[PT自費食評] 實測2間元朗食雞名店!平民飯堂免費添雞髀!海南雞飯良心店有網絡名人撐場!
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: PT食為先
Views: 47,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 自費食評, 誠實食評, 香港美食, 平價美食, 抵食, 點心放題, 自助餐, 任食, 放題, 任飲任食, 優惠, 吃喝玩樂, 真人實測, 香港好去處, 平民, 折扣, PT食為先, 香港, 吃貨, 旅遊, 旅行, 玩樂, 美食, 飲食Vlog, TravelVlog, hkfood, hong kong food, foodie, 餐廳, 平價自助餐, Buffet, 海鮮, 任食海鮮, 點心, 性價比, CP值, hk, hong kong, 必食
Id: pxmy6w10TIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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