Psycho Baseball is Pain

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as far as I know this is a roguelike baseball game where basically you have to hit a bunch of homers difficulty legendary did I did I start wrong if you miss what so I have to hit a home run I can't just hit it in general how do I hit it excuse me there we go that's out audio it's a baseball okay we got the first one easy okay hitting it as late as possible I think is the strategy here yeah yeah okay I got it easy easy I have two more things left oh my God what increase the music speed why why can you do that what the got it okay I think I I think I understand it actually yeah yeah I got it it's locked in what one okay I gotta get to three right three innings what oh this is the uh the upgrade system this is the roguelike that seems really good this is just a devil deal I hold that and select this okay okay pitch speed increase holy I need to focus up I need to focus up like high intense songs I take I hold this get the double deal psycho mode what oh what is that you were out but I'm learning how to like actually I'm just kidding we're gonna get slow down later call me at 1K one okay one pajama I I think I kind of got it down guys I it's uh I think I'm kind of like knocking this out of the park you know pun intended what is that oh a perfect hit you get HP back okay dude if you don't go far enough I'm gonna lose it I actually got moon gravity no no this is how I learned Isaac just do it over and over and over again until you're the best in the game I want to see what moon gravity does dude that's so much I feel so much better moon gravity is busted old man reflexes no I got this the clutch I got the timing I got it I got it yes I figured out who is it hello what I'm assuming he just is harder that's really easy what the hell oh I take more HP damage finding easy what the heck [Music] what I ah this is bad guys I'm barely making it I need I need the steroids I think I need a power boost so I need a power boost what so far Pine is pretty easy yikes let me just send this out of the park real quick oh yeah apparently this is hard I don't know what the hell later okay I think we need more power what huh what it's invisible hole I don't know how to time it I don't know how to time it I got it there's a wall this is tough actually but I'm a little bit of a gamer oh my Lord I'm so good is it gonna go over the big wall too that's out of the park oh my God please is this the run I just beat it now maybe I'm one short is this one's actually not that bad I still think pitch is the hardest okay I got it wow steroids I could go over the wall now it's over it's over it's over I can go over the wall I can shoot it however I want guys I'm losing it I lost the timing get out of here Harry you're nothing to me L Harry you're done go back to your Reddit cave we're out of here you know how hard it is not to drink myself wait this field is massive what can I hit it that far oh my God barely okay I need more power I'm freaking doing it right now man all my way I'm throwing where's my moon juice man I need some Moon yeah there it is oh I gotta take it I don't even care there we go Moon Moon clutch look at that way easier that sure is dude I'm starting like my my heart's getting a little scary I'm gonna lose it oh oh my God Cola guy sucks try left clicking the ball bro you got all this is how you play the game this is how you play the game get a perfect to heal it's so hard to hit a perfect I don't really know the timing [Music] okay never mind I'm a little bit nasty with it and going all power is really good because you tend to hit a lot in a row as long as you're not skill issued therefore getting more money [Music] wasn't this hard for hard book time you had to slow down maybe that's why I think I can still do it though [Music] oh I can heal it what I just saw this I can heal like a clutch heel what if I do this oh then that goes away I see well I might be one I need a bit of it real fast don't tell me okay dude oh yeah this is the song I needed I'm grooving now I'm hyper focused look at that is that age seven man this is the build yeah we're done we're done here I just I just hit 10 I just hit a whole inning without missing that was nasty oh yeah I definitely clear Harry easy oh that might be low oh my God you [ __ ] it's right there just give it to me oh my God I'm throwing no way Harry I definitely clear Harry easy okay okay let's reevaluate I think power is good early on but I need to start investing into HP a little bit more that I'm currently doing I think this is the way to play you buy damage and health only don't get slow down don't get glasses just hit it you know what I mean just hit it on my face God damn it what what hello what I'm hyper focused now I'm tired of losing I'm for real tired of losing it's not happening anymore this is a good build I have the heels early on I have one damage up and I can buy another one soon from here on out every single time I find steroids I gotta buy it oh my Lord cool so this is bad because I was really banking on some kind of damage here but there is none and I I actually I don't think I have enough I don't know please please please please please please that was not out I'm gonna take it I'm gonna what I don't care whatever do I have like two damage UPS because I feel like I'm doing a lot better than last time wait this I'm kind of destroying I'm kind of destroying wait wait hold on hold on something's happening heart move gravity I can miss two land one and I nearly fulfill this is it I got the build please just give us oh my God no yes yes oh okay I don't know if I can do this I don't know what the final wasp does what is this I'm in heaven okay I'm kind of nervous but it's so easy hello it's probably really hard on round three this is the chance that I get to heal up dude I hate him if that doesn't go out I'm gonna be I'm gonna scream I'm gonna scream it's gonna happen slow down dog all right I'm trusting you guys I'm trusting you guys I'm trusting you oh my God that that's so much easier hold on did I go out I can't believe I did that I cannot believe I hit that hold on no I'm done I can't dude oh okay one more try if I don't beat it I'll beat it tomorrow I'm gonna try one more try oh no it just changes directions so fast so I can't aim for the bottom of it consistently that is not out I don't know boys I think this might be it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what it's over I can't believe that was supposed to be out no that was out that was out no I got scammed I got scammed I got I will destroy you pitchy there we go I'm already in the zone oh my God I I how do I even hit that foreign this song will give me power [Music] there you go I'm glad you like the variety content man got it what else I'm not gonna shut up lucky that was straight away [Music] let's try and get a street going oh please just make it I'd love the streak if I got it thank you looks just like Matt what do you mean this is when it gets hard oh but not hard enough for me I'm kind of nasty with it oh that was just a skill of shoe straight up my bad I should have hit that that I'm in that game issue okay listen dude the song is stressing me out the song is stressing me out the song stressing me out I can't I I gotta change the song okay this is where I always get destroyed now that's the Dinger that's a Dinger you hear that that was a dinger oh I got the hit Force we healed all the way back up 600 feet you know how it is okay God knows where that one went I literally okay sorry I got I got a little into it please that's out I mean in that's in oh this is it I'm feeling it man if I can grab these steroids threes upgrades I think I think I got this in the bag [Music] oh my God I'm kind of cracking out right now hold on wait a second wait a second wait a second hold on hold on wait a second I kind of brought it back okay I can't dude I'm just I'm too nervous oh I can't do it I [ __ ] hate this guy that wasn't even in wow I [ __ ] hate Bambino that doesn't mean I can't bring it back hold on yes yes this is gonna be too hard where did it go [Music] I didn't want to I don't want to I I think I just I buy the heel right I buy the heel this would be okay hold on I gotta do math I need I need the song not this one I need a song this is it this is it this is the song oh my God I'm so scared I'm freaking out hold on please oh my God I am not doing this on purpose I want to win [ __ ] everyone shut up [Applause] please I can't [Music] I'm calling the cops I have been playing this game so much so much I I I I literally uninstalled and reinstalled this game like four times I've been playing off stream I can't accept defeat I hate it please oh yeah that balloon shark 700 feet oh my Lord three in a row oh my God I'm playing so well hold on I need to focus I've been doing this for I've been I'm serious guys it's been weeks it has oh no no no no no no no no no yes well I got to Bambino for like the 20th time I'm gonna be real boys I think this challenge is a bit much for me this is giving my last attempt if not I'm just gonna upload the video it's out of here I will say we do have a lot of power this run I do I think I have two steroid three Moon gravs oh my God wait I'm playing like a necklace you know what I noticed I have been playing this game so much I've noticed these things Cola always goes towards the bottom Bambino typically actually shoots towards the Top If you flick top left typically you'll actually be able to hit your target oh my God that flick was nasty by me hey oh my God something is freaking I have never gone more than five in a wrong man you know no wait that's gonna go down I'm gonna lose it oh like every single time I hit the baseball I like do a weird stretch like I I like flap my wings I get chicken I don't know the final round I don't know please first one oh it's out of here yes that is a moonshot I've never I think I've only been this post like one time and it was on stream oh my God I'm gonna cry oh oh my God yeah just give me an easy one give me a freebie give me a freebie give me a freebie give me a freebie I'm so focused right now just one Phoebe I'm up here yes did I beat it there's nothing for the sixth person oh advance that's it yeah
Channel: LazierMattman
Views: 20,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Psycho, Baseball, Game, Hardest, Worlds, Impossible, Challenge, Record, Breaking, Broken, Hard, 0%, 0.01%, Rarest, Skill, Skillful
Id: qFU33yvdZKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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