Prostitute interview-Tasha

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yeah when people find out what profession I'm in and they look at me like oh you poor thing like they feel sorry for me don't feel sorry for me my profession is no different than the brain surgeon you know I wake up every day and I go to work and I choose to do this just like he wakes up every day and chooses to continue to be a brain surgeon I choose to continue to prostitute it's nothing to feel sorry for me over or uh Tasha Tasha where are you from originally originally I'm from Fayetteville Arkansas hmm tell me about your family growing up oh well it wasn't your typical family from the Midwest there wasn't you know white big offense or anything like that my father was abusive my mother was a cocktail waitress in a bar for many years so early on in life I came up in a bar if that makes any sense you know after she left my dad literally in the middle of the night she I remember her wrapping me in a blanket it was storming outside and we just took off and that was that was it she moved us to a housing project um that was god-awful lots of rodents and bugs and that's just that's that's where it all started Applegate how would you describe your childhood uh fairly I mean aside from being you know not having a lot of money and it's just you know single parent single-payer at home after my mom left my dad it was fairly happy um spent a lot of time with my grandparents but um you know when I was with my mom it was it was a struggle I mean we out every day to survive you know she worked two jobs um and I didn't find out until later in life she was also prostituting on the side yeah I found that out once I was an adult and had actually got into the game myself and then found out you know that she had also had her way with that as well so how did you first get introduced to the game um I kind of got Bamboozled really um I think I think every girl does I I met a guy I don't want to leave names out I don't want to you know get anybody in any trouble or anything like that but I met a guy and he actually asked me to move some dope for him sell some dope and so that's initially you know how I got started come to find out few months in he's a pimp and we've gone out of town supposed to be going on a run you know to pick up some to pick up some dope and uh how he didn't have money for a hotel room I don't know or if that was just you know the story he gave me but he put me in a position where it was like okay uh this is what you're gonna do um you're gonna go out here and you're gonna sell some [ __ ] and we're gonna get the room you know and then you know do what we need to do and go back tomorrow you know go back home tomorrow and this was in Dallas Fort Worth so I'm in Dallas I don't know anybody and this guy that I've trusted for you know several months now moving all this dope for him is telling me I have to do what okay uh and uh you know it threatened me a few times and because I wasn't going at first that was real uncomfortable with it um kind of emotional but uh you know a person can only threaten your life so many times you know I'm Gonna Leave You the trunk of a car in the middle of Dallas nobody will ever find you nobody will miss you kind of thing and so I turn my first trick that that night 500 bucks probably the easiest and the hardest 500 I've ever made in my life and then it was kind of like I was locked in you were called that was it I mean 21 21 and I'm 41 now so you know 20 years 20 years I've been doing this um but yeah I was locked in at that point and nobody nobody told me okay if you do this there's no way out you know if you do this you're stuck for life you know and that just started a long a long list of a long laundry list of just [ __ ] you know it's uh but survival I just struggling to survive that's how I got the scar on my face and that actually is fairly recent yeah a pimp and a hoe he held me down and she cut my face I where'd this happen this actually happened in my hometown um been home for a few for about three months and um you know business was slow it's small town America you know you get business but it's not much money and um does this game operate in every yeah large and small it does it really really does it's so under the radar for sure yeah so many people yeah except on Figueroa Street it's pretty under the radar well it even and even where I'm from in Fayetteville you know that you wouldn't you could be sitting in a room full of hoes and not know it you know they use a website I skip the games and we post um you know post photos and a little ad that says you know you're like hey guys if you're looking for some fun type [ __ ] and then they call you on your usually we use like a text now number or something like that call you on your number and normally if you if you have a pimp um that's who they're talking to they don't know that they think they're talking to you so a lot of girls on Instagram that are doing that set it all up and then you know the next thing you know you're getting picked up or meeting somebody at a hotel or whatnot um and it's weird because like on these websites there's like a menu you know if you want a quick visit or half an hour hour or whatever and then there's like a menu of services that you perform and guys just go on there and they pick you out and they pick out what they want and they text the number and you set up the meat um but yeah even even in small town America Midwest Bible Belt it's happening it's happening a lot met a lot of good people but I descended this particular individual um we were actually in a relationship I suppose you could say and had been for about a year a little over a year and uh there was four other girls you know other than myself that that he was putting out there and me being the oldest and having been with him the longest out of all five of us I made the most money and that causes jealousy I mean that just that's it causes a lot of friction especially when the girls like whoever you know your pimp is or whatnot and he was an attractive attractive guy you know and one of the younger girls she had actually just she's only been with us about three weeks she just she didn't like me we had vomited a lot and he left me in charge of these [ __ ] you know keep them in line make sure that they're going to calls and whatnot because like I said after I was telling you when I got here after you know years of doing this I've developed a few health health issues my legs swell a lot if I'm on my feet too much so um it was kind of like I was a right hand to him you know with these younger with this new generation coming in and uh she went to him I was gone out on a play and she went to him and and bitched and complained and I hurt her feelings and I guess he was a little sweet on her too and um for whatever reason she didn't want to have to work with me anymore and so I came in for making my play and he was waiting kind of behind there's like a came into a four-year and when I opened the door he was back behind the door and I walked around you know the side of the door and turned to close it and when I went to close it he grabbed me from behind and just had like had my arms like this you know and just and immobilized me and she just got on my face and was just screaming at me um that she was gonna take me out of the game um she didn't want to deal with me anymore and he was totally with it and next thing I know I like I hear I heard a loud crash and what it was she took a beer bottle and she hit me right here with it and um you know cut my head open up here and then she took the broken piece of the bottle that was left in her hand and just stab me in my face just rip my face open and they just left me there laying on the floor um I really didn't know what was going on you know I didn't know what I'd done to deserve that and I wasn't really I mean I knew I was I knew I was hurt I knew that you know I was injured or whatnot I didn't know how bad my face was laid open probably a good three inches from here to here um and um I'm sorry that kind of betrayal is is it's tough it's part of the game though it is it is and people can they turn on you in an instant at any moment you know you always have to you know watch your back and make sure that you you can protect yourself you don't have any friends you have no friends and there is no trust and that's a hard lesson to learn um and I knew that you know it's like I tell many girls since this happened don't ever let anybody catch you slipping you know because they can take your life in in an instant and that was that was I don't know if that was the plan that night or if she just wanted to permanently disfigure me or or what they what what it is she wanted to do but um I laid there by probably a good 30 45 minutes and then one of the other girls came into the house they took off like after they did this they just the two of them just took off one of the other girls came in and I was covered in blood and I was just in and out of Consciousness and um she picked me up and she's like I'm gonna take you to the hospital and um she was as Brave as she could be she started knocking on doors you know we didn't know anybody where we were at and she started knocking on doors and this woman said she would take us to the you know the nearest Urgent Care and it was downtown um probably about it's like three in the morning you know like I said small town America um we get to the Urgent Care and of course police meet us there and they want me to talk to him and tell them what happened you know I refuse to talk I'm not I'm not a rat not you know I'm gonna give everybody give anybody up and uh got my face sewed up and whatnot and then the first time I saw it they didn't want me to look at it at the hospital it was pretty gnarly the first time I saw it I passed out like I walked into the bathroom I was getting ready to leave the hospital I walked into the bathroom and flipped the light on and it was just like I didn't have any idea who was staring back at me I had a knot on my head that probably stuck out two inches starting to turn colors already you know Brews and everything and then just this life-changing life-changing uh gash across my face 19 stitches down my cheek and I've had two surgeries since then I went to jail not long after this happened probably about a month after it happened I got picked up on some warrants um and uh I saw stitches in my face and so in County Jail I have to go you know I had surgery two times while I was in County Jail um and that's no place you don't want to be locked up in any kind of facility whether it be County or state or anything like Federal whatever and be ill or have to have some you know they treat they don't treat you any better than a dog and um had two surgeries in shackles to try and you know get there was still glass in my face I almost lost my eye you had free floating glass here on my cheekbone and everything and I haven't seen either one of them since it's uh but I did if I ever do I promise you I'll get my lick back most definitely I mean that's it's all part of the game right did that did that change your attitude about it are you oh immensely um but you're still doing it yeah like I said even if you want out or make plans to get out you don't you you're not getting out it's just I mean you get addicted to the hustle you get addicted to the fast money it's not necessarily it's not it's not about the sex anymore it's about that paycheck was it ever about the sex um or is it all always about money it's all the primary focus has always been money always let me ask you this is an important question do you are drugs a part of your life they were they were um and you know is that what got you in the first place that's what made it easier that's what I think that's what make that's what that's what got me on drugs really honestly um because it made it easier if I was high if you know if I'm high I don't have to I don't have to think about what I'm doing you know and um what was your drug initially my drug of choice were benzos like Xanax and Klonopin you know I was at one point at the height of my benzo addiction which I still I still um still use benzos I was probably snorting like five six bars a day and you know I don't know if you're familiar but you know we mix that with alcohol and you wake up tomorrow and you don't remember what happened yesterday so you know that makes it even easier to go out and do this [ __ ] and then um I finally at some point probably five years in I started using meth and that was something I swore I would never do because my mom was an addict and that it just swallowed her up and eventually ultimately that's why she's not with with us anymore she passed away nine years ago sir uh and that was tough to deal with I was actually in Phoenix Arizona when she died and um couldn't get home you know had the money to get home but work was more work was more important and and I let that I let that take control of everything you get addicted to the money mostly and then the drug addiction comes into into play and then that becomes really important too because if I don't have my meth or if I don't have my my my pills like I can't do this I can't go to work I can't go out here and you know [ __ ] five people today for fifteen hundred dollars like it's it's you just can't do it you can't um and I do still use mess from time to time but not as often as I used to I'm just really I have five kids you know um and who's raising them their dads yeah my oldest one he's actually he's 20. so he's on his own and I've got a 14 year old daughter an 11 year old daughter an eight a nine-year-old son and eight year old son and the last thing I would ever want is for my girls to get involved you know in a life like this so um in 2018 I have my life was spinning out of absolutely out of control that's probably at the height of my meth addiction and um I lost our home and I called her dad you know she's working locally at that point and I called their dad and my my the father my three middle children the two girls and my nine-year-old son and it's like I told him I said you gotta you gotta come get them you know and it family and friends have speculated for a long time that I was doing this but it's not something that it's like the it's like the elephant in the room but it's the skeleton in the closet you know it's like everybody speculates or everybody thinks they know but this is something we don't talk about you know and that was the first time that I actually like admitted to anybody um that this is what I was doing that I was prostituting and I let their dad know that you know this is what life is life is now and your husband knew um no this is my it was at this point he was an ex and um he didn't know and that was the first time that I just admitted to any kind of family member you know that this is what I was involved in and he showed up probably two hours later and picked up my children and he's had him since then um I see him probably once a year in the summer you know they got out of school for the summer um it's real hard it's real hard because you know as my children and I are very close and uh now it's like their dad doesn't want to even that one time a year he doesn't really want to send them to me because he knows he knows what I'm doing you know that you know how I make my money and he doesn't want my children to witness anything crazy and he doesn't you know he doesn't want our girls to to grow up to be prostitutes who who does nobody says when they're a kid you know they ask you what do you want to be when you grow up nobody says I want to be a prostitute nobody says I want to be you know a drug dealer and it just or in circumstances kind of push us in different you walked in your mom's footsteps though yeah did you see her doing it when you were a kid no no I mean I saw men come around and there for a while probably um I'll say I was about seven or eight years old for about three years I was about seven when I started noticing that uh and lack of a better way to put it there was a revolving door in our home of different guys but it was like the same you know same five or six men would come what is it that's constantly from quitting the money the money I mean what you tell me what job I can go out here and get with nothing but a high school education and make you know three grand today there's not one cash money right now you know even though I don't have my kids they don't want for anything you give a lot of money to your kids as much as I can yeah yeah I'd say a good a good portion of my money goes to my children and into a pimp as well oh yeah he gets his off the top um you know you coming you go out here and you you make a play for 500 as soon as you're as soon as you hit the door where he's at or back in the car or whatever it hand it all over and then he will give back what he feels like I deserve can you do this without a pimp absolutely absolutely um you know and I've gone Renegade a few times and just you know done done it by myself but for whatever reason I just feel like it's a lot easier with somebody there to you know set the play up and all I have to do is get dressed throw on some makeup and head out the door you know and then that's security too to have a pimp this just to know there's somebody that if anything goes wrong there's somebody there that's gonna that's gonna have your back sort of but I've never had anything go wrong thus far with not with with a customer or anything like that yeah you've done this in other cities you've done Dallas and yeah of Dallas um I've gone to Orlando um out here uh those are probably the biggest cities I've been to um I've been out here well this this trip I've been out here just about a week now um this is my third time to come out to LA what do you think people don't understand about girls that do this kind of work they don't understand everybody has a story you know there's a there's something that puts you there in that position it's not something that you just like I said you don't wake up one day and say oh I'm gonna be a prostitute today you know there's something that that led you down that road that puts you in a position to feel like that was there was no way out or there's something you had to do whether it be because you were about to lose your home or your car or you are homeless on the street or you know whatever whatever your story is everybody's got a backstory there's reason why that we're in this business but at the end of the day we're still just like you we're just like anybody else out here trying to survive make a buck make sure that you know we have a warm bed to sleep in and and food in our belly you know tell me about your father oh wow my dad um my biological father he was that's a real piece of work he was real abusive um with my mother I remember you know he as a child he just beat the living [ __ ] out of my mother and when she got a chance to get away you know during one of these beating she'd just get up and run and I remember seeing her like run out of front door of our house so many times and um just jump in her car and she'd be gone just for days and he'd tell me horrible stories like that he'd for a whole week I thought my mother was dead she had told me she took off he beat her up one night and she took off and she was gone for for days and I kept asking from you know I want my mom and he's like well I killed her and chopped her up in little pieces and put her in the basement so for about a week I got him under the impression that my mother is dead and she's in our basement and he to keep me out of the basement he told me that there was a [ __ ] in the basement that had sharp pointy teeth and that would you know eat me alive if I even touched the door so I'm thinking that this little person is in our in our basement feasting on my mother's body parts um you know that's PTSD is real and things like that really damage a person you know and then when she comes walking in the door a week later it's kind of like well how do you put those pieces together I thought she was dead you know and this went on for until she left him it was just a constant almost every day like she was getting her ass whooped almost every day for nothing like little [ __ ] you know um he'd ask her for something to drink and she didn't bring it quick enough so that got her an ass woman or you know he come in from work and the bed's not made or the floor's not mopped or just anything he would come with any excuse any excuse to put his hands on her and uh when I was six I want to say maybe five five or six she was when she finally finally left him and she was by herself it was just me and her for a while and that's when I started noticing you know that revolving door but you know the same five men came through all the time and sometimes all of them in one day but at that age you don't you don't put two and two together to know that you know okay something's not right or you know my mom's doing something something strange for a little piece of change but uh it definitely makes an impact otherwise I don't think I would have followed in her footsteps um it wasn't intentional it was kind of like a again survival you know if you had your life to live all over again what would you have done differently I would have made better choices obviously a lot better choices um I probably would have went to college um made better friends and you know it's it's the people that I chose to surround myself with is is what got me in the position I'm in today uh yeah I would have made better choices gone to school further my education and you know stayed in school I probably I'm sure that would have kept me out of the street what's your biggest fear now because you're not young in the game you're I made it fair later end of your right marketability and that's the thing you know you can't do this forever you're still beautiful I'm shocked that you're 41 but thank you thank you but you know eventually I I won't be able to do this anymore you'll age out eventually yeah and that's scary because then what am I gonna do like I said I have a high school education and once I'm too old to do this I don't I don't have a work history to go down the you know even the local gas station and apply for a job I have no work history what the [ __ ] am I gonna put on the application I've been hoeing for the last 20 years you know come on so that's my that's my biggest fear just is is when that day comes and I can't do this anymore what am I going to do to survive well how am I going to take care of my kids how am I gonna you know they can't put money money back for their college education once I'm out of this business and then my you know second biggest fear is um death which is always a possibility with this game every every day every day every time that phone rings and it's it's a play and every time I ever every time I leave the hotel room or wherever I'm staying at to go make this money that's a possibility it's a very real possibility that I won't come back tell me about the kind of guys who are your customers um Now That I'm Older uh and I've I've learned a few things as far as like screening you know screening customers they're businessmen for the most part gentlemen I mean I don't really you know these guys most of them are married and have families and if it were to get out that they were out here buying [ __ ] like that would be just life ending for them that would that would ruin their their marriages and their careers and so it's real discreet they pay better a lot better that's nice absolutely that just means the better they pay the less work I have to do later you know I'm saying that it's like oh maybe you only have to turn you know go out three plays today you know but what's the sweetest relationship you've had money-wise the sweetest um and this is current actually I have in I have a little a little guy from from New Orleans um and he just he's about five foot two and just as countries can be but he's sweet as apple pie and we do absolutely anything for me um and he's actually you know try to get me away from this a few times it's like I told him it's unrealistic for him to think that I you know this I'm this is not pretty woman you know you can't just buy me out of the game and but he's he's sweet you know I've called him a few times since I've been out here and just been like you know hey you know send me some money how much money is he send your way a few hundred you know two three hundred just whatever I asked for I tried to overdo it because he's very generous but um yeah he's he's a sweetheart and you're saying you're staying in motels now yeah yeah and if I really wanted it if I really wanted to leave this alone like that would be the guy that I could call and say okay you know but I mean at some point he's gonna die like I said he's when I say he's older he's in his 70s 60s 70s something like that oh really yeah yeah so that doesn't to me when I look at that that doesn't seem like stability to me because he can die tomorrow and then I don't have that money and then I'm right back doing this anyway so I might as well just keep doing what I'm doing this is a lonely life for you yeah because you you can't trust anybody nobody's really your friend um that's got to be hard yeah it's it's Cutthroat you know they'll pretend to be your friend and make you real comfortable and then rob you or you know like some of these girls the younger girls especially um they like to they like to play dirty you know they'll that still plays from you and it's hard to be surrounded by Hustlers and snakes all day every day and it just it just the way that you have to be when you're around these people it's almost like you gotta wear a mask you know um When in Rome do like the Romans do right I'm not a shady person but yeah I could be just as grimy as the next person it's the next [ __ ] out here just as grimy how do you think the streets have changed you uh uh on a human on a more human level I don't have a whole lot of I don't have a lot of patience for people um I don't I don't have a lot of patience to listen to Somebody's sob story because you know what whatever you're struggling with today I've probably been there done that and struggle with other things that are much far worse than what anybody could really tell me about their life I just I don't really people don't interest me much anymore building lasting relationships with people just seems ridiculous to me because at any moment anybody can switch up on you and take everything you've got so I don't really I don't know if you'd say I choose to be lonely or if I choose to not have friends out of I guess out of fear that you know one day they're going to switch up on me anyways so what's the point of having friends I'm married to the game like that that's my friend Do You Believe In Love not anymore no no no even even like your a square marriage of 20 years you still see that as an arrangement for myself oh no it's like a a woman who is married to her husband for 20 years is it still a financial trade of I would think so I mean the man is providing versus the woman yeah and she mostly I look at I look at women like they marry to be taken care of I mean why else would you why else would you do it this is love doesn't pay the bills right I mean it's not love's not gonna put me in a car love's not gonna put me in in the house on the hill um money will though so you out here husband shopping I would think that you'd want to go for the one with the biggest wallet [Music] yeah I don't know um the only relationships that mean anything to me in life anymore the relationships I have with my children that's it that's it and I continue to do this to make sure that I can you know put something back for them and make sure that I can send them something and you know just to prepare I've got a daughter that's 14 about to be 15 so it's almost time to get a car you know so I've been putting back for her car for about six months now I want to make sure she's got something new and safe and I know her dad he's married now and has a baby with another woman so you know now he's up to four kids and he's not gonna be able to do that for her working in a warehouse and his wife sits at home doing the stay-at-home mom thing like that there's no way [Music] what advice would you give to a young woman who's considering doing this line of work if you're at any if you're at all soft or have feelings at all don't just don't don't because it'll change you it'll ruin you like I said you know you once you once you're in this life it's real hard to to to make any kind of worthwhile connection with anybody really it's like you ever play The Sims like The Sims games you know people walk around they've got the little spinning Diamond over their head um it's like that for me it's like I walk outside and I just see people and they have dollar signs is it going to be impossible for you to ever separate money from Love from sex I don't know that it'd be impossible but I wouldn't know how to go about separating the two because you're always going to see yeah a guy as a financial support right program right of some sort yeah right a business arrangement you know I'm sure somebody want to date me we can date but it's you better be funny to me it's still just a business arrangement I mean you know they're in it for love that's more power to you it's still just a bit it's a business arrangement to me what's in your wallet Tasha what would you say is the most important lesson you've learned in your life in this life it's chess not Checkers you know know your opponent and you gotta plan your next move you constantly be planning your next move constantly because you know you make the wrong next move that could be your life and that's I mean that's that's the the reality of it you know at any moment that could be your life but like I said I'm just so used to it and I've been in it so long like I wouldn't I wouldn't know how to act as a normal citizen out here um what's normal this is normal to me this is this is my normal all right Tasha thank you so much for sharing your story absolutely we see lots of luck from hearing out
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 476,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: OxlUnaQ9eFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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