PROJECTS that landed Data Jobs for my Subscribers

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i pulled my subscribers and some recent google certificate holders in order to find out what helped them land their first job in data analytics there was a clear winning strategy three out of four data nerds claimed that projects had the biggest impact on landing their first job so i decided to investigate these portfolio projects of my subscribers to find out if they really were that great and the results were and i think that's pretty awesome he's building this tool in order to help other people did have one major problem with this project and that was this is one of my favorite projects because at what update nerds i'm luke a data analyst and my channel is all about tech and skills for data science and in this video we're going to be looking at a few of the top portfolio projects that i found that were sent to me from my subscribers that they said had the biggest impact on landing their role in data science in my last video i spoke with certificate holders about what helped them land entry-level roles as data analysts and spoil alert although they felt the certificate was the best place to start they found that their projects were the main motivation for employers to hire them based on the experience they showcased in them so let's get into reviewing some of these portfolio projects that were shared to me by my subscribers and before this we're gonna be going from best to bestest and we're just saying the best for last let's jump in first project up is from emiliano who is from mexico originally and is finishing up school in canada personally i really resonate with this project because it works to solve a problem many of you are curious to find out he built a dashboard to find top skills for common roles in data science so for example we can look at data analyst roles here in the united states and by looking at it we can see that the majority of them require a bachelor's degree some of the top skills include sql python and r and then the top softwares include tableau and power bi so what makes this project so good at sending out a job search well this problem is aimed at solving a real world problem that emiliano identified on his own as emiliano puts in his github during the job search he found that companies asked for an overwhelming amount of technologies so he decided to compile this information into a single interface to help other students and i think that's pretty awesome he's building this tool in order to help other people and that's such a big concept that data science is working to solve and this is great to showcase to employers because it shows that you have the self-motivation to go search for a problem and then solve it now emiliano's project has one other great thing about it before we get to that we need to pay some bills with the help of our sponsor morning dunder uh i'm trying to have a sponsored segment right now oh perfect timing okay and here it's my line not to change subjects but i've been getting morning brews free newsletter in my inbox every morning since you last told me about them it's like it's curated for us data nerds oh so now you're cool with being called that yeah and it not only keeps us informed with the current job market but it also is great at sharing interesting statistics along with the insights associated with it like the recent analysis of population change across the united states yeah i like that they use the census data for that but hold up this is my sponsor segment and morning brew also goes well with the topic of this video as it's a great source of witty yet inspirationally relevant articles when you're looking for topics for projects to explore dude you're totally stealing my sponsor again and you're now trying to take over my video those that are interested in morning brew can use the link in the description to sign up all right you got to get out of here i got to finish this video thanks morning brew for sponsoring this video all right getting into the last major thing about emiliano's project that helped him stand out and that was this took advantage of showcasing the entire data pipeline process from collecting and cleaning the data to analyzing it to then finally sharing his insights with a very user-friendly dashboard now emiliano went above and beyond to use a web framework in order to build out this dashboard and i think that would be unnecessary for entry-level roles specifically data analyst instead i could see somebody taking up a similar task using some tools like python or sql in order to analyze maybe collect the data and then from there using a dashboard solution like tableau or power bi the data analysts more frequently use next up is stern from calgary and he dropped this comment that he landed a data engineering role with this project and checking out it's pretty cool stern used credit card data in order to build a dashboard application to determine if you qualify for a credit card and i like this because this is a topic that even non-data nerds can dive into and see the value of but this dashboard is not even the most impactful portion of his project his readme file is the real winner it provides in a concise manner the approach he took for the project what technologies used and then concise feedback on his findings i like to call this the tldr section of the project personally i feel that all projects should have some sort of page or document that provides the highlights of the project in a concise of a manner as possible i was actually talking to my friend shashank about this recently on a live stream and he talked about how as a hiring manager he goes through and looks at projects when you were interviewing people right you're how long are you taking to go through an application exactly yeah i look at it five seconds before i interview the person uh yeah at the end and you know i i would not at all say that is a best practice uh but i would say that is a normal practice and so when employers are looking for a potential candidate they don't have time to scrub through all these different projects the more concise you can provide these insights the more likely you're going to be able to get that job and this really relates to your job in data science and that you'll need to provide this concise feedback to whoever you're working for now i did have one major problem with this project and that was it did not use a unique data set and what do i mean by that so there's a lot of common projects that everybody does such as titanic minster even the iris data set this credit card data was very similar and that many people have used it in their projects before so i reached out to stern to investigate this further and i actually found he has a unique connection to this dataset and that he was declined for a credit card even though he had a decent credit score so he wanted to investigate this data set further in order to investigate reasons on why he was potentially rejected and he found some really unique insights because of this so when it comes for data sets for projects i find that data sets that have a unique and common interest with the person that's doing the project are most successful so if you have some great ants that survived in the titanic crash then yeah the titanic gas that may be unique and great for you but otherwise i'd find another data set that has more of a unique connection to yourself now i could go on all day about stern's portfolio he even has his own website that showcases his journey in machine learning but we're going to stop there and shift to another person that used media as well in order to showcase their portfolio sometimes when we think of a project to display our skills we think we're limit to a standard data analytics project and following through in a data pipeline well don't feel like you always have to limit yourself to this approach takes venn for example he's from germany and he runs a youtube channel that shares python and vba tutorials he landed his dream job as a data analyst in his company and contributes it to his online portfolio of his youtube channel and this example really gets into a common question that answered of what skills should you be showcasing well in my last video i was talking with the knot and heat shared this coding everyone can do but my strong point was i can visualize data i can summarize data so that is what i use my portfolio for and it made for a great talking point and this approach is similar to what savannah's taking he's good at data analytics but more importantly he's a strong communicator so really what skills you showcase in your portfolio were up to you i will rely on what is your strongest skill and this also gets into another common question i get of where to showcase your portfolio and frankly it doesn't matter as long as you're putting your projects in a place that's easily accessible if you're strong with building dashboards maybe try tableau public if you enjoy writing maybe try medium if you're a stronger coder try github and if you feel like sharing short insights maybe even try tiktak or instagram the point is don't limit yourself and pick a medium that best showcases your strongest skills now i have a whole video of how i used a similar approach to zven in order to land one of my roles as a data analyst so i really think that you can stand out by using a unique and different approach for this one quick thing before we move into the last project i'd like to continue this of sharing projects that helped you land your role in data science but for this i need your help using the link in the description below you can fill out the short form about a project that helped you land your role in data science and on top of this i'm trying to find data analysts that landed their role without having any degree so if you know anybody that fits this please share this link with them all right save more on the best for last this is from valentin from france he transitioned from a teacher into freelancing and data analytics after completing his google data analytics certificate and then more recently with this project into a full-time data engineering role this is one of my favorite projects because it highlights on all those different areas and aspects that i talked about in those previous projects for this valentine went through an entire data pipeline process in order to investigate a topic he was personally passionate about avocados in it he investigated trends in rising prices and its effect on vegetarians he took the effort to go through and collect all these weekly data reports in order to compile it into one database and he didn't stop there he also collected census data in order to use this to further analyze it although he now has this job as a data engineer this is also a great example of a data analytics project as he identifies questions he wants to explore and then potential solutions from there he uses sql in python to explore the answers what i really appreciate is that valentin has a tldr section where he goes through and details all of the methodology and findings in a very concise and succinct manner and why do i think this is one of the top projects well he really went above and beyond with a small detail like sharing his clean data set on kaggle providing a sql in python code for reference creating a website to highlight the key findings all while covering a topic he's very passionate about so if you're looking for a template of a project to model off of i think this is a great place to start as always if you got value out of this video smash that like button if you're interested in seeing another video about a project check this one out that see in the next one [Music]
Channel: Luke Barousse
Views: 295,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data viz by luke, business intelligence, data science, bi, computer science, data nerd, data analyst, data scientist, how to, data project, data analytics, portfolio project, sql, excel, python, power bi, tableau, data engineer
Id: 5Q0gB7imNOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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