Protesters target Athens mayor in wake of UGA murder

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>> Received many calls and emails make wearers from the press in recent days about this notion of a sanctuary city. And so I want to lay some things to rest here today. Storm sanctuary city doesn't have a soul legal or procedural definition. You can look in Georgia statute and you can find a clear definition for unified government. You can look and contractual language and you can find out exactly what it means to be an SEC institution. Sanctuary city doesn't track with either of those. And so that term means different things to different people. Depending on the context of the discussion >> Many of the elements for many of the elements are choir here to listen to. Here to listen. >> For many of the aspects, there's the scribe, sanctuary cities. We know what sexual things that are disallowed by Georgia law or policy was. And we contribute to document every year to the Georgia Department of audits indicating that we do not correspond to these definitions under state law that you do and no policies have been adopted by the mayor commission that have created sanctuary city status in Athens. You did you resign? >> One protocol that sometimes arise high. >> Shirt. One protocol that sometimes arise is not understanding the wake of a great tragedy like this. We are all deeply hurt and everybody expressions that are different. >> Well, the where they served watched, are you talking about? >> But I mean, band might years can only hear one thing at a time and some asking the cloudy, if you repeat that question mentioned patients. >> Earlier, I hear what you're saying and for this good for people using the station. >> I certainly well, there's been no legislation from this government has created sanctuary city status. I also mentioned the prospect of federal legislation. What I'd like to know is that here in Athens, Clark County Fire, we center after. >> You need to go start, we do what you what you know or you're holding your own girl. Walked to you one quite a bit. >> If not members of the press heard might be asked to leave people. >> Created this government. We thank you, Alyssa, if you do what we want you to do, you want to do >> I want to say that we sent our work here in Athens, Clark County and people's humanity and part of everybody's humanity is the expectation human dignity. Well, 2019 was not that long ago. You might remember the dynamic we're living in in the late teens in this country where you had president of the United States speaking in the most vile terms about people who are foreign born and you had that notion metastasize in places like Charlotte. Yeah. Haha goal and you know what I love doing. he said he no longer. >> What we wish to do is dignify everybody's humanity. >> There's nothing in the wall. Yahoo along the hull of the >> You're talking be yes to us right now. I need to answer one question that the time it is her house. I continue my answer for moment ago and they will get it. >> And your revolution. Well, now what we wish to do. this is America's too. I want them when algae for allowing that to happen in the first. Yeah. We're deeply sorry for this tragedy. Responsibility for this crime rests solely on perpetrator.
Channel: NBC News
Views: 42,199
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Keywords: NBC News Channel
Id: FISPpTApcec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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