PSNtv: Coach's Show with David Schuster (S3: Episode 5)

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hey welcome back to another edition of the coaches show I'm Brian Stanley joining me is head coach of your mission prep Royals David Schuster we're live well we're recorded live on PSN TV I appreciate you joining us today coming off a uh I guess it was a big win over the I'll call it a big win over the San Andreas Pirates this past Friday uh both teams introduced into the mountain league for the first time in the Central Coast athletic association with the San Andreas Pirates being one of three newcomers into the association the mission prep Royals moving up from the ocean league coach you got the big win Friday night in a very two uh Cutthroat tooth and nail battle 32-27 the final score uh let's first off talk about how close that game was all the way down the stretch yeah we uh we knew it was going to be a battle we knew we were going to play uh tremendous football on both sides um I don't think we played tremendous on defense I think there are a lot of things that we really struggled with particularly uh uh finishing up our tackles um and uh and we struggled in the Run game but we also made plays when we had to make them and I think that's kind of what what set the that's kind of what put us on the other side there so uh when we had to have certain plays on offense we got him and and obviously that you know the stand at the very end there um and we had a couple of key turnovers I had to pick in the end zone we had a turnover uh to start the second half on kickoff that gave us an opportunity to kind of get the lead and keep the pressure on San Diego um you know I think that really made the difference in the game but man you know just once again every single week our young kids just continue to grow up and mature uh in such a major way their experience that they're getting against high level competition uh continues to make me just so happy and just again I feel so much like this team is the way we started the year and the way the way we're going to end the year the way we're projecting here uh we're not going to be remotely close to the same team and I think the fact that our young kids are having to kind of go through this baptism by fire just excites me a little bit and uh I know the rest of the coaching staff feels the same way the team's just in a really great spot and that's they've been very consistent whether we were owing one or one and two or now two and two uh they've just got a great great way about them a great spirit about them and just really excites me man that we've there's something special going on with this group and I want to give a quick shout out to Jaden Ozil for that interception in the game pulling that in uh his first interception of the Year congratulations to him and then I want to move on to our player of the game and I've I went and looked up the stats uh before the show today coach and it just resolidified why we gave him player of the game and he earned it here a nickname collectively through the chat and through the phrases I've collectively called him uh I've referred to him as a as a train a freight train he's right in the silver Wills you know all these you know the all these different phrases the steals will uh the Wheels of Steel and all that and we finally got a nickname for him the Drew Drew train uh so Drew Harrigan and the JuJu train proves worthy for the Royals once again his first 200 yard game in his career at Mission prep only a junior three touchdowns to get player of the game against the setting as pirates coach talk about the JuJu train and how he's been just lighting up opponents on the offensive side of the ball uh sorry hey you like the JuJu train huh uh the Drew Drew trade it was funny uh Drew's doing Drew's doing an awesome job and you know he's he's uh he hit the head kid has put in a lot of work um in the off season and and just continually has challenged himself um has a great work ethic just he's got a tremendous motor he moves this way as a freshman even more so as a sophomore and now everyone's kind of starting to see like Drew starting to really come into his own um he was he was hard to tackle you know the first two years he's even harder to tackle now and I think it's just the way his body is shaped and developed and the power that he has in those legs um and and the the intensity that he runs with I don't think people understand he's he's just a hard hard kid to bring down and you know the way he whenever you've seen him run um he's just got a great motor and I think he's just got more heart more will than a lot of the kids who wanted who are trying to tackle to be honest he just got an intense motor that way always kind of been that way and I think one of the things that really separates him from maybe some of the other backs that we've had and we've had a lot of good ones yes in fact I'll tell you there's an interesting stat here in a second I'll tell you about Drew but um the one of the things that Drew does may be better than anybody is he sees the whole so quickly and he's a one cut kid and he's in the whole really really fast and whereas maybe some of the other kids like Brian kowal was a little bit more methodical and and Jack sousink was that way too uh and uh and you know some of the the longer developing power plays that we have really kind of fit fit cold wall and Braden Farr and and Jackson that way um Dalton Strauss and and Drew here again are kind of a little bit more in the same boat where it's like that that three or four step burst is is really really powerful it's really fast and it's on you before you have any chance to really do anything about it and so um but Alton was kind of the same way like he just hit the hole really quick and then he'd break out and and all of a sudden it's like he's in the secondary and you're asking safeties and Corners to try and Tackle either one of those dudes and and it's it's pretty intense so you know the interesting thing about Drew is Drew now became the seventh running back seventh straight running back in Mission prep going all the way back to Michael Cardwell in the Chad Henry days and basically goes Cardwell Patrick Laird um uh there's a kid I'm forgetting and I apologize um Braden Corona and then all the way up to you know Braden Farr Brian Cowell Dalton Strauss Jackson Drew Harrigan every single one of them um going back to 2011 have now had a 200 yard game in their career um and so it's just kind of established a little bit like Mission prep Scott a little bit of History running the football and we've gotten pretty good at it so just very proud of Drew um he was a he was a warrior all night he did a great job there there's also I think there's something similar in common with with Drew Harrigan and Jackson think at least in this game uh we we got accommodated to Jack coming in and cleaning up his own work once he gets a touchdown and booting his extra points uh for the team uh that was something Jack was Notorious for for the squad and this uh last Friday we got to see Drew Harrigan come in and go for the two-point conversion and nail it in like like a hammer dropping like like a madman and get that eight points total for the squad and that made that that game a whole different ball game for for you guys and for sending this because it took what was a two score game with a field goal to a two score game with two touchdowns to put you guys up because there was no way they could come back without scoring either two touchdowns or going for a two-point conversion themselves and we saw them do that not able to complete it and that created a five-point spread in the points uh and that was our final score 32 27. so I I think uh he you know a lot of similarity like I saw that as like us reminds me of uh Jack sousing just a little bit as he comes in and cleans up his own Dirty Work and so congratulations for Drew Harrigan uh first 200 yard game of his career coach um let's talk about the mountain league as a whole it was opening night for everybody we saw the introduction uh into the mountain League of dipomo saidiness and your squad and the three newcomers into the league you were the only Victorious one with Long Poke Paso Robles and Saint Joseph also picking up wins Friday night how do you think Friday night played out for the league as a whole um really really interesting uh there are a couple games that you just kind of felt like they could go either way um and uh it certainly kind of sets up the table uh and a very very interesting way in terms of like the race for the league championship but not just that it's also like um the the way the games were played too and I won't get into too much detail other than just to say you know the Righetti Paso game the score kind of caught us by surprise really felt like those two matched up in a very interesting way on each other and it was it was surprising to see Pastor be that dominant against a team who also runs a very similar offense and is very run heavy um and Paso kind of took a toll which was you know it was very interesting to see that um and then Lompoc AG you know two extremely Dynamic offenses and um just kind of tough to judge Lompoc based off their strength of schedule and who they played and so seeing them against Ag and how that all kind of worked out and in fact the AG gave problems all night um and AG you know frankly agency had several opportunities to win that game I think so um it was it was really really interesting to kind of see how all those things unfolded uh I'm gonna be even more curious to see what this looks like after this week too um because I think that's really gonna set it up and and that's going to put a lot of people in in very different categories at that point after the second week and uh it's gonna set up a couple games that you know potentially could be some awesome awesome games and some and those matchups this week we we have studies traveling to Righetti for for week two in the mountain league and then Arroyo Grande is on the road this week at St Joseph and Longpoke is on the road at Paso Robles probably one of the longest drives of the of league play this week and the mission prep Royals coach uh you're on the road third row game of this stand the final one before you return home next week but let's talk about the napomo Titans who you face uh new coach Stephen field uh under the Helm of the Titans uh talk about this matchup as the Titans are still looking for their first win of the year yeah I think um you know a lot of people probably unnecessarily dogging the promo and I want to quickly state number one it's still napomo and napomo has nothing but really tough kids man and you can see it on film they are very very tough and that that has not changed and I don't think that will ever change because that's just the way that town is and I think that's why I kind of I secretly kind of really dig the diploma program because they're just a bunch of really tough kids um you know and they've got a brand new head coach who does things differently than the previous head coach and that you know neither is right or wrong that they just do things differently that's going to take some time and then there was a major loss of a lot of seniors and a lot of experienced players um they got a freshman a quarterback who's you could tell it's going to be really really good and he's just kind of having to work through some Growing Pains there he's enough of a threat that you definitely got to respect what that kid can do [Music] um just across the board like they still have they still have a lot of tough kids they're very Stout up front they're very strong up front and they're not afraid to pound the football they're not afraid to be physical um so under by no stretch of the imagination can anybody take this team lightly and I think you've what you're seeing is similar to us you know they started at one point at the start of the year and they just progressively gotten better every single week which is all you can ask of a program and you know by fear a little bit is that we're going to be running into this team right after they played St Joe's and they're they're good they're getting much better every week you can see it and you know I don't want to be running into this program right when they're like starting to hit their stride get moving because I think they're going to be a problem for people and um and I think if you're not careful some people are going to look at the record and assume certain things and very quickly figure out in the game they are not that team they are much tougher and they are a lot better than people give them credit for and uh those are dangerous games those are dangerous scenarios um and so for us especially coming off such an emotional win against San Ynez such uh you know it's a huge night it was an awesome night I've been very pleased and very happy with the fact that you know our kids have stayed very locked in and very focused I think our senior leadership has done a great job of keeping the young kids engaged on doing their job and that doesn't dismiss the fact that Nipomo is still going to be I think a lot tougher than people think and I'm excited to compete it's a great spot it's a great Stadium you know I don't know coach field very well I met him a couple times but everything I see on film uh I'm very very impressed and I got deep respect especially considering the tough situation that they're in and uh I think they're doing a great job with what they have right now so it'll be interesting it will be an Institute matchup first off I want to thank our sponsor Central City Motorsports so we'll do it the right way Central City Motorsports home of Bob Moses ceramic Cody check them out Central City or Bob get your motor home your RV your fifth wheel travel trailer whatever you got car boat truck don't get a ceramic coated for you keep that paint looking fresh for years to come water just beads right off you never have to worry about the rain and the water water spots again a great place to go give Craig McDonald a call check them out or Bob and Coach you said that um nipoma has a special place in your heart I want to say they have a special place in my heart too because that's where I first started broadcasting football that was my first stop on my adventure of football broadcasting before I ended up at Mission prep so I I I I I have I have a a drive permission from you know Paul muswell I want to see them succeed uh at all at all possible ways uh but I want to see him Mission prep succeed more just just a little disappear there and I I want one prediction from you this week coach and I'll put it out there I think this is a big matchup in the mountain League because you're talking about things really get decided here and we got to see how tough a Royal Grande can be against a tough Lompoc team but who do you got against Saint Joseph of Rio Grande this year at least once today coach that's that's good um they you know they're they're really it's a really interesting matchup because I think there's a couple match-ups on the outside that AG has that um you know could give St Joe some problems those two you know they've been they've been battling each other for a long time um but St Joe's is so big up front on both sides of the ball and um you know Mensa is doing a great job at quarterback and they're just kind of they're they're St Joe's is a really really good team this year um they're loaded across the board and I just have a feeling St Joe's is going to be pretty dominant in that game um and I think it's going to be I think it's gonna be a battle for a long time and then eight St Joe's gonna pull away and you know like they've been doing with everybody there's just not much you can do at that point they're just they're kind of on a different level athletically than everyone else so um you know it'll be a really interesting thing to see um and uh I'm very curious to see how that game plays out um I think it both teams are well coached I think both teams do a lot of really good things and uh but I have a few in St Joe's is probably going to pull away well I flipped the coin before the broadcast coach and uh I got a Royal Grande pulling this one out with a squeaker okay it's not gonna be it's gonna be a tight one as you said but it's gonna be a squeaker and a squeaker upset to get the win uh over St Joseph and uh it's gonna leave a lot of people with uh with a sour taste in their mouth because everybody wants St Joseph's to win I know that so I want to go with the underdog here I don't know if everyone wants St Joe's to win I just think everyone's looking at it going like you know they're pretty tough to stop and uh you know you know if AG if AG pulled off the upset um that would for sure completely shake up the mountain league in a major way and that's what I'm looking for I'm looking I'm looking for a shake up I I like a little chaos in the standings it makes things a little bit interesting we've you know we've had no offense of Saint Joseph but they've been reigning League champs for a little while and I I want to take that snow globe and shake it up and see if we get a different result you know so you know or take the Magic 8-Ball and see if it tells us a different answer that's what I'm looking for no offense to St Joseph great Squad a lot of talented players a lot of players gonna go on to the next level and have successful college careers as well so uh much props to them for being the light of the the league right now and and being that Milestone everybody has to achieve so coach this Friday night uh it's going to be 7 P.M kickoff nipoma High School Titan Stadium on prep also on our YouTube channel uh any final words for your coach yeah I want to I quickly want to shout out you know uh the coaching staff we make our decisions on players of the game and all that kind of stuff uh every week um and Luke Terry was named our player of the week this this week he did an incredible job uh very very tough match up number 11 from Santa Nez is an incredible athlete and Luke Terry um just did a fantastic job keeping that kid in conflict and combating him all night long and then at the very end of the game Luke Terry is the one who came up with that big Play In The End Zone and that won the game you know it's like if Luke Terry does not do his job we lose that game but because he did we won the game and so he did he had an incredible night he battled all night took away a lot of the big plays that they wanted out of 11. he was just he would be tackled tremendously and made 11 work hard all night long 11 still got his catches you know he's kind of one of those guys like he'd just be so good you just you got to make it as difficult from as possible and Luke did that and uh and really just set himself apart I think from the rest of the team the whole staff was just extremely proud of him and I wanted to just quickly acknowledge his efforts because the team was very very happy very proud of him he did he had an amazing night so uh an amazing night indeed uh and one thing about Terry Luke Terry is that it seems like every game he builds more and more confidence on the field uh and you can see that from game one to to where we are now the confidence that he has gained in just the short season that we've had is tremendous uh and it's been a joy just watching him Excel on the defensive side of the ball and Coach he's only a junior so you got a whole another year with him along with Drew Harrigan and a whole bunch of other people on this spot that are are still young so it's going to be exciting to see how this team develops yeah a lot to be excited about and uh and everyone continues to get get better and they continue to mature and uh excited to see it all come together well coach we're going to wrap this one up for today so I'm Brian Stanley for David Schuster we'll catch you Friday night right here on prep 7 P.M kickoff from napomo high school mission prep Royals at the napomo Titans thanks for joining us
Channel: Prep Sports Network
Views: 81
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Football, Sports, Live, High School, Prep, Prep Sports Network, Mission Prep, Royals, Mission College Prep, CIF Central Section, San Luis Obispo, CIF, PSN, Brian Stanley, Broadcasting, Play By Play, Ocean League, Mountain League, Central Coast, CIF Southern Section, Aptos Football, Randy Blankenship, Josh McClurg, Santa Ynez Football, Pirates Football, League Opener, Nipomo Titans, St. Joseph Knights, Luke Terry, Drew Harrigan, The Drew Drew Train, victory
Id: 7rhfiWJD7YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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