Prophet Stories ISA / JESUS (AS) | Islamic Cartoon | Quran Stories | Islamic Children Videos - Ep 31

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Alhamdulillah. We are about to learn one of the greatest prophets which was Prophet Isa (pbuh). He was the last prophet from Bani Israel. Since Bani Israel kept on making the same terrible crimes that were forbidden by Allah, he stopped sending prophets from them after prophet Isa (pbuh). Prophet Isa (pbuh)'s story started from his grandparents Imran (pbuh). He was a very good religious leader for the children of Israel, but he was not a prophet. His wife and prophet Zakaria's wife were two sisters. Imran and his wife (pbut) did not have any child for many years but they did not lose her faith. With Allah (swt)'s blessing during their old age Imran's wife became pregnant. She was so happy that she promised to give her child for Allah (swt)'s work. During her pregnancy her husband Imran (pbuh) died. After a few days she gave birth, and she was surprised because her child was a girl. At that time girls were not useful for any religious work. So she prayed to Allah (swt) to save her and her child from Satan and named the baby Mariyam, or in English, Mary (pbuh). Then, Mariyam’s mother gave Mariyam (pbuh) to the temple of Baitul Maqdis since she promised to Allah (swt) to give up her child for Allah (swt)'s work. Animal: So, at that time Mariyam (as) was just a little baby? Yusuf: We don't know how old she was at that time. But she was brought to the temple by her mother for prayer and work and get Allah (swt)'s blessing. So it could've been when she was old enough to work in the temple but Allah (swt) knows the best, but you can get more information in Surah Imran. At that time women were not allowed at the temple to stay. So she needed a guardian from the temple. Many priests wanted to take care of Mariyam (pbuh) because everyone used to respect her father Imran (pbuh) very much. But her uncle prophet Zakaria (pbuh) wanted to take care Mariyam (pbuh) the most, since he was her uncle and at that time he did not have any child. So as their tradition, they draw a lottery by throwing their pen into the river. Everyone's pen sank into the river but prophet Zakaria's pen was still floating in the water. You can find this story in Surah Imran verse 44. By winning the lottery, Allah (swt) chose prophet Zakaria (pbuh) to take care of young Mariyam (pbuh). For her protection, Zakaria (pbuh) built a separate room inside the temple. As she grew up, she became a very religious woman. Our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said Mariyam (pbuh) was one of the top 4 great women of all time. Animal: Who are the other 3 women? Yusuf: One of them is Asia (pbuh), who was the wife of the Pharaoh and the other two were Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s wives, Khadijah and Ayesha (pbut). When Mariyam (pbuh) became a teenager she needed a private quiet area for her prayer. So she started to live on the east side of the Temple. But some scholars say that she started living on the east side of the town, which was a very quiet place. But Allah (swt) knows the best. Prophet Zakaria (pbuh) used to visit her daily and taught her about Allah (swt)'s laws. One day he was surprised to see some fresh fruits, which were out of season in her room. He asked her how the fruits got there. She told him that sometimes Allah (swt) would send fruits to her. He was so surprised to hear that. After this event the very old prophet Zakaria prayed for a good son to guide Bani Israel. Then as a miracle, a few days later his very old wife got pregnant. Around six-months after that, Allah (swt) decided to send a surprising news to Mariyam (pbuh) by an angel. She was very scared to see the angel and she requested him not to harm her. The Angel told her not to worry and he had very good news from Allah (swt). With Allah (swt)'s plan she would give birth to a very good son. His name would be Isa, or in English known as Jesus, and he would be a prophet of Bani Israel. She was surprised and asked, how was it possible? She was not married and she was not a bad woman either! And the Angel told her, it is very easy for Allah (swt) to give her a baby without a father. Animal: Why did Allah (swt) create Prophet Isa (pbuh) without a father? Yusuf: To show Bani Israel a miracle and to show them that he was a true prophet from Allah (swt) and so that they would follow his advice, because at that time Bani Israel were not following Allah (swt)'s laws. So as a miracle Mariyam (pbuh) became pregnant. Day by day, a few people started to guess that she was pregnant. At that time to avoid the public shame of carrying a child without a husband, one day she left the house and started to walk to a place, where there wasn’t any people that could see her condition. Some historians say it was close to Bethlehem. But Allah (swt) knows the best. In Surah Mu’minun verse 50 we know that, Allah (swt) guided her to a safe place on the top of a hill. For her need, Allah (swt) supplied spring water and food for her. One day her pain started when she was starting to give birth to the baby. She didn't know what to do and sat under a palm tree. Within a short time, she gave birth to a very beautiful son. According to some historians the birthday of Jesus (pbuh) was Saturday April 17th, between 4 to 6 BC. But Allah (swt) knows the best. After seeing her son, she started to cry and thought about how she would explain to everyone that her baby did not has a father. No one would believe her. Right after giving birth, she was very hungry and thirsty. To solve her problems, Allah (swt) sent Angel Jibrael (pbuh). From the distance down the hill the Angel told her not to worry because Allah (swt) would solve all of her problems. Mariyam (pbuh) became very happy to hear that. The Angel told her to touch or shake the palm tree and as a Miracle, fresh ripe dates dropped down for her to eat. Animal: After she gave birth, why did Allah (swt) give her fresh dates to eat? Yusuf: For a new mother, dates are the best food for their health and energy. So after that, with the angel's advice, Mariyam (pbuh), returned to her people with her baby. People knew she was a very religious person but now they were surprised. They thought that she had become a very bad woman. They were blaming her for that baby, and asked her why she did that. Mariyam (pbuh) did not say anything and pointed at the baby for their answers. People became angry. How could the little baby talk to them. Suddenly, in a miracle, baby Jesus (pbuh) started to talk and said, that he was Allah (swt)’s servant and prophet. Allah (swt) sent him to establish prayer and collect Zakat for the poor people, as well as taking care of his mother. You can find more details of this story in Surah Mariyam, verse two. When the people heard that the little baby was talking, they realized that he was a special baby and it was a miracle from Allah (swt). Some of them believed in him and his mother, Mariyam (pbuh). But unfortunately some of them didn’t like that. Some historians say, that somehow the King Herod and some of his people thought, Jesus (pbuh) would be bad for them. So they planned to kill baby Jesus (pbuh). With Allah (swt)'s plan Mariyam took her baby and moved to another place. Animal: Where did prophet Isa and Mariyam (as) move to? Yusuf: From the Quran and Hadith we don't know where they moved, but some historians say, at first they moved to Egypt. After a year when King Herod died, they moved to Nazareth, a small town in northern Palestine. Over there he spent his childhood. Animal: I am just curious, after Jesus was born, did Mariyam (pbuh) get married or have any other children? Yusuf: That is a very tough Question. From the Quran, Hadith or any Islamic historians we didn't find proof that she ever got married or have any other children beside Isa (pbuh). But Allah (swt) knows the best. From the Quran or Hadith, we don't find any detail information about prophet Isa (pbuh)'s childhood, however the only story we found was from Ibn Kasir. Usually Bani Israel celebrated a special event called 'Passover', which was a big holiday. For an example like our Eid. So lots of people used to come to the Baitul Maqdis from different places. When Isa (as) was twelve years old he came to Baitul Maqdis with his mother on that special day. He went into the temple to hear speeches from the priests. In that huge crowd, everyone over there was an adult. One time he asked questions to the priests, and those were so hard that the priests didn't even know the answer. As Jesus started to grow up, he noticed that some people are doing extreme terrible things in the name of religion. Yusuf: You remember about the law of Sabbath right? Animal: Yes, during the time of Prophet Musa, Allah (swt) made it a law that from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset they should pray during that time and they should not waste their time by doing any work. Yusuf: MashaAllah, you remembered that. But day by day some bad priests made their Sabbath law harder and harder, and it made it very difficult for the people. Sometimes during Sabbath, the bad priests did not even allow to call the doctors for very sick people. That's why many times people cheated and broke Allah (swt)'s laws. So, to make the people's life easy, Allah (swt) decided to remove some of the hard rules. Prophet Zakariya and his son Prophet Yahiya (pbut) were trying very hard to guide the Bani Israel to follow Allah (swt)'s law but it did not work. One time the bad king and some of the Bani Israel decided to kill those two great prophets. Prophet Zakaria and his son prophet Yahiya (pbut) were killed on the same day, but unfortunately none of the Bani Israel tried to save them and they even did not say anything to stand up against those bad people. So Allah (swt) became very angry with Bani Israel's action. But the Merciful Allah (swt) gave one last chance to the Bani Israel with the miracle born Jesus (pbuh). On the same day when prophet Zakaria and Yahiya (pbut) were killed, Allah (swt) chose Jesus (pbuh) as a prophet to guide Bani Israel. Everyone knew that he truly was a prophet because of his miracle birth, so no one questioned him becoming a prophet. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Animal: Did Allah (swt) send prophet Isa (as) only to the Bani Israel? Yusuf: Yes, Prophet Jesus was sent only for the Bani Israel and you will also find the answer in Surah Imran verse 48 to 50. Even in the Bible, the book of Matthew chapter 15, verse 24, also mentions that prophet Isa (pbuh) only came for Bani Israel. Allah (swt) taught him all the books which were given to Musa and Dawud (pbuh). Jesus (pbuh) understood the depth meaning of Allah (swt)'s laws. Allah (swt) also gave him a new book of laws. And that was called the Ingil, or in English the Gospel of Jesus (pbuh). From his hometown, in one gathering he declared his prophet hood to the people. But unfortunately his own relatives and people of the town started to refuse him and his message. Day by day, it became very difficult for him to make others follow Allah (swt)'s law. Only a few people accepted him as a prophet. In those difficult situations, one day he asked some of the believers to be his helper and protect him from the enemies. Some of the believers agreed to be his helper. In Quran those helpers are called 'Hawary'. They were very respectful and very good followers, like sahabas in Islam. Some scholars believe there were eleven to seventeen great special followers that stood with Prophet Isa (as). They started to move from one place to another to tell the people about Allah (swt)'s laws. During his work, he showed many miracles to the people with Allah (swt)'s help. You will find some of the examples in Surah Imran, verse 49. One day he was crossing a market place with his followers and on the way he saw a blind man who was begging and said that he had been blind his whole life. Prophet Jesus (pbuh) felt very bad for that blind man. So he prayed to Allah (swt) to cure the blind man's eyes. When he touch the blind man's eyes, as a miracle in front of many people, the blind man was able to see the world for the first time! At that point many people instantly knew that he truly was the prophet from Allah (swt).One day, in a small town he was giving a speech to the people, and then a man came to him and explained his very deadly skin disease and requested the prophet to cure his disease. Jesus (pbuh) prayed to Allah (swt) for that person. And as a miracle Allah (swt) cured his disease in front of many people. After see that miracle, many people started to follow Allah (swt)’s laws. Animal: How long did Prophet Isa (as) invite people to follow Allah (swt)'s law? Yusuf: Some historians say he was a prophet for about three years. But some bible researchers also believe that he invited the people to Allah (swt)'s law for only one year. One third of the bible talked only about his last week of life on Earth. But if Jesus (pbuh) started his work after Prophet Yahiya (pbuh)'s death, his prophet hood timing would be even shorter because according to the historians, Prophet Yahiya (pbuh) died on June and Prophet Isa (pbuh) left the earth the next April. If that was the case, his prophet hood time would be around 10 months only. But Allah (swt) knows the best. It is not important how long he guided the Bani Israel. The most important thing was all of his extraordinary work he did by Allah (swt). For Bani Israel, he even showed the big miracle by the help of Allah (swt). One time on his way, he saw a dead child. The child’s family was crying. People asked Jesus (pbuh) to help the dead child. Prophet Jesus did not have the power to give life to the dead. So he prayed to Allah (swt) to give life back to that child. As a miracle the dead child got his life back. Everyone was so surprised. How was that even possible! Many Bani Israel realized that Isa (as) was a real prophet and they accepted him as a messenger of Allah (swt). Some scholars say, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) all together helped 4 people to get their life back with Allah (swt)'s help. Some of the bad Bani Israel could not believe his miracle and they claimed that he could only give life back to those who died recently; maybe they did not died and only fainted. To prove his ability they asked him to bring life back to someone who died a very long time ago. People showed him a very old grave and when prophet Isa (pbuh) prayed to Allah (swt), as a miracle that dead person got his life back and came out from the grave. We found that story from Ibn Kasir but Allah (swt) knows best. After seeing extraordinary miracles from Isa (pbuh), unfortunately, some of the Bani Israel even started to believe that he might be a god. Nauzubillah. May Allah (swt) save us from that bad thinking. Animal: So, did prophet Isa (as) clear their misunderstanding? Yusuf: Yes, in Surah Mayida, verse 72, Allah (swt) told us, that Jesus (pbuh) clearly explained to the people, he was not a God. God is the one and only Allah (swt). Even in the Bible, John chapter 5 verse 30, Jesus (pbuh) clearly told the people, that he cannot do anything by himself and the only thing that he does is follow Allah (swt)'s order. In another section in the Bible, in the book of John chapter 8 verse 28, Jesus (pbuh) said to his people, all the miracles done by him were from Allah (swt). After seeing many miracles, even prophet Isa (pbuh)'s close followers were also confused about him and Allah (swt)'s power. In Surah Mayida verse 112, we found some information about that story. One time Isa (pbuh) and his close followers came to a town and they did not have any food to eat so they were very hungry. People of that town also did not have enough food. Then the followers asked prophet Isa (pbuh), if he could pray to Allah (swt) to send food for them from the heaven. Since the people always challenged him, by constantly demanding to see the miracles from Allah (swt), Prophet Jesus was very upset. He ordered them to be careful about challenging Allah (swt), and they immediately understood that it was a mistake and became very sorry for their behavior. Then prophet Isa (pbuh) requested Allah (swt) to send some food for everybody and show the people a great miracle. So as a response, Allah (swt) replied that he would send the food from the heaven, but after seeing the miracle, if anyone rejected Allah (swt) and his orders, Allah would give them a very big punishment. Then Allah (swt) sent lots of food to everybody and when the prophet's followers saw the food, they asked him where the food was coming from. Was it coming from heaven or some other place? The Prophet warned them not to ask too much questions and to be grateful about Allah (swt)'s blessings. Some historians say, Allah (swt) sent fish and bread for more than 5000 people, but Allah (swt) knows the best. Day by day his followers became bigger and bigger. Even some of the rich people started to give away their money to the poor people. The prophet could also tell the people what they ate that day and what they kept in their house for tomorrow to eat. Now remember Sabbath happens every Friday as soon as the sunsets, so one Friday night, Jesus (pbuh) saw that there were some children and they were so hungry that they were crying! So he picked out some fruits for those hungry children. Some of the people did not like his action because it was breaking the Sabbath law. Another cold Friday night Isa (pbuh) saw some old ladies who were freezing in the weather. So he made a fire for those old ladies. That was another Sabbath law broken by Prophet Jesus (pbuh). The religious leaders also did not like his actions. Prophet Isa (pbuh) continued his teachings to the Bani Israel until spring time. Bani Israel had a very big special holy day that they celebrated during the spring time, around the month of April. It was called 'Passover'. It was a celebration of gratefulness to Allah (swt), for saving the Bani Israel from slavery in Egypt hundreds of years ago. Usually it was an eight day celebration where there would be lots of people who used to come from different places to the Baitul Maqdis in Jerusalem. Prophet Isa (pbuh) thought, that would be the perfect time to go to the Baitul Maqdis and guide the people about Allah (swt)’s laws. According to the historians, Prophet Isa (pbuh) entered Jerusalem on Saturday, which was the first day of the 'Passover' holy day week. But Allah (swt) knows the best. By that time he already had many enemies from Bani Israel, and unfortunately during that week, it was his final week of living on the earth of his first life. Animal: Haa..really? He was very brave. Yusuf: Yes, he was. He always followed Allah (swt) order. In Surah Baqara verse 87 Allah (swt) tells us, prophet Isa (pbuh) was always protected by Angel Jibrail or the holy book Ingil. He went to the temple area and looked around. He noticed that there were so many priests and everyone there made money from the temple for their living. The rooms inside the temple were filled with the priests and their people but only very few visitors were allowed to come in those room, because it was very expensive for them. Every step in the temple visitor had to spend money. Suppose a poor family wanted to sacrifice a sheep for Allah (swt). So after they raised their sheep, when they came to the temple with that sheep to sacrifice, the priests did not them allow to sacrifice their own sheep because they had to buy a sheep from the temple people. Because of that only rich people were welcome in the temple. The Priests and their people acted as if it was a market place. And it was so bad that in the temple the priest used to waste lots of food even though they knew that outside of the temple the poor people were very hungry. Prophet Isa (pbuh) became very sad after seeing that situation. He saw that the priests changed or misunderstood most of the laws from their holy book for their own benefits. So Jesus tried to explain to the people in order to save them from the mistakes that they were making. Allah (swt) sent new laws for them and corrected some of their old laws. But unfortunately most of the priests did not like Prophet Jesus (pbuh), because his teaching went against the benefits of the bad priests. They started saying that Jesus was not a prophet. So he had to show many miracles to the people to prove that he was a true prophet from Allah (swt) like Adam, Ibrahim, Musa and all of the other prophets (pbut all). In Surah Baqara verse 49 Allah (swt) told us, at that time Jesus (pbuh) showed a great miracle about Allah (swt)'s power. He took some mud and molded it into the shape of a bird. After that in the name of Allah (swt), he blew his breath in it. Suddenly Allah (swt) turned that clay into a real bird and that bird started to fly. Everyone was surprised to see that. Many people realized that he truly was a prophet from Allah (swt). But most of the priests and some of the bad Bani Israel thought he came to destroy the laws of Moses and Dawud (pbut). But he told them that he did not come to destroy the old laws. He came to complete the laws. Animal: Was he able to complete the laws? Yusuf: No, for some of the bad Bani Israel, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) could not fulfill Allah (swt)'s laws. So finally he said to the people, he had many things to say to them but they were not capable to accept Allah's law. So Allah (swt) would send a final messenger to guide not only them but to guild the whole universe. And his name would be Ahmed. And that is one of the names of our last prophet Muhammad (s). We can find this story in the Bible John chapter 16 verse 12, and the same information can also be found in the Quran Surah As-Saf, verse 6. Another story we found in the Bible was Mathew chapter 22, verse 36-40. One day an educated Bani Israel came to Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and asked him what the most important order from Allah (swt) was. Jesus (pbuh) replied, to obey the one and only God Allah (swt) and to be good with the neighbors and love them from the heart. He had basically three fundamental missions like other prophets. 1. To tell the people that there is no god except Allah and he is the one and only God and strongly believe in him. 2. Follow him as a prophet and messenger who was selected by Allah (swt). 3. Follow all of Allah (swt)'s laws. If Allah said Halal, enjoy them. But if Allah made something Haram for us, never ever do or take them. It was the same mission for any other prophets that Allah had sent from Adam (pbuh) to the last prophet, Muhammad (pbuh). Prophet Jesus (pbuh)’s mission was getting better and better. Lots of poor people started to follow him. So for the temple, the bad priests’ businesses became very bad and they could not make money even during the busiest week of the whole year. Most of the Bani Israel priests did not like that and became very angry. So they were planning on how to stop Isa(as). At first they started to say bad things about Jesus (pbuh). The bad people were even saying that his birth was not a miracle and his mother also a bad woman. That's why he didn’t has a father. In different places the priests and their people tried to stop him. Sometimes they threatened him too. But prophet Isa (as) and his strong helpers did not stop. When the priests saw it was impossible for them to stop. They made a plan to kill Prophet Jesus (pbuh). One of the priests advised the others not to kill Jesus (pbuh) like they did with Prophet Zakaria and his son Prophet Yahiya (pbut) because people started to believe in Jesus (pbuh) and they might not like that. The people even could blame the priests for their bad action. So the priests made a plan and went to the Roman governor. He was given the responsibility to control Palestine. The priests convinced the Roman Governor that, if they cannot stop Prophet Jesus (pbuh), even the Romans would be affected because they could not make money from Baitul Maqdis and they would lose their control over Palestine. So the Roman Government became angry at Jesus (pbuh). Then the Roman Government and the top priests decided to kill Jesus (pbuh) by Crucifixion. In that situation Prophet Jesus (pbuh) became worried. He did not know what to do. In Surah Imran verse 55 Allah (swt) explained that situation and told to prophet Isa (pbuh) not to worry and gave him five good news. Allah (swt) said, 1. The Bad Bani Israel could not kill him. 2. For his safety Allah (swt) will take him to the second sky. 3. Allah removed all kind of misunderstanding against him by Bani Israel 4. More people would be follow him and reject the Bad Bani Israel's priests. 5. And Allah (swt) would solve all of their misunderstandings in the Day of Judgment between Jesus and those who don't believe him as a prophet. As planned, during a Friday evening, some priests and their people took some soldiers and went to a house where prophet Jesus was teaching Allah (swt)'s laws to some of his followers. The house was locked from the inside. So they surrounded the house to arrest prophet Isa (pbuh). The bad people were telling Jesus (pbuh) to come outside, otherwise they would break the door and arrest him. It was starting to get dark in that room where there were about 12 to 17 other people that were with Jesus (pbuh). But Allah (swt) knows the best. As Allah (swt)'s plan, Jesus (pbuh) asked his followers, if there was anyone who would be willing to die for him and as a reward, Allah (swt) would grant him paradise. A young man stepped forward and agreed to save prophet Isa (pbuh). Isa (pbuh) asked two more times in order to make sure that he found the right person and every time he asked, that young man came forward. Jesus (pbuh) became very happy with that young man. With Allah (swt)'s miracle the young man was transformed to looked like Jesus (pbuh). At that same time a hole opened in the roof of the house and suddenly Jesus (pbuh) fell asleep and as a miracle he was taken by moving up to the sky. In the Surah Nisa verse 157, Allah (swt) strongly says, the bad Bani Israel could not kill or crucify Prophet Jesus (pbuh). After that miracle everyone came out from the house. It was already night and Sabbath had started. When the bad people saw the great young man that looked like Jesus (pbuh), they arrested him and took him to the place where they wanted to kill him. Because it was Sabbath night, they were in a hurry to do their work. So they could not realize that the man they were going to kill was not the real Jesus (pbuh). Within a short time they crucified the great follower of Isa (pbuh) and killed that innocent young man, which was a very tragic moment for Bani Israel. However the Bani Israel was a fool since they did not realize, that was the last prophet from them. Within a year Bani Israel killed the great believers of Allah, which were Zakaria, Yahiya and the man that looked like Jesus (pbut). It was their last chance that they had in which Allah (swt) was merciful towards them. Unfortunately, no one came forward to stop that evil act. Allah (swt) did not like Bani Israel's behavior and became very angry at Bani Israel. As you know the people of Bani Israel were previously special and blessed by Allah (swt). In the Quran, Allah (swt) mentioned many prophets. You would be surprised, that more then 70% of the prophets came from the root of Bani Israel. But for their biggest mistake, Allah (swt) decided not to be special to Bani Israel anymore. In Surah Imran verse 55, Allah (swt) promised, the group who believes in Jesus (pbuh)'s prophet hood would be always bigger than those who don't believe in his prophet hood. Animal: So, does that mean the Christian group will always be bigger than Muslims? Yusuf: No, Allah (swt)'s promise is, those who believe in Jesus (pbuh) as a prophet, that group would be bigger. There were lots of Christian people who believed Jesus was a prophet and all of his miracles were done by the supreme power by the one and only God. And all Muslims as a whole also believe in Jesus (pbuh)'s miracle and his prophet hood. If we add these people, these two groups make a much bigger group than those who killed Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Bani Israel's family root came from the branch of Prophet Ibrahim's younger son Ishaq (pbuh), but for their biggest mistake Allah (swt) decided to send the last and final prophet to complete Allah (swt)'s laws from the root of prophet Ibrahim's oldest son, prophet Ismail (pbuh), and that is where the root of Muhammad (saw) comes from who is the final and last prophet. His name was even mentioned in all of the other religious books. From the Quran and Hadith we can also confirm that, Jesus (pbuh) will come back to Earth again and start to spread Allah (swt)'s final law, the Quran to all the people and he will also believe in the last and final prophet Muhammad (pbuh). According to great mathematician Isaac Newton, the last day on earth of the great respected prophet Jesus (pbuh) was Friday April 7th in the year of 30 AD. But Allah (swt) knows the best. After Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s story, InshaAllah we will try to do another video about Prophet Jesus's return to the earth for the second time. This is the end of our prophet story for today. This project was very difficult for us since we wanted to make sure we had the most accurate information about each and every one of the prophet stories. For more than six months our research team worked very hard day and night to write the story of prophet Isa (pbuh). For this story we had to use many great Quran Tafsirs of the world, many historians and also Palestine’s old history. As you know we always try to present very complicated issue in an extremely easy way so that we can teach Islam to young children, Muslim Adults, along with non Muslims as well. If there was any unintentional mistake, may Allah (swt) forgive us and accept our effort. If you like our work, please help us to continue this great work by giving a onetime donation or join us as monthly supporter to support the whole thing. Assalamualaikum.
Channel: IQRA CARTOON - Islamic Prophets & Quran Stories
Views: 1,907,893
Rating: 4.7331347 out of 5
Keywords: prophet stories, prophet story, Prophet Isa, iqra cartoon, iqracartoon, Prophet, Prophet Jesus, Isa (as), Jesus, islamic animation, islamic cartoons, islamic story, Islamic video, Muslim cartoon, Muslim Prophets, Muslim, hadith story, Muhammad, prophet muhammad, Battle of trench, Battle of Khandaq, Khandaq, Uhud, Uhud Mountain, Battle uhud, battle of badr, madina enter, wecome Madina, Madina Muslims, Muslim Boycott, Prophet Muhammad (saw), Last Prophet, Muhammad (saw)
Id: l7s8R9ugb98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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