Pronunciation Training Techniques

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welcome to the effortless English show with the world's number one English teacher AJ Hoge where AJ is more than 40 million students worldwide finally learn English once and for all without the boring textbooks classrooms and grammar drills here's AJ with a quick piece to help you learn to speak fluent English effortlessly hi I'm AJ Hoge the author of effortless English learn to speak English like a native now maybe you have bad pronunciation and when you have bad pronunciation you often feel embarrassed when you speak English you often feel foolish because people don't understand you right when people give you this face huh huh huh right they look annoyed they look frustrated they look confused when you speak English because your pronunciation is not good and this will affect your life it it makes travel more difficult it makes your job more difficult IELTS TOEFL more difficult everything is more difficult when your pronunciation is bad on the other hand when your pronunciation is good everything is much easier people understand you instantly I think more important than that they respect you instantly they will not see you as an English Learner right they will not see you as someone who's annoying them who's bothering them they'll just treat you normally like they would any other native speaker and that's great now in a work situation it's even better because you get that respect immediately when you have great pronunciation from your co-workers from clients bosses from everybody it's it's powerful and of course on IELTS on TOEFL and anything else like that man when your pronunciation is eight you get a high score it's just as simple as that they're going to give you a very high score on the speaking part when your pronunciation is great and that's what I made my new effortless English pronunciation course for train you not just teach you not just tell you train you day by day to speak with a perfect American accent now in the last video I told you the importance of ear training that we need to think like musicians especially jazz musicians and learn to hear the music of English and hear it very very clearly including all those little small sounds that make your accent perfect you got to hear them first if you can't hear them you can't do them well that's just step one of the training process next a really good technique this is a training technique again a lot of pronunciation courses all the ones I found they kind of teach you they'll show you the mouth movements you know put your tongue here and move your mouth like this that's okay I teach you that also I have videos in my pronunciation course every unit has a video I teach you how to make the sounds but that's not enough you have to do more than that you have to train it you have to practice it day after day and you have to do it in an effective way and that's what makes this course powerful so let me give you one technique it's a it's simple it's obvious it's simply pause and imitate pause and imitate this is obvious but you have to do it in a very specific way a lot of people do this but they do it wrong they do it incorrectly now what do you do you take a short audio short audio from a native speaker very important choose a native speaker anything from me is fine you can use one of my free youtube videos the good thing is I have a very very clear standard American accent a lot of people say AJ you're so easy to understand one reason is I have a very very clear common standard American accent it's the accent you hear in movies and TV all the time you're used to it it's the most easy to understand accent in the world that's good for you so you find an audio with a good clear accent and then you simply play a sentence listen carefully pause then you say the sentence try to say it the same as the speaker that seems obvious but here's the important part you have to exaggerate your pronunciation what do I mean by that what I mean is this you'll hear the speaker say something for example my name is AJ you listen to that my name is AJ and then you pause now it's your turn most people do this they just say my name is AJ they think they're imitating they think they're doing the same as the audio but really they're not the energy is different the feeling is different and of course the actual accent is different what you need to do is you have to try to do everything too much you have to try to copy the speaker but then do even more do the accent the American accent you hear do it super strongly pretend you're a comedian and you're trying to make fun of the accent you're you're doing it to sound funny so you're doing it super super super strongly extra strongly see the problem is you think you're doing the accent but you're really not it's it's too soft it's not enough when you exaggerate you will feel you'll feel you're doing it too much you'll feel like oh this is ridiculous this is crazy I'm doing it too strongly but the truth is you'll sound just normal your accent will just sound good it's strange it's some kind of weird psychology maybe because you feel embarrassed but you have to do it much much more than you think if they're really exaggerated so hear the audio you hear hi my name is AJ pause then you do it you imitate you have to do it 10 times bigger so you say hi my name is AJ you'll feel like you're doing them you'll feel like you're doing it way too strong but in fact you're teaching your brain to use exactly the correct pronunciation you think you're doing it too strong I promise you you're not you're not doing it too much so you got a really over exaggerated overdo the American accent you hear make it too too too strong and you do it every sentence play the next sentence pause imitate and super exaggerated play the next sentence pause imitate and super exaggerate the super exaggeration that's the powerful part okay another technique do that do that for one day next day you can do a different technique or you can do that every day and then do this next technique also every day now in my course I'll give you an exact schedule to follow but if you're doing this at home just by yourself you can use any schedule you want alright the next technique the next technique for improving your pronunciation find the text for your audio right get a transcript the text subtitles anything just so you can read it now first you're going to listen to it then you're going to pause and imitate and exaggerate pause and imitate and exaggerate do that a lot then next what you'll do turn off the audio off you're going to read the text out loud with a nice strong loud voice you're going to read it you've been listening to it so you know the correct sounds so read it with a nice strong loud voice and record yourself this might be a little painful I'm sorry to say yeah but it's a powerful technique that will help you improve a lot record yourself read the whole thing maybe one paragraph laughs you know one or one minute doesn't matter read it aloud with a strong voice record it then stop play your audio play your recording listen to it very carefully listening especially to the pronunciation to that music of English listen very carefully next listen to the original audio the native speaker listening carefully compare the two how is your pronunciation different than the original and it probably will be quite different it probably will be very different this is why it might feel a little painful because suddenly you will realize oh my god my accent is horrible oh my god my pronunciation is terrible I don't sound like the speaker at all see when you just do it in your head you're just practicing you maybe you think you sound really good but when you record it the truth is hard to avoid when you record it and then you play it and then you compare play yours play the original play yours again play the original again do that a few times listening carefully try to find the differences there will be a lot of differences in the beginning this is good for you though this will start training your ears to hear the difference right you'll hear oh wow my are sound really bad and they're not like the speakers ours or my rhythm is weird my rhythm is totally different than the speaker's rhythm you'll start to notice your own personal problems with pronunciation and this will help you improve just by doing this a lot recording yourself and comparing you can do it every day just that will help you improve your pronunciation a lot a lot a lot it's a very very powerful technique especially when you combine it when you do it with the imitate and exaggerate technique do both those techniques and you're going to see a lot of improvement in your pronunciation okay in my next video I'm actually going to do a live webinar a live video livestream video I'm going to answer your questions your questions about my new pronunciation course this is your chance to ask me anything you want about the pronunciation course I will be live on video now I will record it so if you miss it don't worry because you can watch the recording and see all the questions I'll answer all the questions I am sending you an invitation an email invitation to join this live webinar live video about pronunciation so check your email today tomorrow the next day check your email check your spam folder find the invitation and then click the link in the email and enter your email again to join the webinar you have to register so register for the webinar it's free totally free but you do need to register with your email so please watch your email click that link and register then you can ask me directly any question you have about the new pronunciation course alright watch your email and I will talk to you soon in the live webinar I look forward to answering your questions thanks a lot see you soon you [Music]
Channel: A.J. Hoge
Views: 6,054,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pronunciation techniques, american accent training, training, effortless pronuncation
Id: VcONw2BBfb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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