Pruning And Thinning The Grape Vines

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in this episode we're gonna be taking a look at the grapevines because a number of you have been asking how well they're growing this year well as you can see they're going mental they've already had two prunes this year so far and we're going to be doing a little bit more about that today and in this episode we're going to be looking at about pruning and thinning these vines and we'll explain a bit more right after this so guys as you can see the vines are gone nuts we have tendrils all down here we're going going up to the ceiling what I've done with these in the past I've kept them and we've taken these off now if you plant these on they will grow I'm going to just check these down on the floor at the moment as you can see a lot of the tops have already been snipped because we want to try and keep control over this vine as you can see it's growing fantastically and we've got bunches and bunches of grapes absolutely everywhere I don't know if you can make this lot out here but there is a problem with that guys all this is supported by two veins that are in the ground outside and the issue we have is if we want decent-sized grapes we've got to thin these bunches now as you can see here we have one spur and off that spur here there's one bunch of grapes and then just up a bit further there's another bunch of grapes this spook cannot support two bunches of grapes so we need to remove one of them which will allow these grapes you the ability to fatten up okay so you're sacrificing probably over half the grapes on on the vine in order to allow the ones that are left to thicken right up now on this spur here we've actually got three Lots so this one back is bit weak so I'm going to take that off again there's another load of grapes and there's one above it up here so we've taken that off as well leaving just one on that spur same with this one here there's two on this spur so now there's only one and we're literally gonna go through finding every spur and removing any excess grapes that are more than that's first single Bunch so again we've got another one here so we're gonna remove them so already we've just done a little bit and we've removed this many grapes guys it's you know it's almost disheartening to do but if you don't you're not gonna get any crop at all while we're at it we're also going to take off and shorten down any of the shoots that have continued growing to keep the vine in check like I said we've got a nice long one here and what we're doing for that is we are cutting back right to one leaf above and that will shorten that stem now anything like this that is long and the leader is dead we will continue to carry this across the pole but as you can see here we have every single beam Noah's got grapes growing along it and it's just doing really well so we just need to trace these back to that one bed and trim it off there let's go take a bit of time last time I did it took me a bear oh no way don't be afraid to cut it because if you don't you will sacrifice your crop so that's coming all the way from down here and this is what we're doing so we'll end up with a load of stuff all over the floor it's really hot in here and I've picked the wrong day to be doing this guys it is absolutely boiling but we are going to continue so we're going to nice long leader here we just take it back to this leaf node cut him out and we just work all the way up around this branch so we've gone nice single bunches anything that's showing two bunches on one spurt we need to take out we're gonna lose some grapes as we manipulate doing it but that's the way it is there's big plants way of telling us he can't support them all it's a crying shame in it but there you go that's the way it is if you want grapes you've got to do this take that one out look at that you're gonna be hard and bitter so it's no point trying them that's looking a little better days so this is all I'm doing with this okay so as you can see here the original vine stopped back here but now one of the side loop shots have been left to go and continue its journey so now we can tie this up which will now continue this veins journey across the rest of the beam and then that'll be topped at the end and that'll be this structure in place for this beam and that's all it is is a case of waiting for the vine to grow and tying it up with a cable tie guys I'm not doing it tight just enough to lick starts clicking and that's what it's about that's about managing the vine but once you have this pain it will lignified and go woody and once it's gone woody that is your time where you can say right we're done and we can tip it off okay that's got lots of money so we've tied it off too you know and as you can see it's ridged all the way over here we're going to bring it back to this section here and we were going to snip there that is now kept a tendril has now ended up bring in this vein right across no to that point we'll just need to put one more tail on you because it's falling a little bit just bow here and then this vein will be terminated at that point and that is it now so all we do now next year all this will be nice and woody and each of these access will shoot off a little node like the rest of them and we will trim it back to just one or two leaf beds and that's what I'll produce our grapes next year so let your we'll have even more grapes than we've got now now this section year as you can see we've got a couple more running off but we don't need them we've already got this is where I was on a boat were they going woody so we don't need any extensions on this so what we need to do is come right back to a leaf node and take that whole vine out now if you wanted a propagate this case you could literally come in here trim off all these leaves like this leaving these little beds here and you could literally just come and trim them all off and when you've got something around about that length you could literally just stick out in a pot so that these buds are down in the ground and that would literally create a brand new grapevine for you but we're not going to do that today because I'm not interested in getting any more veins at the moment so this one's going to come right back to here because we've got grapes on the end of it and we're taking all of this off and by doing this it will control the vigor of the grape and also allow more light into the area as you can see the tunnels getting break there by the moment and I know I'm working at the camera site at the moment but I'm just on the side here and all I'm doing is taking over things we don't require well guys that's pretty much it as you can see the groups are doing fantastically we still got a lot of grapes to remove and we've still got a lot of tendrils and and pruning to do but that's the basics of it so you want to cut back everything to a couple of leaves after the grape so as you can see on this one we've got grapes here we've taken it to the leaf after we've cut back and we've left the bur an inch for day back so it doesn't day back into that note and then we've tied up where we need to tie up but essentially now apart from this very end beam down there every single one of these now has a brand new leader right across to the very end so we've got grapes for the whole of the tunnel no blisters of interest there is a couple of other things that you need to consider feeding this time of year they need copious amounts of water guys we've just had a bit of rain but I'm still watering these sort of twice a week and once every week or once every two weeks and giving them a a week feed of either tomato feed but a week version okay or some comfrey if you make your own comfrey tea then that's great to give them as well and we do that sort of every sort of two weeks it's really warm in this tunnel at the moment that's why I'm sweating guys so I'm really sorry about that but as you can see these veins are just over two years old and look at the grapes that are on and they're fantastic you know it's filled out the whole structure that we wanted and it's also creating a little bit of shade for some of the other plants in the tunnel but as I said as we go through now and prove me back to these stamps and nodules like this just leaving the grapes that we require then we are going to have a really good crop and the plant is able to put more energy into those grapes because it isn't trying to keep all this for literally any guys if you're like oh you've seen don't forget to give us a thumbs up for this video don't forget to click a subscribe button and the Bell notification icon and if you haven't already visit us on our Facebook groups and I'll be see you in the next one bye bye guys
Channel: Simplify Gardening
Views: 144,977
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Keywords: pruning grape vines, thinning grape vines, grape pruning, grape pruning 101, Pruning And Thinning The Grape Vines, pruning grape vines second year, pruning grape vines first year, pruning grape vines for dummies, uk here we grow, pruning grape vines uk, pruning vines uk, grape vine pruning uk, growing grapes, how to prune grape vines, pruning grape vines summer, how to prune grape vines in fall, how to prune grape vines pictures, grapevine pruning uk, pruning indoor grapes
Id: -iDj46SjdMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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