Proper 1993 Old Skool Hardcore Business!

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you know you see right now [Music] check one two back once again on the mighty cool London myself Jai Cunningham weekend in 90 swing pull up old school our core business I missing about like we have a mess about gotten a new shower mr. pullings in locked in look John take a few weeks out been working hard let's have you back from the live shot to pick a rush belated birthday I do believe I supposed to give you a shell a few weeks ago for happy birthday tomato so go Santa Creek and Michelle finding big up myself guys after Jennifer tingly that's a bridge to rob homer and on the cranes spin Higgins give her shatters bro Sammy and his new wife Colette makeup [Music] [Music] I'm to the downstream say Jay fun they don't take it for Joe by little [Music] becomes caloric diets sent out to making kids forget yourself like an accountant to Sara at the shop [Music] now if he looks on how it be listening you know sharing is caring tackle might tell a friend consents be okay SATs Ethan do you expect me to have Michelle plan to solve an accent or us what's dangerous to mr. Berluti team [Music] [Music] [Music] who's offered a spirit Lodi great abs Kevin laughs we're skin that's my shoe times more pick up my cell goes missing out to all the Twitter crew that's because they know at 20 bad shot of course mr. mark exclusive catch him up after me [Music] of course coverage the game there ever-faithful chatbox grouping at myself guys at Salewa s-- that's into up to us rhyme April rain big up yourself [Music] [Music] little my nights on the Johnson say JSON they don't take it for Joe Bob Dole [Music] yo and via chocolate world Jake honey [Music] for mascara our mo Supremes sunset machine Farquaad these words knew how to make a change each and every time vision traffic here tonight to the Mt Optimus wine consider to change mr. chefs way we got Michelle to marry after Kevin asked Karen to plan to please pick up the Shelf baskets heavy looks on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] any cookware pick up yourself might add to the restaurant bankruptcy that's a call after Tom after side was consent to something that's grand single 25 years ago imagine you know pushing it we can tweak that's mr. Tom dredge for those of you follow me on Facebook you have seen a quite HD post up only to posted a [Music] purely show too much they get distracted on Facebook is really bringing back so many marries you know what that's what we're here for rely those fires add some suitengu clock is you mate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good since Matt's the one on any LSD can't believe it's real and I tell you I couldn't believe was real which is indeed real rhythm sections are officially back in the studio should all my rhythm section studio teacher on but man is seen now the Knicks Reni Bing all the games like Photoshop some of those unfinished change for back in a day cannot wait to hear what comes out of it that's a very that's crazy fool think up myself Jason easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lover their dark side don't worry we're bringing the light coming up next out to the tarmac to Alison at Stewart's send out to the GD at some granite house crew oh yeah well we gotta do what we've definitely a production house stuff types of why don't you worry after Jimmy Smith everyone's playing wanna read from Wow remember was that's a beginning after Jamie's big up themselves [Music] yeah liquid-crystal you got me big big feature [Music] [Applause] Constanza part of that's a Jackson after George I'll take it myself [Music] whistles shouts stay Perry be ourselves a Des Moines City as Aldo sir people love songs to the crew London got complacent take as well out tomorrow and think of yourself as Andrew [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] always remember this one our panels random tape GQ 92 a wall I mean those through the team for 80 30 years of in unstoppable but to hear him in 92 playing this kind of stuff [Music] and you know one another to people well will worthy of a mention DJ Riddler Mike slabaugh slamming vinyl things they did there's a comeback to Michael a tomorrow Angeles [Music] what's been said Sanger I share the top court very much at such Oh Lindsay pick up [Music] gonna send us whatever lunch such a lovely tune induction house at finest Nino world-champion big upswing and of course if you want to get to know production house just check out my website we are hardcore UK search production house and there's a nearly two-hour interview with Floyd mainland's Aysen Don MC Mike Oh cause the machine we are hardcore dot uk' all the shows are up there and of course you do is catch a much Spotify Apple music [Music] who says Chris Keller let's bury hesitation out tomorrow with under wax untrue and burning and pick up my self-made tiny peacock brown shoe then yes later today as his theme that's a mr. Tony [Music] Beacher picture and that's a favorite snip Matt's gonna send us one letter you met easy [Music] sounds of sweet brown do it now home groans finest that's a few wheels with a basement crew [Music] sonica dies hands in the air [Music] [Music] [Music] he says mr. New York City's nearly tight race every d+ house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 93 we mcswish's urban shakedown for the other Mickey Finn out there for night Christian etc dangerous that's how to trade after sure will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - shows flying one hour in myself Jake honey white honey big back or London calm running food up up I brought by 93 alcohol business you know to deal since the original DJ tracks moving shadow pick up yourself [Music] without this chance at applying I'm not sure I'm sure I did but I like hope just sorry I should stop at the beginning and I just talked to my head I don't think I've actually ever heard this on my feet stomping sound system and why it's done I just don't remember if I spent a hold of 93 New Zealand missed it all he's been playing catch-up this is one where changes up Volkers bite baseline this is when I heard long [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] personal favorite [Music] [Music] say cotton concern have some walk convict up yourself after Kerri Chris it's worth the price in the price mine you didn't specify whether you want to use or clean that's a friend that's Alex vets down at skirts they did after chasing short wheels yes send out the Chris after finding little water shower wash you do it again ciao great and Sean Finegan figure out yourself by easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can send a message out to TJ hi do not respect while easily now our 30 year career still smashing each and every time [Music] gonna show some love for chef Rafi I'm so hyper i announcer bikini now it's a different family seat I'm Jay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] more production house goodness the house crews euphoria a Lowe's dream [Music] nice chance just keeps on giving once cannot avoid older production house crew [Music] [Music] we got the day cutting you're done no back to the father I never so study to back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] still yet to personally own this one on wanna be illegal makers overseas I want to sort about that's call for a good enough coffee this one's out there but just waiting for that near mid babies pop his head up [Music] since Jason absolutely pick up we're trying to come back to my call get yourself so many Tom locks onto the call on live stream we get yourself Derek after any sin that's gonna clock by yourself [Music] [Music] faster [Music] fantasy show simply notes on top of themselves [Music] [Music] [Music] consider Jim signe just awesome cruelty in Spotfire that's mr. sunny feet col.caf disgust catches an abscess even think of themselves [Music] yo J Connie hi this is one I just you know you're [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're just inside the last 15 minutes of show and I've got a ton of juice left the glacier don't you say Paulson okay why are you self now cunning [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh of course in the background on the trio renegades snares this is the roasted a role in mix do that this consider to Emily at them walk out ten round disc an apology now I know I gave you earlier this week if you like the chance do go check out my Facebook page about to post by underneath his livestream I was quite fine I did - Gillian but you say you'll see what I mean don't check out if you haven't liked my page one I'll get subscriptions top there somewhere every time online you want to know you do not wanna miss a shiny go to be mr. shiny head over to we are hardcore dot u K all my shows are up there will ever Spotify Mixcloud Apple music all other ones [Music] No [Music] the batter the courts thankfully drinky [Music] [Music] good snaps down back hypocrite opium show out in all-time favor you know I always ever play this at the beginning on en it's to heaven mix on only play so not anything sort of mix it this time also fireside conversion [Music] [Music] - down since a JSON they don't take it for jokes our part with a lot roll buddy [Music] [Music] right just go that's awful one more I've got sweet too [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah that thing for a loss when I think I can send a message as everyone's been locked on for last two hours right here on a bigger bed cool London to calm myself shaking up not a lot been very che today I just start pitch then design sharp my knees it's simple right keep it looks right here on the big back corn London Mark HTC is coming up with a jungle request show video yourself mark been a while [Music] [Music] [Applause] just one quick shouts mousseline coffee before I duck out just saw your message might just saw it pick up yourself [Music]
Channel: Jay Cunning
Views: 18,947
Rating: 4.8682842 out of 5
Keywords: Jay Cunning, rave, old skool, hardcore, dreamscape, fantazia, world dance, obsession, rave music, dj set, slipmatt, Seduction, Moving shadow, Reinforced records, dj pooch, reincarnation, vinyl dj records, ellis dee, ltj bukem, 1994
Id: wJs54pvBTzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 43sec (6463 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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