is inside of you if you're like this it's some in some degree of judging people wrongly how do you get rid of that here are three suggestions number one consider what this bitterness will do to your heart the thing I'm thinking about right now is that it's going to make it and you'll have to figure out why this this is connected but it will make it difficult for you to accurately judge yourself so so in the same passage in Matthew chapter 7 jesus said if why do you behold the the mote the speck that is in your brother's eye and and you're ignoring the beam the plank that's in your own I don't know if he's talking about just sin in general and that you have a lot more sin than the person you're correcting or if it's about this specific thing that you've got this darkness this bitterness in your heart that's it's moving you to judge people this way and it's a bigger sin than what this other fellow is I don't know but but I know this there there's a correlation between this kind of judging and and not being able to accurately judge your own actions it will do something to your heart in Luke chapter 18 you see an example of that and you remember two men went up to the temple to pray the one a Pharisee the other republican now the publican is going to not lift up his eyes unto heaven but he smote upon his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner he's very penitent but the Pharisee prayed like this father I thank thee that I'm not like other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this publican how come he didn't call him by name perhaps it was because he didn't know him I don't know but he knows he's a publican and you you see what he did he just put him in a category with with unjust and adulterers evil men you put him in that same category like that with this this arrogance I know some other tax collectors don't you I mean Matthew became an apostle sigh kiyose was was forgiven by our Lord and this man who is praying before God you'd be hard-pressed to ever find a more humble man penitent before God and yet they if the Pharisee can't see that why not because he's full of himself is why the pride and the ignorance and the obsession that that Paul talks about 1st Timothy chapter 6 that we discussed I'm saying that that what you need to do is to consider what this bitterness will do in your heart and hate it you've got to start by hating it now here's the second thing you need to love people more when I say that I'm talking about thinking about 1st Corinthians chapter 13 and you're familiar with those credentials of agape love and love suffers long and is kind love envies not love also that itself is not puffed up you remember those well you come down to the list and one of them says believes all things and when you do some research on that what you'll find is that that it means simply this that I I to believe the best about other people until the evidence will make it where I can't do that there gonna be times I mean after all you can't help a brother or sister who's it who's gotten wrapped up in some sort of sin you're not gonna be able to help them if you can't acknowledge the sin and then pursue that but I do not want to think the worst about people believes all things means that until the evidence is compelling enough I'm going to assume the best I want to think the best about someone and that leads us to the third one here's the suggestion number three work on your own personal ethics now what I'm thinking about what this is is the Golden Rule Matthew 7 and verse 12 whatever you would that men should do to you do ye even so to them such as the law and the prophets I wonder how that would be applicable to the discussion we're having today so so how would you like to be treated in reference to this I'm gonna tell you right now the idea that that somebody would judge me harshly and in accurately evil surmisings it's a very painful thing that there's there's not a man draws breath today who wouldn't find that very hard to swallow injustice is so very bitter you me tell you what I would like I think this is probably true about you if there was someone who who was doing some some as evil surmising this judging toward me said it out loud I would like the person next to him to say wait a minute wait hold on a minute you you don't have evidence of that what you saw does not prove what you're saying that that's not evidence of that in fact I know Glenn I know things about him that make me believe what you're saying is not true mmm that's what I want that's what I would like is that is that how how you and I are in the way we treat others now you want to conquer this yes I got some of this in my life what Jesus is talking about in Matthew 7 2 verse 1 got some of that first place you're gonna have to hate it you've got to a priest the kind of pain that it causes in the second place you got to love people more in the third place what you got to do is work on your own personal ethics with the Golden Rule just the greatest ethical principle of all time to treat people the way that you want to be treated I want to conclude this with James chapter 4 and verse 32 rather verse 13 for judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy mercy triumphs over judgment the way that we began this sermon this morning is by talking about just two smattering just a few of the pastor of the many passages in the New Testament which demonstrate that if I want to be right with God if I want God's favor I'm going to have to treat men people in a way that is pleasing to him and if I don't do that some of the strongest language in the scripture will be will be applied to me so for today this thought judge not that you be not judged for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged and with what measure you me it shall be measured to you again thank you god bless you
Channel: Polishing the Pulpit
Views: 3,025
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Id: GPSydWcLpmw
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Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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