Psalm Chapter 15

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[Music] shalom and welcome to via israel a hebrew phrase which means you shall love israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr baruch shares his expository teaching from the bible dr baruch is the senior lecturer at the zara avraham institute based in israel although all courses are taught in hebrew at the institute dr baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in english to find out more about our work in israel please visit us on the web at that's one word now here's baruch with today's lesson do you want to experience god that is to say dwell with his presence experience all of his goodness in your life that produces that which is pleasing to him now my hope is to all those questions you will give a strong affirmation that you want to be with god that you want god to be present in your life the question is how how can i ensure that i'm going to experience god that he will be in my circumstances and i will be in his presence well david and psalm 15 gives us great counsel and how to make that a reality so with that said take out your bible and look with me to that psalm 15 and in essence when i read this and some of the vocabulary that we're going to encounter we see that really what this psalm speaks of is a torah observant life the benefit of applying god's truth to one's life you want intimacy with god you want to be in his presence you want him actively involved in your circumstances then live a life that is based upon his truth but how do i do that that's exactly what psalm 15 reveals so let's begin verse 1 a psalm of david and david of course whenever we come across that word even though here the writer the author of this psalm and so many others is literally david the son of yeshi king david but it also has a messianic understanding meaning this what david writes in the psalms reveals to us frequently how to live a messianic inspired life how to live and what is required for a life that reflects the messianic age let me say that differently a life that reflects the kingdom and over and over that's what you hear me say that we're supposed to live in a way that demonstrates that bears testimony of our faith in the kingdom of god and the king of that kingdom his spirit dwells within us and his spirit leads us illuminates our mind so we make kingdom-based decisions decisions that manifest the foundation of kingdom life kingdom behavior so a psalm of david and david begins with a question a few questions and he addresses them to the lord he says oh lord and this is that sacred name of god that you'd have hey those four letters and one of the reasons why this name appears here not simply god not simply adon referring to another word that can be translated lord but this sacred name of god the name that transcends all things the name that is not rooted in time for he is the god that was and is and will be and one of the things that we glean from his name being used here is that the truth the principles what god is revealing this psalm they are true always they are not limited to certain periods of times or situations they are universal they transcend all things culture ethnicity whatever this is truth always verse 1 oh lord who will dwell or reside and this is the word for dwelling someplace living someplace and he asks who will dwell in your tent now tent remember moses during his leadership in the wilderness the tabernacle was sent up which is called oh hell moed so tent has to do with god in a unique way his dwelling presence his sanctuary the place that he abides so what david is saying here in this first part of verse one is how does one dwell with you dwell in your presence how does one enter into your tent to experience you and then he asks it another way he says and who will dwell and this is a word remember i mentioned tabernacle and one of the ways to speak of the tabernacle and this is what i meant when i said oh hell moed the word oh hell is tent the tent of meeting oh hell moed but there's another term for the tabernacle and that is mishkan and it comes from the word lishkon hear the similarity mishkan and lishkon it comes from the hebrew word which means to dwell it is a synonym for ligur leshkon means basically the same thing but this word also reflects a closeness to the presence of god why is that because one of the ways that we refer to god's presence is with the term shrina shrina is the dwelling but whenever we say we need that we mean the dwelling presence of god so he says and who will dwell in your holy mountain now of course this is a reference to jerusalem but but pay attention for a moment to that word mountain mountain also reflects a degree of authority a seat of government or power so when he says who will dwell in your holy mountain it can also be understood who is going to submit to your holy authority and submitting to the holy authority of god means i affirm and i apply to my life god's purposes remember holiness the purposes of god so right here he gives us great insight if we want to experience god's presence if we want to be close intimate with him if we want to have access to his resources then we need to be committed to his purposes and we need to realize it's not saying god over here i'm here come and be with me but rather it's dwelling with him i need to make the change i need to reposition myself and the only way to do that is applying this principle god i want to submit to your authority so i take hold i embrace your purposes verse two he also answers this question in this way verse two who walks who goes it's a word of of life who lives and notices next word to me now that word can be translated innocent it can be translated blameless or pure but but let's talk about the root of what it's saying this word reflects a purity or an innocence that is derived from relying upon god trusting him i shared with you that this word here it's tamim but this word can also a tom can be a blameless person but also a simpleton a fool and what it's trying to say to us is this a fool doesn't know very much he doesn't know how to to order his life it's if it's raining he doesn't know to walk in out of the rain someone has to help him tell him instruct him and so in the biblical sense the same word is used for one that understands when it comes to the spiritual when it comes to the things of god i'm a simpleton i don't understand them these things these principles i can't can't latch onto i can't understand in and of myself compared to the laws the ways of god my mindset i'm foolish in regard to those and the only way that i can embrace them it is if i rely upon god i trust him i say god just like that one who doesn't know enough to get out of the rain someone has to help him i turn and i acknowledge my inadequacy that i am when it comes to spiritual truth i'm foolish therefore i have to have help assistance i'm in need of him i make myself dependent i rely i trust upon him and when a simpleton does that that action that trust that reliance upon god turns him into one who is blameless one who is innocent before god so we need to have when it says this is someone who walks who conducts himself understanding his absolute dependence that he needs to rely totally upon the truth of god the ways of god the assistance the help of god and when he does that notice the next part who the first word in this phrase paul means it's a word of action of doing of behavior so it's one when one relies trust makes oneself dependent upon god he will act he will behave he will do that which is and notice it righteous so relying upon god produces righteousness in my life living innocently not violating the things of god produces righteousness in my life it not only causes me to make righteous decisions do that which is righteous but it's also going to give me a perspective for understanding for perceiving righteousness and then the second half of verse two vedo there and he speaks truth in his heart now heart it's just not speaking it but it's also heart what should come into our mind hope you know the answer to this i say this so frequently heart as a man thinks in his heart so it's a term of meditation of thinking reflecting upon what the truth of god so we need to realize that it is only when i think according to the truth of god am i going to be someone that experiences god's presence in my life and be brought into close proximity intimacy with him and you can never overestimate the wonderful blessings that come from being brought into intimacy with god then verse three verse three speaks about what we ought not do and it says lo regal al now we really have to unpack this because the word regal if i said the word miragil this is a word for spy but the word rhaego a noun from this verb is foot and what it has to do with is going someplace moving someplace and as a spy does collecting information and not just collecting information but the purpose is to share that that based upon this information i'm going to behave now the context here is moving around remember foot moving around gathering information concerning other people and that should not be what does he say very clearly we read once more lo regal that such information as we move about we should not be individuals that are moving together uh information spying out to learn things about others so it can be upon our tongue that we can share it with others we need to learn in other words not to gossip not to share everything that we hear but to keep it to ourselves so one of the things that is very important that we do is that we do not speak information about others and notice something else in regard to that lo asa he does not do or make for his neighbor his friend and these two things go together which means this i don't gather information about someone so that i can make for him that which is evil that which is not according to god's will see learn that is the behavior of satan one of the ways that satan is spoken of is that he is an accuser so he loves to gather damaging embarrassing shameful information about us in fact he just doesn't gather it but he tries to get us to do it and when we behave in a shameful way when we do or act in a way contrary to the things of god who is there to speak that out to accuse us the enemy satan and what he's saying here is that a believer ought not behave this way this is not the purpose of one who submits to the authority of god who recognizes god's presence in their life and seeks intimacy with god this is not what one does we don't gather information to spread it about so that that evil that which is not god's will will happen to this individual we do not keep reading the end of verse three and is a a strong word for shame we have two words that come into my mind right now for shame often times we we use these two words together to speak about a strong shame or embarrassment and such and it's saying here our nature is not that we want to look at all the verse and shame he does not lift up upon and this is the word provo which is usually a family member the word corrobe simply means one who is close one who is near so he doesn't do it to a friend and he doesn't do it to anyone around him whether it's family whether it's a neighbor or anyone else just because he's able to just because the opportunity and that's with why the word crevol appears there just because he has the opportunity to shame one we don't want to do that that is not our nature we want to lift people up we don't want to place shame upon them we want to behave in a way that they become an instrument that manifests the glory of god not shamefulness so it's really clear here what he's saying concerning our behavior look at now verse four this is the word that uh has to do with perhaps despising that which is re rejectable meaning we don't want and what he's saying here this is the same thing same word that that esau when esau encountered the birthright he had uh uh he despised the the birthright and what it says here look again verse 4 a despicable one in his eyes he must he rejects so he doesn't see someone who is despicable and that word has to do with behaving in a way that is shameful a way that is not proper he doesn't see this one and is drawn to that but rather in his eyes such a person is is one that he rejects he doesn't want a relationship he doesn't want activity with this person he separates himself from such a one but look at the last part of verse four but the one who fears the lord what does he do he honors so one who despises the things of god like esau and that's what makes one a despicable individual he rejects the things of god and because this one rejects the things of god we reject him but the one who fears god let's say it a different way the one who makes god his priority in the things of god the purposes of god his priority this one what did we do we honor this one we give glory to that one it's word for we see that one as significance it's a word literally for heaviness we see a significance for that person and we behave in this way and then the end of verse four and this is something that uh i think so so much related to integrity and god wants us to be people of integrity notice what he says nisba now this is someone who has made an oath he has sworn he has taken an er oath but it says and the implication according to the sages is that he's said that he's going to do something but it's not going to produce something good for him so i've told i'll do this i'll make this uh donation i'll uh uh do this action i'll i'll make this commitment but then i discover you know what if i carry this out it it's not going to be good for me now what do most people do most people say i'm sorry i changed my mind i'm sorry i i don't want to do this uh and they don't but what does scripture say it didn't say you know i may do that the person took an oath he pledged something and even if it produces something not good with me if i say yes i need to stand by my word now obviously if we make an agreement to do something that's sinful we don't carry out sin but this is something that i've sworn to do something remember it's better not to make an oath but if we do even if it has a personally adverse effect for example i promise that i'm going to invest in this person's business i promise them i'm going to do that then i learned something that well i really shouldn't now but i've already given my word you have to give the money even if it's going to bruce produce a negative return i'm going to lose all that money your word is more important and then the end says let's just read it all [Music] someone swore to his own uh demise or toward his own uh uncomfortableness or his own misfortune it says lo yamir yamir he doesn't change it this is a word i'm very familiar with this word because if you have a foreign currency you have to lamirze lamirzay you have to convert that money change that money into shekels so it's a word for changing converting and what he's saying is you give your word you don't change your word you don't turn it into something else you be people of integrity and now verse 5. now we gave an example about making a donation making an investment money easy to talk more about money in this last verse look at verse five he says his money now thinks it's usually very uh serious when we start talking about money he says his money he does not give at interest now we're talking about someone not necessarily investing not making the donation but someone is in need of money and they're asking to borrow it so someone comes up and says i'm in a difficult situation uh a fellow brother and uh can you loan me let's say a thousand dollars well you loan that money but you do not loan it at interest it is not appropriate for an individual we're not talking about a bank or a business a loan company we're talking about individuals here an individual does not loan money to a fellow believer or a friend at interest so he says his money does not give at interest and what else he's not money minded now he's a good steward but he has not given over money doesn't rule him and he says that's a bribe he does not and the implication is a bribe against an innocent one and this was done frequently probably still today but in the past someone would be innocent and they would make a bribe for an elder to to rule against this person to say that he's guilty and so david says clearly here don't take a bribe against an innocent person and then finally it says those who do these things this is a summary statement those who do these things doing what we ought to do and not doing what we ought not to do so someone who is faithful to this that takes these simple principles not hard to understand rather easy to understand those who do these things not taking a bribe not loaning money for interest doing the things we ought to do he says those who do these things notice low emote he will not be moved now here's what we see and it says not be moved ever it is a principle for our seasons all times for every situation when we put these things into practice doing the things we ought to do and not doing the things we ought not to do when we embrace that where are we going to be in god's presence and we will not be moved from that that's what the enemy tries to do when you are obedient to the things of god the enemy hates that and he comes in he will bring hardship he will bring uh difficulties in order to get you to move away from where god wants you to be but when we remain in that character in those activities that behavior what does the word of god say we will never be moved moved from where this intimacy this presence of god this this provision that comes from being in the will of god so this sound psalm 15 it is a simple psalm but it is so profound meditate upon it what does that mean read it over and over pray oh god help me to understand this and help me to apply all these things to my life if you make a commitment to psalm 15 you can be assured that you are going to have a greater experience with god greater worship you are going to be transformed i'll close with that until next week shalom from israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of again to find out more about us please visit our website love there you will find articles and numerous other lectures by baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our messiah yeshua that is jesus as you walk with him shalom from israel
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Id: fQiYJV2tV5I
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Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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