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all right guys let's sling a little bit of lead out of this 9-millimeter akv here from Palmetto State Armory cool stuff let's do it right guys welcome back this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 okay I've been following the akv for a long time and only recently have I had a chance to get my hands on one of these things they are fantastic now I know that they've gone through a couple of changes here and there we're going to definitely get into that no problem today I'd like to take a moment to thank the folks at Big Daddy Unlimited for supporting us look right now with Kovac going on supply in terms of parts accessories ammo has been really tough they've been doing a great job making sure that we get what we need to you know keep the videos flowing for y'all especially in the way ammo right now those were some since act action pistol subs sounded really nice here some people have said that the akv from Palmetto State you know this particular gun some people said it doesn't suppress that well there with those 150 grain subs I would say that it's definitely hearing safe now with the supers it's going to crack a little bit more we're running in a Silencerco omega 9 k on the front of this particular gun the barrel is threaded 1/2 by 28 and it does actually have the rotational stud just like you would expect on a normal EK that little plunger that you can depress and it actually holds that suppressor on there really nice okay nice and height and it actually indexes against the little shoulder here on the omega 9k so this actually is a really good suppressor fit for this particular gun in terms of being a host okay it is a blowback you do have a last round bolt hold-open and I could really feel the mass of that bolt lock into the rear on the last shot there I had no problem knowing that it was last round in the magazine just because of that weight coming to a stop on the bolt catch you can certainly feel it it does have a manual bolt stop on the left side of the receiver that you can get to it can be a little bit weird to get to just because you know you've got to be able to pull the bolt back and push up but that's just a manual of arms type of thing no problem there it is a crank inspired type of setup so you do have a hinged top cover you've got a full rail on top as an optics mount working just fine it does lock in nice and tight okay we're running a sig sauer Romeo 5 on this which is you know nice inexpensive red dot but still high-quality and I thought it would go really well with this particular setup you do have like on typical cranks a pistol length sight radius with just a really simple crude rear sight like you'll find on most cranks and an adjustable front sight for windage and elevation the way that they did this particular gun is very very clever this particular one has a guys Lee alg trigger so really nice trigger alright it's wearing a Magpul Moe EK grip it's wearing the Palmetto State Armory receiver extension that has an AR tube and this one is wearing a SB tactical SB 3 brace okay but Palmetto also makes the triangle style folding necks as well as the braces that you can get to give it a true crink look okay the magazines are still paddle release and the paddle is nice and big plenty of space with that paddle to get to with your thumb when you're doing your magazine changes okay and it's got some nice texturing right there a little bit of knurling which is easy to get to this particular gun is wearing a where's a Magpul Moe for end which has em lock accessory slots there is a QD point on the sp3 brace there is no QD point up front although there is a standard sling mount that you would find on a traditional ek gas block of course if you wanted a QD point you could simply just add an M lock QD point anywhere along the axis of this rail that you want where you've got em lock accessory slots let's shoot the gun a little bit more the construction of the gun is really clever I love the throw of the bolt the trigger is great here's some more of the federal Simtek this is 150 grain and these are subsonic now I do have a couple of mags to test but the majority of the magazines that we're testing today are from tama Doce armory okay good stuff [Music] alright last round bolt Hope hold open nice and discernible I could really feel it lock I knew when it was going to lock now just like the cz magazines there's a tab in the rear of the magazine that pushes the last round bolt hold-open device up on the gun it's the same way it actuates the bolt hold-open latch on the cz okay I do have a factory cz magazine I've read a varying amount of accounts about compatibility so let's try the factory cz scorpion mag now that's important to talk about magazine compatibility they designed this gun to be compatible with cz scorpion magazines now Palmetto makes their own magazine of course and I believe let me double-check on that yeah these I believe the standards are 35 shots okay almost PSA magazines the CZs hold 30 rounds and they also make a 20 round magazine and then also they make a 15 round extension for their 35 which gets a standard magazine to a 50 shot stick and Palmetto is also offering 50 round drum magazines which we're going to test that in just a moment all right this is some tool ammo 115 now this stuff's gonna crack a little bit louder and we're gonna be testing this gun with the cz magazine okay all right a little bit tighter fit okay I always love the the smoke appearance on those mags that you can you know get a discernible round count just by looking down that's kind of handy all right these are gonna crack a little bit louder they're moving hotter Steelcase ammo [Applause] alright last round bolt hold-open works great a little bit tighter fit in the mag well they don't drop as free as easily but they are functional okay let's try one of our extend those here I do have some carry ammunition we're going to test out as well so we're definitely trying to test out a variety of ammunition today alright we're gonna move on to our first 50 rounder okay this is 50 rounds of Norma 115 grain there range load which is just kind of their plinking load alright so this is some Norma here 115 Looney Tunes man I love it okay 50 rounds here we go ding-dong failure to feed okay I'm gonna pause for a moment here since we had to fail your feet I want to mention something so Tim got one of these a cavies really early on okay and he observed that sometimes a you know spent case or maybe even a loaded round that failed to feed could actually find its way into the action and locked a gun up in a really weird way that would almost require you to disassemble it to get the round out of the action so they added this thing in there called a Mac bracket and that's supposed to alleviate that I did notice that the round was easy to clear it could not find its way back into the action so that's something that did fix and alleviate this gun has not been without its teething issues from early on I know guys like Rob over at aka operators Union of course Tim at military arms channel you know my cat mr. guns and gear were able to get some of these kind of early on and they were able to identify quite a few problems I haven't been able to get my hands on one of these until recently but just know that it's had a few teething issues but they seem to have gotten most of that worked out let's continue shooting and one thing I mentioned to the safety super super easy to work the safety and it's got this nice I guess you would consider it a you know nice thumb rest here to be able to get the safety on and off very very intuitive and easy to use alright let's see if we get this thing to feed all right ok I will mention that the 115 grain Norma ammo was a little bit gassy I was getting a bit of blowback in my face even through the top cover some of the gas was getting all the way back through the rear of the top cover so it's a little gassy with full powered amunition the subs are definitely the way to go in terms of shoot and suppress but it seems to eat whatever we can throw in it all right we are getting it pretty hot and that's cool nothing wrong with that I do have a couple of Manticore magazines at the house I forgot to bring them unfortunately and I also have some Magpul pmags alright so expect a future video where we're going to test a whole bunch of different magazines through both the Scorpion and the akv so expect that in a future video I'll kind of go through the motions on that in a future video I wanted to just use the mags I had here no problem ok 147-grain spear gold dot ammunition we got a whole mag of that there 35 rounds okay so testing it with some defensive ammunition here see how that goes of course our suppressor we absolutely do not have to worry about the suppressor walking around or doing anything weird because it's locked in there with that detent which is really cool the little Romeo 5 is working out great um the gun itself it is a little hefty okay I'd say it weighs a little bit more than the scorpion and it definitely weighs more than like an APC 9k or stri bog but it's got that it's got that like beefy feel like because the weight of it is well balanced although a little heavier it has absolutely zero felt recoil especially with the suppressor it's super smooth shooting and I expect this this is standard pressure gold dot I expect this ammunition to be soft shooting and very pleasing to the ear with the suppressor okay spear gold dots alright you ready for some sodas about some soda action what do you think let's do it oh no you don't get out of here yeah okay a little gassy okay a little bit gassy a little bit of gas back in the face a little pitchy now the Omega 9k there are higher volume 9-millimeter cans you can get that probably take the edge off a little bit better but because the things a blowback and you've got this big honking you know reciprocating mass going on with the bolt it is a rather heavy bolt it probably doesn't suppress as well as some other options out there okay you know stuff like the radio's radially delay blowback that you see in the CMG's and stuff you know those suppress extremely well I will say the accuracy of this gun is definitely completely par for the course for what you would expect out of any quality PCC from any manufacturer I would pit this thing against a stri bog against the B and T I'd pit it against the CMM G any day so the accuracy is definitely fantastic out of this gun and the pistol caliber carbine stuff tends to do well in that regard just because you have such a rigid barrel okay and with the short rigid barrels that you see on PCCs especially in a pistol configuration they just have excellent harmonics and I've also Chad and I both have found throughout the years that a lot of these guns tend to prefer the heavier projectiles in terms of the optimal accuracy heavy projectiles 124 or better moving standard pressures although I will say that many of the other pcc's that we've tested with plus P and plus P plus pressure ammunition run just fine and show no signs of having any difficulty or issues okay really really cool stuff I mean what a fantastic gun alright we're going to keep moving so so far the only issue we had one failure to feed on the 50-round magazine with the extension and the trigger on the alg failed to reset one time I had to reach up and just push the trigger forward gently to get it to reset so far everything's working pretty good all right now I've got my reservations about how well this mag is going to run so this is some of that Winchester steel case forged MO and when we were loading this magazine we noticed that this mag was really difficult to load okay and I don't know how good this stuff's gonna run but we're trying to run this with a variety of different ammunition just to really test the platform out and see how it does and what a what a great gun alright so Winchester Forge this is a 115 grain this is 50 rounds we'll see how it runs and as I said the mag is a little weird too low but let's try well alright okay all out well a little weird too low but it ran I don't know why maybe it was just the overall length on that particular ammo or what it just offered a little bit stranger resistance than the rest of the magazines but it seemed to run all right this is more of the Norma 115 blinkin ammo all right again this is going to be a little loud even with the can on there and the failure to feed was with this ammunition so let's see if this mag will run without any type of difficulty all right 50 rounds a thing does protrude out of the bottom in a very Looney Toons like fashion but definitely cool and it is worth noting that these magazines will also work with the Scorpion as well as far as I know with the extensions okay yeah buddy okay throw your DeFede they'll read a feed there were you to feed Mac brackets doing its job trigger reset again trigger reset ya triggers not resetting every time on this Mac yep okay look that trigger was failing to reset several times in that magazine I am gonna pop this top cover because there's a lot of carbon shooting around in this bad boy from the suppressor use I'm going to make sure that we haven't got a chunk of carbon or some bullcrap underneath the trigger mating surfaces that would be you know keeping that from happening so we're going to pop this open and this is actually a pretty good test to to see how well that optic is going to maintain a zero after being removed from the gun or at least you know opened up so let's look at this trigger real quick here there is a lot of crap in there you know she may just be dry Chad we'll see now oddly enough we couldn't plan this out better we were actually using a lg Go juice now that was not planned but we are running a nail G trigger we're gonna Lube it with a LG Go juice alright let's put a little bit of this on there and see if that alleviates our situation because we are running are pretty dry here probably shoulda lubricated this thing a little better than we did but I love the dual buffer assembly in there you know that heavy piece of rubber really keeps that bolt from moving too hard to the rear and really it helps alleviate any bolt balance issues which na9 is probably not as big of a deal okay [Music] fifty round drum 150 grain Simtek let's see if our trigger reset issue hopefully she was just dry I think might be our issue there so the lock the bolt mechanism to the rear we do have lots of chunks of carbon and everything coming out of this thing so maybe we had a little chunk of carbon up under the trigger okay 50 round drum now that's cute nice compact package let's see how it runs now it's worth noting that the drums do not lock the bolt to the rear on the last shot and it only feeds off the right side of the tower so we'll see how that works failure to feed tell your DeFede yeah what look how that round got called in there that we were to feed all right well the drums are no-go I will say that clearing stoppages it seems like there are a lot of places inside the receiver that a full round or a piece of brass can get caught up in there so just keep that in mind and I don't know if maybe it's just a profile of this particular projectile on this 150 I'm going to pause the camera for a moment and what we'll do is we will load this mag with some standard ammo in terms of the shape and maybe that'll help with feed because these are one 50s it might be a little bit of a weird shape for this so let me do that and we'll test it out and we also want to make sure it triggers reset let's do that alright we took the 150 grain ammo out of the drum and added some hundred fifteen grain Norma alright and I wanted to make a observation too as we go along here there's big old chunks of carbon here on the table that came out of this action so this Omega 9k has been shot a heck of a lot so that's very well possible that I broke loose some carbon that made its way back into action it's possible that that carbon could have been what was keeping the trigger from resetting but we lubed it let's give it a try I'm just reporting what I see as I see it and we're just taking you guys along for what we're seeing alright 115 s okay that fed okay 50 rounds room 115 grain Norma ammo test I'm thinking it just ogive on that ammo but let's see no boy okay trigger did not reset that time trigger reset trigger reset all out remember no last round bolt hold-open on the drum so no major issues out of the drum that particular time with the 115 grain ammunition I'm gonna have to look into why our a lg trigger is not resetting I'll report back and let you guys know but I mean after all the ammo we just ran she sure is skanky so I think that maybe after a good cleaning we're probably gonna be looking pretty good I mean there is a lot of a lot of crud in there so we'll let you guys know what we find out make sure you follow us on the Instagram guys and Facebook we post a lot of behind the scenes stuff and little you know updates and reports and things like that so you'll probably see this on Instagram sooner than you will in another YouTube video we will get down to the you know the bottom of the issue and when we do the magazine test on the Scorpion and the akv will report back and let you know what we found I'm thinking it's just really really skanky she's real dirty but we'll definitely let you guys know what we come up with thank you so much for watching today's video you guys are awesome thanks for the support definitely want to take a moment to thank all of our patreon supporters you guys are amazing thank you thank you thank you also those of you who purchase t-shirts over on ballistic ink thank you so very much for the support also we've got some great man cans for sale over on the site if you love what we do and you wish to support us there's a lot of great ways you can do so thank you so much those man cans are looking real great go over there and check them out some really cool boxes on the site for sale we'll see you soon many more videos on the way thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 141,748
Rating: 4.9476619 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, psa, akv, ak-v, palmett state armory, psa ak-v, 9mm ak, 9mm ak carbine, 9mm ak pistol, sb brace, sba3, federal, cci, norma, speer gold dot, ak9
Id: dtYo1eEWV7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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