Proof of Relationship - Our 20 Photographs - Canada PR - Spousal Sponsorship

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hi guys welcome back to this channel as i mentioned in my previous video that my wife is already in canada right now on tourist visa and her outlet pr application is in progress so in this video i will be giving you an overview of how can you submit your photographs to proof that your relationship was genuine and i will guide you in this process so here we are [Music] hello my pr application was submitted in september last year and is currently in progress i'm in canada visitor visa as arbit mentioned which was approved in february this year in this video we are going to tell you about how can you submit your photographs to prove that your relationship is genuine so ircc has mentioned that you may submit up to 20 photographs of you together but sometime it is difficult to sum up all the events in just 20 photographs so what i did that was i created a collage of four photos together in that way we were able to submit 80 photographs of us together and with other family members and friends as well in some of those photographs please ensure you don't submit photos of just youtube include those photos as well in which you are with your family members or friends you may think that 80 photos are too much but believe me it is very helpful to show your relationship slowly the different phases of your relationship like question period engagement pre-wedding functions wedding functions which prove that your relationship is as genuine to isocc officer so if you are an indian uh then definitely you will have many functions before and after your marriage so include all those photographs and write the description for each collage that when those photographs were taken your location uh the even names like engagement haldi mahindi your marriage uh honeymoon or any other trip which you ever ever taken after a marriage so enough of talking i'll show you how did we prepare our file for the photographs to prove that our relationship was genuine so i am going to share my screen here i submitted an online application so i had to do everything on my computer using microsoft word file and the pdf files first thing is naming convention of any document you are submitting to ircc that should be the last name first name and the document name so in my case the file name was gupta ayushi photos together proof of relationship now if i open this document let me set this up yeah so it is a good idea to have your first page which gives an overview of what file contains so that it will be easy for any ircc officer to go through your file very quickly at the top you can have a header which mentions the sponsor name principal applicant name their date of birth and the application type whether it's a family class application or a canada class application you can watch my previous video as well to know more about the application types then i have the name of this document which is proof of relationship and then i have provided a brief description of what this file contains so it is written like in this document we are attaching our photographs taken at different times and place to support our relationship we are also providing a brief description of the context near the photographs on each pages and then i have done some indexing here uh and mentioned that what kind of photographs i have attached below on each pages so on the first page i have the photographs from our first meeting and then on the second and third pages i have photographs from our some of the pre-wedding functions uh and then i have some of the photographs from our wedding day and then a few trips which we had taken together after our marriage and at last i have attached some photos when i was leaving india so this is how i created a collage i merged four photos together into one and attached here at the top you have the same header and then you have the title of this page also mentioned the date of the photograph and where it was taken and then describe the photographs briefly that whole are present in this photographs and when it was taken what was the occasion so in this photograph i was meeting my wife for the very first time so i have attached some of those photographs for that day and then on the second page we have the photographs from the lagoon ceremony function which is a pre-wedding function so here i have mentioned the date and the place and i have briefly described the photographs that whole are present in these photos so in these photos my wife myself and our parents are there and then my brother-in-law and other family members are present in these photographs and then on the next page we have the photographs from our healthy and mendy ceremony so i have mentioned the date and place and describe the photographs that whole are present in this photo and what we were doing and then from here we have some photographs from our marriage day that how we were celebrating our marriage and we have briefly described all these photographs here and then we have some more photographs from our marriage day so these are the photos from bharat and we have mentioned the date and place and describe all the photographs that are present in these photos and what we are doing then again some more photos of the back of the marriage day we had the garland ceremony uh so we have we have attached those photographs as well and then we have also made sure that we are not only attaching our photos we are including our family members and relatives as well so in this page i have attached all the family members of my wife's side and then on the next page all my family members from my side then again we had dinner after the garland ceremony so we have attached all those photos as well then later we had some wedding crib photo shoots so we have attached some of those photos here and then at night we had some more functions and uh ceremonies rituals so we have attached those photographs as well and we have clearly described what uh what is happening in all those photographs and then later when my wife came to my home uh this is how we welcomed her and we did some puja and we cut the cake as well so we have attached those photographs here and then after marriage we planned some trips together so we have attached some of those photos and we have mentioned the date and place and described all the photos that what we are doing where we are going these are the 20 pages of photographs which we submitted in our pr application file so this is how you can attach all your photographs in particular order and tell your story to ircc officer to convince them that your relationship is genuine that's all guys from this video if you have any questions regarding your pr application file or your visitor visa file do let me know in the comment section also do not forget to like this video and subscribe to this channel for more upcoming videos like like this [Music]
Channel: Canada Dreamers
Views: 26,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2t4sP9yvOEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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