Psalm 91 Bible Study | Faith Friday

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hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome back to another Bible study with me in today's video we are doing a Bible study on the Psalms 91 so I'm very interested in seeing that then just keep on watching alright guys so as you guys know if you are a subscriber here on my channel for the month of Man we are studying the Book of Psalms and so last week we did Psalms chapter 1 so if you haven't seen that video I'll put it in the cards and you can watch that and then you can come back and watch this video um it's in today's video we are studying songs 91 and I felt like this was a good song for us to study because I believe that it's one that a lot of us have been reading more frequently I know a lot of people have been reading this every morning when they wake up and before they go to sleep just because it is a very timely song for the period of life that we are in right now and so that's why I wanted to study it and yeah I would love to hear your thoughts so make sure to leave me a comment as we go throughout this video so if you haven't seen the Bible study here on my channel before I usually just read the whole chapter and then I go through it verse by verse um and just share anything that the Lord shared with me so let's start reading I'm gonna be reading from the modern English version but feel free to follow along with whatever version you have so Psalm 91 it says he who dwells in the shelter of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom I trust surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the hunter and from the deadly pestilence he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall find protection his faithfulness shall be your shield and wall you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that pursues and dark nor of the destruction that strikes at noonday a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you only with your eyes so you behold and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the Lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling there shall be no evil befall you neither shall any plague come near your tent for he shall give his angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways they shall bear you up in their hands lest you strike your foot against a stone you shall tread upon the lion and adder the young lion and the serpent you trample underfoot because yes set his love upon me therefore I will deliver him I will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble and I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation and I also want to read this in the easy English version so the easy English version says whoever stays in the secret place of the Most High God will remain under the shadow of the Almighty I will say to the Lord you are strong place where I will be safe you are my god and I am trusting in you he God really will save you from the trap that the bird catcher hid and God will save you from illnesses that cause death he will cover you with his feathers you'll be safe under his wings God will do what he promised and he will be like big and small shields over you do not be afraid of bad spirit that night or the arrow that flies in the day or illnesses that come when it is dark or something bad that may destroy you at midday a thousand people may die by your side ten thousand people may die by your right hand but the danger will not come near you your eyes will see it and watch while it destroys bad people for you Lord make me safe because the most high is your home bad things will not happen to you and there will be no fighting where you live for God will tell his angels what to do for you they will make you safe everywhere that you go their hands will give you help so that you will not even hurt your feet on a stone you will walk on the lion and the Cobra the young lion and the serpent will be under your feet God says I will make the person safe that loves me danger will not hurt him that knows and trusts in my name he will pray to me and I will answer him when he has trouble I will be with him I will save him and make him famous I will make him happy with the long life he will enjoy what I will do for him right and so the reason why this is such a popular song right now is because of all of the protection that it speaks about that God gives us and so in the scripture just to name a few of the things that it says that guy will do it says God will deliver us God will cover us God will protect us he'll shoot us guard us love us right but there is um something that we must do before that in order to receive the protection and the provision and the covering from God and so last week when we looked at Psalm 1 we saw that in order to receive the blessings of God in order to be blessed there were some things that we had to do to fulfill the conditions of the promises of God and it's the same way for this Psalm and it starts off right in the beginning so in order to receive the protection so in order to receive the covering that this form talks about it says that we must first dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty so first it says he who dwells in the shelter of the Most High so what does it mean to dwell in the shelter of the Most High well first of all a shelter is a covering it's a secret place right and said well is to leave somewhere right to do is to stay somewhere for our period of time and so this is saying he who dwells he who lives in the shelter in the covering in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow under the defense under the protection of the Almighty and so in order for this song to be activated in your life in order for you to get the protection that this form is talking about you have to dwell in the shelter of the Most High and so like I said to dwell is to actually live to dwell is to remain to dwell is to stay in a certain place and so my question to you is do you dwell in the shelter of the Most High do you well in the covering do you dwell in the secret place is this something normal for you because a lot of times we try to go into the secret place a lot of times we try to dwell in the shelter of the Most High when things are bad but this is something he who dwells in the shelter this is something that you do continuously this is something that you do over a longer period of time and the easy version it says whoever stays in the secret place this is somewhere that you have to stay right whoever stays in the secret place of the Most High God will remain under the shadow of the Almighty to dwell in the shelter or the secret place of the Most High is to understand that God is your covering it is to understand that God is your protection it is to understand that God is the one who is keeping you right and so when you understand that my protection comes from God God is the one covering me you change the way that you go about your life right and so I love to think about when we think about a covering I love to think about God as an umbrella right and have you ever been walking with someone else and they were in control of the umbrella when they are in control when somebody else is in control of your covering you have to make sure that you are instead but then you have to make sure that you are in alignment with them because if you walk too fast you'll no longer be under the covering if you walk too slow you'll no longer be under under the covering if you decide to go this way when they go this way you will no longer be under the covering so when you dwell in the secret place it is an act of surrender it is an act of fully trusting and relying on God it is an act of saying guy whatever you have for me I will do it's an act of saying god I want to be in alignment with you because I know that my protection only comes from you my protection comes from me being obedient to whatever you call me to do whatever path you tell me to walk on I know that my protection is only on that path because you are my covering you are my secret place you are my protection and so this psalm all of the beautiful promises that are given in this form of protection and covering and deliverance only come if you dwell in the secret place or the shelter of the Most High and abide under the shadow or the defense or the protection of the Almighty right and it says I will save the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom I try and whom I trust right so that goes back to the part when you dwell in the secret place you have fully trusted God to protect you provide for you and to deliver you and so when we look at verses 3 through 13 and those are basically the promises of God those are the things that he promises to those of us who dwell in the secret place so some of them are he will deliver you from the snare of the hunter and from the deadly pestilence right well as the pestilence of pestilence is a disease right he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall find protection his faithfulness shall be your shield in wall verse 6 says you will not be afraid of the pestilence once again that disease the sickness that pursues in darkness and so with the time we are in now with the coronavirus and people being out of work people's family members getting sick you can decree and declare these promises over your life you can claim the Word of God over their life you can say God I have been dwelling in your secret place I have been under your protection and your word says that if I remain in the secret place your word says if I dwell in the secret place that no pestilence can harm me that you will cover me with your feathers and under your wings I will find protection right you can declare this over your life you can say god and your word said you would deliver me and your word it said you would cover me and your word it says that you will protect me and your word is that you will shield me and guard me right and even when we look at verse number 7 it says a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you right this is something that you can be declared over your life on over your family over your household it will not come near my house according to the Word of God because I meet the conditions of this promise it will not come near my house because you have made the Lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling the place where you live the place where you sit down the place where you stay because you have made the Lord your dwelling there shall be no evil before you neither shall any plague come near your tent for he shall give his angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways right and so you can get up every morning and you can declare it Lord your word says that because I made you my dwelling place no evil shall befall me no plague shall come near my house God for you have given your angels charge over me God I've been clear that your angels will be dispatched God to cover me to cover my children to cover my family right the clear these things daily over your life over your family over your church and then verse 14 through 16 as when God starts to talk right and he says because you have set your love upon me therefore I will deliver you I will set you on high because you have known my name you shall call upon me and I will answer you I will be with you in trouble and I will deliver you and honor you with long life I will satisfy you and show you my salvation right and so God says that he will deliver us he will set us on high he will answer as he will be with us in trouble but in order for all of these things to happen first of all we must love God right so it says because he said his love upon me therefore I will deliver him so first you must love God then we must know him because it says I will set him on high because he has known my name and then the third thing that we must do is call him we must call upon him and this is where we trust God right this is where we completely surrender to God and it says in verse 15 he shall call upon me and I will answer him right and so this song the reason why so many people are reading it right now is because there are promises of deliverance there are promises of safety and protection but we have to make sure that when we are claiming the Word of God that we are understanding that some of the promises of God are attached to conditions and if we do not fulfill the conditions we will not receive the promises and so I encourage you that while you're reading this form I encourage you to make sure that you're dwelling in a secret place right check yourself check your relationship with God and make sure that you aren't swelling in the secret place of the Almighty and then also make sure that you are fully trusting in God make sure that you love him make sure that you know him and then make sure that you call on him so that he may deliver you and set you on high so that he may send his angels to protect you write so that is Psalm 91 if you guys have any questions or comments make sure to go ahead and leave them in the comment section if there's a song that you would love us to go over in the next couple of weeks then definitely leave that as a suggestion as well and if you made it all the way to this point that you are not subscribed to my channel what are you doing go ahead and click the red subscribe button and also click the Bell so you can get post notifications and you don't miss when I post a new video so that's it for this video I will see you guys next week
Channel: Ashtyn Washington
Views: 5,401
Rating: 4.9283156 out of 5
Keywords: faith friday, bible study, bible study with me, psalms 91, psalm 91, psalms bible study, ashtyn washington, christian youtuber, christian youtube channel, faith youtuber, faith youtube channel, faith vlogger, christian vlogger
Id: zKz8sBANgaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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