Protecting Your Quiet Time With The Lord Has Benefits| Dr. LaSonya Clay

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we all find ourselves in the midst of a whirlwind juggling numerous RADS managing the household tackling significant tasks fulfilling job requirements and providing care for others the list goes on yet in this continuous stream of activities what do we sacrifice when the demand of life and the world in Crouch Upon Our sacred time with the Lord have you ever wondered how you can protect your personal time with the Lord and embrace the blessings it bestows amidst the Relentless demands of life and the world's Allure join me as we explore this critical topic when I return greetings and welcome I am Dr lasagna clay and I am so grateful that you have joined me in exploring the word of God which has the power to strengthen encourage and equi you know during our time together I want to talk about that this personal time with the Lord this spiritual dis discipline that is crucial and beneficial in our Christian walk I feel that this is an essential topic because from the time we wake up we are inated with media people stress work and the pull of the world so how can we protect our personal prayer time with the Lord I'm so glad you asked you know scripture provides us with practical examples from the life of Jesus and how he managed to protect his time with the father given all the daily demands he had with um Ministry activities different events and the many people that sought him so I'm going to provide three scriptures so from the gospels so that we can look at a pattern in which Jesus implemented to stay connected with the father so let's begin by looking at Matthew 14 and13 Matthew 14 and13 States now when Jesus heard this he withdrew from there into a boat to a desolate place by himself but when the crowd heard it they followed him on foot from the towns in our next verse Mark 1:35 and Rising very early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus departed and went out to a desolate place and there he prayed in Luke 5:116 it reads but Jesus would withdraw to desolate places and pray as you can see here with these three scriptures there's a pattern of solitude withdrawing and prayer that Jesus implemented in his life he would often do this to get along with the father he did this when he began his ministry is how Jesus made important decisions dealt with troubling emotions like grief when he was in the garden of gethin and the constant demands of his ministry and most of all how he cared for his soul Jesus also taught his disciples this practice if we look at Matthew 6 and6 tells us but when you pray go into your room and shut the door and pray to your father who is in secret and your father who sees in secret will reward you the word pray in this verse in the Greek it translate to pray pray for or offer prayer we know that prayer is simply talking to God it is a way for believers to communicate emotions give thanks Express desires and strengthen their love relationship with the Lord imagine a relationship with a friend or spouse or children or team building if there's no coming together or if there's no communication what would be the outcome of that situation it is important that we spend time with the Lord let's further look look that Jesus also give a further instruction he tells his disciples to go into a room and shut the door that word in a room refers to a secret chamber a secret room or a Grainery or Barn we may not have a barn to go into but we have a room or a place that we can go away to and get away with the Lord and this verse encourages us to understand that it is okay to get away in solitude away from people to a place that we can have aone time with the Lord I took this verse literal when I came upon it especially when I was going through a very difficult time in my life I would go into my closet and get away and let my children know I had to get with the Lord just so they can know where I was sometime I will go into a room and close the door you know you may have a special place that you can get away like outside in the on the back porch on the front porch or walk in the woods whatever you find that that place of solitude where you can spend time with the Lord we also need to consider that Jesus was consistent and regular in his time of prayer and Solitude with the Lord because it hinged on a lot of important events in his life we see in the gospel that Jesus did not begin his ministry until he spent time alone with the father after he was baptized and spent 40 days praying in the wilderness after that he was tempted by Satan and then his public Ministry began after that time in the desolate place you can also look at Jesus early days in his ministries he devoted an entire night of prayer before selecting his 12 disciples this act of seeking Divine guidance before making a significant decision is a powerful example for us to follow do you have a significant task you are facing or do you have to make an important decision taking this time in prayer Pro provides the opportunity for God to empower you to strengthen you to give you divine insight into matters this is an ex excellent time if you have things that you need the Lord's help with if you need strengthening if you need healing this is the perfect opportunity to go into that secret place to get along with the father and pray to receive his divine help praise the Lord you know Jesus protected his time with the father by withdrawing from people with withdrawing from activities activities and responsibilities will always be there there is an intentional effort to set aside time to meet with the father and this was important to Jesus so he encouraged his IPL to do the same let's look at Matthew 6 and6 where Jesus tells his disciples When you pray to your father who is in secret your father who sees you in secret will reward you this verse is telling us here that there is a reward when we spend time with the Lord and that word reward in the Greek translate deliver or to deliver again to give repay recompense restore so there are rewards when we spend time with the father let me give you two examples of what this reward looks like when we spend time with the Lord when we spend time with the Lord we become the recipient of divine perspective God gives his people the capacity to see from his point of view it allow us to get out of the fog of busyness of life so God can speak to us give us his perspective on a matter it raises us above the life challenges and struggles and realize that there is a sovereign God who rules over his creation who directs our steps and direct the activities of humanity this is a great way to get back focused when we spend time with the Lord because sometime that busyness like I can say for myself when things seem clouded or when things seem like it's begin to become overwhelmed this is time for me to take a moment step back and get with the father to get clarity to bring things back into perspective that Divine perspective for my life for situations also when we spend time with God God gives us renewal of physical and spiritual strength as well as for those who have been um seeking the Lord and walking with the lord it's also a refueling and a refreshing that God gives us in Psalm 6835 it reminds us awesome is God from his Sanctuary the god of Israel is the one who gives us power and strength to his people blessed be God prayer and Solitude benefits us greatly if we use that time to sort through um whatever is on our minds and hearts with the father this is a great time to talk to God Express what's on our hearts and minds and people of God we can trust God to hear us we can trust him to pour out our hearts to him he want us to give it all to him the scripture tells us those who are heavy Laten come unto me I can give you rest that is another benefit and it says rest for your soul so if you're feeling like you're um overwhelmed with life or you're going through a troubling situation or you just have a very important decision to make whatever it is allow that time go find a special place if it's just going into your bedroom and close the door and put in the sign and said don't bother me in here I need to get with the Lord people will respect that go sit in your car wherever you need to go to have time with the Lord protect it protected brother and sisters of God if you are already embracing a regular time of prayer and Solitude I continue you to I I encourage you to continue and don't fret don't faint because there are great rewards God is not through with you yet God is not short of rewards and blessings for his people people of God we need to protect this time and those who are just starting out remember that God wants to reward you there are rewards waiting for those who devote time with him in prayer so today I want to take a little time out to pray with you father God in the name of Jesus we just thank you Lord God that we can come to you and pray to you you hear us you see us Lord God God help us father God to embrace constant and regular prayer time with you to get along with you father we ask that you help us to even be honest with you to pour out our hearts and our minds to you and Lord give us a heart and to uh a mind and a heart to Incline us to take up the word of God the Bible and read it to meditate on it and to memorize it so that we are made strong strong in our Inner Man and know you at a level that we have not known before father we ask these precious blessings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ again thank you for joining me on today and spending time with me I am always grateful for your support and your prayers please share these videos so more people can see them and don't forget to like And subscribe my aim here is to encourage strengthen and equip you in your walk with the Lord feel free also to leave a comment below I look at them if there something that I need to know feel free to share again God bless you and may the peace of God ring you each
Channel: Dr. LaSonya Clay
Views: 166
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Id: Yaj-GbDsFaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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