Proven Biblical Money Principles - Dave Ramsey

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you just take a moment and welcome those campuses that are joining us in Austin and then we also have a campus in Naples Italy how many would like to be a part of our Naples Italy campus that we have people that commute there every day if you'd like to be a part of that but we're really excited about what God is doing in Austin in Naples Italy and then tonight actually hours ahead we've got our campus got 12 locations in Mozambique Africa and so we welcome you as well and then of course we have eight locations in eight prisons what's really cool is that we have ftu groups taking place in prisons here in the Austin area and then the thousands that are joining us online from around the world in the Austin Metroplex celebration churchgoing you put your hands together and [Music] well we are just in for a treat and you know it was several years ago that I had the opportunity to really connect on a personal level to today Vande and Ramsey solutions and and I know Laurie and I have been impacted greatly by this ministry getting us financially free in fact we were not able to start this church had we not been financially free and I tribute that to Dave Ramsey which means he really is the father of our church and so I'm gonna give everything to him in fact I quit I just quit he so when he comes out introduced you he's now your new pastor and uh I'm going to Naples Italy so of course many of us have been impacted by his life and by his ministry I called him the blacksmith the finances the Bible says in the book of 1st Samuel that Israel I did not have a blacksmith therefore they were not able to make a living they were in bondage to the Philistines the Philistines had taken out the blacksmith which meant that they were not able to sharpen their tools and I really do believe that God has raised this man up to be a financial blacksmith so that we could be free so that we would be able to arrive at our financial destiny which means the world is going to be impacted by you and by me when we are free and so we began this series of course called defying gravity last week I will continue it next week but of course we wanted to put right in the middle of this Oreo sandwich what I believe is the greatest financial teacher on the planet he has of course impacted millions of people through his books as a New York Times bestselling author millions of people listened to him on radio by hundreds and hundreds of stations his bodka podcast now not podcast but his pod maybe he's got a body on the Bob cast but millions of people download some 17 million people listened to his podcast on a regular basis television shows and so with all that being said we're privileged to have him here live with us today celebration Church would you get up on your feet and would you welcome Dave Ramsey you so our first met pastor Joe and Lori I thought these people are a little too pretty and then I got to know them and we've become friends over the years and now I know they're beautiful they're absolutely incredible incredible people you guys are incredibly blessed give them a round of applause honored honored honored to be with you all today let's let's pray God you know I can do these talks by myself sure better when you don't Holy Spirit we turn this time over to you this is yours in Jesus name Amen so 38 years ago my wife and I got married we were stupid we didn't do any pre marriage counseling I was a hell raising beer drinking hillbilly good salesmen those I sold her and we got hitched by her little Baptist preacher down in her little town in East Tennessee and we moved to Nashville and started off our lives in a little one-bedroom apartment broke and about two weeks after we got married my wife remembered she was a Baptist something she neglected to bring up the entire time we were dating she knew what my religion was which had something to do with beer but um I didn't know what I mean we didn't talk about any of this stuff and she gets up on Sunday morning and says we're going to church I said we aren't doing anything it's Sunday I'm drinking beer and watching football this is what people like me do she said now we're going to church and we began a really good early fight in our marriage and she gets mad and she's crying of course we're in Nashville I mean it's the buckle of the Bible Belt right I mean there's a little Baptist there than people so she gets mad and leaves and didn't take her long to find her tribe and found a little Baptist Church and she went in there and you know did Baptists stuff and came down front and they Baptist people prayed for her heathen husband and this scene repeated itself several weeks in a row actually several months in a row she gets up we're going to church I'm not doing anything she wouldn't get mad and head off the church and go Baptist Church so I got into one of these multi-level things where I was gonna get rich you know those things where you make all your friends mad and I was gonna get a yacht and a house and you know by airplane I was gonna I was gonna be that guy you know I'm going to be rich and so we didn't have two nickels to rub together but one of my beer drinking buddies convinced me there's a lot of beer in this story but um he convinced me that I needed to be in this thing and so we get in it and we were let me tell you how dumb this is like Daryl this other brother Darryl we were dumb me and him would go to happy hour and then go make sales calls and couldn't figure out why we couldn't make sales this is how dumb we were I mean dumber than a couple of rocks you know and so we we decided we're gonna go to one of their schools they're fast start school thing this thing where you go and learn how to do the business because obviously we didn't have a jet yet so something wasn't right and so we got in the car and drove from Nashville two hours south down to Birmingham Alabama to the Alabama theater now in my mind I remember this there were 10,000 people in the Alabama theater only I went back a couple years ago and we actually used the Alabama theater for an event it holds 800 people apparently it shrunk over the years I kinda like going back to your grade school you don't have that in so everything gets smaller what happened and so anyway me and Daryl are sitting in the back row back there and the guy we came to see the guy was iconic in the space everyone knew him everyone wanted to be like him we wanted to be like him he was making all the money he had the big check on stage it's like making four hundred thousand dollars a minute or whatever it was you know all that stuff and so he already had credibility with us and we'd written down four or five questions that we needed the answers to so we could break through and as if he had our four or five questions as his outline so he already had credibility for open his mouth but then by the time he finished reading our mail he owned us you don't know what I'm saying say yes and then he says and there's one more thing if you don't know God and you don't get introduced to a son named Jesus you're gonna struggle in business because people in business who treat their customers and their team members as transactions lose in business but Jesus teaches you that people are a relationship and when you treat your customers as a relationship you'll succeed in business you need to know God I looked at my buddy and I said has he been talking to my wife so me and Derald we go back to the Holiday Inn and when you're fumbling around and in the nightstand is a Gideon's Bible so ever open up the Bible blind leading the blind and so we opened it up and of course it's King James Shakespeare in Jesus there's no way these two rednecks are getting this I'm just saying right so I closed it up we went home I told Sharon we're going to church and she said who are you and what have you done with my husband and we started visiting churches and I don't know if you all know this or not but some people that are supposed Christians don't know that God is a reason to be happy we went in some of these places they were not having fun I love being here where we can celebrate what that praise and worship incredible yeah put you in some of those places they look like they were weaned on a pickle you know awful so we want her in the back door of this little church little 400-person Church and it was kind of this was way back just back when people wore ties to church didn't wear shorts to church all that kind of stuff you know I mean you you got a bull on Sunday go to meet and clothes on you know and so we even I knew that and so I had on a suit and a tie and we you know you sit on the back row when you're visiting that church so you can hit the escape pod if you need to right if it gets weird you can just slip out you know and so but this woman man they were doing praise and worship and stuff and singing songs that I didn't know but they had a little overhead projector so I had the words up there thank goodness and and then some people started raising their hands like they knew the answer to some questions and then a woman in the choir raised her hands and she started doing this and I told Sharon if they get snakes out I'm out of here it was old school old school pastor like I said about 400 folks at that time and he pastor was he's one of those manly men he believed in the Bible and if if you didn't you should and and he would say stuff like here's what the Bible says and if you don't agree with that you're what's known as wrong he took a stand I thought I thought Christians were worse you know I thought they were sissies or something and this guy was a man very very attractive to a guy like me that a manly man would stand up there and preach the Word of God and so he'd stand to back to shake your hand as you left and his wife was a big squishy woman she'd give you a big ol grandma's hug you know and she was just she was precious she's like a God's Spirit just dripped off of her you know and and that woman and hugging us and that man they they led us to the Lord in a very very real way and I met God there off the street and I started about the time I start buying and selling real estate left that other thing and and I grew up in real estate business mama died they were in the real estate business I thought I was gonna do flip this house and that's back before there was cable TV to tell you how and so I'll start buying houses and flipping them and and I got rich starting from nothing by the time I was 26 years old I had about four million dollars worth of real estate little over a million dollar net worth and I was making about $250,000 cash taxable income a year that's $20,000 a month I don't know what neighborhood you grew up in but the neighborhood I grew up in we called that rich it was fun - y'all and that car you always wanted if you ever got some money I want that car mine was a Jaguar I wanted to get me a Jaguar because no money in my neighborhood could even spell it was exotic you know so I got me a Jaguar man within 90 days maybe I was a Jaguar I was having fun sherry and I we had never traveled really much a little bit of me we went to Florida on our honeymoon that was about it and and we started getting some money and we said what a rich people do and they found out they go to a why so we went to Hawaii rednecks in Hawaii y'all Wow the waters so blue it was unbelievable we loved it too man it was a blast we liked it so much we got home and planned another trip two months later we went back again it was fun and we got sharing some these sparkly things and they weren't big enough so we got her some more it was fun y'all sometimes I hear these people say all those rich people are miserable mm-hmm now I am NOT here to tell you money will make you happy because money will not make you happy money will make you more of what you already are if you're unhappy and you get money you will be unbelievably unhappy if you're depressed and you get money your depression will darken if you're a jerk and you get money you become a beggar if you're sweet and you're generous and you love giving and you get money you become what we call a philanthropist and you change entire communities entire people's sectors with what God has entrusted you with you become more of what you already are when you get money it doesn't fix your marriage if you have a bad marriage it'll make it worse and the crazy that's in your family and there is crazy in your family you know that it's crazy in every family y'all know this if if you think there's not crazy in your family it's you so we're cruising along everything's pretty good and only I had done some stupid stuff nothing in legal I didn't cheat anybody I didn't lie I didn't commit fraud I didn't do anything like that when I was just stupid how many all ever done something dumb with money how many of you didn't raise your hand have a problem with lying I'd borrowed too much money and we were doing a lot of it on 90 day notes because we were flipping these houses and our bank our largest bank got sold to another bank out of state and the guy looks down it goes there's a kid 26 years old owes us a million - on 90 day notes let's limit this relationship which his banker talked for ruin his life and we weren't late on a single note but they called all our notes because under the paper I signed they had the rights to do that if they just swirled and they squirrel I was the idiot to sign the paper that allowed that to happen never dreaming that anybody would be that way our second largest lender heard we were in trouble and called another 800 thousand so we got two million dollars due almost immediately and it's all tied up in real estate we spent the next two and a half years of our life losing everything we owned one year I made $250,000 the next year my taxable income was six thousand dollars I spent the whole year selling stuff trying to pay my bills cuz I was told you're supposed to pay your bills if you say you're going to turns out if you're too stupid you can't do it even if you want to because you paint yourself in the corner and you're gonna get paint on your feet two and a half years later we were at the bottom our marriage is hanging on by a thread because the number one cause a divorce in North America today's money fights and money problems we didn't get a divorce Sharon said I would have left but I didn't have a car we held on to each other but sometimes it's just to get a better grip you all know what I'm talking about she's from the hills of East Tennessee frying pan throwing there's an Olympic event right so with a brand new baby and a toddler and our marriage just barely hanging on and my hopes and dreams crushed we were bankrupt I remember standing in the shower with it's so hot I could just barely stand there and I would just stand there with a shower in my face and cry because I was so scared I met God on the way up I got to know him on the way down I had an I surrender all moment I'm talking about a baptist altar call you have to decide in the situations like that is this Jesus stuff real if it's real baby all-in I'm diving or I'm gonna walk but you got to decide you you in a situation like that you can't be sorta in and so I decided we're all in I'm diving and that means that I'm gonna get the love letter out that my heavenly father who's crazy about me sent me and he says son this is how you live because I didn't know nothing y'all the preacher would be saying and you know when they threw Joseph in the hole and I'm like nope don't know Joseph don't know the hole but by nightfall tomorrow night I don't know everything about it so I'm gonna learn I don't like being embarrassed by lack of knowledge someone's gonna live turns out this is the way to be married submit yourselves one to another Oh crud it means I got to dry dishes and change diapers don't have changed diapers anymore I got grandbabies now hand them back but grandbabies are awesome I don't know how great grandbabies are gonna be I'd have been nicer to their parents I'll raise my kids this way and the kids are like hey dad what's this rod stuff and come here baby I'll show you my teenage daughter walks in getting ready go on a date and I'm like where you been buying your clothes hookers are us you're not going out looking like that your last name is Ramsey put some clothes on that calls him to look at your highs all right I'm bringing him in to don't beat the colon up pick up my daughter and honk your horn less you're delivering a pizza come on in here we're gonna talk I've been cleaning my gun when y'all get home you know how that is right 2,500 scriptures on how to handle possessions and money Jesus talked in the parables more about money than he did love and grace combined actually the the surface of it is really when he was talking about money he was talking about loving grace the subtext under the parable is always that but he uses money to get to the point so often and that's kind of intriguing if you think that God chose to do that as a method of communication with us and so we decided we're gonna learn how to handle money God's ways because we don't like being broke I don't like sitting here with a finance degree and being broke I don't like sitting here with all these letters and licenses after my name this is I'm supposed to know something my money and I'm broke I apparently got some bad information thinking about who taught me to borrow money that was my finance professor in college who was broke problem here broke finance professor is like a shop teacher with missing fingers so you get the opportunity God gives us the dignity to make a choice to decide we're gonna change I got a young guy working for me I got about 900 people on the team and a whole bunch of them are Millennials we love Millennials at our place because there's only two kinds they're awesome and they'll charge the gates of hell they're missional they'll charge the gates of hell with a water pistol they're incredible I love Millennials and there's two kinds awesome and sucks and they're real easy to interview because they'll just tell you I suck you know I mean they're honest about it right so I got a bunch of them and I had young guy 20-somethings working for me he's doing the stuff he's doing wrong and I'm like hey son don't let them do it that way there's a right way to do stuff a wrong way to do stuff there was right there's wrong there's good and there's evil this is wrong do it this way yes sir I come back a week later he's doing it wrong again I'm hey do it this way I come back a week later he's doing it wrong again I'm like boy we gonna set you free in Jesus name okay I mean I'm being patient here but I'm losing what little I had of patience so um he looks at me and he says I'm not like you I said change now you don't have to be like me but you've got to do the stuff I want done the way I want it done about sign your check that's not hard change God does that with us we're walking along bringing harm to ourselves bring harm to our relationships going broke everything's not working we're in the land of stupid and God says stop change and Christianity we call that turn repentance means I've been doing something that wasn't profitable for me and mine we call that sin and you get to choose are you gonna be tone deaf or are you gonna listen and change I changed I don't have a choice I mean not everyone nothing left it was just like me and dirt and there was nothing so I'm like I got it I got hurt you okay well I guess I'm a little thick you got a and I had that he'd take me all the way to there to get my attention but he got my vision changed so we start handling money God's ways and I'd like to tell you all that we bounced back but we didn't bounce back it took a while instantaneously things don't heal do they not God things turns out get-rich-quick is not a god thing God is in the crock-pot business not the microwave business it's kind of like good teske Texas barbecue there's no such thing as microwave barbecue you got to cook it so long the neighbor's dog is howling now you got that brisket right don't you you know I'm talking about that's how God works on us it takes a little time so we didn't instantly bounce back I was being interviewed one time the guy goes how did you bounce back and I went I didn't when you follow that hard it's more of a splat and so we start handling money this way we started doing these five things that I'm going to teach you this morning if you do these five things 100 percent of the time they work because they're from God I didn't make them up I stole them all from the Bible on your grandmother they're called common sense I just sold them better than anyone has ever sold them in America's history that's all that's how it is number one get on a budget jesus said don't build a tower without first counting the cost lest you get halfway up and you're unable to finish and all who see you begin to mock you and say this man began to build and was unable to finish my friends john maxwell says a budget is people telling their money what to do instead of wondering where it went my friend Zig Ziglar used to say if you aim at nothing you'll hit it every single time it turns out winning at something is an intentional act no one accidentally wins I never interviewed the football player after the Super Bowls over he goes how did you do that how did you just win the Super Bowl I don't know I just got off the bus and it just winning is an intentional act if you're gonna have a great marriage you're gonna work at it if you don't have great kids you're gonna work at it they've had your kids turn out the nurturing of their mother the fear of their father we met we had a plan all the boys in the youth group are scaredy you great awesome keeps away wusses and jerks we don't want those as sons-in-law or daughters-in-law it's just a plan used it's an intentional winning you don't win with money accidentally you're not going to win the lottery you're not it's not a random lightning strike it's a series of I planted some corn and corn ground as you sow so shall ye reap I plant nothing nothing grows the same rain comes the same Sun shines but nothing grows you're gonna work like it all depends on you pray like it all depends on God it's a partnership we got with him he says you plant and I will bring the rain you plant and I will bring the Sun if you manage money for a company called you incorporated you manage money for you incorporate the way you manage money for you now would you fire you don't answer that and yet we have the unmitigated gall to ask the maker of heaven and earth the great I am the Alpha and the Omega to go on to our knees and say Lord would you please while I'm here being irresponsible while I'm here being impulsive well I'm here completely out of control and my whole basis for my value system is Instagram Lord would you please send me some money to which he answers your prayer it's all in Scripture he answers you and he says no why because he's a meanie no because a loving Heavenly Father would never give you something you can't control because a blessing that you can't control is called a curse my son is 16 years old years ago he wanted to get a new Corvette I said I've seen you drive you're incompetent no I love you too much to give you a fiberglass body with a 465 horsepower zero to 60 in 3.6 seconds you'll kill yourself and somebody else that blessing would be in combating that incompetence would cause that blessing to be a curse instead my son you get a shavette with a tired gerbil under the hood and then I showed him the parable the talents where three men were given things to manage and two of them managed them well and one didn't the one didn't God took the money from him and gave it to the other two to manage because he didn't manage well and you know what the scripture says it says when you are faithful in the little things then when you're faithful in the little things then when you are faithful in the little things then I will give you more to manage so let's see how you drive Bubba and we'll talk about an upgrade but right now you know we can go back to the skateboard if you don't learn your lessons because I'm a loving father I love my kids more than life itself the second thing is get out of debt the borrower is slave slave to the lender now the bible does not say that debt is a sin the bible does not say certainly that that is a Salvation issue it is not if you have American distress you can still get into heaven Jesus's blood is powerful and ever enough to cover that level of stupidity but 100% of the mentions of debt in Scripture are negative there is no good debt in Scripture when you read about 100% of the messages are it's a curse you're a fool you're a slave a hundred percent of the messages in Scripture biblically speaking debt is stupid and so what happens is we go to school and we get us a little student loan got to have old Sallie Mae in our life and then we get a Master Card borrower slave the lender so we shouldn't get a master and then we go buy a car we can't afford we know we can't afford it cuz we have payments on it and then we go buy a house we can't and we look up seven years into our brand new marriage trying to live the same standard of living our parents we're living only took them 35 years to get there and we fast forward with debt into something we can't afford we can't breathe and we're stressed out all the money comes in only money goes out and now all we do is think about how we're gonna make it to Friday we make $85,000 a year we don't the money for food and this is normal in America today people come in our office they look like this all the time they're like dude can you get me out yeah I get you I was gonna hurt though what do you mean we're gonna have to amputate the Tahoe you're gonna have to do things where you quit caring what other people think you're gonna have quit spending money you don't have to buy stuff you can't afford when money you don't have to impress people you don't even really like we have to reset your value system Instagram breath watching other people's highlight reel and thinking that should be your life comparison I'll kill you so we made the decision we're not borrowing money anymore you're weird you're right normals broke you know what you have if you don't have any payments money weird thing everything changes even make different decisions about your job some people stay in toxic job situations because they have to pay their bills you suddenly are free to go ah I think I'm gonna open up a competitor to you people because you want really good people and I don't want to work there anymore so and that fine it's a whole different thing it's a whole different mindset so guy called me from an average car payment America by the way Americas right now $529 over 84 months according to national Auto Dealers Association if you take $529 that you put into a good Chevy truck and you know that goes down in value like a rock that's where Chevy got that like a rock and if you take $529 from age 30 to age 65 put it in a decent growth stock mutual fund in a Roth IRA you'll have about 5.6 million dollars in there instead of having a car I hope you like your car that's what it's costing you I'm not saying don't have a nice car under saying maybe your nice car shouldn't have you maybe we got to think different about this guy call me from over in West Texas and look maybe you gonna kill me kill you I'm in Tennessee you're in Texas what you do he goes truck payment what's your truck how much is your truck payment $769 dude really it's no fun is it you guys just killing me how bad I said how much is your house payment he said we live in a double-wide five hundred fifty bucks - if your truck payments bigger than your house payment you might be a redneck Wow unbelievable so we got out all the plastic and we lit some candles and we told the kids to gather around and we had plastic surgery Citibank what's in your wallet money you're weird Dave you don't have any credit cards nope this is my wallet green presidents faces four pieces of plastic my debit card on my business which you have to have money in there to use those okay my debit card on my personal account my driver's license and my handgun carry permit Oh red Nexus celebration - I see okay said that in California though the day about got arrested but it's good to be back in America but um and if you're from California Jesus loves you and we have to so kitten with you it's all good it's all fine the next one is interesting foster high quality relationships do you know you've become who you hang around with be not deceived evil company corrupts good habits if you hang around with people to go the middleman can't get ahead we're just I sure hope we can elect someone who'll fix my life their spirit animals your if you're hanging around with that guy guess what you're gonna be that guy when they say take it easy they mean take it easy I mean hound dog in the Sun on the porch you cannot motivate these people well you hang around people they're getting it done baby let's get up leave the cave kill something drag it home game on man we got things to do we got people to see you're gonna read the same books your friends closest friends read you're gonna see the same movies you're gonna watch the same Netflix series you're gonna talk like they talk you're gonna pray like they pray you're gonna be generous like they're generous you're gonna read the Bible because they all read the Bible but if you run around with people that don't you won't I'm not talking about be snubby to other people I'm nice to anybody whether what religion you are even if you're from New York I mean I'm gonna be nice to you okay I love you you're sweet we're gonna be friends I got all these friends are way different than neither they don't vote right but I still love them and I'm nice to anybody but I'm talking about who my closest crew is the six guys carrying my casket who are these men cuz those men are a forming me and I gotta be real careful cuz Eagles don't flock you got to intentionally gather them together turkeys the intentional about who you're hanging out with because your income over a 10-year period of time will be within ten percent of the average of your ten closest friends income some of your luck I'll need some new friends yeah well your my you don't have to be mean to the old ones but you know if you're gonna quit drinking you publish it and run around a bunch of drunks you know you know if you want to get in shape maybe I ought to run around with people that eat stuff that keep you in shape I'm not hanging with that crew but you know yeah but see you know what I'm talking about right we know the formula we don't let our kids run around with juvenile delinquents because we know that you know a little Johnny is a weed head your kid runs around a little Johnny your kid to be a weed head you know this the next one saved money the Bible says in the house of the wise or stores of choice food and oil and the rest of that says but a foolish man devours all he has if you spend all you make you're a fool when you save money grandma said save for a you know what Graham I said that because it's gonna rain life is coming and when you got a pile of money it helps you got thirty thousand dollars in the bank and no debt and they let you off you're gonna be okay you got thirty thousand dollars in debt and no money they let you off you're like wise people save money here's what's interesting if you do this stuff it works so if you get on a plan no one plans on purpose to lose no one goes let's have a plan where we spend everything and retire broke no one says that right so when you actually do a plan you will get out of that because you figure out when you don't have any payments that's easier to save and easier to give right and so me you live like no one else so later you can live like no one else's when you get on a plan you will start getting out of debt and when you got a debt cuz you're hanging out with people that are thinking different right we're gonna have foster high quality relationships then you'll be saving money and so all these things work together and the natural byproduct is the last one you will automatically do it God says be outrageously generous he loves a cheerful Giver you can't give when you're broke I never noticed poor people feeding hungry kids or your poor shaming no you know any money not a matter of your poor I've been I've been broke I know what it looks like I know it feels like I'm not mad at you if you're there but you know change time to do some different stuff man quit listening to those same people that caught you there have a different way of looking at things look at the bottle what's the Bible tell me about handling money and change it puts you in a position to be outrageously generous and of course the first level of that is just automatically for those of us that are evangelical Christians we attend a local church we tithe to our local church for those of you going through Financial Peace University which should be all of you you know you need to do this stuff we're gonna teach you how to do this stuff and you can tell it ain't gonna be boring okay and so we're you're gonna go through there and you're going to be tithing but that's not I'm talking about being generous is not an act being generous is a character quality it's who you become generous people smile more they can even have a conversation where they listen some they've been around people who are just takers generous people are the givers they open the door for you that they can't help but notice needs because they no longer have their eyes on themselves because they got self under control take care of your own household first and then put you in position to be outrageously generous so try this one out because they told me to be done in 40 minutes that's when the Holy Spirit leaves and um so Thanksgivings coming here's what I want you to do leave early when you go to Grandma's house for the feast but the kids in the car were gonna leave 30 minutes early and I want you to drive and park right in front of the Waffle House on the way to Grandma's house I want you to leave the kids in the car leave your spouse in the car leave the car running it might be cold I don't know y'all just let them sit there kids put the screens down watch I want you going there and once you sit at the counter and once you have a cup of coffee and she'll come up and she'll pour you a cup of coffee when she does I want you to look into her eyes they'll tell a story the Bible says the eyes are the windows to the soul and she pours that coffee Happy Thanksgiving pull out three of these hundred dollar bills I want you to leave them under the saucer slip out go sit down with the kids hey kids watch God show off let me tell you what she'll do she'll pick them up cuz you know who's working Waffle House somebody needs job you know who's working Waffle House some Thanksgiving Day some I needs a job this right here was life-changing baby she'll pick this up and she does bless her heart it's been so long since anything good has happened she thinks it's a trick and then she'll step back and then even if she's not a Christian or a person of faith even if she prayed this morning or hasn't proved in 20 years a hundred percent of the time she will go because all of us have in our DNA the ability to smell an encounter with God I want you to take $300 no once you take your spouse on an unbelievably nice dinner and I want you to enjoy some money but I dare you to have more fun with 300 bucks than that that's as fun as it gets right there ladies and gentlemen you have the opportunity to just impact stuff when you're not broke anymore because you decided you were going to follow the spiritual transformation of not being conformed to this world but being transformed by the renewing of your mind how we thank you for these people god I know you're proud of them I know people just like them all over this country I'm proud of them I believe in them and I know Heavenly Father you have a plan and it's a plan to bring them hope and not harm and God just pour out your love pour out your conviction but not condemnation by the wrap your arms around them hold them so tight that they just smell the Holy Spirit don't let them go God don't let them go help them dive in Jesus name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and I got some notes I do I did not know Dave invented clap on clap off but I also learned some things about obviously the importance of a fostering high quality relationships in fact that's why we're about to go into in fact this weekend starts for nine weeks it's just nine weeks literally nine weeks can change the legacy of your life because some of you heard Dave talk about a plan which honestly most of the people that are now coming to our church they come in under water they're drowning in fact some of you when dave was cutting up those cards you're like well this is what's so beautiful about FPU Financial Peace University for nine weeks you're gonna have the opportunity to be around some people who are like you wanting a plan and Dave is written with his team the most amazing curriculum that lasts for nine weeks and that if we will get into a small group of people who are going through and walking this out in fact we've got hundreds of FPU groups hundreds just FPU we have another couple of hundred groups that are gonna do what we call a hybrid of FPU so a hundred percent of our hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of small groups are going to be doing FPU they're gonna be happening seven days a week they're gonna be happening in actually a firehouse is doing what we've got businesses doing them we have neighborhood clubs doing them we're gonna have many that are meeting here in fact 70-plus are meeting here on the campus of celebration to do FPU together and so with that your kids are also gonna be going through FPU everything in kids ministry for the nine weeks are gonna be going through fvu because we want our kids to be set up to win how many would agree with me [Applause] and so we would love in fact my goal has been a hundred percent of our church isn't an FPU group you can find out how or where to meet maybe the group that fits best your schedule you can go online for our directory or even out in our concourse we got FPU information booth for you to connect but but Dave said it if we don't plan if we don't plan if we are not making a decision to succeed financially we're going to fail financially and I'm just telling you I'm just so grateful for his ministry and I'm so grateful because he is that blacksmith Ramsey solutions litter days like that blacksmith that can just help us walk this out in a very simple way but yet profound I'm looking forward to the next nine weeks it's gonna be amazing don't miss this season don't miss this moment it really is a a window of opportunity that will forever change you and then secondly before we go I think this is very vital he said it he had to dive in at some point in his life I can relate to Dave my parents were from Mississippi mom and dad are both Deepwood Mississippi and very much rednecks and very much like David was not a part of a church didn't know God in fact my family's life revolved around whether if my dad was an NFL football coach or or whatever his career was after he could retire from coaching alcohol and beer and that was just part of our life and like he said there came a day a decision to dive in and at some point you have to dive in in fact the Bible says choose ye this day who you will serve it really is not just up to God it's up to you because he did what he has to do to in order to save you you must either dive in or dive out you make that decision and he said it he dove in it's either real or not it's either true or not it's either right or not and for me that was the decision I had to make January the 10th 1987 and I will tell you it's the greatest day of my life it was the greatest day of Dave's life and I just think we should just take a moment to pray and to just encourage those that are here today maybe watching online you've never taken that bet dive and today you can have it in fact that heart that's beating really fast right now I believe that's the Holy Spirit I really do I really believe that's how God sets up for you and for me major changes you came here to hear about money but you're leaving here with God in fact that gentleman who many of you would know if I told you who he was he's a very influential man in the state of Texas he said would you tell Dave I was listening to his money radio broadcast because I wanted to have more money and it led me to Christ and so with every head bowed and every eye closed just for a moment no one's gonna be embarrassed but how many would say honestly and truthfully Joe Dave I haven't I haven't dived in I haven't made that decision to say Jesus be my lord be my Savior and today I'm going all-in I'm not just gonna go with my lips not just gonna go in with my head I'm going in with my heart I'm going with my life I'm going in with my body it's now time if you're here today you say Joe would you help me pray would you help me pray that prayer so I can know that I have eternal life so that I can know my sins are forgiven that i know that jesus is my Lord and my Savior I want a relationship like Dave if that's you would you just slip up your hand right now just real for a minute is it all over this place just just hold up your hand just for a second you're diving in but you're lifting up your hand you're saying God I'm diving all over this I'm just looking at many dozens and dozens of it you came here to hear an incredible message on money you came here to hear from an incredible man who probably is the best on the planet when it comes to finances and possessions and things and budget but but he brought you more than that in fact God used him today to say you can you can no mean through Jesus anybody else here today say Joe I need to make that decision or maybe I need to make that decision again how many of you would say maybe today I know the Lord but I've been far away from God a boy today God God showed up let me just see your hand all over this place beautiful beautiful say this with me out loud everybody together Lord Jesus I call upon your name - forgive me my sins I admit I need a lord I need a Savior I can't save myself I'm not good enough but only you God are good enough you sent your son to die on the cross for my sin you raised him from the dead now he can live in my heart as I confess him Jesus come inside of my life and from this moment on I am your child and all the God's people said come on let's thank God [Music]
Channel: Celebration Church
Views: 94,023
Rating: 4.8834357 out of 5
Keywords: georgetown, texas, celebration church, lori champion, joe champion, september, defying gravity, dave ramsey
Id: JitXn_jtMbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 10sec (3250 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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