Psalm 63 • When you find yourself in the Wilderness

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Psalm 63 is not terribly long it's only 11 verses let's go ahead and read through it and let's see what the Lord has for us it says oh god you are my god earnestly I seek you my soul thirsts for you my flesh fates for you as in a dry and weary land where there is no water so I have looked upon you in the sanctuary beholding your power and glory because your steadfast love is better than life my lips will praise you so I will bless you as long as I live in your name I will lift up my hands my soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips when I remember you upon my bed and meditate on you in the watches of the night for you have been my help and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy my soul clings to you your right hand upholds me but those who seek to destroy my life shall go down into the depths of the earth they shall be given over to the power of the sword they shall be a portion for jackals but the king shall rejoice in God all who swear by him shall exalt for the mouths of liars will be stopped all right so in this interesting Psalm David begins by expressing that he finds himself in a time of wilderness he speaks to the Lord and he says that I'm thirsting for you as in a dry and weary land where there is no water in other words the wilderness and this is one of the many songs that frankly speaks of this area the wilderness and the wilderness is both literal and figurative for David there was probably very literally a place where he was hiding from King Saul or or something like that and where water was perhaps scarce but figuratively speaking this area that we refer to as the wilderness this dry and weary land where there is no water is what we refer to as those times when we just find ourselves in a challenging circumstance or circumstances and we're not happy things aren't going well and and and like David we often find ourselves wandering around in the wilderness or at least during a time in our lives that we would consider to be a period of wilderness and those those sorts of periods can come for all kinds of different reasons and I'm sure we've all had them you guys know that Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness wandering around in the wilderness of course their wilderness wanderings were due to the fact that you know they responded in unbelief when God brought them right to the doorstep of the Promised Land and instead of believing that God was able to bring them into the land and conquer all the enemies that were there they believed a bad report and because of their unbelief they spent the next 38 years wandering in the wilderness David spent a good period of his time both literally and figuratively wandering around in a wilderness mostly because Saul was trying to kill him and he was on the run there are times in later in David's life when he experienced some wilderness wanderings in those situations it was more because of his own bad choices and his own failures that he found himself in those sorts of situations to be honest there's a lot of reasons why wilderness times can pop up in our lives they can happen as the result of losing someone that we love either to death or just to a broken relationship they can come because of an extended time of illness those can be incredibly trying times or even the loss of a job the ability to sustain oneself or just a change of life that's happening to us change of life that is big you know and overwhelming so there's a lot of different reasons why we may find ourselves in in in that sort of a situation we might even be in a wilderness for the same reason that Israel found themselves in the wilderness it could be in because of unbelief in our lives could be because of something you know we just didn't believe the Lord doesn't mean you're not saved you know you can just you can you can be a child of God you know walking in your salvation and then something comes up in your life that just you stumble over in the sense of you know believing and walking out that promise or or that truth or whatever and and suddenly you find yourself in the wilderness but you know regardless of why we may end up in this place that we call the wilderness the feelings are usually the same we usually feel separated there is kind of a sense of isolation we feel isolated from other people we sometimes feel isolated from God during those times you know and I've had people say to me and I bet you have - I just feel like I'm you know in the wilderness right now it's just it's a hard road it's not enjoyable you know just all kinds of challenges in fact usually joy is hard to come by in the wilderness and way too often those times are met with sorrow even confusion or both about why or going through these particular times I I kind of liken wilderness wanderings as trying to drive your car on four flat tires and that's just kind of the way it feels you know like getting anywhere is just a chore and there instead of instead of fruitfulness you know you you go to church and you hear people talking about you know what it is to walk the fruitful life for Jesus Christ and you think to yourself there's no fruitfulness going on in my life right now it's barrenness and were we not given some insights into times of wilderness in the Word of God we made despair a little more than we than we do we know that wilderness times in our lives and the barrenness that can come with them can often come from a time of pruning you know Jesus told us that that we are pruned by our heavenly father literally cut back the branches of our lives can be cut back in order that we might bear more fruit fulness at some particular time down the road but boy I tell you when you look at a tree that has been cut back and and and pruned it looks dead to all you know kind of visual inspection we've we've had some trees here on the property number of years ago we had a guy that pruned some of our trees and I I came one morning and I saw him and I was horrified I thought who killed these trees these poor trees they looked like nothing I mean they were just barren and sticks sticking up out of the ground what was interesting is that by the middle of the summer those were they had they were in full leaf and I was blown away by how the leaves looked so healthy and strong on those very trees that just a few months earlier you know looked like they literally were dead I I don't know anything about trees I can't tell you know an elm tree from a maple from of this row that but I tell you one thing I think I know when a tree looks dead and these looked deader than a doornail and and yet they just flourished do you know Christians is sometimes our lives can look that same way we look at each other we look at ourselves but then we look at each other and we think I don't know if she's even saved I don't know if he even knows the land they're probably going through a time of pruning and cutting back and it looks for all intents and purposes like they're dead but just give it time but boy when you're going through that time when you've been pruned when the Lord has cut you back that you might have more fruitfulness oh is that a painful time people it's a dry and weary land where there seems to be no water and it's it's a time of stripping away the Lord will take us through a season in our lives of stripping away our external comforts so that we might draw near to him but you know those times in the wilderness are often times of searching hopefully we're searching for God but the wilderness season in our life we begin to search because we're lacking comfort we search for comfort we search for rest we search for answers people want to know you know pastor why is it that I'm going through a time in my life I've had such a close relationship with the Lord and now I feel like I pray and I get nothing you know why is it I don't seem to be getting any answers why am I you know I feel like the heavens have become brass as they say we search for stability and hopefully in all of that we're searching also for God the reason I bring all this up is because I think what David has done for us here in Psalm 63 is he's given us kind of a road map of how to find our way back when you're going through that wilderness period in your life and again if you haven't been through it you will and so you find yourself at a time where you just suddenly realize this is a barren season in my life it's a dry and dusty and difficult time in my life we recognize it so what do we do with it well I'll tell you what most Christians do they don't handle it well let's just say that we'll bring that up more as we kind of go but we notice here as we begin looking again at this Psalm that the search we've defined what the will period is the search though that goes on during those times of wilderness is a personal one and you see that here in verse one as David begins look with me in your Bible and he says oh god you are my god and I want you to note it notice what he says here earnestly I seek you my soul thirsts for you notice the emphasis there my flesh faints for you notice here what what David is doing he's not he's not looking for happiness he's not looking for religion he's not even looking for answers at this particular juncture he's looking for a person he's looking for God himself and he says I want you earnestly I seek you I'm on the search because I am in a time in my life that is dry and barren and dusty and there's no water and I'm desperate in fact I'm so desperate I'm even fainting I've never been so thirsty that I felt like fainting I I can hardly imagine but he's talking here about the fact that my flesh faints for you I want you and the life-giving water that only you can bring I'm looking for you I'm looking for a person and and the reason David is saying that is because our God is a personal God a God who can be known in personal intimate fellowship and when we're going through those times of wilderness wanderings we're lacking that personal touch to our walk with God it's been personal in the past but now it's it's hard and we don't feel it and so that's what we need to do we need to come to him exactly what David is doing to that God who can be known the only one who can really meet our our deepest needs you know a God who can touch us in the deepest areas of our hurt the deepest areas of our lives that need to have healing and life brought to them I want to show you a promise that Jesus gives us in the word from John chapter 10 on the screen look at this jesus said the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy we usually apply that as kind of a mo for the enemy you know Satan but notice what Jesus says here I came that they may have life and have it abundantly we read this verse in light of those wilderness times in our lives and we begin to kind of wonder what's going on with me what's wrong with me and and this is where people begin to doubt their salvation and it's very possible that they would become angry and disconnected from the Lord because you you you look at verses like this and you think Jesus came that we might have abundant life and I'm just not feeling it I just don't feel like I have this abundant life right now and yet here's the point you guys when you're going through a wilderness time this verse stands as a promise regardless of the circumstances you're going through and regardless of how you feel and here's what you and I have to decide is Jesus true or is he a liar simple as that is what he said true or is what he said a bald-faced lie because if it's true then even when you're going through a time of wilderness in that dry and dusty place you're going to strive to get this that abundant life you're gonna keep coming back that's what David is doing here in this Psalm he explains to you here that he's going through a wilderness time but he's also explaining to you the person who he is running after to bring this time to an end rather than blaming God rather than blaming himself rather than blaming others he simply to God and and that's the other thing that we see about this his search is intense did you notice that look again in verse one with me look at these words earnestly he says I seek you guys this isn't a casual kind of a G I'm just kind of wondering where God is in all this you know sometimes people will say that kind of flippantly you know I've just I'm feeling terrible and I'm just kind of wondering where God is in all of this go look for him it's not like he's a long way away the point is David said earnestly I seek you have you ever have you ever looked for something earnestly I don't know if you're the kind of person that deals well with lost things I don't never have and it doesn't matter what it is it doesn't even have to be all that important I don't like having it lost and I'll be I'll look for it and drive my wife absolutely crazy she's like who cares I've gotta find it because it's lost you know I'm a resolver that's kind of my personality I have to resolve issues and so I go and I'll you know and I'll just I'll tear the house apart you know looking for something that I've lost I don't know if you've ever done that before but imagine if we put that same energy into seeking and searching out God especially during those times of difficulty you can see the intensity here my soul thirsts my flesh faints you see it's not just this you know casual take-it-or-leave-it sort of an attitude toward God just your hope God shows up I'm putting everything I have my whole life is going into this search you know for God and ends and it's no less of a search then than it would be for a person who was looking for water who is thirsty you know because the person who's thirsty and doesn't know where there is any water recognizes if I don't get water I'm going to die I have to have water to live let me ask you a question do you believe you have to have the Lord to live I really believe that David was convinced of that I think that David truly believed that without God in his life without that relationship and the the personal and intimate connection I thought I think he thought he would perish no different he makes reference several times through the Psalms of water and and like the need for water is his need for the Lord so you can see the intensity and it doesn't frankly take David long to tell us where he believes his answer lies in this search it's in verse two and if you look with me in the first few words of verse two he says so I have looked upon you and that's it right there and that's one of the first steps to finding what we're searching for David says I have looked upon you and there it is don't don't skip over it too quickly because we have to stop and we have to pause and think about the implications of this powerful statement because usually these like these times in the wilderness are so all-consuming here's what I mean by that when we're going through a difficult season and what we would call the wilderness kind of a wandering do you know what I'm thinking about more than anything else my wilderness wandering that's what has my attention that's what I'm thinking about I am i can see nothing but sand and the wind blowing that sand into my face and I can and I can feel the beating hot Sun on my skin and and and I can feel myself becoming faint because it's so hot and the sand is hot even through my shoes and you're I'm saying that's all I'm feeling and that's all I'm knowing so what do I do I focus on that that's what I do that's what I do so now what David does or did but it's what I tend to do and I'm willing to bet you're probably similar to me we do that David recognized that because he was in a time of wilderness wandering he desperately needed to look upon the one who could make a difference and that was the point of what he wanted to say here I have looked upon you I'm coming to you rather than focusing on my problems listen people rather than sitting and licking my wounds which by the way turns into self-pity and isn't that the devil's snare isn't self-pity the devil's snare when I get so self focused about my problems and my hurts and my challenges that I refuse to look to God because now I'm mad I'm mad at him and that's what self-pity will get you and by the way that's about all self-pity will get you it won't get you any closer to finding any kind of an answer I've noticed that when people begin to give in to self-pity they begin to isolate themselves they isolate themselves from fellowship they isolate themselves from Bible reading they isolate themselves from prayer because they're there they're feeling so fixated and focused on their hurt my life my problems and my issues and it just it just becomes this vicious cycle and if we don't and then while we're letting ourselves from fellowship and and and the word in prayer sometimes we'll try to fix it ourselves I realize I'm in a wilderness place but I think all I need is a distraction so I'm gonna busy myself with something I'm gonna find a job or find something that I need to do or should do you know and and what what that is is that's just the old pull myself up by my bootstraps kind of an attitude it's like all right Paul you've done this long enough you've been sitting here feeling sorry for yourself long enough now that's enough get yourself out of this funk that you're in and let's rise up and let's do something positive so I'm gonna get involved in the community or do some you know give my time away or I'm gonna go do something that's gonna make me feel better but it really has nothing to do with solving my issue which is an issue of the heart I'm in a wilderness time for some reason or another and the only one who can satisfy me is the Lord God my busyness is not going to satisfy me for long yes I might get distracted for a period of time but ultimately I'm not going to be satisfied and that's why David comes to the Lord in verse 2 and says I have looked upon you but I want you to notice he doesn't stop there look what the rest of the verse says I have looked upon you in the sanctuary and what did he find in the sanctuary his power and glory and that's what he goes on to say doesn't he I looked at you I looked for you in the sanctuary and I beholding your power and your glory do you see how different they see again when I'm going through a time of wilderness all I'm beholding is my misery and so David says I need to shake myself free from that and I need to come to the only one who can really be the answer for me and I need to behold his power and his glory why his power because he's got the power to bring me through this time I don't have the power he does I need to look to him and I need to see and behold his power and by the way when I say see and when David says behold he's not talking about and I'm not talking about just with your physical eyes we're talking about beholding the Lord with your heart with your spirit I'm not talking about seeing God God just show me I want to see you appear before me and I'm gonna be better no I need to I need to be lifted up out of this situation and I need to behold the eternal glorious God you'll remember that I I said earlier that being in the wilderness tends to strip away all of the comforts that we would normally run to in in this world in which we live and that's what happens when we're in the wilderness we find that our priorities are kind of being reset suddenly the things that we're just absolutely incredibly important to us just aren't anymore those times of wilderness are kind of like that the things that used to demand our time and our attention are no longer really that important because now we're finding satisfaction from God or we're longing for that satisfaction from God even if we haven't found it yet I'm longing for it lord I need to be satisfied by you and now that has to become a very precious thing you know when I've gone through periods of time in my life where the future is fearful to think about those are times when the presence of the Lord and his peace become a very precious thing that I'm searching for I'm looking for got I need your peace I haven't experienced it lately and I need it and that's what happens during those wilderness times we recognize our need for God like you know we've never needed him before I want you to notice what David says here in verse 3 he says your steadfast love is better than life and that's that's where David's priorities now have been reset listen David was a man who was drawn to a lot of different things in this world not the least of which were women you know he was a very passionate man he was a lover and and and that was a very important thing to him but when he would go through these wilderness periods all of that just kind of fell away and he would say things to the Lord like you know I'm just looking for you and I'm looking for your steadfast love and right now god I gotta tell you it's better I it's better than the life I'm looking I'm looking for you and your steadfast love more than I'm looking for all the other things that I have run after in the past that I have made such a focus of my life I've given so much time and attention to now it's you Lord it's you that I want more than anything so David begins this experience this or this journey rather to experience God by doing something vitally important and this is where what he begins in verse four and this is important that we see this people look what he says in verse four I will bless you as long as I live in your name I will lift up my hands people one of the very first steps after you just make your determination to come to God one of the very first steps to get out of that time of wilderness is to begin to praise and I want to remind you something here David is offering up this word of praise before he's out of the wilderness this is not post wilderness this is in the wilderness this is current he says I will bless you because he knows that before I can be delivered from this place of isolation and this place of darkness I must begin now to walk in obedience and obedience begins with praise how do you do on a scale of 1 to 10 don't obviously say anything out loud I'm asking you to think about this how do you do in on a scale of 1 to 10 when it comes to praise how about when you're happy now you know usually most of us can get the pointer up there ways if not a 10 pretty close when we're happy how about when you're just kind of medium how about when you're just in full flat-out discouragement mode depressed scared maybe even a little bit frustrated that things aren't working out the way they should how do you do praising them do you come to church and kind of do one of these numbers well everybody else is singing and thanking the Lord for His goodness I'll do it when I have something to thank you for or is there a sacrifice of praise people I believe I and I really believe this with my heart that one of the vital and important steps to breaking free from that time of that wilderness wandering is to begin simply to be obedient and praise the Lord to praise Him lord I praise you I praise you I worship you I bless you I thank you doesn't matter whether you feel like it or not I'm doing this out of obedience I think we fail to realize sometimes what's just a huge step this is and yeah might be baby steps toward obedience but we need them you know just to begin to praise you know you can just you can just come to the Lord and say you know what Lord I offer this up as just a small token of the praise that I I know that I'm probably going to be a whole lot more passionate once you bring me through this season of my life but I offer up this sacrifice of praise as just a token of what will come because Lord I choose to praise you that you hear my prayer that you know my situation and that you will deliver me from this time wilderness wandering in my life and you know that's Jesus teaches us by example that when life is hard we should pray harder we should praise and pray harder when life is hard let me show you something from Luke chapter 22 is a great passage this is this is given to us when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane and it says and being in agony he prayed more earnestly now if that verse was talking about you how would it end if it started by saying and being in agony he she did what ran out and got drunk yeah you know got angry with God swore at God and said I'm never coming back to church again got depressed and discouraged and just kind of walked off and left it all behind fell into a pity party and thought about nothing but themself and plays in every relationship that they walked into after that point you see too often that's what we do but Jesus gave us an example a model when life gets hard pray harder when when when you know prays and pray harder our our agony should drive us onward you know I was just reading in Acts chapter 16 about when Paul and Silas were in Philippi and just because they delivered a young girl from a demonic spirit they were tossed into jail and the the city officials impressed upon the jailer that he didn't want these guys getting out and so the jailer put him in an inner cell as far away from the exits as easy could possibly get them and it says he put their feet in stocks meaning they were chained in kind of a sitting down position where they you know they couldn't move they couldn't get up they couldn't move so let me let's read this from act 16 the crowd joined in attacking Paul and Silas and the magistrates tore the garments often and gave orders to beat them with rods that hurts and when they had a flee inflicted many blows upon them they threw them into prison ordering the jailer to keep them safely don't let these guys get out having received this order he put them into the inner prison fastened their feet in the stocks and what did they do and being in agony Paul and Barnabus screamed at God and yelled and cursed the day that they were born doesn't say that does it he says about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and it says that all the prisoners were listening to them because that's not what people usually did at midnight when they were in the inner cell fashioned in their in with their feet in stocks and you guys know the rest of the story suddenly there was an earthquake so the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's bonds were unfastened this is one of those beautiful biblical pictures of kind of the determination of the decision that is facing you and I when we feel like we're in some kind of a very desperate situation where we feel like I can't get out and being in agony he prayed more earnestly and being in the inner cell with their feet in stocks they prayed and sang hymns to God people it is so important when you're going through a wilderness time lift your hands and praise the Lord lift your hands to heaven and praise God if you can't thank him for what's going on in your life fine don't but you can praise him because he is always worthy of your praise always he is who he is regardless of what you're going through and you know what sometimes the things that held us like we see in this story that we just had up on the screen from acts 16 sometimes the very things that used to bind us we find those things falling away as we begin to lift up our voices and praise the Lord look what David goes on to say this is interesting in verse 5 he says my soul will be satisfied with fat and rich food ok that's interesting I think we can probably all relate to fat and rich food not that we you know want to eat it all the time because it's not good for us but I'll tell you one thing about fat and rich food it tastes good right so David's David says here my soul will be satisfied remember the soul is the seat of emotions the intellect and the will my soul will be satisfied as with a Twinkie and a whopper hamburger huh you guys are gonna go out tonight after this and go get a whopper aren't you it's like man he was talking about a whopper now I have to have one and fries with it and a chocolate shake with whipped cream no that's what he's talking about though he's talking about that you know when when you not that I can even eat that stuff anymore but but it's when you do it's like whoa this is just this is wonderful you know he says my soul will be satisfied in that same way I'm just gonna enjoy Oh enjoy he's expressing his confidence in God's ability to fill his heart with all that he really truly needs and to satisfy him completely God I trust you to satisfy me the wilderness is all about an a prolonged period of time in your life where there is no satisfaction you are not satisfied with life you are not satisfied with your circumstances you are not satisfied with the way things are going you're not satisfied with the people around you you're not satisfied with your job you're not satisfied with your relationship with God but David expresses confidence nonetheless you will and you can satisfy me he goes on to say and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips when I remember you upon my bed and meditate on you in the watches of the night for you have been my help and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy my soul clings to you your right hand upholds me have you ever felt like you're clinging to the Lord with everything you have just hanging on by you know your last grip and that's where David is right now he says my soul will cling to you I'm gonna cling to you with all I have but he says I'm guy remember you upon my bed and meditate on you in the watches of the night you know when I'm going through a wilderness time the watches of the night is the worst time of the day I hate when you wake up at like 2:30 in the morning and you're and you're going through that that that that hard time and and you wake up and your mind just begins to roll with the thoughts of what's happening in your life and you just can't shut it off and now you can't get back to sleep so what do you do well I'm gonna get up and pick up that novel I started a couple of days ago and maybe that'll take a little bit of the edge off maybe I'll get up and watch a little TV isn't that fun at 2:30 in the morning well you have is the Shopping Channel and some great B movies you know with about the dumbest commercials you've ever seen in your entire life david says no I'm gonna remember you and I'm gonna meditate on you and on your word in the watches of the night why do we meditate on the Lord why do we do that well because when we do we're focusing on the solution rather than the problem again when I'm going through a time of wilderness wandering I'm all about my problem I'm all about focusing on my problem but I have to change that and meditate on the Lord and on his power and on his purpose and in his comfort and to meditate is to ponder and wonder on the greatness of God that's what it means to meditate to think deeply you know one of the chapters that has been used to help get people back on track during a time of difficulty is a passage in Isaiah I don't want you to turn there in fact I want you to I want you to close your Bible please right now I am gonna read this chapter to you and the reason I'm asking you to just listen and not read along with me is I want you to think about the words and I want you to so let these words roll over you as you listen to what the Lord is saying I will tell you that this is Isaiah chapter 40 and this is one of those chapters that is great to think about maybe even memorize portions of it and ponder it in those difficult watches of the night when meditating on the Lord is necessary to find some peace again listen now just listen as I read this Comfort comfort my people says your God speak tenderly to Jerusalem and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed that her sin has been paid for that she has received the Lord's hand double for all her sins a voice of one calling in the desert prepare the way for the Lord make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God every Valley shall be raised up every mountain and Hill made low the rough ground shall become level the rugged places a plain and the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all mankind together will see it for the mouth of the Lord has spoken a voice says cry out and I said what shall I cry all men are like grass and their glory is like the flowers of the field the grass withers and the flowers fall because the breath of the Lord blows on them surely the people are grass the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our God stands forever you who bring good tidings to Zion go up on a high mountain you who bring good tidings to Jerusalem lift up your voice with a shout lift it up do not be afraid say to the towns of Judah here is your God see the sovereign Lord comes with power and his arm rules for him see his reward is with him and his recompense accompanies him he tends his flock like a shepherd he gathers the Lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart he gently leads those that have young who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand or with the breath of his hand marked off the heavens who has held the dust of the earth in a basket or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance who has understood the mind of the Lord or instructed him as his counselor whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him and who taught him the right way who was it that taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding surely the nations are like a drop in the bucket they are regarded as dust on the scales he weighs the islands as though they were fine dust Lebanon is not sufficient for altar fires nor its animals enough for burnt offerings before him all the nations are as nothing they are regarded by him as worthless and less than nothing to whom then will you compare God what image will you compare him to as for an idol a craftsman casts it a goldsmith overlays it with gold and fashion silver chains for it a man to pour two presents such an offering selects wood that will not rot he looks for a skilled craftsman to set up an idol that will not topple do you not know have you not heard has it not been told you from the beginning have you not understood since the earth was founded he sits enthroned above the circle of the earth and its people are like grasshoppers he stretches out the heavens like a canopy and spreads them out like a tent to live in he brings Prince's to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing no sooner are they planted no sooner are they sown no sooner did they take root in the ground then he blows on them and they wither and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff to whom will you compare me or who is my equal says the Holy One lift your eyes and look to the heavens who created all these he who brings out the starry host one by one and calls them each by name because of his great power and mighty strength not one of them is missing so why do you say Oh Jacob and complain Oh Israel my way is hidden from the Lord my cause is disregarded by my god do you not know have you not heard the Lord is the everlasting God the creator of the ends of the earth he will not grow tired or weary and his understanding no one can fathom he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint I'm gonna pray can come up and lead us in a couple songs to conclude our time tonight I share that last chapter of Isaiah there for you as a great chapter to read and meditate on in those watches of the night when the difficulty of your circumstances can weigh so heavily on you where the weight of it and the pressure of it can just become overwhelming and it's at those times that we need to remember the glory and the power of the Lord and that's what David said in this psalm I look to you and to your glory and your power because if I'm going to look to myself I'm going to be crushed into nothing you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Ontario
Views: 26,386
Rating: 4.8223939 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Bible teaching, Thru-the-Bible, verse by verse, Calvary Chapel, Bible study, Christianity, New Testament, Old Testament, Psalms
Id: l5FOfDiRYiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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