"Psychic Reading at Railroad Cut, Gettysburg" - William Stillman Psychic Medium

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behind me is the railroad cut which saw heavy fighting on day one of the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1st 1863 we're going to go down into the cut it's where confederates tried to break through and many of them were killed wounded and taken prisoner and it was horrible fighting as our many places on the battlefield and there were many Union casualties here as well the point I'm not looking at the monument or a aqui aqui place a key place where things would have shifted or changed a turning point here yeah in terms of the battle and how it was being fought yes thank you here yes heroics is the word that I'm seeing associated with this place as well so there would have been another fight in this territory this area but as one of us again I feel like the where when we were at Devil's Den that was a major battle or a major major fight this one was the other one was smaller though where we were at that was still a big fight okay some reason I'm being pulled out that way don't know why maybe this go down first short this would have been pretty bloody also I'm getting an aerial view of it actually which makes me think about balloons and kites again and I'm feeling as though there are just bought there are bodies and body parts being strewn all over I'm seeing it from happened up above here and there's something connected to turning-point we can talk about the turning points feeling as though there was an intense amount of violence but it was compact so it feels as though it happened quickly that it was very contained if that makes sense to you right where we're standing but nearby it wasn't like that okay but here it feels as though it it was very intense and it was like almost like a burst and then it was done then it was over here you know when you hear the gunfire and the cannons go off it you you can get you can lose your hearing from it if you're that close to sure as I'm hearing the ringing in my ears and then it's like I'm I'm running and I'm yelling I can't even hear myself yes common for artillery men in the Civil War right and again there's a lot of there's like smoke going off and it's interesting because as this is unfolding there are actually men attempting to tend to other men who are wounded while this is playing out around them because I'm actually seeing a man tearing a strip of cloth and and using it to almost as a tourniquet sure or someone sure and it's it's so it's kind of fascinating that this is this is happening during the the fight some guys during the fight wrap their own moves like that but I'm seeing a one man tending to I almost feel as though he's tearing a piece of cloth from his own clothing and he's is tying off an arm or a leg and it the idea is this is the best I can do for you right now just stay in place and you know we'll come back for you we'll get to you someone's being a given last rites right here and I I feel as though it's not official or formal but it's sort of informal so it may have been by a you know uh a compete Rhea was sort of doing it to the best of his ability praying with him maybe what's the number 68 in reference to do you know enough to make note of that one I don't know to what that would be referring but again I feel like there's it it was this convergence that occurred here it was very intense very violent and it was like this burst and then it was over that's been a normal house she's not far from here I'm right across the street you just can't see him again because of the the land the swales the ridges it would have been where we even where we had parked across the street Ross the street I also feel wrong before you get too far I also feel as though I don't know if it was exactly here but it was in close proximity that someone someone of significant rank was taken out you nailed it was that here that way but where I was spilling the cows and that was quite a significant setback I feel that there was there was someone a very high rank I don't know if he was a general but someone of significant rank was taken out and that that was a real blow to whichever side that was sure if you want to general Reynolds that's the first Corps commander so he was in charge and he was taken out shortly after he arrived you afraid over here writing those woods over there Wow it was he was killed oh my Wow so was that considered part of this battle that was on happening here Wow this was someone removed a why he would have been wearing a badge or a medal of some sort but someone removed it from him for safekeeping do you understand that sure they had what would he have been wearing okay let's do that the fighting here extended a long ways you can way off in the distance for both directions someone's talking about spilt milk I don't know why guess it's the expression you feel as though there's a some sort of thoroughfare other than just roads dirt roads that this is almost a take any crosswalk a bridge there I don't know overstream or whatever but I feel as though this is had a had a significant juncture if that makes any sense to you sure great okay so there there would have been a rationale for why this spot was selected for a battle correct yes okay because there is a long rationale and rationale I also see the word rations as part of that so I'm feeling as though this would have been an area where there would have been maybe equipment where rations drop delivered or dropped off because it's on this thoroughfare if that makes sense to you I'm taking care not to look at the monuments I don't want to be influenced no it's it's curious because the again we talked about the smoke going off but that can be seen from a significant distance once it rises up into the sky I'm wondering if that is that a church was that building with the steeple there at the building next to it was there I'm wondering if that was also used as a it was because a feeling is theoretical that I'm being pulled over there and I saw the steeple but you're saying it's the other listing well to the right diffict that there was a a spot where again someone could be observing yes that's exactly and then there's also flags that are being used and I'm wondering if they were being used from the lookout point mm-hmm very good that's amazing do you want to know who is up there later yeah the cavalry got here first the Union cavalry I guess I can tell you that the Confederates came from that direction okay from the West the Union cavalry had not quite three thousand men and the Confederates had lots more than that the cavalry commander General John Buford scouted and watched the fight from that cupola intercept there and I'm wondering him if you got if you got beep and over to where it was yes and actually right underneath the cupola is where he started talking to general Reynolds before general Reynolds got here with his infantry that with the extra 10,000 or so men to support the 3,000 cavalry you nailed that you need to keep you all you've nailed a lot here that's something well I was just told are running through you seem to have heightened senses the area here yeah the last spot not so much but here it feels a little bit stronger you're right on top of it yeah that's something I also wondering if anyone was buried here as well that's if that's if is that true okay because it again we're talking about sort of makeshift graves it's also it's done for a couple of reasons well it's it's done for efficiency it's also done to avoid the the disgrace of predators picking at the the decomposed body parts or bodies corpses and there was something else to it to to prevent disinfectant to prevent the the contagions to contain the contagions if that makes sense to use okay so there were three reasons why it was being done now I do have to ask if anyone was exhumed after the fact because I'm also there there's some sort of infighting or it may have even gotten legal on the part of at least one family that was demanding the betta body be exhumed and and brought home or brought back common to thank you and olive and again this is not something I have any prior knowledge of I'm just I'm just this is what I'm picking up that there were family and I'm picking up one family in particular and it feels as though I'm wondering if you could validate it feels as though there was something some sort of legal action or legal or more formal recourse that was taken to make sure that their son was exhumed and brought home after a certain point in July after the battle the government the federal government opted allowing that families to take their relatives that's interesting so I'm wondering if someone was had challenged yeah legally do you know they must have because for the first two weeks after the battle that's what the families did they came and they took their son home movie then it was banned and then the ones after that they buried him in the cemetery and I'm Cemetery Hill something must have happened though for someone to have challenged that legally because I feel as though there is someone that was was buried here that was and I think I'm just talking about one instance in particular but in that there was an insistence that he be exhumed Thomas Thompson Tomlinson something some I'm wondering if you have a way of looking that up wrong okay where else would you like to take is this the thoroughfare I was talking you have to see this too you're going into it the end of your thoroughfare so what's over another one are you nailed look what's over the ledge here is a railroad track I thought it wasn't I say it was a stream or a river so would there have been supplies that would have been dropped off if not right here near to here yes any supplies like the cavalry would have had supplies behind them their lion ran like that they would have had supplies back here but I wouldn't have really had anything to do with the railroad from the battle and he's hopping the railroad tracks at running in that direction yeah so I want to say deserter something spilled also I'm wondering if with the train what a train had been attacked that possibility these tracks weren't here in 63 what was here they were building it who they were building it at the time this was happening would that have been what would they have been attacked or would that have been significantly disrupted at the time that progress yes okay because I'm feeling as though there's something that happened here as well connected to that the the tracks the train tracks connected to this cut yeah that this would have been significantly derailed no pun intended but something happened here connected to the train and the tracks that would have been a set it would have been a setback we're going to go down in there oh we are yes okay so there were men that were actually killed on the area where the tracks were being constructed as well all right you can so that's pretty gruesome yeah that's some more of that hand-to-hand stuff do you understand is that correct okay you know it's pretty awful for someone like myself who's never been in a situation where you're you're struggling with a stranger and you're trying to defend it and protect yourself and you realize this person wants to kill you that's the intention is that that person's trying to kill you but this other word massacre massacre so I don't know how that ties in with any of this we've no idea but we can't and what's the there's some some issue with a horse in this area also something happened with a horse yeah horse was brought a horse was brought down something happened here and a sword is it possible that there's a sword fight I'll sell sure sure especially because the cavalry was in the neighborhood and they often use swords like a duel is what I'm seeing that makes perfect sense sure that's not something that it would have occurred to me previous that's interesting that you saw swords because that's what the cavalry used mm-hmm and they were the first ones here okay interesting I'm being told that's the way home I don't know what that means that's the way the Confederates came in from maybe somebody is thinking that that's the way home that's the way out so it would have been someone of a more significant ranking who would have had a compass correct sure some seeing a man holding holding a compass but I'm not quite sure why what he'd been looking at or what looking for in terms of the direction but it has to do with that's the way out the word ambush applies to here I knew it thank you we talked about that word earlier he said it wasn't the other place but it'll it was for something this was an ambush site got it you want to know how the ambush occurred do you want to wait I'm not just yet you know we talked about someone being lynched or hung earlier and then maybe that's one of those things you want to look into connected to the other property but I'm feeling it pulled to like see that tree and again that tree probably wasn't here at the time but I'm also feeling as though that sort of thing was happening in this area as well there were african-american men here also correct that were participating Plus Gettysburg you had african-american population it's as close to the mason-dixon line lots of them escape to freedom up here and many of them were taken back into slavery the Confederates reached Pennsylvania and some once they heard the Confederates were coming they escaped at his burden I'm Moses is the name I'm getting for one man so I'm speaking to one person's experience and he feels a great sense of pride and loyalty to participating the the right side of history so I don't know if you can validate the name if you're knowledgeable of that name associated with this particular ambush the african-americans didn't get seriously involved till later in the war but there would have been isolated african-americans sure thank you just walk back up this sounds odd is it possible that some this sounds very random is it possible that some of the men would have carried with them in their pockets something that would be the equivalent of beef jerky oh sure like drop dried dried yeah mm-hmm it's a salt didn't smoke that's what I'm good yeah okay see I'm learning a lot myself from doing so my that's good for both so I just saw the word vulture so I think that we were talking a little bit about scavengers a few moments ago and I feel that M there were birds of prey sort of circling over the area in the aftermath which is a little gruesome but that's it is what it is I'm wondering if there would have been a bell tower anywhere near to here because I'm hearing bells and it's I'm wondering if it's a signal of some sort do you know anything about that there could have been a bell tower on the seminary campus over there would they have used the Bell as a form of communication do you know it's almost like a ceasefire sort of communication all right are we done here right we did pretty well here what's it been from take a break it also could be the number of a regiment that was here yeah the number 68 we were just saying I brought it up earlier and I'm wondering if it's a possible when we were talking about the fellow holding the compass if 68 could be a coordinate on a map perhaps because I was actually seeing a grid in my head laid out okay 68 68 degrees connected to where we are I don't know that's the woods right there where general Reynolds in his shot and killed for sure the burials yes and tending to the wounded like during the battle this was day one this was July first if feathers came down that road right there the Chambersburg pike and the Union fell back through town to Cemetery Hill where with fewer trees there than they could see from Cemetery Hill what was going on here he said they could see the battle from far away you mentioned that at one point they could on Cemetery Hill all right
Channel: William Stillman
Views: 2,692
Rating: 4.7058825 out of 5
Keywords: gettysburg, civil war, battle of gettysburg, abraham lincoln, paranormal, supernatural, spiritual, spirits, spirit, ghost, ghosts, ghost hunters, ghost hunter, psychic, psychic phenomena, medium, mediums, mediumship, american history, gettysburg battlefield, holistic, hauntings, haunting, haunted, afterlife, life after death, ghost story, ghost stories, paranormal activity, long island medium, william stillman, ronald kirkwood, mystery, mysterious, metaphysical, metaphysics, new age
Id: m0fe5rowjLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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