Prom Proposal Fail Compilation (Embarrassing)

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[Music] damn here we go it's prom season it's coming up if you guys already had prom you know how embarrassing it can be how uneasy makes you feel but if you didn't have prom yet you're about to ask someone someone very special ring-ring now you guys know how my palm went my prom is embarrassing prom really guys today we're looking at a promposal fails promposal prom proposals welcome to reaction time everyone and if you're not a senior yet don't worry the day will come and if you are senior it's your big year prom is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you'll never forget either for good reasons or bad ones so we're looking at some promposals gone wrong so before I begin don't forget I want you guys to share your experience with me tweet at me and follow my instagram tag me in your prom photos or promposals but these are very very very embarrassing yeah funny should we laugh they should almost be like a try not to laugh because if we laugh we're heartless creatures these people almost put their life on the line everything they got into getting the one person they wished for and it didn't go right oh boy no we got the savage my man the Alfredo whoa whoa yo Eddie si muy chica Simba Terry me a la fiesta de graduation that is definitely una day yes boy - mama don't listen he thinks he's savage he thinks he could say whatever he wants but he lies all the time to boost his ego oh my god get that no but I guess he wants me to shout out as Instagram or whatever if you guys want to follow him the youngest little Savage Hedgehog on the planet geez why does he get more followers of me I don't know the world may never know so please follow me he's gaining more far as it yes okay guys I'm excited let's go okay got the camera out someone's outside the window is it Prince Charming could it be is it him we are always it looks like he's about to drop a diss track it better be fire bro that's all I'm saying the music didn't play guys the music did not play no as if we had to read that embarrassing 10 out of 10 that's an 11 what does it get worse or better hopefully he starts playing soon let's go it's adorable he's trying really hard he said it's okay but in reality you ruin your one chance in your whole entire life that's it so she's like I dreamed of this day for 18 years and this is what I get god this this is what you guys he's putting in a lot of effort we gotta get him round of applause right there come on I was feeling it a bit maybe the music would the music would have helped for sure damn that's a merit oh shoot that's embarrassing um you guys know I didn't actually ask you all it's a problem is just come along with a friend a female friend but it was a friend it's cuz I didn't know who to ask and everyone was kind of taken already and look at me like what just happened he is rejected she just rejected him without anything reject him she just walked away missus silent passive-aggressive rejection and no guy ever wishes he received the music failed the singing failed but he does look like a gentleman guides again round of applause for the gentleman unfortunately he got rejected how awkward would he be if he just hung around there for a few days Oh after he got rejected he just kind of goes back and forth in the lawn he's just like trying to call her name oh okay oh all the friends and him got the sign up okay the real question is though why is one locker read like what the hell Wow two lockers are red what is up with that are those like special lockers for teachers or there's more lockers I read it's just OCD is coming out okay joke the bit so far trying to ask the question all as far as our talking ask the question dude you've been waiting we've been practicing every single day for the last 14 days there are literally instructing him step by step what to do like he didn't even rehearse it but I know for a fact they all rehearse tit he just got really nervous guys this happens your palms get sweaty knees are heavy arms spaghetti is armed spaghetti are they armed but yet anyways they're gonna like yes get on your knees now ask the question ask the damn question you do not make us practice for 14 days in a row if you don't ask the damn question she's kind of embarrassed at the same time as thinks it's cute as you can tell she doesn't know what to do he's choking up a bit what just happened did you reject them being rejected okay his friends are never gonna leave him alone oh poor guy forever love I'm sorry guys have you ever gotten rejected a promposal no no one is asking no get omo alias that's good for you not everybody is like you this one is gonna be very strategic I can just tell we got the camera angle placed in a good spot is this the principal it looks like the principal or something principal Fred as you can see on that door I'm just kidding let's keep did you happen to see it's okay I know just to clarify have you guys couldn't hear it you said we reform those theft in your locker do you happen to see a black iPod and like a bench or anything no okay obviously she's extremely confused as I know what they're talking about let's see what this leads up to you were there for at least around it when I have happen one of them is here so I wanted you to like Steven they were and they could explain a little bit more okay she is so nervous so she's literally about to cry she doesn't understand what's going on she thinks she has no part in this imagine that I'm not having whoa whoa whoa what's up sup oh sorry it's just a fly look at this dude okay come on in he's gonna ask her now okay I don't know I don't know hi you want to explain to Alyssa what you saw her what I saw was used on my heart ally would you go to prom with me is about that it gave me goose bumps that just gave me goose bumps now is so slick I give this guy ten points for slick a hundred points guys give him a hundred points for Sippy's who just came to all the problem was you stole my heart ally stole my damn damn it will you go to prom with me she said I don't know she just had on of them is that a yes or no well what do you know Ali you stole my dad ma give me my heart back give me my damn heart back he's shocked he just got stunned oh my god oh my god this guy was so adorable and she was also adorable they scared her but in the best way as a promposal that went wrong okay this one is one like equals one prayer please let's get this video to like 50,000 like guys give him a like also this video gets a hundred thousand likes I'm gonna reveal my prom photo I'm nervous I like so weird not that I don't look weird now do I look weird I have issues okay let's keep going okay so apparently that's the girl right there probably behind them I just asked right now who's it oh let's go with the classic flower is a gentleman this is awkward what's gonna happen I just heard oh shoot bad wait did another guy just ask oh no no the guy in the bags is recording okay I'm confusing this is so long why is she taking so long to answer I think she already has a problem date oh no he say he said this is getting me super nervous no she said no come on she said no oh boy oh boy ladies us guys have a serious question what's worse you guys rejecting a guy in front of everyone are you guys saying yes but then canceling on them afterwards just so you don't feel embarrassed what is worse please let me know in the comments cuz girls are put in a really hard situation if they don't want to go with you to the wrong class what was that what was that please someone explain to me I'm worse I agree but that was so random pop me in there pop me in there I need to be part of this I need to be a trio this can't be a do it has to be a tree up here we go he's about ass big just came in I think who then you come along to be all three going on with you I lose track is he rapping and this is this what guys do now they just wrap that was fire dude what way that they add a mucho make odd okay let's hear it let's hear it oh he says you're gonna do it in English Hut okay let's hear it can we get a beat please let's go three two one I get girls I cannot complain when they see me in the street they know my name I'm a baller I'm a savage I'm the money man I'm the one who gets all the fans is it bad that I wrote that I should have been like um I'm the one who gets all the alright we're going back to the video guys I'm sorry it's a strange one when I'm without you you step up I might I can make up runs until my face turns blue none of them can never share thoughts of you you may think that's a home bear sing just know that it takes a lot of courage not everyone can do this so if you're here to make fun of them you should at least be able to do this or better so I give him props at the end of the day so different to others you're impossible to find it before you tell me about the right types let me tell you in advance we're gonna say [Music] at this point I don't know what to say but I just thought when I talk to you every day every time I see your beautiful face I get a feeling that you owe big oh that's not a good face when you're putting your high insole into your rap career look at her face she's like stunned okay - laughs all right she feels uncomfortable because he might reject them this moment and a lot of guys lives determine their future wives determine their future and their confidence for the rest of their life that's putting so much pressure on her what if she doesn't want to go to you what guys what is happening why is this transition like this who is this guy long story short she rejected him these are promposal fails so most of these are gonna be rejections okay look at this guy look at that stroll I like you Oscar oh my god she's probably all sweaty and stinky my guys got out of practice what do you need for me that's how I would feel probably because I get really sweaty what I keep mentioning stuff like this guys I'm sorry oh yes wait what that was gonna fail that was the waiting they're just a little awkward that's how they are prom question mark but it's Wendy's good side I'm not working out do you actually read through it [Applause] she ran away she ran away he'll never be the same we spent time and money in it you surely say no you should at least you should at least go up to say I'm sorry no you're really sweet for doing this that's it don't just run away it's probably the most insulting thing you could do even if you're really embarrassed or you don't want us go with him yeah so tell myself - or try to believe that did you guys enjoy the video if you did I get a hundred thousand likes I know you can do it but you guys have done it before you guys are insane a hundred thousand and I'll reveal my embarrassing prom photo again I hope you guys all have a great prom this year hope I went well everything share us your stories in the comments I want to see them they're gonna get uploaded to the top the most embarrassing one oh these are gonna get real juicy like real juicy three two one yo you got more bad if you guys don't already know that bang is a huge sponsor to this channel and if you're not familiar with bang bang is ultimate energy drink with the best-tasting flavors like purple guava pear and more unique flavors like rainbow unicorn showerheads and more flavors like peach mango which is actually my favorite right now let's open this one up - guys I want you to go check out bang a bang energy on their Instagram they release new flavors have a variety of flavors but if you get the variety pack with my coats all 25 you can get 25 for self your purchase only at Bing energy the knife you guys don't know I thought most of my videos combined in one day and I used bang give me the energy I need to get through the whole filming session that's why sometimes I get crazy right now okay guys please use my coat all 25f check out all the information and more is gonna be in the description a huge crowd sponsors to the channel and a huge support from you guys now this was bang get the right flavor for you with so many flavors you can't go wrong no let's get right back into it oh but that's gonna wrap it up again don't forget to follow the socials check out all fredo in mind sir Graham Twitter and also guys I recently started posting on the second channel free time didn't meet in the description or just type in free time on YouTube my friends and I do challenges and vlogs and we post three to four times a week it's super fun so if you guys have never checked it out make sure to go do that and get your own timeless brand pieces of timeless brand calm this is a palm-tree design we got more designs like a red top with box hoodie and even more selections here only at Thomas Bryan calm or a 1st link in the description hope you guys enjoyed all this see you guys soon and until next time peace out I get girls I cannot complain when they see me in the street they know my name I'm a baller I'm a savage type the money man I'm the one who gets all the bears boom [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 1,216,259
Rating: 4.9596238 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: zu8D1m5d_Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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