PROOF Aliens Could Exist

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recent files released by the Navy have seemingly confirmed the existence of unidentified flying objects floating around in our skies but in case you're still skeptical we've compiled our own list of extraordinary evidence to help you understand the truth from hidden secrets about the dark side of the Moon - footage of spaceships captured by jet pilots number 13 wanjina rock art the spooky rock art found in western australia was created by aboriginal tribes who had no Western influence of our depiction of aliens despite this you'll find the petroglyphs of what seems to be very similar to how we would describe an alien with a large head big eyes an oddly shaped body these paintings were extremely important to them each painting was also given several coatings of paint the aboriginal claimed that these were the weather spirits who had the capability to great rainfall they also seemed like visitors from another planet keeping their eye on the humans number 12 the lola DAF played this strange play from Nepal also has a close depiction what we might consider to be a grey alien this plate also close he portrays a flying saucer and his day to be twelve thousand years old others are also convinced that the spiral resembles a galaxy with the Sun in the middle could this apology been left by a UFO what would have inspired an ancient civilization to create this if it wasn't from UFOs the disc is currently being held at the Berlin Museum although many people still question is authenticity number 11 the Nazca lines although you likely wouldn't be able to notice from ground level the Nazca lines are a huge group of trenches located in Peru that form various images if you look at them from above each figure is fairly complex and it's almost as if they're trying to send a message to the gods looking at them there are more than 70 designs of animals that even this strange-looking human as you can tell the human has very noticeably large eyes which almost seems to make it look not human at all they were created by the Nazca people sometime between 500 BC to 500 AD and a man just a mysteriously well preserved but why would a Junt people go through so much of a painstaking labor to create artwork that they would never be able to see number ten microorganism survival despite there being billions of places for aliens to live you've seen how microorganisms can seemingly thrive in outer space conditions much better than we once thought various viruses can become more dangerous to an experiment show that Salmonella reproduced 200% quicker and outer space creatures such as the water bear can withstand the conditions of 10 days and no food and that's without a spacesuit they can withstand a thousand times more radiation than any other animal out there why would an animal that is from Earth needs so many unnecessary survival characteristics if Aid is a question could these have been normal adaptations of planets with atmospheres that were not quite as friendly tzer's number nine King Pakal spaceship the Mayans are known for their extensive detailed artwork that many of trouble understanding much of their culture has been lost and trying to interpret some of their artwork can leave many baffled the Mayans also had a fascination with the Stars - anything that went on in the sky the Palin case lab is made from limestone and art on it tells about King pakal's journey to the underworld however he seems to be sitting in some type of craft almost like an astronaut UFO theorists claim that his nose is connected to some type of oxygen tank and he really seems like he's manipulating some kind of device but exactly to the mine see that compelled them to create this piece of art in this photo you see a figurine that might represent what the 3d version of the spacecraft would look like number eight the dark side in order to not totally confuse you the dark side of the moon basically refers to the side of the moon that were never able to see the other side of the moon receives just as much sunlight as the near side during the lunar day 82% of this moon was never photographed or even seen until 1959 what's also interesting to note is that all manned mission to the moon went to the far side some conspiracy theories claim that there's an alien base on the far side of the Moon that was discovered which was given the code name of Luna some astronauts might have even made contact with aliens who gave the humans a warrant to stay off the moon the person who started this was named Milton William Cooper who was allegedly a former intelligence officer with the US and swore under oath that he knew about it the US Navy also sent a satellite to the far side of the Moon and took 1.8 million photos only 170 thousand of those photos were released to the public number seven the Apollo missions finally on the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing Buzz Aldrin admitted to seen hovering lights and things that he just couldn't explain in outer space he claimed to have seen a suspicious object and appeared to be following their spacecraft for three days he stated that it was clearly not a rocket booster and didn't want to tell command in Houston because he was worried that they would tell him to turn back there's most likely more to that that he's not willing to admit to you just yet it seems for some reason after Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon he seemed to experience some rough times in his life including problems with depression and alcoholism his marriage of 21 years fell apart and he's been married three times his ex-wife left him broke after the divorces and he had to work at a Cadillac dealership to make do during many interviews you can tell he's somewhat reluctant to give up too many details that accommodate him during that journey you have to wonder sometimes how the experience of going to the moon has affected him in his personal life number six the Antarctica meteorite [Music] alh84001 and Allen hills on December 27th 1984 and so one of the most intriguing meteorites ever discovered this 4.3 pound object is believed to have come from Mars and scientists believe that they found evidence of fossilized Martian bacteria believed to be over four billion years old it could point to the possibility of life on Mars around that time the claim started out to be rather controversial especially among the scientific community but what would you expect if evidence of aliens was discovered it was also considered to be the oldest of Martian meteorites and discovered on the ice continent of Antarctica underneath an electron microscope you can see it appears to be some kind of microbial structure number five artifacts from Stan seemed weak the ruins of our markable unknown culture existed in China from 3,000 BC to 1000 BC in China southwestern city BOM Province a farmer came across some unbelievable artifacts while digging a ditch in spring of 1929 thousands of rare treasures were dug out and it's considered to be one of the most important archaeological dig sites in China some considered it to be the ninth wonder of the world and seemingly belong to a mysterious civilization considering that none of these are marked with Chinese characters here we see a bronze mass that was discovered and it's at least 3,000 years old it looks rather odd to say the least dontel views mass they look like aliens number 4 Milton Torres one of the reasons why there might be so many crashed UFOs is because the pilots are orders shoot them down Milton Torres was given orders by the English government to take out those saucers when he was flying over East Anglia and Britain he gives his testimony to some of the news outlets and claims that it certainly wasn't something humans were capable of making he talked to several other pilots who also said that they saw the same thing and he wasn't the only one they were able to move at incredible speeds and he wasn't able to hit the target Torres was then led to a person dressed in civilian clothing who reassured him that he doesn't want to tell anyone or he lose his job the incident eventually came out as a part of Britain's Freedom of Information Act number three water is extraterrestrial this scarce resource that is seemingly necessary for life doesn't just exist on earth and many discoveries have been made which indicate oceans underneath the moons of Saturn and Jupiter the surface of some of these moons are very icy and a sheet of ice consumes it with a thickness of 19 to 25 kilometers underneath the perpetual shell of ice is a liquid ocean despite there not being a possibility of sunlight reaching the ocean of Europa you've seen from other videos how deep sea organisms survive at 7.9 kilometers deep impact craters have also made parts of the ice sheet much thinner which may expose it as sunlight number two the advanced aviation threat identification program if the garment didn't bleep think that aliens could be out there why the Department of Defense spent 22 million dollars on a secret plan to find out as much knowledge on the existence of aliens as possible this was partly funded by the former Nevada Senator Harry Reid and also Robert Bigelow there's a document out there that contains details of roughly 490 pages of UFO sightings for several decades all around the world the person who was in charge of the project goes by the name of Luis Elizondo and claims that there is compelling evidence that it may not be alone the project started in 2007 but recently videos came out from the State Department which seems to have pretty clear evidence of a flying saucer the pod who spotted it said there's a whole fleet of saucers near San Diego in 2004 finally the Gov acknowledged the program existed what other evidence and videos was his powerful program capable of acquiring and when could we see it we encourage everyone to dig a little bit deeper on this one too and number one the Maury Island incident a man named Harold Dahl who was working in a remote part of Washington state had been gathering logs as he usually did when he noticed six massive doughnut-shaped flying saucers moving their way through the sky they were about two thousand feet above him and he described him as being a hundred feet in diameter the central hole the man named Harold Dahl noticed the flying aircraft began to fly much lower and he thought it was about to crash he heard a loud noise and noticed thousands of pounds of white metal material fallen to the ground Dahl took home some of this mysterious metal and brought his boss with him to check it out upon his return he started noticed that he was being followed around by men lack we're warning him not to say anything about it so what'd you guys think of that video make sure you like comment and subscribe and we got plenty more interesting videos just like this on my channel America and I will see you there
Channel: American Eye
Views: 13,306
Rating: 4.7251906 out of 5
Keywords: aliens, space, conspiracy, ufo, evidence, mars, nasa, et, exist, martians, saucer, roswell, terrestrial, theories, trek, abductions, research, paranormal, files, outer, extra, sightings, extraterrestrial life, solar system, life, do aliens exist, earth, alien life, outer space, universe, alien, video, planets, astronomy, star, are aliens real, flying, science, planet, extraterrestrial, seti, space documentary, aliens exist, search for extraterrestrial intelligence, unidentified flying object
Id: HxbY6HSYYro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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