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[Music] [Applause] so today we are going to demonstrate how to use pto driven wind on a series 3 lane rover ok power takeoff or pto is a method for taking power from a power source such as running engine and transmitting it to an application such as tools equipments or separate machine [Music] this is an example of a pto driver that will transmit power from the transfer buffs to the front drum winch in this video we will see an example of video that transmitted power source from a transfer box to run a drum winch here's how things work we engage the pto driver and let the power from tensorbox getting transmitted using the drive shaft linkage to the front drum winch [Music] this is how to operate put the red knob on neutral if you want to operate the winch without wheel tracking if you want to operate the winch with real traction you pull the red knob on the low range but this time i will show you how to operate without wheel traction so we put it back on neutral and we engage the pto driver [Music] put on the gear this time we try on first gear forward the drive shaft linkage are now transferring power from transfer box to the front drop winch but we haven't yet engaged the drop wings so we'll have to engage the drop winds so it can start pulling the wire rope the drum winch is now pulling on the first gear forward i will try to shift the gear to the second gear forward it's pulling faster i will try to shift the third gear forward faster i will try to shift the gear forward forward a bit too fast okay we also can shift the gear in reverse it's not for pulling it is for releasing so let's get back to the first gear forward when it's done don't forget to shift the gear to neutral disengage the drop winch disengage the pto driver and shift the red knob to the high range and that's all for today don't forget to wear your safety gloves when you're operating the drum wings and the wire ropes ideally this is a two-man job one is operating the drum wings from the outside and one is operating behind the steering wheel [Music] [Applause] thanks for watching
Views: 10,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landrover, ptowinch, koenigwinch, powertakeoff, landroverseries, landroverindonesia
Id: J5f5s7lEGjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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