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for many years fans of the berserk manga have been trying to piece together the clues that have been laid out about the mysterious skeleton night man featured within the story why does he speak in such cryptic monotone ways why did he warn guts about the oncoming Eclipse why does he help guts on occasion and why does he bear such a vengeful mentality against the God Hand now for those with actual reading comprehension skills you might think that skull Knight is the current incarnation of the former King geyserik a legendary conqueror who brought the world together under one Banner a thousand years ago and was ruler of the Kingdom that is now known as falconia but legends say that his kingdom was destroyed supposedly by four mysterious angels and then he disappeared forever even farther geyserik himself wore a skull helmet while going into battle later on guts would Don the Berserker armor which is confirmed to be formally worn by skull Knight when he was a human it having a skull shape shaped helmet before attuning to guts's persona skull night has also been addressed as your majesty by slan and in chapter 362 we actually get a POV flashback of skull Knight's death witnessing an eclipse-like event him wearing the armor and holding a branded woman in his arms stating afterwards that was the death of a foolish King not to mention the fact that skull Knight does not fight or use a weapon anywhere close to guts himself he doesn't State any similarity to guts other than maybe an experience or two he doesn't react or respond to any agata's companions as if he knows them and the idea of time travel has never been present in the berserk story so why do people still to this day think that skull night is literally guts from the future for years I racked my brain trying to understand this Theory where does it come from why do people adamantly believe and push this I don't understand and why at least once a week do I get comments on my videos of people people still asking if skull Knight is guts from the future it's boggled my mind for years and I was determined to find out and so while researching this Theory and trying to figure it out it took me to places I never wanted to go a secret so dark it's been locked away from the berserk fandom for years but one that I am here to reveal to you all because the theory has merits keep in mind by posting this video I am sure to be the target of assassination and my time grows short but this is something that I must share with you because it is my righteous duty to tell you all the truth see last month I traveled to Japan trying to get a conversation with kojimori himself the last living human with the understanding of where the berserk story was going at first it seemed like I would be able to get my interview but when his press team asked me what questions I had planned to ask him I had only two one is morta over 18 because if so I need to give that which my broomstick to ride and two why do so many people think that skull night is guts from the future I heard dead silence and then they hung up on me 30 minutes later the police raided my hotel room I was captured beaten and thrown into a dungeon-like area I could hear the screams and cries of those around me no doubt enduring the worst kind of torture imaginable and for three days I was left alone without food or water the rats were eating the crust between my toes and there was only one small Beacon of light a window above me literally light it shined down a single beam to the ground it was warm purifying and I knew what I had to do I took my pants off and I laid beneath the Sunbeam spreading my butt cheeks open to enact some classic butthole stunning it's called perineum stunning for those that don't know I learned a long time ago that if you give your butthole direct Vitamin D it increases your strength and ability in life and is backed up by clinical research and also endorsed by several celebrities within a few days I could feel my strength returning and power surging through my veins as I was determined to fight my way out of here if I had to but just then a man picked me up and took me to a chair within the dungeon when he pulled off the bag that was over my head I was shocked to find that it was kojimori he looked terrified but Stern and to my shock he could speak complete fluent English but it sounded a little off I was feeling fired up after getting all that sun on my butthole so I was ready to ask him anything but he said to me did he speak to you who was this he that Mori was referring to I didn't know Maury continued on to say I haven't slept in months I have to finish berserk but I don't know if I have the strength to tell the truth what is the truth I asked Mori then stood up he took out a knife and he began cutting into his own arm I couldn't react I was stunned from the horror and then he ripped off his forearm skin to show me a robotic arm underneath he told me I am a cybernetic organism living tissue over metal endoskeleton I was built to create manga but upon the passing of kintaram yora I must enact its true purpose what is this purpose I asked but just then the lights went out the basement door flew open and was raided by men with automatic rifles Mori threw me a pair of car keys and told me to escape as he battled them off single-handedly I ran outside and parked right in front of the jail was in 1985 DeLorean I got in and noticed the panel in the front had a select date October 1989 the month at the first chapter of Berserk was released I cranked that [ __ ] up to 88 miles per hour and I was transported instantly into the past I knew the secrets had to exist within that first chapter perhaps something was different about it back then something that was changed yes that's it there's a huge piece of evidence that only the most loyal and old school berserk fans could possibly remember but what what could it be as I arrived at the bookstore the store was empty except for one clerk that was wearing the strangest bunny suit I asked him while he was wearing it and he told me only one thing monthly Animal House page 3 panel one that is when the world will end I thought he was smoking dope and he was and then I ran to the magazine rack to try to find it I found one copy I flipped through it but the pages had been torn out I tried another copy same thing somebody knew that I'd be coming but who and then I remembered it's 1989. miora is here he's alive if only I could find him I could get to the bottom of this mystery I ran as far as I could to try to find his house it was exhausting I didn't have a map I knocked on a lot of doors and made a lot of enemies in Japan but eventually I arrived at his Mansion the doors opened and it was dark and shallow like a pathway that was leading me towards my inevitable destruction a narrow hallway lit only with torches I could sense some ominous energy all around me as if someone or something was watching me I was frightened but it was too late to turn back now I walked down the hallway and it was getting darker and darker it led to a single wooden door my knees were weak Palm sweaty mom's spaghetti but I opened it anyway and then I saw him foreign [Music] I screamed what is the truth oh child you wish to know that which you cannot conceive tell me the book that you so covet contains a berserk secret that I cannot allow to exist I have used my powers of interdimensional and time manipulative powers to travel back to the past and eliminate this truth however I was not prepared for its counter measures Mira was the only one that knew this secret and I had convinced him to change The Narrative of his magnum opus to Omit certain aspects that I found to be unreasonable air go there was change that which had already been corrected however when the moribot was activated its Central CPU relocated a fact that there was a .01 chance to be enacted and therefore that fact needed to be eliminated wait couldn't you just convince Mori not to write it too he's a robot no so what was the original story what's on page three after guts [ __ ] the female Apostle which we all know was perhaps the most iconic and beloved scene in all of fiction in which itself is not contradicted or out of character in any way and I made sure that the only video that you ever make that will ever be popular is in which you explain this narrative choice in explicit Detail no success will ever come to you beyond that single video uh thanks after the demon coitus there is a cut to skull night who's watching the entire time silently he faces the reader and says hi I'm guts from the future I died from STDs and traveled back in time as a skeleton man wear a condom so you don't end up like me it was a moral of the dangers of unprotected sex that was quite relevant in the 80s and Incredibly serious and nothing to joke about however as of being Beyond human understanding I cannot Abide a world in which condoms are encouraged the pull-out method is much better regardless I entered this Dimension to fundamentally change the story of Berserk to suit my purposes of having unprotected sex with many women and some men anyway the only remaining evidence of the original intention of skull night being literally guts existed just in 1989 so I came back to eradicate that truth however time and dimension travel has Ripple effects and even though I took such painstaking efforts to hide it and convinced miyora to begin writing new Clues and backstories for the character that are so goddamn [ __ ] obvious that stone night is not gut from the future Jesus [ __ ] Christ the Ripple of time still plants that idea in some people's heads like an Inception that they cannot ignore and now that you know that truth you must be dealt with what if I don't tell anybody it'll be my secret too oh I can see all potential Futures and I know that you plan to make a YouTube video out of this no I promise I won't little did schnoz know I was crossing my fingers behind my back at that time so he let me leave and I took the DeLorean back to 2023 and now I have come here to tell you all the truth my only fear is that by the time I finish recording this video I will be dead this may be my last video that I ever recorded I want you guys to know that I really love you oh [ __ ] [Music] oh [Music] get your breath you can't get you you can't get you he can't get you he can't get you he can't get you he he he's here [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: RealLifeRyan
Views: 89,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: berserk, skull knight, guts, guts from the future, king geiseric, berserker armor, schnoz, eclipse, griffith, godhand, new berserk chapter, manga, kentaro miura
Id: aF6cC8jbUfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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