Prophet Dennis Cramer || CLC Hammond

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amen is so good to be in the house of the Lord we don't have a lot of time this morning to waste and so let me get right to it the Bible is very clear on the prophetic there is an Old Testament history as well as a New Testament history on the importance the significance the contribution of prophets and prophesy amen in fact the history goes like this before they were known as prophets they were known as seers because of their supernatural ability to see in the spirit realm well I am a classic seer what I'm going to do this morning is I'm gonna tell you what I see now if you could see it all I wouldn't have a job so remember this remember this you'll see some of the things I'm talking about some things you won't some things you might like some things you might not like but that's okay what I want you to do this morning is receive I don't watch it to analyze this to death I want you to receive I want you to get your prophecy and write it down date it and put my name on it and then meet with your leaders so that they can put another set of eyes on your prophecy so that they can lend their supernatural us perspective to your prophecy because I am NOT an entertainer I'm an equip I am want to equip you I want to equip you I want to equip you for your work of service that's what the apostle prophet evangelist pastor and teacher does or should do we equip you for your work of service which implies that God has put you here to produce you are not here fundamentally to consume it's good to consume but we consume in order to produce and so I'm not an entertainer I'm and equip er and so I want to help you to produce so I'm going to see some things and stuff in your lives I'm gonna look to the past I'll see some things that you may need to break free from and the Holy Spirit will do that then I'm gonna talk about your current or present set of circumstances and I might give you some different perspective about that but most excitingly I'm gonna look ahead because that's what prophets do they point the way and they look ahead amen and the thing about the prophetic is we're not so much about the details as we are the outcome so if you ask me how you're going to get where I see you're going to get I don't know because listen prophesy dreams and visions are more about the outcome than the details just ask Joseph and his two prophetic dreams just ask David when he was anointed king of Israel if God had revealed the hell that they were going to go through to get where God wanted them to be they would have signed up in the first place so the prophetic including dreams and visions are is more about the outcome than the details so the Bible says we know in part and we prophesy in part so I might see a slice or two of the prophetic pie for you and that's the part that I'll give you but I'm not gonna see the whole pie I'm not gonna see the whole pie it is unlikely that I'm going to prophesy over the young man playing the guitar the Lord would say you're a guitar player it's unlikely I'm going to say that why he knows he's a guitar player the Lord would say you're a drummer now why wouldn't you say that because he doesn't need to know that he's a drummer he knows he's a drummer so we need to give God a little credit and he'll probably speak to things that are as though they were that's what he does what does that mean it means he speaks listen to me to your potential God uses the prophetic to speak to things that are not as if they were in other words God uses the prophetic to speak to your potential are you hearing me that's what I'm talking about and I want to give you an example of that as we were walking down the aisles behind pastor Sam and as we were walking down the aisle you guys husband and wife once you step right out here if you would please step right out here as we were walking down the aisle pastor Sam walked up behind this young man you're a young man yeah yeah and he just did this and that's the only person he did that to HEDIS and when he did that the Lord spoke to me amen amen and so I'm gonna minister to you too what's your first name Jessa jesper and Rhonda the Lord would say what you thought you were gonna do 30 years ago you're gonna start doing now I'm awakening the gifts and callings of God on the inside of you you are an encourage you're you're an exhorter you are more pastoral accidentally than most people are on purpose you and you are going to be like a dad and a mom in the house you're going to be part of a welcoming ministry that makes the visitors feel at home so sign up for this new duty sign up for this new responsibility again I don't know you I know nothing about you but the Lord says get ready to be part of a welcoming committee that welcomes new believers into the house of God and the Lord would say you're gonna have that shaking hands kind of outreach where people are going to say man they're the most down-to-earth couple we ever met and the Lord says hospitality hospitality hospitality it's all over you so open the doors of your home and bring them out I just saw some people sitting down at your dining room table and you began to minister to them you're a good cook God says I'm gonna release that ability I'm gonna release that ability to minister to the younger married couples so the Lord would say over you again ministry ministry ministry ministry now Lord says I've been speaking to you about the gifts of the Spirit I've been speaking to you about operating in the prophetic and the Lord would say you've been wrestling in your mind thinking I don't know how to understand my voice from the Holy Spirit's voice there God says in the next six months you're gonna finally figure it out and you're going to begin to prophesy extensively over the people that I bring your way there are also a number of personal problems and family issues that have been absolutely demonic the Lord would say beginning this morning at sunrise I sent an angel in fact I sent two of them into your families situations to begin to snap the neck of those demonic powers and you two are going to see incredible supernatural deliverances that are going to take place among your family among your loved ones says the Lord get ready to dream get ready to dream God said I'm gonna take that stress and strain off of you and you're gonna begin to supernaturally dream so begin to interpret and analyze the spiritual dreams that I bring your way so get out there and start shaking hands get out there and start hugging them start being that spiritual father and that spiritual mother and I'm gonna say it again if this church has a ministry that welcomes people and receives them into the sanctuary I want you to to sign up for it I want you to start shaking hands I want you to start greeting the newcomers as they come into this house of God says the Lord man so that's sort of what that's sort of what we're going to do sort of what we're going to do I'm gonna ask you you name I'm gonna move very very quickly because we're limited with time and so what is your first name hey Martha Martha when you were seven eight between seven and nine years of age a spirit of fear entered your life you have been wrestling with that spirit of fear ever since you were a little girl the Lord would say you're born again born again born again but you were wracked with emotional pain the result of a spirit of fear that entered your life when you were a little girl but today not later not soon but now there I just broke the neck there I just the Lord says I just broke the neck up the spirit of fear that has tormented you since you a little girl and I prophesy over you sweetheart whom the Sun sets free is free indeed and you will never be never be controlled by the spirit of fear that has torment that's how you'll know it's gone the torment will leave you've also been seeking me about your role in the kingdom you said Lord I'm not just an observer I'm not a spectator I want to participate I want to produce and when I mentioned about producing you yeah that's me God will say God would say opportunity opportunity opportunity is going to come your way to become more productive in this season of your life than ever before says the Lord my duty to please stand up and your first name Minea Haman eeeh ammonia this doesn't make any sense in the natural but I'm going to prophesy it anyway listen to me oftentimes when you were moving in God when you are partnering with the Holy Spirit when you're operating in the spirit realm which is what we're doing today a lot of things don't make sense you got to turn off that right brain and you've got to just intuitively listen to that left side get what I'm saying when you're operating in the spirit and then the gifts of the spirit human reasoning is your enemy and the five senses don't help you think about it I'm prophesying over people I don't know how could human reasoning help me this is not reasonable how could my five senses help me they don't so I'm trying to help you to understand how to be more productive God is just very different than us and moving in him requires you to change and so I'm not relying on my human reasoning I'm not relying on my five senses well what do you do what are you relying on it's not what it's who I'm relying on the Holy Spirit who knows you better than you know you so having said that to me your precious you're beautiful you're very young very young but in fact there are health issues that the Lord wants to add you inherited some of them these are inherited inherited physical health issues and so I'm going to lay my right hand on you in the second that I do healing virtue or over the second that I do healing virtue is going to leave me any heat you're gonna feel a heat leave me and go right through your body and every organ and every system is going to be healed and restored better than new not just better but better than new so in the name of Jesus is Ananda Jesus there there that every organ and every system Shepard Allah Allah Allah Beyla a LaBella ala Bella ala Bella yeah laughs laughs laughs your troubles away ha ha ha where the Lord would say the joy the joy the joy of the Lord is your strength you don't need more faith you need more joy the joy the joy the joy of the Lord is your strength and the Lord would say my doubting have suffered some abandonment some betrayal some things didn't work out promises were spoken but broken yeah but the Lord would say I am a very present help in time of your trouble so call upon me call upon me your health is going to rebound says God we're going to put the past behind us and they're going to start over yeah we're gonna start over right today this year this month this hour a fresh start for my servant and my daughter says the Lord and then go ahead and crazy oh man sweetheart you've been struggled with nightmares they've been a part of your life ever since you were a little girl around six seven eight years of age nightmares began their reoccurring their paralyzing they'd become a stronghold in your life I'm gonna lay my right hand on your head on you're thinking on your thinker and more no more nightmares Gus is there I'm cleaning the slate we're starting over now you will dream the dreams of God no more tormenting nightmares listen very carefully there was also a spirit that sits on your shoulder now listen to me it's a spirit of suicide listen to what I'm saying it's a spirit that wants to speak to you it wants to influence your life against your life get what I'm saying it's a spirit and so the Lord says there I'm snapping the neck of that spirit that fills your mind good crazy thoughts get what I'm saying and so there are many different ways that the enemy lies to us and this spirit head sits on your shoulder it tries to tell you you're not gonna live long you're not gonna make it you know you're gonna die prematurely all this baloney and the Lord says that's not going to happen God says I'm gonna let you live to the ripe old age and you're gonna do the will of God so number one nightmares of fleen number two no more of that spirit sitting there lying into your ear but the Lord also told me to tell you you have a ministry to children I see little children walking up to you and tugging you like that no I don't mean your own biological children but I mean the children's ministry so when whatever church you belong to sign up for children's ministry because it's going to be the beginning of training that I have for you in the house of God says the you guys husband the wife want to please stand if you would please that means you're the husband right you're the wife you can hold that mobile device right up here sweetheart and what is your first name hi drew Andre hey Andre mckaela hey mckaela are both of you currently employed listen very carefully a career change career change career change a bigger and better job better salary better a career change better benefits better benefits God would say you two are far as God's concerned underemployed overworked and underemployed I'm gonna begin to redirect both of you bigger and better job better wages when we prayed that better wages better wages better wages you too said we've been waiting for that Lord and so the Lord would say career change career change career change better job better salary better wages better benefits says the Lord the Lord also told me to tell you that the home you're in is too small you two been talking about moving up of moving on up to the east side to a deluxe apartment in the sky moving on to the east side amen if they could so can you so the Lord says advance advance advance I've already selected that home with a significant piece of land around it so more square footage to do the will of God more square to do the will of God the Lord also told me to tell you that you too will be a support couple that will always come up and stand behind the senior leaders in a church and you'll be like two pillars that just stand there and say come hell or high water we shall not be moved and so the Apostle Paul talked about ministries that were perceived as pillars in the house I'm looking at mr. and mrs. pillar in the house of Lord also told me to tell you that you're gonna reap what you sold financials you've taken care of everybody else and you guys have this dream vacation and you've been taken man that's gonna cost thousands and we we don't know God how it's gonna happen but guy said I'm gonna make a way where there is no way yeah and get ready to go on that dream vacation where your little piggies are gonna just be just playing in that white sandy beach and you're just sitting there chillin just sitting there man we've got a prophecy that we were going to go on a vacation one day and this is that says the Lord you may be seated you may be seated amen amen real real quick you piece that up my dear yes your first name hey Candace in first Corinthians chapter 12 there are nine manifestations of the Holy Spirit I'm gonna lay my right hand on you and the gift of discerning of spirits there in fact that gift started manifesting in January this year over the last four months you've been having some mental issues I'm losing my mind I used to be so positive and such an encourage seeing all this stuff I must be becoming negative and critical you've been trying to repent of something God says you don't get it you're discerning spirits you're distinguishing spirits you're understanding what's behind stuff this is not punishment I'm releasing you to operate in the gift of discerning of spirits it started in January so Lord says there I'm gonna stir it up stir it up stir it up you will begin to see three categories of spirits you will be aware of angelic spirits you'll be aware of demonic spirits and you'll be aware of the human spirit CAW get her to buy a Kenneth Hagin seniors book the Holy Spirit and his gifts and in that you will discover what I'm talking about the gift of discerning or distinguishing of spirits has already started to operate you're not losing your mind you're discerning experice but read that book and you'll know exactly the gift that I am talking about says the Lord also the Lord would say there's a physical problem with your body and some of your female organs and systems are not operating properly the second I laid my right hand on you all that's going to start working properly it's going to start working in a timely manner normal normal normal what you can expect there they're normal there says law are you married or single I'm married where's your wife she's okay she's at home what's her first name Kazan tell Cassandra she has a prophetic gift she's pregnant with it right now among other things we won't go there Hey then tell her she's pregnant with the prophetic tell her that she needs to release the prophetic gift by faith I see her walking up laying hands on people and I see the prophetic gift being released in and through her but listen to me gifts are received and released by faith not by feelings feelings have nothing to do with it but tell Cassandra yes tell her she's prophetic and what's your first name Christian Christian Lord has a ministry ministry ministry ministry ministry ministry ministry you're going to be not by vocational but try vocational you're gonna have your hand and two or three different money-making enterprises you're an entrepreneurial kind of guy you know how to make money where nobody else has ever made money now you've had a series of setbacks and personal failures where you blamed yourself and you said God it was my fault no it wasn't in fact the truth be known you were the victim you were the victims and so God says you're a down to earth faithful consistent reliable man but you've gone through some situations that have robbed you of your confidence you've been afraid to move ahead you've been afraid to step in to the call of God because you said Laura I'm afraid I'm gonna screw this up I'm just afraid God and the Lord will say it's not about fear anymore it's about faith so pick up the pieces of your life and step into the call of God that is upon you ministry ministry ministry ministry ministry ministry ministry doors will open they will send you there to preach they're gonna send you there and when you go into those venues you're going to stand before small to medium sized groups the power of God is going to come on you in fact the Lord would say gift of faith gifts of healings they're working of miracles is going to begin to bubble up and percolate through you and the Lord would say what you need is more power you have lots of fruit but you lack power so on the count of three here I come on the count of three here comes the power here comes the power here comes the power I'm gonna nail you I'm gonna zap you I'm gonna cream you I'm gonna fill you so on the count of three here comes the fire one two three receive fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire in the morning fire in the afternoon fire at night fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire and my son I'm gonna inject you into some messy circumstances where people are going to need deliverance from the demonic and so everybody else wants a neat clean ministry they don't want any stuff but God's I'm gonna send you into people's lives and you're gonna break the power of the demonic over individuals both the saved in the unsaved and you will set captives free says Amen ministry ministry ministry ministry ministry ministry maliki amen amen good morning your first name Laura Laureen at two hours or 1 1 lor ing that's why I said that's why I said let's not get into a debate the Lord would say a woman of God you've been going through a trial it's been one of the worst trials of your life it's led to some emotional issues on the inside where you felt betrayed because you were where your heart was broken cuz it was but the Lord would say I'm a Good Shepherd and I restore souls so when you woke up this morning you said I don't know if I can take any more of this but the Lord would say I'm going to heal you on the inside out or from the inside out I'm gonna heal your heart or hear your spirit because it wounded and God says there I've healed you from the inside out and now it's time to regroup and now it's time to start over you've often wondered lord I don't feel gifted I don't feel like I bring anything to the table but you do the Lord says mercy compassion empathy sympathy these are the four characteristics of your ministry but your natural circumstances are completely out of control through no fault of your own I want to say this in love it's a mess but the Lord told me to tell you because you're young and sweet and precious love God he's in charge of your mess so over the next six to 12 months watch what God's gonna do he's gonna unmess your mess and he's gonna bring a new order and a new structure to your life it's a little unstable it's a little you know I see waves just beaten up against you it's been like a long time but God said I'm gonna speak to the storm I did it in the Bible I'm gonna do it in your life I'm gonna speak to the storm and the Lord would say over you be still be still be still says the Lord be still so get ready for stillness and calmness and stability and get ready to feel like you've turned the corner and that everything is not a mess anymore says the Lord you guys husband and wife in real quick stand up if you would please I didn't ask him but he gave me his name is already and he cleans up good I want you to know that and the Lord was a son and daughter this is a season of release for both of you to the church I took my time to train both of you you went through hell not once not twice but three times because you were rejected by the very church I called you to serve and the Lord would say I'm breaking the word curses off of both of you that's why I've brought you into a house of freedom and liberty and release and I'm gonna break the word curses off for you please forgive my ignorant bride that did you two so much harm and so I'm breaking word curses there off of both of you whom the Sun sets free is free indeed now you too will connect with the will of God as never before and by the way I keep track of your giving record I spoke to your angel this morning says the Lord and he showed me a scroll with all of your history of giving over the and God says now get ready to reap now get ready to reap what you have sown I saw that check eyesight was the largest check you ever wrote but God says you're gonna reap what you sow ten times over that amount so God says please forgive my ignorant bride - did you two so much hon you tried to fit in not once not twice but three different times two ministries that you thought would welcome you and receive you and all you got in return was rejection misunderstanding betrayal and abandonment it's a miracle you two are standing here this morning healthy and whole which is only a testimony to the grace of God but now look to be released now look to come into full fulfillment of of the call of God that is upon both of your lives both of you are encourages both of you our exhorter 'z both of you carry on mercy gift both of you are carriers of the love of God and I'm gonna bring hurting wounded and bleeding marriages into this house hurting wounded and bleeding marriages into this house and I hope you go to church here you guys are gonna be two people that put the Humpty Dumpty's in the house back together again says the Lord oh oh oh both of you have inherited some insomnia issues from your background God says there I break insomnia off of both of you and now you will sleep deeply and now you will sleep longer than ever before the Lord would also say this a financial chunk of money coming your way it's going to help you in the area of indebtedness God says there that money is in the pipeline it's on its way you're welcome the Lord would also tell also want you to to know that as individuals you have been bearing the burden of some family problems and family issues but cast those cares upon me cast those cares upon me for I care for you so lord says to you and you report to the senior leaders of this church I don't know you don't know where you go to church but report to the senior leaders of this church and say we want to be more active in the caring of God's people and I see you two as lay pastors not as people that are going to need to be ordained not as people that are going to be great pulpit ears you're going to be a behind-the-scenes couple that cares for the pastoral needs of the people that you are assigned to says the Lord you may be seated you may be seated I may be seated come over here man I got it from that speaker I know how to do this god bless you your first name Aaron Aaron hey Aaron the Lord says Aaron you're on the right track you're on the right track you're on the right track you're on the right track you're a young man looking to know whether you're on the right track Aaron you're on the right track and the Lord told me to tell you that you can be the life of the party great sense of humor likes to laugh at himself a real down-to-earth humble kind of kid to me a kid but the Lord would say you need some supernatural help you've been under an attack now for over two two-and-a-half years depression oh oh oh a depression Oh has come on you a heavy heavy dose of it oh and the heavier it is the more dramatic the deliverance I am snapping the neck of a spirit of heaviness that came from your grandmother to mother to you it's coming off of you the spirit of heaviness there is coming off now and in its place the oil of joy there in its place the oil absorb the oil enjoy the oil enjoy now here's a really good word I saw three miracles coming for you you need three miracles in their personal private life we can't discuss it in a public setting but you need three miracles these are not things you're going to be able to do anything about but you need three miracles so I'm just supposed to tell you along with other good stuff God has three miracles with your name on it so all you do is position yourself in praise and worship thank you thank you thank you and let the miracles take care of themselves get ready for three of them that's awesome you may be seated what's your first name Benito Lord showed me the word effectiveness you're going to become very effective your level of effectiveness in the kingdom of God is gonna be enormous you said to the Lord some years ago I'll do whatever you want I mean I'll do whatever you want God I'll go where you want me to go I'll do what you want me to do I will say what you want me to say and that was a that was a commitment you made to the Lord so for the last two years the Lord's been training you he's been training you in the area of character and integrity and honesty and I'm supposed to announce today to the people of God that you have passed those three tests and now get ready for one of the most useful and effective seasons of your life as a Christian says the Lord you may be saved b-baby see real quick what's your first name Christina hey Christina the Book of Psalms books Psalm 11 14 and 15 you need to read them because God has some things in there for you as you read them you also heard me Christine right Christina you heard me speak about the history of the prophetic that we were known as seers before we were known as prophets for our supernatural ability to see well you've been seeing some things in the spirit realms I'm looking at your natural eyes but behind them I see your spiritual eyes you see things but you've not understood that you need to incorporate them into your ministry you're not losing your mind you're singing in the spirit realm so you've got to come out of that she'll you've got to leave the fear of rejection behind you it's left over from your childhood and you need to start understanding you're a daughter of God a daughter of God and you have something to give you have an excess you have a surplus you have an overflow there and your overflow is going to be in the area of the prophetic you're going to begin to be aware of or to see things for other people so you need to initiate ministry you need to walk them up and say you know during worship even though I only saw the back your head I saw some things for you so you need to stir up the gift the Bible gives us 2x rotations about gifts number 1 don't neglect them and number 2 keep them stirred up that's good advice guess why we want to neglect them and we don't want to keep them stirred up and so if you've got a gift you've got to be careful not to neglect it and to keep it stirred up those are your responsibilities so don't neglect what the Lord has given you keep it stirred up and if you need some help you know go to the pastor and say well I was seeing this in fiona scan you help me but I want you to break out of the mold and the fear of failure has dominated your life ever since you a little girl but I want you to know you see things and God wants you to start incorporating what you see into ministry to people get what I'm saying and set some captives free amen you may be seated you made me see mMmmm if you would please it's been a while since you've been called a young man but it feels good the Lord told me to tell you now that the Lord is about to speak to you this summer right around June or July he's gonna begin to make some things clear to you to make some new decisions to take your life in a new direction your life is in order you're in the will of God you put one step in front of the other every day you walk by faith not by sight so there's nothing to correct you on nothing to chastise you about nothing to rebuke you about nothing like that at all but I'm telling you before it happens midsummer June July June July June July the Lord's going to lead you to make some significant decisions to take your life in a different direction to kind of realign you to the original per of God and if I hadn't given this to you you would just have continued on the course you're on which is a good course but I'm telling it because I'm a seer I see ahead mid-year June July this year there's going to be a course change amen and the thing about course changes is listen the Rockets that we sent into outer space we will adjust their projectile we will adjust their orbit by turning on those little Jets and they might turn them on for a second or two and you think how did that adjust the direction of that spaceship well if the spaceship is traveling a billion miles that little adjustment by the time it gets where it's supposed to go would have meant millions of miles in adjustment get what I'm saying so sometimes what seems like a little adjustment now can really affect us later on down the road so these adjustments coming this summer might seem minor but they're going to put you in the will of God and allow you to be even more productive in the later years of your life I also see young men I see especially african-american faces young men are going to become more drawn to you and I see the wisdom of God and the counsel of God coming on you for younger african-american men who are going to need a father model or a role model on a father image to draw from and God has filled you with fatherly wisdom and counsel and advice and I just see you embracing them and saying hey anytime you need me here's my phone number so I see a ministry in the young man god bless you you may be seated Schaffer Jorma pick what's your first name I'm a tease I'm a tease did I say it right Wow even with little bit accent I roll BR a little bit and sweetheart I don't know you know nothing about you but I want to urge you to continue or to begin to attend here regularly God has brought you here he has attached you to this ministry I want you to do to your best to be here whenever the door opens be faithful faithful faithful especially over the next year because you're going to grow spiritually by leaps and bounds as you commit to the house of God that's number one number two I also solve financial increase coming into your life it's going to be either a job or a better job but right now your income is way too low and so God is going to give you a course change there and you're gonna have a more income than you ever thought possible but honor me with your tithes and offerings honor me with your tithes and offerings that will position you under a window of heaven and where you will not be able to contain the blessing that I have for you says the Lord and then you may be seated we may be seated and then you guys husband-wife please your first name James hey James and Kristen hey Kristen the Lord says get ready to get ready to get ready to get ready I'm gonna activate activate activate both of you ministry ministry ministry ministry leaders leaders leaders leaders you two have been going through a test it wasn't punishment it was a test and you had to go through the test of abandonment and rejection and misunderstanding is called persecution welcome to the ministry welcome to the ministry and you too are incredibly faithful incredibly loyal you tried to connect and attach yourself to other ministries before you came to this place and it didn't work because I didn't want you attached and connected to other ministries it wasn't my will but the Lord would say you're gonna be a multi-ethnic multicultural couple well I see black faces I see Caucasian faces I see Hispanic faces I see some Asians sneaking in the back door becoming more a part of what I'm gonna do in this place a you to get ready again you will not need to be licensed you would not be need to be ordained I am your licensing I am your ordination but what you two are going to move in is the power of God the Lord would say your right hand is anointed and soul is yours and as you begin to lay hands on couples that cannot conceive they're gonna start to have little babies because you two are gonna lay hands on those who are addicted gods that I'm gonna break the neck of addiction and the Lord would say over you do not forget those incarcerated do not forget those who are incarcerated do not forget those who are incarcerated but go in and open their prison doors says the Lord the Lord says creative creative creative creative you have often said Lord ever since I've been a little girl I'm just creative I think of things nobody else thinks all I can do stuff I think I can step into a room and I can just turn things upside down and inside out and but my creativity has no place in the church wrong wrong wrong the Lord says you're going to begin to feel that the way I made you was specifically for this season of your life and your creativity is going to explode and there's going to be benefits from anyone that comes in contact with you I just saw a business card in your hand and so God says get ready to have a ministry and a business a business and a minister they're going to do one in the same a ministry on a business a business and a ministry and I just saw that business card which is going to be your ministry and I saw that ministry card that's going to be your business so don't understand how it's going to work but it's all going to be one business card that's going to identify your business and your ministry at the same time the Lord would also say travel travel and more travel get ready to travel to some major of metropolitan cities in the United States that will also be a part of your ministry and of your business the Lord would say I'm soul a proprietorship sole proprietorship I'm gonna let you put a business plan together where you're going to be the top dog where you're gonna be the Big Cheese you're gonna be the chairman of the board you're going to be the president and the founder and God said I'm gonna bless the work of your hands I've filled you with creative genius right here there's a whole talk of genius right here and I'm gonna unlock it and I'm gonna cause you to the prosper financially says the Lord you two guys together you two together how are you together you're married awesome stand right up if you would please and your first name hey damn and crystal hey Sam and crystal how long have you lovebirds been together two years and one month is that correct way to go Sam you got that and then how many little ones have you gotten so far any children yet okay this is personal in private if you have some plans to be fruitful to multiply you may want to do that you may need to get that baby book that has all those names in it amen and you may need to begin to pick out some names plural that's none of my business but you've got to understand the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is incredibly intrusive you've been told that he's a gentleman he is not a gentleman he is nosy he is intrusive he's overbearing he's bossy he's just bossy he thinks he has a right to invade our lives and talked about things that are none of his business and he does because everything about your life is his business so anyway be fruitful to multiply number one number two you guys need a significant increase in your annual income you're about 30 to 35% short of what I want you to have so God says there get ready for an increase financially 30 to 35 percent increase in your combined annual incomes says the Lord also my son and daughter I brought you here to train you for ministry you're part of a younger Corps of spiritual Marines that are gonna storm the beach and the Lord would say young men young men young men are going to be drawn to you junior high high school junior high high school junior high high school and you're going to have your hands full with high school young men who are going to look to you as a friend and a father and an uncle and you're going to teach them and train them you are the Sarge you are the sergeant of the bootcamp and I'm gonna send you young raw recruits and you're gonna teach them and train them how to be a man of God the Lord would say a woman of God I'm gonna let you have a hands on ministry where you're going to be able to lay hands on the sick and they'll recover when you lay hands on people the gifts of the Spirit will be activated in you and through you so don't shy back don't stay back in the corner but step out be more offensive-minded with your gifting begin to lay hands on people and watch what they do and go to Walmart and buy that book with baby names in it almost two more minutes done almost done I've got to get out of here as soon as possible so please understand why we are hurrying why we are hurrying amen are you guys together you boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife what are you dating dating what are you stand up real real quick okay I heard you say hopefully hopefully what that's okay so I'm not trying to move ahead too quickly so your status is your relational status is you're sitting together in a church service how am i doing it's that pretty good all right I feel like saying right anyway I'm gonna prophesied to you separately because you are not married okay and so your first name my dear Ashley hey Ashley Lord told him to tell you get ready for you to change you're gonna speak in other languages that you never learned and then you're going to interpret some of those tongues over individuals I want to remove shyness there I want to remove timidity you've been using that as an excuse far too long says the Lord I want you to become bold and aggressive and I want you to get ready to speak in many different known dialects and interpret those tongues for the edification of people around you look it up 1st Corinthians chapter 12 the Lord will say over you evangelism evangelism evangelist and evangelism evangelism evangelism evangelism evangelism you can do many other things you date her engaged to her marry her go to work make a lot of money you can do anything else you want to do but the Lord would say that piece of the pie that I'm seeing is that you're clearly called to the area of evangelism where I'm going to use you to bring in the lost into the house of God you both have high levels of intelligence a high IQ in both of you guys that I'm going to use your smarts to understand the call of God upon your life I'm going to tell you what I see I see you going out to the suburbs and reaching a higher socio-economic level of african-american people I don't see a ministry in the hood I don't see it I see you ministering in the suburbs I see in introducing the gospel to African Americans and a higher social economic level or strata says the Lord you may be seated okay one more minute one more minute and I'm done anyone this morning that has a respiratory respiratory ailment anyone in the house of God who has respiratory ailments while you're being healed this morning if you have a respiratory ailment a breathing related ailment there is a healing this morning does this little tyke have it okay the second I lay hands on them in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus amen and amen amen amen amen they're Hylian virtue amen what a cutie pot so anyone with respiratory ailments you're being healed your lungs are being made whole in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Anthem Church
Views: 2,653
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: Dennis Cramer, Prophet Dennis Cramer, clc hammond, prophetic, prophets, prophetic ministry, Holy Spirit, prophesy
Id: 4pRFFjsxmBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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