PS1: Tenchu 2 (Cutscenes in order)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: EpicRickyC
Views: 106,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps1, psx, playstation, sony, ps, longplay, speedrun, walkthrough, playthrough, video, game, console, gameplay, intro, end, ending, demo, retro, gaming, 2d, 3d, computer, pc, music, guide, 100%, solution, level, stage, world, boss, fight, ayame, rikimaru, ninja, grand, master, all, cutscenes, in, order, story, tatsumaru, Mission, Play, Birth, of, the, Stealth, Assassins
Id: qAh1RXyny1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 24sec (4644 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2012
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