Psalms: Beauty from Pain - Pt 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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did you know that you can be completely honest with God David in the Bible certainly was he poured out his questions in pain and discovered How Deeply God loved him through it all you can too that's why I'm so excited about this devotional daily devotions from Psalms as you take time to know God in a deeper way you will find comfort and peace every single day today we're offering Joyce's newest devotional daily devotions from Psalms along with a note keeper for your donation of twenty dollars or more contact us now at or call toll-free 1-800-709-2895 uncover the key to a more simplified life with our special YouTube offer this month to simplify your life package with 100 ways to simplify your life book and the Healthy Living Journal packed with practical tools and guidance this package is designed to help you create a calmer and more balanced lifestyle go to Joyce Meyer dot org slash y e o to get this discounted offer today this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries but it's not just hey look what David did yeah but that's an example of what we should do yeah and how you know we can get our mouth open and complain yeah we won't have any trouble with that but to verbalize that yes I've got a problem God but I put my trust in you I'm Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt [Music] everyone welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life have you ever wondered just how honest you can be with God especially when it comes to your questions and your pain well today we have a special show I'm sure we'll be encouraging for everyone it comes from Joyce's talk it out podcast and we take a deep and honest Look Into the Book of Psalms the Psalms are filled with songs and prayers that pour out a raw honesty to God if you've ever struggled to express yourself to him then this discussion is for you hi friends we have such good stuff for you today Joyce is with us we're all here to talk about some really good things in fact whether you're a new Christian and you're just looking where to start studying in God's word or you need a little Comfort a little encouragement this is the thing we're going to be talking about the Psalms before we do that can I whine to you guys just a little bit one I want a wine I'm not familiar with that no it's just funny because a lot of people around here have been working on getting their teeth straightened in your teeth so we have a lot of us that you know are have trays or have finished up with trays getting our teeth straightened out so ma'am I've been wanting to do this for I don't know many many years my teeth have always been you know really crooked my my mother's teeth overlap and my father's teeth have a big gap because he's you know he's got a British background so I had to know the truth history but the whole purpose the whole purpose of sharing the tooth history of the families because theoretically my teeth should have been perfect if you would have taken the the overlap and the gaps and put them together it would have been a baby with perfect teeth but it did not work out we're so glad they tuned in I know I know life-changing stuff so now I have Invisalign and I I just didn't know that there was so much spit available anywhere so much in any one person's body so much of it so just and and all the list being and all the things so the reason I bring it up is because Aaron finished with hers I did her teeth look wonderful really nice and I don't I don't recall her complaining she did not complain well maybe she's more spiritual there is something going on because yeah just I'm just bringing it up as props to Aaron well you know David complained in the Psalms [Applause] it's okay to bring God all of our complaints right yes I did a devotional on Psalms took each Psalm and I got you know sometimes two or three different devotions out of each one and the thing that really impressed me I guess about the Psalms that I had never really noticed before was just how really gut-wrenchingly honest David was with God yeah about how he felt I got yeah I've got some examples like this is Psalm 13. how long will You Forget Me O Lord forever right how long will you hide your face from me how long must I lay up cares within me and have sorrow in my heart day after day how long shall my enemy exalt himself over me consider and answer me O Lord my God lighten the eyes of my faith to behold your face he says then he says the thing that I love is no matter how much he complains before the psalm is over he always says but yeah yeah every time I have trusted leaned on him and confident in your mercy and loving kindness my heart shall rejoice and be in High Spirits in your salvation so you can get happy about your teeth exactly but I will rejoice in the fact that I have good dental care seriously exactly I will sing to the Lord because he is dealt bountifully with me it's interesting about the Psalms because even people who don't know very much at all about the Bible if they're having problems yeah that's where they'll go yeah I mean because it's so relatable it's so relatable like I like that Psalm right there the 13th like was literally it's been me in the shower forever like you know just I'm like God like what is going on because when you think about going through seasons of time like times and you think about you know God fighting your battles and you're thinking about you know vintage's mind says the Lord I will repay and it's like when you gonna pay up Sir like you know like how long you know but that part that to get to the ending part to say like but in this I still rejoice and I still sing songs like that's not easy to do it's kind of like this is how I feel but this is what I believe yeah and it felt almost sometimes like he's prophesying what's to come like even though in his situation it didn't change between here I'm really angry and here's how you're good nothing happened different in there but he is speaking what he knows is truth based on what God's promise he says I pour out my complaint before him I tell him my troubles yes yeah yeah and it's it's welcomed by God I think that's what's so beautiful is that God he knows us he knows our hearts he knows how we're hurting and he doesn't turn away when we start to do that he wraps his arms around us and says let me tell you who I am right and how much I love you so like Joyce said the Psalms are just a really great place to get an understanding of who God is in your life to find the the Solace that you need so we're going to start off with her talking about probably the most famous Psalm of all and see all of the things that happened in that Psalm and how beautiful it is and then we'll talk about a lot more of the Psalms here's Joyce the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want sheep and Shepherds analogies in the Bible Jesus is referred to as the shepherd and we are referred to as his sheep a child proudly says this is my dad it puts an emphasis on my dad and I believe when David wrote this Psalm he would have said it more like the Lord is my shepherd and I want tonight really my goal in tonight's teaching is for you to come into a place of feeling safe everybody wants to feel safe and especially women want to feel safe they want to feel taken care of that's just in our nature to want to feel safe I want you to know that you're cared for that God has a plan for your life that he's not mad at you that he knew everything that you were going to do wrong before you ever even came into relationship with him and he already in his providential care provided for all of it God's got you covered amen God's Got Your Back the Lord is my shepherd I believe David said I don't want us just to think about a god way off in the sky somewhere but he wants to have a personal intimate relationship with us the difference in religion and relationship is what I just said religion always looks for God somewhere and tries to get to God through works and effort and some certain kind of behavior are you a Christian while I go to church well that that's not what I ask you that doesn't make you a Christian I can sit in my garage for a year and that'll never make me a car just because you sit in church that doesn't make you a Christian amen a Christian is not even necessarily someone that does good works well I mean yes we as Christians we should do good works but that doing good works doesn't prove to anybody that I'm a Christian the thing that makes us a Christian is that we have received Jesus Christ into our heart to be our Lord to be our savior we believe that he is the Son of God God himself who took our sin upon himself who took our punishment who died in our place who rose from the dead is seated at the right hand of God the father and as we receive him he comes to be intimate and personal to live inside of us to help us with everything amen there's so much in there I mean you could teach for a week on the 23rd psalm I shall not want the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. ister how many well we're wanting something all the time right but he said he had such a relationship with God that he he said he's more than enough he satisfies my soul and there's a it's Psalm I think 1715 and it says I shall be fully satisfied when I awake to find myself beholding your form and having sweet communion with you and I love that so when when you are close enough to God that when you wake up in the morning the first thing you find yourself doing is talking to him you're going to find two that you have a satisfaction that nothing can give you except a relationship with God so many people even people watching right now they're looking for something to satisfy them and you know you can there's so many Rich miserable people yeah you know having stuff is not what makes you happy but if you if if God is first he doesn't mind you having nice things he wants who would he want to have nice things other than his kids but he doesn't want us to cling to them yeah we need to always be willing to let go of anything that God tells us to let go of and so one more thing and then I'll turn it over to somebody else last night the thing that's so important about what we're saying here about being honest is so many people are so phony when they pray they think that they need to become a different person yeah when they pray like this very religious sounding holy person like you like you can't I can't tell God that I remember one time thinking I can't tell God that and then all of a sudden it came to me well he knows it anyway like you said he knows everything so we don't need to tell God for God it's it's our way of getting it out of us yeah it's such a it's it can be a bad habit to break to like run to friends and family when you have you know things going on in your life it's so it's easy for me to do that like when one of my excuses my dad's a pastor and so it was I kind of correlated my relationship with God with the voice of my father you know and so um it took a long time for that to break and then with my ex-husband I used to like we would talk through things a lot you know and so one of the things that I'm grateful for just being an adult that really had to relearn the voice of God and relearn being comfortable just telling him all of my stuff like I'm grateful that even my daughter like even this morning um she still comes to mama you know to to but she didn't even vent she just said please pray with me like I thought that was really powerful I'm like oh thank you his you know the goal is to break that generational curse of like running to someone right but it's okay to touch and agree with someone but like the fact that my kid is already like pray with me that's awesome you know like she didn't say like just pray for him she's like pray with me you know that this is that I can get through you know whatever she didn't go through all the things and so I just even learned from her today like there's some things that I had on my heart in my mind I wanted to call my Mom or call my best friend you know just talk through it and then she kind of checked me real quick and I'm like that's why I said in the shower I'm like God like and I was able to just pour it out to him so that's a it's not even necessarily wrong to go to someone but we should always go to God first right I didn't want to go to God first I want to tell my mama you want to tell somebody we know we'll feel sorry right exactly that would have made me feel better temporary God doesn't feel sorry for us he gives us an answer exactly one thing that you said In that clip and in your Psalm 23 teaching I have never heard anybody talk about how the emphasis on my God is my shepherd and that that kind of changes your whole perspective on God when you look at him like that and I think you see that all through the Psalms that he it is so personal he he loves me Aaron because I'm his kid right and he's hurting when I'm hurting and um Kaden just my seven-year-old he just accepted Jesus into his heart a couple weeks ago so that's a really that's a very big day in our house and so we've had all these conversations like what does that mean that you've done this and what does it look like to grow your like relationship with God so to get to say to him Kaden what that means is when you are scared he's right here and you talk to him or when you're happy or when you're really frustrated with that friend and you want to push him down don't he's right here because he's yours now because you asked him to be there and so all through the Psalms I think it's you get so much of that richness of yeah yeah there are so many beautiful things in the Psalms well of course you wrote a devotional with with doing that and that's one of the things that I've done for more years than I even know is part of my reading the word is reading a Psalm every day and it becomes such a part of who you are like Psalm 139 honestly that's such a gift from God that Psalm if he gave if he gave me nothing else if I didn't know all the other jewels that were in his word and he he said here here's Psalm 139 I would be like God thank you you know that that you would tell me all of this about who I am and who you are and how we connect together there's just so much in fact if if I look through through my my old their Bible and all the notes it's almost like in Psalms it's almost like a Chronicle of my life like all these notes and dates of a time that a specific verse really meant something to me and notes that people gave me my mom my kids different things and how God used different Psalms in my life really is an example of how whatever it is that we're dealing with he has answers for them he has loved to pour out into our hearts through his word and for me specifically through the Psalms yeah that's so funny I did the same thing I got my Bible and I thought I'm going to find my favorite Psalm which one has the most notes that's the one that I really needed who wins yeah exactly some scanning through and there's like pages of just notes and same kinds of things and I I could probably see tears on the pages of when I I needed that message at that moment so I couldn't pick one because it's that same kind of thing you see as faithfulness and all the ways he I would say the three most famous or popular Psalms or Psalm 23 Psalm 139 and Psalm 91. I thought I would just mention that so if people are not familiar with that it's a good idea they could great ones to look start and some Psalm 139 is fabulous it's just fantastic you know he describes how God made him with his own hand and his mother's womb and and then he says wonderful are your works oh Lord and I thought he's saying I'm wonderful yeah yeah and so many people think so badly of themselves they have such a poor opinion of themselves and I mean David in the Psalms kind of kicks that one out of the ball game right right away he's like uh you know he calls himself anointed he calls himself righteous he he he says all the good things about him that God wants us to believe about ourselves and and when we know who David was you know when when we know that he was a man with failures like we all have that that teaches us so much about God's love for us that in spite of sin God called David a man after his own heart and he committed adultery and murder yeah a man after my own heart but you know something I've learned is there's a difference in weakness and wickedness oh that's right and David had weaknesses yeah but he did not have a wicked heart yeah he really really really loved God and you know I've read a lot of stuff by Madame guy on and she said love and then do as you please and if you really think about it it's like if you really really love God then you're not going to do anything that doesn't please him so you don't even really want to it's not a matter of I can't yeah it's I don't want to and I think a lot of people think well if I become a Christian then I can't do this and I can't do that and I can't do this and I can't do that but the point is is God changes your heart exactly and you don't want to and all those things that you are doing that you think are so important to the very things that are making you miserable and unhappy yeah yeah what do you think is like a some nut steps but like that love that depth of the love that you know that David must have had must have had for God like how do you get to that point of just loving him to that point you know like you said like that love I know so many people that want to love God but have had so many bad things happen to their life in their lives and see the the devastation in the world that they still feel so disconnected together something that was really life-changing for me we've all got a probably a handful of scriptures that we can say wow this was like a a big thing for me and in the Amplified Bible in first John 4 16. it says that we are to be conscious and aware of God's love for us yeah and I guess we'd have to talk about it a while to really get the depth of that but how many times a day is God showing his love for us even in little tiny ways you know I've come to believe my husband is very encouraging he's very complementary toward me and I've come to believe that although it's coming out of Dave's mouth I believe it's God encouraging me so I think when other people come and encourage us yep it's really God because God uses people yeah you know he speaks through through people and so there's if you if you watch for God's love for you and just how he cares about the tiniest detail or the little desire you had in your heart that nobody knew about but you and all of a sudden God does it for you yeah that causes you to fall more and more and more in love with him along with the fact that the Bible says that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost so when you're born again when you receive Christ love comes in when he comes in love comes in because he is love yeah I love that I love the idea of watching like like be on the lookout that's real that Thrills me yeah it just when I see God do little things for me that are just like little blinks from God like you know I got you I know you're there yeah it's easy to be negative you know it's easier it is it's easier to look for the negative in it I can't eat carrots right now spit in your mouth it's easy though it's you know like Satan is throwing those fiery dogs every day like we have the big things yeah we have to like watch out for like watch out for God's love like you have to be on the lookout for absolutely I love that I think it's good too at least for a period of time keep a little record of those things yeah because they're they sometimes are so little that you just you know something I just appreciate the people that God has put in my life that helped me yeah yeah with things that make my life so much easier like one of my daughters says I know the call in my life is to take care of you yeah and she just she runs my errands she just does anything I need her to do she does that well that's a gift from God that's not just her yeah because you couldn't have that desire to do that for somebody who who would lay down their life to do that for somebody if God didn't put that in their heart and all the people that work here that are so committed and dedicated and you know you can't be that committed to somebody else's thing unless God puts that in your heart to do that I look to at the things that David is talking about when when he is pouring out his heart to God and pouring out his pain and David was not dealing with small things I mean he was being hunted down to be killed and and yet he still turns it and says but but I will worship you but I trust you I know you are good and that that tells you so much about who God is and what he wants to hear from us I think about you know with with my own kids I do want to hear when they're hurting I want to know what they're struggling with and and I want to help them through it so it it's it's good for us in multiple ways to be able to pour out our soul to God but not to forget the butt you know don't leave that second part off I'll Trust you yes yeah I think what you're saying is so important for people to hear but it's not just hey look what David did yeah but that's an example of what we should do yeah and how you know we can get our mouth open to complain yeah we won't have any trouble with that but to verbalize that yes I've got a problem God but I put my trust in you and I believe that you will answer me it's inspiring to see how honest David was with God David brought his pain and his complaints to God yet his faith was stronger than his circumstances and he could always say in the end God I trust you no matter what that means we can do that too God has that kind of love and compassion for all of us Joyce has a great devotional that will help you to see that even more in your own daily walk with Christ daily devotions from Psalms it's a 365 day devotional one for every day of the year and you'll get a note keeper to write down some of those things that you see God doing and just help deepen that relationship and love for him coming up tomorrow we will finish our discussion of finding Beauty in the Psalms Psalm 37 you know the mess we're in in the world I says fret not yourself because of the evildoer because they shall soon be cut down like the grass delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart they're such powerful words if you read them too fast you can just read it and then just keep going but if you stop and think about what you just said it's just crazy that's tomorrow unenjoying everyday life we'll see you then life consists of beauty life is messy but you don't have to be this is your invitation to wrap up in peace that makes no sense run to Hope in the center of chaos announcing the love Life Women's Conference 2023 at the 2023 love Life Women's Conference I'll teach you how to trust God and find calm in the chaos don't just survive when you can be blessed in the midst of this beautiful mess featuring Joyce and her guests Bishop TD Jakes Sadie Robertson Huff Lisa bevere Natalie Grant and Danny Gokey October 19th through the 21st in San Antonio Texas register today at [Music] thank you father I pray that you would help us trust you even when life is hard even when it hurts even when it seems unfair the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside Steel Waters he restores my soul he leads me in Paths of righteousness for his name's sake God please help us trust you help us not to quit and give up and to back away from hard things even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and I pray Lord that you're giving people understanding that they're gaining the strength to keep on keeping on and not to ever quit and give up thank you for your word in Jesus name the Joyce Meyer conference is back if you will start crying out to God on a regular basis I need more of you in my life you better put on your seat belt and get ready for the ride of your life coming to Baton Rouge Louisiana September 15th and 16th with worship by Healing Place worship and Hershey Pennsylvania November 10th and 11th with worshiped by Pat Barrett for more information and a complete conference schedule visit or call 1-866 see Joyce we hope you enjoyed today's program for more information visit this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
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Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyers, joyce meyer sermons 2023, joyce meyers 2023, joyce meyer 2023, christian youtuber, Talk It Out, are you honest with God, David's honesty with God, David's faith, faith stronger than circumstances, trusting God, psalms bible study
Id: lqAdhuGK7VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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