Propaganda Techniques - 1950

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But OnLy thE oHeTer GuYS do Dat!!

I'm not affected by propaganda, I'm immune and I'm perfect

People have to not want to give into it. Liberals want someone to hate, do t believe me go say you disagree with them. I'm being flamed by libs in news bc I said that people being idiots rather the guns they use are the issue.

Same for Republicans. Now right now social media giants are pushing outrage onto stupid people. Now is it the good ole echo chamber or deliberate planning .

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/darth_dad_bod 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Submission statement: I personally feel that propaganda has evolved throughout human history. However, in our current times the majority of the population seems to view much of the mainstream media as if it is not propaganda. Instead, it is likely that propaganda techniques become more advanced, as their purpose is to remain undetected. This short film illustrates what some propaganda looked like at that time. There is no reason to believe that advanced, algorithm backed techniques aren’t being used against us.

Edit: the reason I think this fits on our sub, is that we can’t have a proper discussion about events if we can’t trust we are getting the facts. Maybe if we can agree on techniques and ways to identify propaganda, we can start toward seeking out better journalism.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/evoltap 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
Oh [Music] [Music] it's a really a victory for good government mr. brown or was the victory for propaganda that's quite you askin well we've been studying citizenship in school and a few years alternately I've been following the campaign so much was fed on both sides I'm confused how can you know what to believe when there's so much propaganda perhaps I can help you chuck I think it might also be called a victory for propaganda but that would have been equally true if our opponent had won but that's what I mean everybody uses propaganda oh ho no not everybody Chuck I've been studying it for some years propaganda made this picture propaganda skillfully employed to turn millions of men to a cruel hatred of their fellow men on the other hand propaganda often persuades us to help our fellow men the products of our factories are also known around the world through propaganda in the form of advertising and salesmanship the study of history reveals a great deal of propaganda that has been used to fight wars and win wars propaganda can also be used for peace thus we see chuck propaganda is important well worth anytime you get doesn't it I see that but how can you study it well you can begin by investigating the techniques of propaganda yeah I've listed some of the main ones glittering generalities transfer name calling card stacking testimonial plane folks and bandwagon you'll find these techniques used in many places in many ways for many different purposes your job is to recognize them when you see them my first job is to understand what they mean what is a glittering generality well let me see now headline you're recording a victory for good government good government is a phrase we use many times during the campaign we said the mayor stood for good government and promised good government but it's true isn't it what's true what does good government mean is the mayor's ideas good government the same as yours I see a glittering generality one of the best there's another yeah and why do you suppose our opponents chose that phrase I guess because everybody likes a real American right and they wanted to transfer that liking for a real American to mr. Butler and that's what you mean by the technique of transfer that's it now let's see who can recognize another technique a day or so after that poster came out I said in one of my campaign speeches I'll report advertiser himself as a real American I say he is unreal unrealistic he is a visionary a theorist a dreamer he is so thirsty for public office but like a weary traveler in the desert he sees a mirage and he is trying to sell it to you as real well now what would you call that that's name calling visionary theorist dreamer that's right and those are very polite names but now I want you to listen to something else for my collection of propaganda materials I've made a special record of part of one of mr. Butler's radio speeches mayor Cooper asked that he be judged by his performance in office very well let's ask him who was mayor when the Municipal Water Works fell into such a state of disrepair that the whole town was without water for two days let's ask him but no let's not it might embarrass him you recognize the technique no I don't it's a tricky one is it true about the Water Works partly true that's what we call card stacking Cooper was mayor when the topping station broke down but it was the men in office before him who allowed it to get into such a rundown condition and it finally gave way before he could get anything done I see and card stacking is choosing some facts and leaving out others and arranging them to suit your purpose that's the idea now did you see our little campaign movement yes a couple of times well let's look at it again as an example a propaganda technique well the testimonial wasn't it yes we used other techniques to see if you can spot them when you get the light beam [Music] take a body hardly has time enough the house to clean washing to do in the men first to feed they like their chocolate cakes - but I do want to take time to tell you that I'm not get Cooper butter since he was knee-high to a grasshopper he comes over good respectable family just as honest as the day is life he knows our town he's one of us that's why I'm going to vote for mayor Cooper no my friends are going to vote for him - we'll stop a minute Chuck recognize the technique that must be what you call plain folks that's right you'll find many versions of the appeal based on the common man the man on the street Lord Catherine - president now let's look at the rest of the movie mayor Cooper her friends are voting for mayor Cooper's friends are voting for mayor Cooper now people know what they want and what they want is mayor Cooper so you'll be left behind get on board the big police whistles vote for me and then into the spa it's the bandwagon yes propaganda we've been talking about is easy to detect but a great deal of propaganda it's much more hidden much harder to detect that's what's bothering me even in a small local election there's so much propaganda that poster a real American it uses a transferred device does that mean it isn't true not necessarily the evaluating propaganda isn't that simple recognizing the technique is one step another step is to know the purpose what is the purpose here that's easy to get people to vote for Butler yeah to persuade people that Butler is the better man the movement the vote forum in short to sell mister Butler to the voters you'll find that the purpose of most propaganda is to persuade people to believe something to do something or to buy something all right but it still doesn't answer my question no your next step and it's a big one is to get the facts well is he a real American Howard Butler was born in this country he obeys its laws he's a good citizen yes he is a real American the same can be said for Richard Cooper so ask yourself whether the facts supports the purpose do they support the transfer of feeling from real American - mr. Butler / mr. Cooper no I guess not well that's your fourth step weigh the facts against the purpose and a technique I think I understand to know whether propaganda is good or not whether it's true or not I should know the purpose recognized and judge the purpose and technique don't come to a campaign manager on my proposition well that's all right whenever you're tracking down propaganda get as many different points of view as you can do you know something what I think that it might be interesting to make a really serious study of propaganda I find it interesting and there's plenty to study here I have just a few of the many books on the subject you can read them you can keep your eyes and ears open for little bits of propaganda and of course you can study whole propaganda pins here are a few on which I have been gathering material Hitler and Nazi Germany Hana propaganda that ran over many years then there's a wealth of propaganda to study on the subject of Russia and communism there's propaganda to study in our own American elections national as well as local and in many of the major issues of elections often hain well I don't learn about rap again remember the techniques outlined for studying propaganda is a powerful force so powerful at your step your study of propaganda is important not only to you but to me and for the world [Music]
Channel: Weirdo Video
Views: 16,020
Rating: 4.9498434 out of 5
Keywords: Propaganda, Persuasion, Coersion, 1984, 1950, Trump, Bannon, historical, documentary, educational film, politics, resist
Id: UtKnVo6j6-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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