PSexec remote file distribution and execution on Windows 10 using a batch file,.

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hello and welcome in this video I'm going to demonstrate how to run PS exec from batch files and also how I run that inside of a web server um so in order to use PS exact obviously you need to download it from PS tools and this allows us to connect to a remote remote machine and distribute some content and also execute that content so basically we're going to connect to a remote machine and deliver a batch file which is going to execute something so here I have a local folder and I have my PS exac program I also have a PS exac dobat file here and that PS exac dobat file here is the code we're going to execute it's going to um go to the remote share on jongo W10 the username is going to be administrator and here are some switches we're passing it the PS exx switches and here is the file that we're going to distribute and that file lives locally here so gags copy so I'm just going to distribute a couple of funny gag programs uh to this remote machine over here which is J Longo W10 and uh the starting machine here is Jayo 102 gags copy. bat is going to go to the remote machine it's going to create a gags folder if it does not exist it's going to create this file and it does exist because I've run this already and it's going to copy everything from this gags folder on a remote uh uh virtual drive onto that g gags folder and then it's going to execute one of the programs uh so here is the math drive it's going to go into that gags folder it's going to copy these two files over to this machine and then it's going to execute that file file and it's going to show up here in the task manager so once we execute we're prompted for the password of the remote machine and here we are we can see that we've transferred the files over to the remote machine and we are now running the remote process as well let's go ahead and kill that and let's go ahead and delete these so that's how we do it from a raw file just using PS exac if I want to do that inside of my web server what I have is a scripts folder and in my scripts folder I have that same file here is the gags copy. bat here is that gags I also o have PS exac here here's PS exac here's PS exac so I just built a front end for my PS exac uh because I would prefer to use it inside of a utility inside of a console rather than having to use raw scripting files so I could reuse these and I could also pass variables to the backend scripts uh so here is what it looks like here I'm going to um use PS exec this is my PS exac entry uh web form so I can tell at which computer I can do multiple computers but here I'm just going to do one of these computers I'm going to give it uh username and I'm going to give it the password and so this is going to do the exact same thing only thing we're doing this from a web page rather than from a raw script file and so we've just executed patch deployment is complete wack pack. exe is running and here it's in a different folder so I put it in the gags folder um instead of the temp PS exec folder which is where it was located when I was running PS exec from a file but here I'm running PS exec from inside of my web server um so and you um can go on to my other videos and you can watch more videos about this and learn more about this dogee web server that I use this is my front end for all of my scripts and also PS z uh I hope you enjoyed watching this video and please look for more videos in the future
Channel: Doge
Views: 7,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psexec, psexec remote, remote windows, remote psexec, sccm, radia, end point management, tcl, tsp, tcl server pages, batch, script, psexec batch, Doge, Doge Server, Doge Coin
Id: HN5UPjD322k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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