Psalm 23 explained by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

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let's go to the sound you know because it's a wonderful song first of all first he gets the melody because it says mismo the david you know it's like a like a tune in his head that goes around you know and he is saying the lord is my shepherd okay so then he makes himself already like into what is it like to be a sheep most of the people say the lord is my shepherd i'm attending a funeral you know but i shall not want it means i won't experience any lack lo xr nothing will be missing there's nothing missing but really my shepherd also is related to a word for rey my pal my friend very few people when they they always think of god in a tight ass way but when you're driving a car and you're talking to god at that point but my buddy you know ailment i love to say that god you you're you're my prince you're my buddy nem on my uh my uh javier nehman my my friend that i can trust okay and he makes me sprawl on green pastures it doesn't mean nothing there's nothing that lie down you are being like i'm going flat on the ground ah like this i'm a sheep remember okay he leads me to the quiet water water of quietness but you know quiet water he leads me in the circuitous path of righteousness if i'm gonna be right you can't be right that's how it goes but in the circuit or path it could be you'd be right i'd be right and the word zedek means like like a scale and it says in the bible said excedictured of righteousness righteousness shall you pursue remember that sentence and it means so once a guy says to me uh he did some work for me and he said uh so how much am i going to charge you you know after all you're my friend i said listen said dick said it should be righteous for you should be righteous for me okay for the sake of his name meaning that god gets a good reputation when both of them are right when it's a win-win okay even though i walk through the valley it doesn't say um a shadow of death that comes from the valley of dark shadow imagine here's david he has just had a tough time with saul and with the king of the philistines he's sneaking back to his people but he has to go through the corner of the ravine he doesn't know he's gonna wait for him remember the western thing the guy puts his hat on the stick you know he dropped it okay and so he said even though it's dark and so i will fear no evil for thou art with me you know mama and also i'm a pretty smart cowboy that's right a little combination right in your imagery which i'm right right so he goes it's in the dark and he goes it goes through your rad your rod and your staff the hebrew says so i didn't quite understand it until i got to the vulgate the latin translation where they equally give me comfort so the rod gives me a whack you know the staff is like a crutch i support me how could they both give me comfort because if i do something wrong and you're with me for that i'm glad you're home so it's this kid he has just broken the cookie jar mama said don't go into the cookie jar and fell down broke into pieces he can't make it unhappen and he's crying doesn't know what to do and now misses his parents and she slaps him and he says i'm so glad you're home okay that's the rod then there's the staff that helps me get from one place to another and equally i get comfort from them that prepares the table before me in the presence of my enemies this is a funny thing it's not then you know but what we have been doing with that is in in eldering when we do spiritual eldering we invite the people the sobs who did us wrong and then imagine who do us wrong yeah in an imaginary banquet this guy you know who did me in the thing because of that look what i gained so there's all kinds of people who gave you trouble that if you can call them in and say hey thank you or if you would say dalai lama keeps saying you difficult teacher thank you right so you have anointed my head with all of them doesn't mean that you know but but when the hair is dry and you you know and everything about oil on the head has something to do with messiahship you know the word anointing so that's that's fine and the combining of the you know and cup where that runneth over is there the cup never runs over that's that's king james mistake oh well then let's stay with king james uh no you know but the cup doesn't run over the cup is satisfying it's quenching you know means i i no longer thirst having me having had to drink from this cup i am not thirsty anymore yes yes and then it says if i have to have a paranoia that will persecute me all the days of my the hebrew words is run after me you gotta chase after me only goodness and mercy shall dwell yeshua shall follow me all the days of my life so if i get paranoid remember it's goodness and mercy coming behind and i shall dwell in the house of the lord for all the days of my life which is where else am i dwelling that's how i see the sound you
Channel: Cathy Zheutlin
Views: 454,923
Rating: 4.8103156 out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Psalm23, Jewish renewal, holy rascals
Id: 8z_1dING_uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2011
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