PTM-60 Machine Torch Install

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all right so uh one of the things I've been wanting to do is switch the CNC machine over to a machine torch so I got this uh machine torch kit off of AliExpress uh it's not the you know most expensive one ever uh it was about uh about $70 uh so we're going to give this a shot and see how we like it if not we can always switch back to the hand torch uh I did go ahead and take apart the hand torch just to see it does look like everything the connections are the same it's just a matter of swapping over all the little connections so this came with the the torch itself the tool for the change in the tips uh new ground clamp uh new protective sleeve that goes over the grounding uh some sh heat shrink a label a new uh whatever you call this thing the uh cord uh thing of a bobber you know the thing ofama jig uh and it also came with a new clamp for the airline which is kind of cool I wasn't expecting it to come with this it's kind of blurry but uh yeah I was uh worried about that cuz I didn't think I could fit a regular hose clamp in there uh so uh we'll go over to the machine and uh give this a shot see how we like it all right you can see here uh torch is taken apart uh so you can see this is the uh only thing that's different is this is for the manual trigger uh so basically what we're going to do is just you know link those together to bypass the switch cuz the uh CNC controller actually controls the torch on off anyways uh you can see it's got all the same connections otherwise uh so it's already pre-crimped with the little uh blade connector uh then we just got to swap over the air uh connect the ground here uh then we'll be good for so GI comes with this for a ground but this has already got a ground crimp to it and I'm not sure why I couldn't just hook it up direct like that other than because it's a different thread that's why at least it feels like it's a different thread yeah definitely a different thread pitch so that would be why all right back to it the here [Music] little that all right TR as much I can just in case so the little grounding thing is just barely big enough so we may have to finagle this a little bit for need to oil my pliers all right that crimp pretty good it's not going anywhere all then the way then way this there to I wanted to uh make sure that these are are removable so instead of doing a hard connection like they were before like a crimp permanent connection I'm going to use some of these Spade connectors or these blade connectors whatever you want to call them uh just so I can remove them in the future got tired of them sticking so I cleaned them okay got more on [Applause] you it's not straight here [Music]
Channel: Guy Stuff Workshop
Views: 511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CNC, Machine, Machine Torch, PLasma, PT-60, PTM-60, Welding, automation, build it yourself, cool tools, diy, electronics, fabrication, homemade tool, how to, maker, metal cutting, metalwork, my plasm, nema, plasma cutter, signs, stepper motor, technology, thc, tools, torch hieght control, welder, workshop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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