Proletariat & Communists | Chapter 2

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in Chapter one we talked about the class struggle in the relationship between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie chapter two now attack us the relationship between the proletariat and the Communists it addresses some of the counter arguments against communism and then gives us some suggestions of what to do next if we want to get to a communist society Marx and Engels begin by stating that communists shouldn't necessarily form parties of their own since their interests aren't separate from those of the working-class parties they distinguish themselves from working-class parties only in that they're not limited to any one nation and they always and everywhere represent the interest of the movement as a whole whatever that means other than that their aims are the same as the aims of the proletariat as a whole which is the overthrow of the butcher supremacy and conquest of the political power by the proletariat among those goals are the abolishment of the bourgeois property which the Communist Manifesto is a very easy to point out doesn't mean the abolishment of property overall but the abolishment of private property but that scares you the manifesto argues that in our existing society for nine out of ten people private property already doesn't exist one of the main arguments used by people disagreeing with communism is that no one will work if private property is abolished however that was true bourgeois society should have been overcome with laziness long ago in reality a lot of people working now don't really acquire any property anyways and a lot of people just live up their property and don't work because wage labor according to the manifesto doesn't create property for the worker anyways it creates capital for the industrialist that capital however is the result of a lot of people's labor process therefore it is not a personal but a social power when therefore capital is converted into common property into the property of all members of society personal property is not thereby transformed into social property it is only the social character of the property that has changed it loses its last character the manifesto now goes on to address some of the criticism leveled against it by its opponents the bourgeoisie maintains that communists want to abolish visuality and freedom and rightly so the abolition of plural individuality Hoosier independence and courage of freedom is definitely what the Communists are trying to achieve the freedoms of the capitalist society or free trade reselling and free buying which the communist movement wants to abolish it wants to abolish them because it thinks that those are would contribute to the exploitation of the worker in the first place this is one of those examples where you can see marks and angles sharply taking in opposition to the Poudre definition of freedom freedom was even at a time when the communist manifesto was written a perm largely politicized and branded by liberal and classical philosophers and economists whereas Marx and angles would call them the bourgeois intellectuals and if you tune into politics today at least when it comes to American politics it is still largely used by a certain political spectrum marks now addresses how communism apparently wants to abolish the family he says that modern bourgeois family is based on capital and private gain and this is something that he does want to stop do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents to this crime we plead guilty he doesn't want to abolish education he simply wants to free it from the control of the ruling class now the manifesto addresses the accusation that communism wants to take away countries the working men have no country we cannot take from them what they have not got marks and angles don't really right in opposition to countries but they just aren't really that interested in nations Commerce in a global market by the bourgeoisie has made it necessary that the proletariat rise up internationally to end not just the exploitation of the proletariat but also to end the practice of one nation exploiting a different nation to the criticism from a religious philosophical or ideological standpoint Marx and angles just say the charges against communism made from a religious a philosophical or generally from an ideological standpoint are not deserving of serious examination they dismiss it by saying that the idea of the ruling class have always supported the standing of the ruling class and of course they were going to attack anything that threatens their status communism aims to abolish eternal truths it abolishes all religion and all morality because the communist movement is so radical in its games it will always be met with fierce resistance the working class must overcome that resistance and make itself the ruling class it will then use its political power to seize all capital from the blue jersey and centralize the means of production under the control of the state what exactly needs to happen then is of course different in every country however Marx and Engels have a few measures that are generally applicable in most advanced countries number one abolish land is property of private individuals and thereby abolish print number to establish a heavy progressive or graduated income tax number three abolish all inheritance number four confiscate the property of all immigrants and rebels okay number five centralize all credit within national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly number six centralize the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state that one seems like a red flag number seven extent factories owned by the state and cultivate wastelands number eight establish equal liability of all to work establish industrial armies especially for agriculture number nine combine agriculture with manufacturing industries gradually abolish all of this tension between town and country and establish a more equitable distribution of the population over the country number ten established free education for all children and public schools abolished children's factory labor in its present form and combined education with industrial production if these suggestions are being followed a society is one step closer to communism in place of an old bull a society with its classes and class antagonisms we shall have an association in which to free development of each is the condition for the free development of all alright thanks for listening see you in chat with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Chapter by Chapter
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Keywords: explained, summary, study, book, chapter by chapter, education
Id: Rw4p-wGh2H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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