ProMag Drum on JTS AK12 shotgun

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hello guys today I'm gonna show you what modifications need to be done to the magwell for you to fit a pro mag drum now this drum I received it about two weeks ago I bought it from grab a gun I gotta say I really like the way it looks yes it's polymer but it's for a 12-gauge it holds 15 rounds and it doesn't actually fit the jts and twelve shotgun so there is a modification that you need to do to this mag well right here so that this can fit properly on there and you will get any jams or it will fall out now I've seen a couple of videos online that don't necessarily show you how to modify this or how it's supposed to look after you modify it I will show you today what I did to fit this drum on this gun and then I'll show you a clip of us taking it out to the range and having fun with it I also as you can see I also put this Archangel Pro mag stock I believe I picked that one up from grab a gun as well a few weeks ago I do have a modification on how to put that on there if you want to see it's in one of my other videos for now I will show you what you need to do to put this drum on this gun first I'm gonna begin by taking this little retainer this is a little lock so this is a little C locked you just go in there and pry it out just make sure you put your thumb on it or something so that doesn't fly somewhere and you lose it you know and then we'll be removing a magazine that's the magazine firepower magazine that it came with and we have to remove this pin you remove that pin by there's a little spring in there when I take this magwell off you'll see I'll show you there's a little spring in there the pin that you have to remove is that one that goes all the way across once you remove that lock that can actually be pushed through now I'll be taking that off right now this is the pin that you need to remove along with that lock from this little section right here now in the front of the magwell there is a four millimeter allen wrench screw that you you will need to remove you can see it's right there I'll start taking that off once you remove that little screw and you'll be able to remove the mag low this is the mag well that needs to be modified for it to get this bra to fit okay no I told you there was a little spring in there that you need to put pressure in I think we'll be able to see it here pressure on see that I guess you might be a little dark in here but that little spring so this pin goes all the way through there but this spring has to go underneath that pin so in order for you to take that pin out you need to relief the tension that the spring is putting on that's on that pin so you push it down with a screwdriver gently and then with your other hand use a small and/or screwdriver and that'll fit through here and just push the pin through and you should be able to take it out once you take it out the other thing is this four millimeter screw that goes right there those attached to that gun know what I'm gonna tell you guys is what I did I was afraid to modify the gun or modify this mag well and then I was gonna damage it in some way and then I wasn't even gonna be able to shoot my regular cartridge my regular shotgun cartridge so what I did I could buy a place I called the tack 47 who is I think the supplier for jts and I ordered a separate mag well I ordered a new mag well from them and what I received was this obviously that and a little screw I got the whole thing for like that thick it was like 50 dollars or something 51 dollars maybe with tax and all but uh I received it and I did that because I didn't want to modify this one and then then I want to be able to even shoot my gun if i damaged it in some way so what I'm gonna show you next is the actual modification that I did on the new mag well that came in this here is the second mag well this is the new one that I received from tack 47 so here this is the modification many of you guys are on there that have done this modification I didn't see exactly how it was done but this is how I can I came up with it and this is what uh I believe needs to be done for it to fit the drum onto that gun now this modification here that I've done it does seem pretty thin right here but to be honest with you this is some sturdy plastic and for where it goes on the gun it's actually it's actually in a good place it provides support for this front end and it also provides a little bit of support for this back end to stay steady instead of me I was about to cut this mag well straight here and here which do we actually look at this for looking at it like this so we actually look at this I could this whole section straight down excuse me guys for that I had to stop the video there for a little while I figured on it'd be better if I used my silver marker there to try to outline on the Mac well exactly what I cut so if you can see I actually went right up to the edge of that you see that I went right up to the edge and I cut that all the way down here but I didn't cut all the way through and I actually cut there's a little rim on the inside there's a little rim on the inside that you can use as a guide when you when you cut just don't cut too far down don't cut too far down there's a little rim on the inside when you're cutting the mango right here that oh that you can use as your guide as to how thin you want this okay and then you'll come up right in front of this section right here you don't want to cut anything off of here you want to cut out right to the edge right here and right to the edge you might want to leave it a little longer and then use a file like a regular I use the snap off ah that's what we have on the mechanic so you know I actually cut a little bigger right here on the sides and then just filed it down to make it smooth oh you know that's what I came up with turned out pretty good now I did leave these little sections here on the bottom and that's to give the drum after its modified in there or a stir after its put on them there it gives the drum some support so it's actually pretty tight fit in there I didn't want it all loose where it'll fall off the shotgun I wanted I wanted it to look nice also so this is what I came up came up with I guess I'll be putting this on here and once you put it on you basically follow the steps of what you did to take it off there you go so I just put it on if it's just on there that's not it's not all with the screw or anything but I will be putting the screw on I'll just knock it off keep it in place now I'll be putting this pin back in line it up with the holes give me a second I'm just gonna use both hands so I'm gonna cut the video off for a little short while while I put that pin back in you see the spring just though as I was talking to tell you earlier you see the spring right there that spring you have to use a little screwdriver to push it down so that you can push the rod all the way through once you push all the rod all the way through then you can release the spring so the tension is put back on to this and then you can put the little lock on I'll be doing that and then I'll show you shortly I've already put a little lock back on you see the little c-clip make sure you put that back on you don't want that pin to fall out while you're tuning or something like that but uh that's how that's how it looks with the modification I'm pretty sure you guys can probably do a cleaner job in this this is just really what I came up with for myself I really like the way it looks after I did a modification I'm gonna put the drum on it right now okay here is the drum I'm gonna be putting it in there make your locks on the bottom piece and then snap it you care you heard a clip now that is a good tight fit that is a good tight fit as you can see guys that's it right there the gun modified or the magwell modified to fit the pro mag drum nice tight fit in the front nice tight fit in the back you can see what I'm talking about now you can shake this I actually tried to get it to pop off it's a good thing I was making sure that this was not gonna fall out over there so I'm very happy with the way it came out that is a shotgun with a pro mag 15 round drum the Archangel buttstock I gotta say looks pretty good I will be taking it out to the range later on and hoping to unload a full drum which is 15 15 shots I hope you guys enjoyed the video
Channel: undefined
Views: 22,523
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: how to modify JTS Shotgun, JTS AK12, ProMag drum on AK12, ProMag Drum, JTS AK12 Modification
Id: 1860P-zmXdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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