Propagating Peppers and 32 Days Update

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hey everybody welcome to my channel today I'm going to show you how to make more pepper plants by propagating so every season I grow one variety of each to see how much I like it sometimes I select only one variety but I like them so much - I wish I grew more usually it's late in the season and you don't want to start over from seeds because it could take a long time so what I normally do is take a cutting of this and then grow it in hydroponic and then that would give me a ton of nice peppers in very little time and also because I do it indoor and I can do it all year long so that is one reason why propagation is a good idea but sometimes when you have storms and then your peppers got blown over it and then the tree would fall and you can use those branches to propagate as well in that way you can have more plants or replace the one that you lost in front of me here is a cross of my own least Racha f2 I just did a review recently I will provide the link in the description below so you can check it out this plant is just so beautiful that I want to make a ton more of it because I'm very happy and satisfied with how the fruits turn out so today I'm going to propagate it so I can get more I'm going to grow a few outside and also if you in hydroponics that way I can get a ton of these fruits that I really love so let's get closer and I'm going to show you the process so let's start with listing out a few simple items you will need what I normally use is just plain empty water bottle you try to do a few branches because that was to cure your success and you don't waste your time waiting for these to root and sometimes they may not even root any kind of bottle works just fine what we're going to do is very simple we're just going to cut the top out and then you have a container like that okay let's bring the camera closer and I'll show you how we cut off the branches and prepare these for propagation so I have selected a branch here that I'm going to use what you want is a good-sized branch around a little thinner than your finger and you want straight as possible but if you can't that's fine too but I would recommend getting a branch that is as straight as possible so what we're going to do is cut off this branch here and then prepare it I'm going to cut it pretty low because the older the branch like if you has these brown spots over here the propagation is easier for success so that's the reason why I select a little older branches and also it's quicker than the new shoots so I'll just cut I'll cut all the way low down here wow that's a tough one okay so we got our branch here and what we're going to do now is prepare this you can actually make multiple cuttings out of these but I have so many that I'm going to cut a few more and then I will only do maybe two per branch what you want to do first is clean off all of these leaves down here you don't want any of the bottom shoots and if they have this little bus down here you also want to remove that because that part is going to go in water and if you don't remove those but sometimes it could rot and then the success rate won't be very good so cut all the leaves off larger leaf all right so you just clean off as many of the large leaves as you can because those won't do any good for the propagation the more leaves you take off the better it is because the branch can focus on rooting instead okay so this is a pretty good long branch so you can actually make two cuttings out of this what I'm going to do here is as you can see everything is clean and I'm going to cut the branch around right here and this would be used as one of my propagating branches so what we're going to do here is clean off these these buds down here you don't need those but just make it clean down there the part in that goes in water you don't want any buds there or new bud okay so I'll clean these here and you can scar up it a little bit that'll be fine as well it kind of assists with the routing process also so drop this into here and then we'll add some rough water just nothing special this is straight for my tap and you see you want that much of the bottom of the branch in watered you don't want too much because that would cover all of the nodes and this much is good about an inch an inch and a half of water is perfect so as you can see that there's nothing on this branch for now so you know it'll start going to size shoots freebasing so that's one and for the next one I'm going to clean off more of these leaves I want to take off all of the the larger leaf and if you have busts like this go ahead and pull those off as well because you want the the branch to focus and rooting instead of fruiting okay so I pull up all of the bud and even if you don't pull it off they will eventually fall out but it's better to pull it off so that's it the energy could be dispersed somewhere else okay you can leave around that much that's fine and then we'll clean off the bottom I don't want any of these buds down here because those I want those to be the root area so I'm just pulling and basically destroying some of the buds in the section right here okay and then we'll go ahead and put that in there and then add some water okay that's all the water you will need now what you want to do is put these in a place where it gets plenty of light and a bit nice warm temperature and they will sprout root in about two to three weeks sometimes more and sometimes less so it's very difficult to judge how fast these will root so I will come back as soon as they root and then we'll show you guys so I have to I may do a few more so that's all for now I'll come back soon all right guys it has been 11 days and we have some progress this is much faster than I anticipated because usually it will take about two to three weeks for the plants to - grouped but for some reason this one only took eleven days so look at that root right there I have one tiny root coming out of this pretty large-sized branch so eventually there will be much more - there there's a few more that may start up soon there's it kind of like a swell up a little bit so there's a one nice root okay so what I'm going to do today is show you guys how to promote the roots to grow even faster so I use this coaster here I mean I use this thing here because that helps keep the lights out so what we're going to do is promote the roots to grow some more but before we do that let me go ahead and show you a few more of the inches that we started okay here they are so early in the video I showed you how many cuttings I have so I decided to do a bunch more just to make sure that I get something so typically the larger the branch the faster it propagates and root so this one may be having some root base tune because I see those little bumps here coming out already so very soon I would have roots for those but look at these new shoots here even without the roots the shoots are growing so that's a good sign and then I have a smaller branch here that the same thing is happening there's more shoots growing out and then I have other branches here but I have started as well and then look at those new shoots so they're all looking good so in very little time you can have gift size plants instead of growing you from seeds a propagation is a very good method so let me show you what I do to promote the roots to grow even more what we're going to do is give it some hydroponic nutrients so all you have to do is just give it a normal mix and then use a medicine dropper and just jump drop some hydroponic solution in there and there's nothing else special that I do just use your regular hydroponic solution put it into the water that is already there one or two two of the medicine dropper and then the roots will start to grow much more so we'll be back when more roots come out and I will update you okay it has been 17 days and there are some differences in the propagation so today we're going to do some trimming because this branch is a bit too tall then I would like and I'm planning on putting two branches in my hydro system so I need to make them about the same length so the rest of them still look good there are no visible roots yet but as you can see there's they're starting to come out so there's those little white dots there so that's the where the roots are going to come out so we'll wait a few days and those will probably sprout some roots and these are the one as well and there's nothing happening but the shoots are sprouting out so that's a good sign nothing's happening with these guys but um what I want to do today is trim this guy because it is a little bit longer than I want it to be so I'm going to take it down to around this link so I'm going to cut this guy off right here and let me show you the roots of this guy since we add some hydro solution it sprouted another root so it started to get a little longer now so that's looking good and what I want is instead of the top piece here I might do that on its own so I'm going to trim around right here cut this guy here I'm gonna leave this guy with the roots and then it's going to sprout size shoots for those so I'll leave that one there and then for this top piece here because it's it's so long we can actually make a few more cuts and then use that for cloning as well so I'll cut one here and I'll cut this one here and then I'll use this piece as another piece to propagate and then also use these but uh I think I'm going to remove these because that's just too much linked on here the smaller branches are less likely to work but I've done it many times before with some success so we'll try that as well but I have three more here to propagate with but so far so good these guys are starting to have more shoots and one is starting to have little tiny roots and this one is already rooted so we'll be back soon and I will update you again once there is more progress all right guys today is three weeks so we are ready to transplant some of these into my hydro system here I'm going to use the AeroGarden as before so I'm going to remove a bunch of these out I have many that are in propagation mode a few of them have already rooted and I started feeding them hydro nutrients as I show you before there's a bunch here that are looking good but there are no roots yet but um they're looking promising so some takes longer a few may take up to 5 weeks to to actually root so don't throw it away as long as the leaves are looking good that means and that's a good sign I have these as well so there's many of them here that I've cut and they're all looking very nice nice leaves except no roots except for a few so we're going to transfer those few and here is the one that I cut recently as just a small stick that I took off of the branch over there and these are the one that have rooted so let me show you what the roots look like now they're very nice and long so they're perfect for transplanting you can do this in soil or you can do this in hydro and I do this for the purpose of hydro so this is going to work really nice for me so this is one of them and then here's another one and this one is the one that we chopped down look at those alright so not bad for three weeks okay so uh there's my system here I'll take you closer and this is what we're going to do we're going to use the AeroGarden net cup here I have two so we're going to use some rock wool to sort of like hold the plants in place scissors to cut at the rock wall what we're going to do first is take one of our plant and these are the one that I recycled because I took the mother plant of these guys outdoor into a soil so I have to cut this out but don't worry you can reuse this and these are just fine so what we're going to do is I'm going to slice this rock wall in half and what we're going to do is try to feed the plant in here without damaging the roots so the nice thing about this is that it's already been cut and so this is how it's going to look and then we're just trying to make it so that the plant will be at the top and the roots will be at the bottom if there's any excess piece right here just remove it there we go and it's going to look like that I'll leave it here for a second and then we're going to force this piece in there so that it can be stationed and hold this tight in place like this that's all this is going to do is just sort of like a placeholder we don't want to damage the root so make sure we move it out of the way there we go hope I didn't damage that I have I did that thing that's okay there's one ohm and I think I kind of damage the roots but that's that okay I think you should be fine then we'll push this into the other corner like so push it up a little bit okay and then we're going to insert that here let's help it stand up like nicely and then we'll cut a few more piece it kind of helped it stand up and not fall through listen let's see how this looks yeah looks okay okay there we go that's one so we'll go ahead and do the other one all right there it is so let's go ahead and add some nutrients and take it on the part of the roots fell off but I hope that's okay because the plane still has its a few more so I damaged that part this is just the standard AeroGarden nutrients I mixed it to five milliliter per gallon and it's the pH at around five nine it's actually better I just do this okay there is my plant there the system is turned on and it's working so we'll come back when there's some progress and I will show you what it looks like and as I mentioned before and this part of the weeks are lost but the plants do has a few more roots yep so it should be fine so we'll be back all right it has been 32 days and the plans on doing really well and as you notice is they are much larger than they were before and much more shoots are coming out and let me pull this up so you can have a closer look this is really how hide the lights are all the time because that's how I place them to help them grow nice and full and compact so nice okay so here is what they look like very nice they're much more shoots and then this one here you can have buds ideas you can see see there I might just cut that off but we'll see I just leave it for now so let me open it up and let you see the root system the system is off right now so that's why there is no sound coming out of here making that you see and all this was from a propagated branch and I broke some roots off but no biggie is still grow just fine so not bad for 32 days because if you grow the plants from seed 32 days it will not be this size and there would be no flowers as you see here pretty soon they're going to shoot more out and this places it this this system is going to be filled that's it guys I hope you enjoy the video and if you have any questions or comments please leave it below and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Khang Starr
Views: 380,938
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Keywords: Propagate pepper Plants from Cutting, Propagate peppers, Clone Pepper plants, Propagate Herbs, Propagate Rosemary, Cloning Herbs, Propagating herbs, How to clone basil, Growing Basil from cuttings, Propagate basil, propagating basil, How to propagate basil, Rooting herbs, Cloning basil, cuttings for clone, Cheapest way to clone, Easy clone, Easy clone herbs, Clone basil, Grow basil, basil cutting, clone from cutting, Thai Basil, How to propgate herbs
Id: e-q0BIZaf6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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