PSALM 23 and PSALM 91~ The Two Most Powerful Prayers In The Bible For Protection!

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Shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs an abundant blessing in our lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the Darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deception Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray as silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty angel Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dis battling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your active sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestil Pence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessing ings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and in overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every sche and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your Dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to so doubt doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people EST stray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and in overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenish Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised every chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine interven vention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every an ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the power ful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives and in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only support supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of change that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 one together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps and alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your Spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every covert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generation curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from devast ation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereign y your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 91 11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of host send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a Buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 991 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping this spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 991 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledged just by name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every plan downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine ele salvation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I know ify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their body bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declar decares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadow Shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship ship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolize ing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your PR presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered Shield it and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the pl of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home the shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and St stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video and subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held hold you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your Shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before for each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every in snare ing plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every covert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenish Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every Yol every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listen lening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Wilds of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of change that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faith fulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every covert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the Dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare deare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every strong hold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by the this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord in to the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plot of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperate needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protect protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat repat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pre this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he l loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows sure surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planed downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every covert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you rais the the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in Jesus name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over this scheme of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the life Lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses The Promise prises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription you YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attached and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the Wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise promis that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every we web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray as silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the pl hands of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize I and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim claim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to in snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner Corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to swow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free sub subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand moving in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and May your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agenda that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and over overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years miss opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comments section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penet petate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home the shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angel angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakr and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to swow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy me your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness this God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faith Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord un unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash he I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenish Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ right amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 one is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of change that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscri subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your work place in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will tread on the The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemy you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the Holy Spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in Jesus name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands in surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and Destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his names sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps and alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every plan downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turn around for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and degrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in area where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or for your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plant of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prep prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your failing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray as silenced nullified and rendered power powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and min history in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years m opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the South from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are the their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice Break Every Chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship ship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home the shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them Your Rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray as silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most I will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and in wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around on this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to swow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Wilds of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watch watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their shepher may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the day days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of dest destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every covert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your Ang angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Wilds of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen in your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribe to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me Your Rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside quiet water finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy Mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every covert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and in overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your words says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands in surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disent integrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familiar patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion and in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm AR hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every Life represent here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to se doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his namesake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps and alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every plan downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray as silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit dis up all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turn around for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or in tangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands in surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of Fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of P failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home Unleash Your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to swow doubt fear or confusion in your life but but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the Darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concern concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will Fe fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise and Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit a rise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon on them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years M opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed Med with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and abundant blessings in our lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that sto stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will Comm command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their sh Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of Your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy me intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all me members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to se doubt fear fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also in uring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is a alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones do to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of Darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy SP Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered Shield it and preserve from Calamity from Devastation from the devourers grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion allmighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty might name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy May try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this Ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that fly Lies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those Trav vering valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit reign in take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion Fai favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands in surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel their is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come Mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along Ong the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps and alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shadow them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert oparation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and Pres serve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not Fear The Terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray as silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in Jesus name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their year yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered Shield it and Preserve from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds V victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to swow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into to your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most High your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he ref ref freshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare Expos Ure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered Shield and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself self above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion all almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscrib to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting it its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside quiet water ERS he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and Love Will Follow Me me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abund abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every and snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every covert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and in overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dism handling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands in surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every Soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to soow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me said says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps and align ignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever ever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every plan downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the destiny of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands in surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every house household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly come oh Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principle Al ity and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 9 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare in an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessing protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for Victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in G pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of Assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in Jesus Jesus name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy Triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundant ly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold gold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its vers es the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment ment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgree upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every CT operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to the this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to in snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us live lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I love lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downt en and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Pro claim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered Shield it and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Wilds of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a power powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my Shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence oh overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude ude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been margin alized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken Rel relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands in surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare are and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel their is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and desty destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to sew doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because pm Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps and alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the Holy Spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West best I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every strong hold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare in anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your love ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pre this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against to Stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moment moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opport unities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in Jesus name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the South from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that Rems them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in the this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in the their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust sure surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life Mar marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over wasted you years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness with where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to swow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hand so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and transan quility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them Your Rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of rest eration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 one I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy me from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion take chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to Camp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your king Kingdom Come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause the these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other power ful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the Strat iies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ins snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading the these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with you the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and in overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial pattern patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to se doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can up uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to you YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside side Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt out or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meeting being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and in overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person 's Life by The Power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands in surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dis dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth Earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household Mark by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the roaring lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon on the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our Channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23 for they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace gra May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgree upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray as silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every covert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has divised every chain every yoke every Bond designed to insens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with sword of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chain of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy boy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home un un leash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and Deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 991 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a Shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and abundant blessing ing in our lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare sh your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the might mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every de deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray as silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intends ended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inheritance Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered Shield it and preserve from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the smling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of the this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the p Pence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blood blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and in overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your Dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to s doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word Word is Alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your he healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed F Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenish Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew knew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised every Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a Divine inter intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the power powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways oh Lord Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer PR know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comment section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 9 one together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pre this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your Spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generation curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here to day in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered Shield it and preserve from Calamity from devast station from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory iory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your son sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 91 11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of host send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve the them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a Buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus Jus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping the to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the teror Terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknow Oles my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 234 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenging anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen I deare declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every plan downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling in no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my Soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus I pray amen amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every ens snaring plan plotted in the Shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relation ship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and an overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolize izing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered Shield it and and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home the shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of backwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to seow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the breaking of chains that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kind finally hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you send to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its trth truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in whom I trust surely he will save me from the Fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge his faithfulness will be your Shield shield and Rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the most high your dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue to him I will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing he makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside Quiet Waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever Lord for each person listening be their Shepherd may they experience the Stillness of your presence beside Quiet Waters finding renewal and Tranquility in your care in moments of weariness and Brokenness we ask for your restoring touch lead them in the paths of righteousness guiding their steps in alignment with your perfect will May their lives be a reflection of your grace and goodness for those traversing valleys of darkness and uncertainty father we declare your promise in Psalm 23:4 they will fear no evil for you are with them your rod and your staff they Comfort them may your comforting presence overshadow any fear and may your guidance be their constant source of assurance Lord prepare a table of abundance before each listener even in the midst of challenges anoint their heads with the oil of your healing and overflowing blessings let their cups be filled with your grace May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives surround them with your unfailing love and let their hearts overflow with gratitude for your faithfulness Lord I claim the promise that they shall dwell in your house forever in the name of Jesus Jesus I pray amen I declare and decree that the evil plan of the enemy against this person shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I declare a disruption in the strategies of Darkness confusion over all Wicked plans and disgrace upon all spirits that have been sent to ruin the life of this beloved individual every web of Deceit every planned downfall and every in snaring plan plotted in the shadows against them I shatter them now by the power of the Holy Spirit every deceptive Spirit Whispering lies fostering doubt or leading these people astray is silenced nullified and rendered powerless by the power of the holy spirit in the powerful name of Jesus I stand against the plans of the enemy against this person this child this family and this relationship Lord let your spirit Reign and take control over every aspect of this person's life let your spirit disrupt all meetings being held with the agenda of destroying this person's life marriage and Ministry in the mighty name of Jesus dear Lord unveil hidden agendas that seek to destabilize and destroy the Destinies of these people I declare exposure over every hidden scheme every couvert operation and every concealed Trap by the power of the Holy Spirit arise Mighty God and reveal every snare set up against your children father I decree a turnaround for this person who has been marginalized downtrodden and overlooked your word affirms that you raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash Heap I declare Divine elevation promotion favor abundance and in overflow of your Divine blessings upon them in the powerful name of Jesus I proclaim a season of restoration over Wasted Years missed opportunities lost moments broken relationships and stolen Joy I Proclaim in jesus' name that what has been plundered in their lives shall shall be replenished Sevenfold I call upon you Lord to restore renew and resurrect what the enemy intended for harm father your word says that he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty with faith I declare this truth over anyone tuned in to this prayer in the name of Jesus I declare a dismantling of of every plot every scheme and every snare the enemy has devised Every Chain every yoke every Bond designed to ens snare or entangle this person's life by the power of Psalm 91 I decree its destruction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ write amen at the comment section to claim this prayer Lord as the members of this family lift their hands and surrender symbolizing their yielding to your Divine will I declare a divine intervention send forth your Mighty Angels armed with swords of fire to dismantle and disintegrate every stronghold of the enemy from the north to the south from the East to the West I declare that the power of your might will be felt experienced and acknowledged in every corner of this home in the mighty name of Jesus I nullify every generational curse every ancestral bondage every inherited Affliction chains of past failures familial patterns and destructive cycles and Shattered Dreams be broken in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that these people are no longer slaves to fear slaves to the Past nor slaves to the whims of the enemy enemy I invoke your presence in every home represented here today in the powerful name of Jesus a name lifted and exalted above every other name in heaven and earth I release healing good health and wholeness where there is sickness in areas where the members of this home feel there is lack I Proclaim provision and abundance father every household marked by this prayer is covered shielded and preserved from Calamity from Devastation from the Devourer grasp from the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy and from the Roaring Lion in the mighty name of Jesus you oh God are their Shield their protector their deliverer I declare victory over all the powers of the enemy triumph over the schemes of the enemy I decree and deare declare victory in their minds victory in their bodies victory in their Spirits father I declare the dismantling of every scheme and plan of the enemy that seeks to harm hinder or oppress these people your word reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but you have come that we may have life and have it abundantly Come O Lord into the lives of these people and destroy the plans of the enemy to kill and destroy come mighty father and bring life in abundance to every member of this home I pray for the spiritual lives of those within the sound of my voice break every chain that binds them every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of you oh Lord I bring down every stronghold every principality and power that seeks to exalt itself above your name I declare your sovereignty your majesty your dominion over all members of this home unleash your anger upon the spirits that seek to bring confusion chaos turmoil and hardship in this person's life father let the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate every dark corner dispelling fear doubt and confusion almighty God your word declares in Psalm 9111 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Lord of hosts send forth your angels to encamp around this home this shop this person and this compound send forth these people's guardian angels to protect them from every Calamity guard them against the plots of the wicked Shield them from the fiery darts of the enemy and preserve them in all their ways O Lord I declare Victory breakthrough and deliverance over every life represented here let your kingdom come and your will be done in their lives Lord our refuge and Fortress in you alone We Trust I declare the promises of Psalm 91 over every soul listening to me for your word is a shield and a buckler in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus I declare and decree that no Terror of night nor arrow that flies by day shall cause these people to fear I bring down every obstacle and every hindrance that stands in the way of your purpose and plan for this person's life I declare an anointing that breaks every yoke of back akwardness failure and stagnation in the mighty name of Jesus the enemy may try to swow doubt fear or confusion in your life but today through this prayer you are equipped to stand firm I encourage you to share this video with friends family or anyone you know who might be battling against the Ws of the enemy your act of sharing might be the lifeline someone desperately needs please like this video And subscribe to our Channel by doing so you are not only supporting this ministry but also ensuring that you stay connected to more transformative prayers and messages that can uplift and strengthen your faith Journey praying Psalm 91 will bring protection in your life because Psalm 91 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that holds within its verses the promises of blessings protection and the bre speaking of change that may have held you back friends as we come together in prayer know that God's word is alive and active ready to bring a shield of protection around you your loved ones and your home if there is someone special in your heart a family member or a friend write their name in the comments section below let us lift them up together in prayer believing for victory and breakthrough in their lives please kindly hit the like button by doing so you are helping to spread this prayer to others who need it if you have not yet subscribed to the channel consider subscribing to our channel to ensure you won't miss out on any other powerful prayers coming your way if you want me to pray for you or your loved ones look below to see the word subscribe just click it it is a free subscription YouTube will register your name when you click on the word subscribe it will be a blessing to you because every time I pray I will pray for you and your loved ones to all my followers I ask you to hit the like button this is a message that you sent to YouTube so they know what you are hearing and watching is valuable and it should be shared to other people as we embark on this spiritual journey be ready to witness God's hand move in your life I encourage you to repeat this prayer throughout the week letting its truth sink deep into your spirit let us now pray Psalm 91 together expecting Divine breakthroughs and Abundant Blessings In Our Lives I urge you to pray this powerful prayer every morning until you are set free and delivered from the wicked plans of the enemy whether it is at your workplace in your neighborhood or anywhere else where you feel attacked and trapped in the schemes of the enemy now pray with me whoever dwells
Channel: Inspirational Prayers
Views: 160,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bible scriptures, prayer, catholic, inspirational prayers, inspiration, bible, god, faith, protection, powerful, powerful prayer, powerful prayers, psalm 91, psalms, psalm 23, 91, prayer psalm 91, psalm 91 prayer, pray psalm 91, christ, praying, miracle, praise, jesus christ, believer, devotional, worship, prayers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 715min 0sec (42900 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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